Stone Age Husband Raising JournalCh176 - Parallel World (7)

translator: xiin
editors: apricot & juurensha

On the morning of the Beast God Sacrifice, a grand ceremony presided over by the High Priest would be held. 60foVG

The current High Priest of the Beast God Temple had been a High Priest for over ten years and had presided over these sacrifices more than ten times, but he had never been as uncomfortable as he was now.

Had it not for the fact that he had memorized the chants that were to be sung during the ceremony to the point where he could sing them in his sleep, he would have probably have forgotten all the words.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Eventually, the ceremony had reached the halfway point, but the High Priest was already sweating. Even so, he continued presiding over the ceremony at the top of his voice––the Beast God was watching, so he had to perform well!

Since the High Priest was like this, the other priests who weren’t so young either also acted the same way. A bunch of priests who usually whispered during the sacrifice were now all shouting with all their strength, their faces and ears red from exertion. G7wPQd

Because of this… This Beast God Sacrifice was particularly lively, and the atmosphere was extremely warm.

The Beast Kings who were at the closest to the front sensed this change the most clearly, “This year’s Beast God Sacrifice is really very warm!”

“The priests are working really hard.”

“This really makes my blood boil!”



The ones having this conversation were the other Beast Kings besides Shi Li, Xiong Ye, and the two old Beast Kings.

It was the first time Xiong Ye and Shi Li had participated in the Beast God Sacrifice, and they couldn’t tell the difference. As for the two older Beast Kings…

They had seen Zhou Ji’s strength before and now when they saw Zhou Ji mixing in with the Big Bear Tribe… The two old Beast Kings felt like they were sitting on pins and needles and were just as uncomfortable as the High Priest. wMRA2

But they were still better off than the High Priest… The two Beast Kings felt somewhat sympathetic towards the High Priest who had to work hard on the stage.

Xiong Ye didn’t know any of this. At the moment, he only felt that the Beast God Temple had been very considerate in their arrangements––his seat and Shi Li’s were separated from each other. Not only that, the two old Beast Kings who had eaten together with him were on his left and right sides.

Both of them were very friendly to him. As soon as they sat down, they began to chat happily––every time he didn’t know what he should talk about, the two Beast Kings would always find new topics of conversation.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Xiong Ye was very satisfied with this. Seeing that Xiong Ye didn’t glance in his direction, Shi Li was dissatisfied, yet also felt a sense of sympathy. bh3H8B

Zbra bo atf Dfjra Blcur tfgf kfgf ojwliljg klat fjmt batfg. Ktfs tjv j ubbv gfijalbcrtlq klat fjmt batfg, jcv cbk, tf tjv j ijguf ugbeq bo qfbqif xffqlcu tlw mbwqjcs. Qtja jybea Wlbcu Tf? Lf bcis tjv akb biv Dfjra Blcur ktb tjv yfmbwf erfifrr j ibcu alwf jub.

Shi Li thought very simply and didn’t realize that the Beast Kings who were at his side talking with him were actually extremely anxious inside.

They had been in contact with Shi Li and felt that they could talk to Shi Li. They also didn’t like the Bear Beast King who hadn’t known that he was supposed to come and visit them. But now…

Why were the Ape Beast King and Ox Beast King who usually never paid them any attention so enthusiastic towards Xiong Ye? 2Z8TRs

If it weren’t for the Beast God Sacrifice that was taking place right now, those Beast Kings would want to go over to Xiong Ye’s side to ask about it.

A long time ago, the afternoon portion of the Beast God Sacrifice would begin immediately after the morning ceremonies. However, twenty years ago, the practice was changed, and there was an extra meal offered at noon.

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This had something to do with Zhou Ji.

Zhou Ji ate three meals a day. The people beneath him learned from him, and the people of the Beast God Temple also started to eat three meals a day. KHikgS

Of course, they would only eat a light meal at noon and generally wouldn’t wouldn’t eat large amounts of roasted meat.

After the morning ceremony ended, the people of the Beast God Temple immediately brought out delicious food for the Beast Kings.

These foods were a mix of hot fried vegetables as well as cold vegetables, delicious fruits, and some marinated meats. They were all very tasty.

Of course, others felt this way, but for Xiong Ye, these dishes seemed very common. J3lLQx

The food that Zhou Ji made for him was much better than this!

Even so, he ate up all the food that he was given until his bowl was clean––he was used to not wasting food.

After he’d finished eating, Xiong Ye saw Shi Li coming his way.

Shi Li saw that Xiong Ye had eaten everything and was somewhat disdainful, “Xiong Ye, did you not eat your fill in the morning?” Shi Li never finished all the food put in front of him when he went out––it made it look as though he didn’t get enough food to eat at home! 1PIxt8

“What do you want?” Xiong Ye asked. He and Shi Li had spent many years together, and he knew that Shi Li loved maintaining face. He could also pretty much guess what Shi Li was thinking.

However, he was used to not purposely arguing with Shi Li. Before, it had been because he didn’t want to hurt the feelings between them. Now, he didn’t argue because it was unnecessary.

“Nothing, I just came over to ask… Would you like to come over to sit with me and get to know the other Beast Kings?” Shi Li asked.

Xiong Ye shook his head, “No need.” He recognized all of the Beast Kings there, and there was no need to meet them again. As for making friends… He didn’t feel the need to become friends with the Beast Kings who were recommended by Shi Li. ejFsND

Shi Li was rejected by Xiong Ye and felt that his goodwill had just been tossed to the ground and stomped on. He was very dissatisfied and even suspected that Xiong Ye was looking down on him.

After his and Xiong Ye’s strength increased, he had wanted to find a powerhouse to tie themselves to. However, Xiong Ye hadn’t approved of his behavior and had refused to agree no matter what. He could only find a way to go on on his own, but as a result, because he’d gone alone, nobody had valued him at all, and he’d even been ridiculed…

However, he was now a Beast King and nobody could ridicule him anymore. In fact now that the tables had turned, he had even taught those who had looked down on him a lesson.

If only that person hadn’t been a high level Beast Warrior and a tribal chief, he definitely would’ve killed him. IXFKGC

Shi Li thought about many things and left discontentedly. Xiong Ye knew that he must have been thinking about some messy things again, but he didn’t know that Shi Li was recalling things from over 20 years ago.

At that time, he and Shi Li had just become medium level Beast Warriors. Based on his thoughts, he wanted them to find a sparsely populated place and settle down with the people of the tribe. However, Shi Li had wanted to join a big tribe and even felt that since his strength and potential was so good, the big tribe should pay attention to him and provide him with many benefits.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Xiong Ye felt that Shi Li was expecting too much.

If they were willing to give the big tribes some benefits in order to rely on them, they may be willing to accept them. However, if they were to ask others for benefits… wzv8cR

If the tribal chief of the big tribe was him, he wouldn’t be willing to give them any benefits.

Sure enough, Shi Li ultimately failed.

“That Shi Li has a bad heart. You should be more on guard in the future.” The Ox Beast King reminded Xiong Ye.

She was an old Beast King, and her children could be considered to have done quite well for themselves. Although her children weren’t Beast Kings, a few of them were still high level Beast Warriors and would be able to live a good life even when she was no longer there in the future. Therefore, she never tried to please these young Beast Kings, and until Zhou Ji started treating Xiong Ye differently, she hadn’t paid any attention to Xiong Ye and Shi Li either. vMkwg0

She didn’t agree with some of Xiong Ye’s ideas, but she couldn’t deny that Xiong Ye was a good person.

In contrast, Shi Li’s behavior of flattering the younger Beast Kings and ignoring older Beast Kings like her made her feel a little like she’d been looked down on.

Xiong Ye smiled bitterly and just wanted to say something when the High Priest came over, “Xiong Ye, Shi Li, come with me. I’ll take you to the Beast God Temple to hold the ceremony to dissolve your relationship as mates.”

Shi Li immediately stood up, but he felt a little guilty when Xiong Ye glanced over at him. On the other hand, Xiong Ye was very cool and calm. JHIfbg

The priest led them away, and they soon arrived at the Beast God Temple.

The ceremony for breaking up mates was similar to that of becoming mates, but the priest asked them a different question instead.

This matter had weighed heavily on Xiong Ye and Shi Li’s heart for a long time, and it was finally resolved at an unprecedented speed.

“Beast God up above, from today on, you are both single and have no mate.” The High Priest secretly praised himself as he spoke. 4Snl9U

Originally, this matter was meant to be resolved in the afternoon. However, when the High Priest saw Shi Li go to Xiong Ye and speak with him, he’d pushed the matter ahead so as to prevent anything unexpected from happening.

Now, the matter that the Beast God had asked him to do was finally done!

The High Priest gave Shi Li a deep, intense look.

Shi Li was looked over twice by the High Priest. LeIoxf

The High Priest must value him very much, but he didn’t say anything or make any requests… Wait, it seemed that the High Priest was very willing to break up his and Xiong Ye’s relationship. Could it be that the High Priest… was like the others and wanted to introduce his daughter to him?

The High Priest’s daughter was very beautiful, but she was a little young… However, he didn’t mind waiting another two years.

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While Shi Li was thinking about these things, Xiong Ye was feeling inexplicably relaxed after the first moment of loss.

However, he wasn’t given a chance to be relaxed for long because that night, Hu Yue tried to give Xiong An to him, wanting Xiong An to become his mate. She even said that Xiong An was more reliable than Shi Li. dV0f7D

Xiong Ye: He had always treated Xiong An, who had been born after they arrived at the Beastman Continent, as his own child!

However, it wasn’t only Hu Yue who recommended people to Xiong Ye.

The next day, many tribes sent people to Xiong Ye. Even those with good relationships with Shi Li did so.

Xiong Ye: “……” These people were all young enough to be his children! He really wasn’t interested! MCJ9WH

Zhou Ji: “……” He suddenly felt a little upset when he saw so many people around Xiong Ye!

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  1. 😂 Zhou Ji why are you eating your own vinegar lmao

  2. Hi honey. thanks a lot for your hard work.

    I like this novel a lot. and enjoy your work very much.

    I wanted to ask if it is okey if i translated

    this novel in persian and put it on wattpad? there is not a lot of bl book that are translaed in persian and i am sure it will make a lot of people happy.

  3. Thanks for the chapter!

    Xiong ye does not put up with that ‘going after the younger generation’ crap we stan a king

    On the other hand, shi li was basically saying he wouldn’t mind waiting for the priests daughter to turn legal… what a slimeball🤢

    Zhou ji, go get your teddybear!

  4. Hahaha..

    You should step forward quickly, Zhou Ji.

    The competition is tight.

    Thanks for the update ❤️

  5. Thank you for the chapter. This parallel is nice too.. just sometimes i can’t stop my self to think if zhou ji suited to be a bottom, a power bottom who looks tsundere outsite hehe and xiong ye being a cute gong (their papapa dynamic will interesting 😂)

  6. Xiong Ye felt that Shi Li was expecting too much.

    This… might be Shi Li’s whole problem in every single interaction.


  7. 🤢 Shi Li is an 50 years old creepy guy but want to have a 16 years old wife, and saying that he would mind waiting, WTH he things he is something so big that taking her as her wife should be a honor

  8. The difference between XY and SJ:

    XY: no way they are all young enough to be my kids

    SJ: want her, but she’s still not an adult so I’ll have to wait two years