Shattered MemoriesCh105 - Extra 16

cw: nsfw

“…Ugh, mmm!” t dQyg

In the darkness, Rayan whimpered as he was backed up against the wall, one hand wrapped around the back of his head to cushion the impact, and Erich pressed his lips against his without missing a beat.

They were in the bedroom.

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Erich had only kissed him lightly, as if that was enough to spur him on, and with a frantic look on his face, he moved through the room, their lips still locked. The last thing he saw through the crumbling golden dust was the expression on Sophia’s face, who had clearly grown used to such naked displays of affection.

“Erich, the banquet, ah… isn’t over yet.” dH3Lba

To be frank, Erich usually left before the people started to disperse, but it was too late now. Besides, the banquet, which would be going on for several days from today, was to celebrate Erich’s birthday. Was it appropriate for the host of the banquet to be gone so early and for so long?

“Does that bother you now, Rayan?”

Erich growled, digging between the hems of his clothing.

“You shouldn’t have tried to be cute.”


“When did I, ah…

He really wasn’t being cute. If anything, it was Erich who was being so adorable. Rayan tried to retort, but couldn’t. A probing hand squeezed his nipple, twisting it painfully. A tingling sensation passed through his body as Rayan’s legs buckled for a moment, but Erich, burrowed between them, steadied him.

“Marielle will take care of it. Don’t worry about it.”

His tone was nonchalant as he addressed the fourteen-year-old. It was apparent that he had already seen this coming, and his next words were almost harsh. S9y1fM

“More than that, Rayan. I can taste alcohol on your breath.”

“How much have you been drinking?” Erich whispered, nibbling the bridge of his nose. His hands were steadily roaming all over his body; a hand on the back of his head, skimming down to the nape of his neck, another on his erect nipple, a hand up his spine, nipping at his wingbone. He slid his hands around his waist and rubbed underneath, feeling the wetness through the hem of his dress.

“You, too, mmm… you taste like booze. It’s bitter.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Rayan retorted, pulling his hips back. It tasted different, as if Erich had been drinking something else. He couldn’t drink alcohol, so he tried to eat sweets whenever possible, but since Erich disliked sweet foods, he kept away from anything that tasted sweet. Recalling Erich’s fastidious taste, Rayan let out a small laugh. xiZmBL


“Rb, pera, sbe’gf meaf.”

Ktf mtlivilxf Sglmt, ktb tjv ygbeuta atf vfrrfga yjmx obg Ejsjc vfrqlaf tlr qfgrbcji vlrilxf bo la, jaf la klatbea j rfmbcv atbeuta jr tf tjcvfv la ab tlw, gfwjgxlcu atja la kjr vfilmlber jcv tf rtbeiv ags rbwf abb.

“Tbe wera tjnf tjv j iba bo ogff alwf jibcf.” Cuidn6


Erich pulled his bottom closer, as if mocking Rayan’s attempt to withdraw his ass back. A sensation, even heavier than before, poked Rayan below.

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“My brain is about to melt.”

He bit his earlobe and rubbed his lower back. Rayan’s lower back slowly began to buckle under the constant stimulation. Erhart slid his hand down past his spine to rub against his side. Hishand touched Rayan’s genitals. He squeezed and stroked Rayan’s penis without hurting him. Rayan groaned and leaned into Erich. He felt like he was going to slip off at any moment if he didn’t stop. nZopOg

“Ah, Erich, … uh, yes…”

Rayan called out to Erhart in a fervid voice. As he watched Rayan, who was smiling brightly among others without the slightest idea that they harbored ulterior motives, the twisted feelings gradually unraveled. In fact, those feelings had been disappearing without a trace since the moment Rayan first smiled and lightly kissed him.

‘How is he so beautiful?’

‘How on earth did he grow up to be so lovely in every way? If he were just a little less lovely, there wouldn’t be so many people trying to play tricks on him, despite knowing that he’s the Emperor’s most cherished lover.’ FptDnu

For instance, there had been an invitation to a ball with obvious intentions, and it annoyed Erhart every time he thought about it, even though he’d warned them in a subtle way, threatening to burn all the love letters in the fire… Of course, there was no denying that Rayan was bewitching enough to risk all the threats, but he wished he were the only one who was aware of the fact.

“El, hands, …take your hands off me.”

Rayan arched his back, trying to pull his hips back, probably thinking it would be less arousing if he did so, but… Erhart gnawed along his neckline, quickly skimming the shaft before rubbing his fingertips over the tip.

“I’m going… ngh, to cum… ahh.” okRYFa

Rayan’s back shuddered in his arms. The thing that had been throbbing in his hand shot out. Erhart’s hand was wet with a thick, slimy substance. Rayan’s gaze shuttled between Erhart’s hand and his wet trousers, then he buried his head in Erhart’s shoulder and mumbled helplessly.

“I told you to keep your hands off…”

Hearing Rayan complain in post-coital bliss, his languid voice made Erich wonder what was really going on in his head. His lover could drop provoking words like artillery shells without a care in the world, but sometimes he would get embarrassed in unexpected places, and that ignited a fire somewhere in my heart.

“Don’t you think that, in any case, you’re the one acting cute?” zQa9ms

After peeling Rayan’s clothes off as if he were engaging in a tug-of-war, Erhart smeared his hands wet with fluid over the hole. As he dug in and scratched at the lining, he felt the tight hole grip his fingers in familiarity and encase him further.

“No, mmm, no.”

Although it wasn’t the first time they had bickered over who was cuter, each time they approached it sincerely, and Erhart always wondered. What exactly did Rayan see that made him call him cute? Given their ages, it was hard to say… Rayan didn’t seem out of place even as Marielle’s friend.

“Okay, let’s get to the bottom of this. Why do you think I’m cute, Rayan?” bO3kwU

Erhart asked lazily, slipping another finger inside him. Rayan clung to Erhart’s shoulders, his back trembling as he looked up at him, his eyes reddening. On impulse, they kissed, tongues entwined, stealing each other’s breath. When he scratched the roof of his mouth, he squeezed his toes supporting the floor.

He couldn’t break away the fierce kiss. Only when Rayan’s breath started to quicken did Erhart pull his lips away. A thin line of saliva stretched between them as they parted.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“You told me to tell you…”

“But you don’t even let me speak,” Rayan glared at him with eyes full of determination despite his dazed state. Finding him immensely endearing, Erhart kissed his lips and cheeks while rubbing his inner walls, drawing another moan from him. aWQvmc

“Okay, now really, tell me.”

He added another finger to the gradually relaxing entrance. When three fingers were inside, Rayan furrowed his brows but didn’t show signs of significant pain.

“First, even though, mmm, you can’t eat sweets, you pretended to like them…”

“Hmm, and?” rjCuxv

Instead of countering how long ago that was, Erich twisted his fingers inside, spreading the creased inner walls and probing up and down, eliciting a slick sound.

“And also, when you get jealous… ah, slow down… that’s cute too.”


The word seemed hard to vocalize, not because it wasn’t true, but because Rayan had noticed. Erhart fondled his stretched inner wall and looked down at him. His eyes bent like the half-moon in the night sky. Yn3s f

“Should I stop attending gatherings altogether?”

Erhart wondered if Rayan was simply making a guess, but Rayan knew exactly what he was jealous of. It was true that he felt jealousy and possessiveness, and he had sometimes sent away the impudent ones who dared to court Rayan as soldiers to far off places, but he had never intended to reveal these feelings to Rayan. Now that his feelings had been laid bare, he felt overwhelmed with inexplicable emotions.

“No. Don’t do that.”

Erhart sighed as he nuzzled his lips over Rayan’s shoulder. He had no intention of tying him down to him over petty jealousy; his Rayan should be free to soar in the open sky, not confined to a cage and that thought hadn’t changed even now. Dqp8FG

“You don’t have to do that.”

This was an emotion he had to deal with on his own.

“Mn, uhhng… Erich. El.”

Rayan called out to Erhart as if he were coaxing him. j65gZ0

“You’re the only one for me, Erich.”


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“You know that.”

Goosebumps broke out all over his body. His vision was dizzy. Rayan sounded so lovely, so lovely that even he couldn’t stand it. Erhart exhaled a hot breath, shedding the lingering shyness and embarrassment. Though still tight, the entrance had loosened up considerably, so he withdrew his hand. The sensation was so unfamiliar that Rayan’s waist jerked reflexively. ZNwYtl


Lowering his voice, Erhart called his lover’s name as if he was seconds away from devouring him and grasped his thigh, lifting it to his side.

“Hold on tight to my waist.”

His cock, which had been standing stiffly erect, breached his tight hole. HBxTSM

Editor: Agneya


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