Surviving In A Broken WorldChapter 8

And many things happened… As he overcame the endless moments of near-death, the boy thought. If he ever killed someone, his uncle would be the first.

“…Uncle, you must have realized at some point that I’m not a ‘real’ murderer.” x1NRSA


“But you never admitted it. If I’m innocent, then all the things you’ve done lose their justification.”

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As soon as the boy finished speaking, he swung the object from top to bottom against the middle-aged man’s neck. As the middle-aged man staggered in shock, the boy kicked his hand, causing the kitchen knife to fall to the floor. The boy then knocked him over and pinned him down.

“Ugh!” pjkOMg

The boy waved the object in front of the middle-aged man’s face. What the middle-aged man had thought was a blade and had frozen in fear of turned out to be just a metal ruler from a pencil case. Realizing he’d been tricked, the middle-aged man struggled to reach for the kitchen knife, but the boy quickly kicked it away.

“So, you were waiting, weren’t you? Waiting for me to actually do something terrible…”


“So, I thought about it for a while. I do want to kill you, but doing exactly what you want would feel even worse.”


“Ugh… ugh…!”

“But now, it doesn’t feel so bad to become a ‘real’ murderer, just like you wanted…”

Under the pale light of the lamp, his face was calm. There was no sign of guilt or hesitation, and as the moment he had imagined a hundred, a thousand times became reality, it almost seemed sacred.

“Ugh, this wretchedness… is your true nature…!” ACnE5r

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The middle-aged man with a suppressed voice finally spoke. His bloodshot eyes, tinged with red, stared intensely at the boy. From the beginning, the boy didn’t have many choices. The middle-aged man had ensured that. Either you die, or I die. Isn’t that the only option? Eventually, it came to this. As the middle-aged man sneered at the boy, a slight pressure tightened in the boy’s hand. He felt a hint of emotional turmoil. But…

“…Dea Fcmif, sbe’gf kgbcu.”

Ktf ybs revvfcis yegra lcab ijeutafg. Jbibg ribkis gfaegcfv ab tlr qjif mtffxr. Pc j qtsrlmji gfjmalbc jxlc ab tbk bgvlcjgs qfbqif fzqgfrr fwyjggjrrwfca, atf wlvvif-jufv wjc’r fsfr klvfcfv lc rtbmx.

“Sjgilfg, sbe jrxfv ktja P kbeiv vb ab atf xlv, gluta?” ZNsdr2


“Blvcjqqlcu? Ejqf? …Zegvfg?”


“No.” 4fFRCQ


“I will love.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

I, love, that kid. With the boy’s face glowing with excitement as the final scene, the middle-aged man revealed his inner thoughts. Silence followed. The boy looked down at the quiet middle-aged man and remembered the day he first came to this neighborhood when he was young. In that narrow alley on his way home, in the darkness, the middle-aged man had acted just like the boy now. Gazing at the enduring scarlet trace even a month later, the boy made a promise. If he grew tall and strong, he would definitely do the same. Today was the day the boy’s childhood dream came true.

The boy got up and opened the window. The warm air of the summer night entered through the open window. The expression ‘feeling like a weight has been lifted off’ seemed appropriate for this moment. Born with a temperament that couldn’t easily define emotions, it was difficult for him to adequately describe this feeling he was experiencing for the first time in his life. The boy took out a crumpled photo from his pocket. Looking at the male student beside him in the photo, who had an awkward smile, the boy smiled. The moonlight, tinged with red today, gently fell on the boy’s cheeks. Zw0SLg


I spent the last weekend at home and went to school. Tomorrow is the start of vacation, so if it doesn’t happen today, it will be tomorrow. Arriving at the classroom with an anxious heart, I immediately looked for Kim Jaeyoung. His seat, which he usually arrived earlier than anyone else, was empty. Did he oversleep? Trying hard to hide my anxiety, I sat down and sent a message to Kim Jaeyoung. When will you come? Even after a while, there was no sign that he had read it. Even though the first period had started, Kim Jaeyoung didn’t show up. Trembling with extreme anxiety, it became difficult to breathe. I took out my phone again and called Kim Jaeyoung. After several rings, the voice that came was a voicemail saying, ‘I’m not available to take your call right now. Please try again later.’

“Huff, huff…”

The students sitting nearby glanced at me, noticing my profuse sweating. The guy sitting next to me seemed to be debating whether to tell the teacher. I just shook my head at him and buried my face in the desk. First period ended, but Kim Jaeyoung still hadn’t come in. I called again, but all I heard was the same recorded message as before. Second period began. My vision was becoming blurry. At this moment, I was in a state where it wouldn’t be surprising if I lost consciousness at any moment. nqKPkc

At that moment, the back door opened and someone entered the classroom. “Sorry for being late,” a familiar voice quietly spread through the quiet classroom. As I tried to get up, my strength gave out and I fell to the floor. Unable to stand properly, I gasped for breath, and the guy slowly walked towards me.

“Eunsoo, are you okay?”

“…Huff, huff, do I… look… okay?”

“Teacher, I’ll take Eunsoo to the infirmary.” akfP3x

After being lifted onto Kim Jaeyoung’s back, I murmured that I still needed to grab my bag. Over the weekend, I had packed even more things into it, making it heavier than before. Along the short path to the infirmary, Kim Jaeyoung stopped several times. It was funny that he never complained about how heavy it was, even though it was like carrying around two people in weight.

There was no one in the health room. The lights were off, and sunlight was coming in brightly through the window, so there was no need to turn on the lights. Kim Jaeyoung laid me down on the bed. ‘Normally there’s no teacher at this time. It’s our free period.’ I chuckled a bit, feeling much better just knowing Kim Jaeyoung was there, and he glanced at me with a nod when I said that.

…But what’s with that bruise on his face? It looks like his cheek is swollen too. There was a small scratch near Kim Jaeyoung’s mouth, as if he had been hit by someone. With a serious expression, I reached out my hand, and hesitantly, he extended his face without avoiding it.

“Who hit you? Geez, what happened to your face?” ku4m j

Who on earth touched you? Was it that pig-headed jerk? I’ve treasured you like you might break at a touch or fly away, and now you look like this. In a situation where the day of darkness might be today, I became even more sensitive and reacted sensitively. Are there any other places you were hit? Kim Jaeyoung, who touched here and there as if they were poking around, looks down with embarrassment. The long eyelashes fall softly like a fairy’s fan, and this is… It’s a face even awe-inspiring. It’s pretty, even if it’s squeezed out.

“…Did you get hit and just stay still? I should’ve killed them right then and there.”

Embarrassed by zoning out while looking at his face, I pushed his face away with my palm and spoke as if scolding him. Kim Jaeyoung closed his eyes and smiled softly. What he said next was quite shocking.

“Yeah, I killed them.” Nh7nzW

His expression looked too pleased when he said that, leaving me speechless. Was he joking? This guy has a knack for making ambiguous remarks. Awkwardly, I laughed and praised him for a good job.

Kim Jaeyoung glanced at the clock briefly. It was 10:30 AM. He seemed to be thinking about returning to the classroom without me. I grabbed Kim Jaeyoung’s school uniform.

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“Let’s skip class.”

“Skip class?” G3savP

“You’ve never done it before, right?”


When he came over to my house last time, he said it was his first time visiting a friend’s house, and when I asked what he does at home, he only said he studies… It really struck me that he’s a model student. Isn’t skipping class something everyone tries at least once in their life? I pulled Kim Jaeyoung over to the auxiliary chair next to the bed.

“I’ll show you the real taste of skipping class. Let’s rest for a bit and then go in for third period. Deal?” 08YDUf

“Got it.”

Having received a positive response, I relaxed back comfortably. As the tension eased, my eyes started to close slowly as soon as I lay down. Kim Jaeyoung sat on the auxiliary chair and pulled out a book from the shelf by the bed. Bathed in the warm sunlight streaming through the window, Kim Jaeyoung seemed sacred as if he could ascend immediately. Whether this was a cathedral or a health room… I chuckled self-deprecatingly, thinking he resembled an angelic manifestation. An angel? More like a devilish type. Even so, watching his light-colored hair glow even brighter in the sunlight, I wondered what relevance it all had. He’s undeniably good-looking… With unnecessary thoughts, my eyes slowly closed.


Kim Jaeyoung, who usually doesn’t easily get flustered, was heard hastily getting up from the auxiliary chair. What’s going on… My eyes, once closed, didn’t easily open. This time, Kim Jaeyoung dropped the book he was holding onto the floor with a loud thud. In a daze, I managed to open my eyes and looked at Kim Jaeyoung. Huh? Just earlier, he was clearly bathed in sunlight, but now he stands in darkness. Under the faintly shining red moonlight, Kim Jaeyoung felt gloomy, almost as if he had fallen from grace ayK43z

“…Two moons?”

Upon hearing Kim Jaeyoung muttering, my eyes snapped open. I hastily got up and looked outside, only to find that the scorching sun that had been blazing before had vanished, replaced by a reddish darkness. In the sky, a red moon appeared three times larger than the usual moon, with a small yellow moon next to it resembling a goldfish turd. Realizing it resembled a scene from a dream, I had a momentary illusion that I made eye contact with ‘them’, emerging from beyond that darkened sky.

TL/N: Oh no, guys, it’s happening! It’s getting exciting (∩˃o˂∩) ৻( •̀ ᗜ •́ ৻)


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  1. Yeah, in the previous timeline it wasn’t just because of MC that Kim Jaeyoung became evil! He was a Yandere all along! 😱