Reborn To The Start Of The Apocalypse To FarmCh73 - The Fire

After the people at the school base had a gunpowder-flavored breakfast, the big man with the earth ability confirmed that he had nothing else to discuss, so he wiped his mouth, stood up, and solemnly pulled two women from the two adjacent tables. With one arm around the waist of each one, he went straight out of the room and returned to his own room.


The other earth-type power user stared at the man’s back with a vicious and unhappy gaze, seeing him put a big hand on one of the women’s buttocks, and his teeth were itching with hatred.


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Of those two women, one is a water-type ability user, and the other is an ordinary person. Although the ordinary woman has no supernatural powers, she looks the most beautiful among all the women!


In their entire small base, there are only seven women, and that bastard himself took up two!!


But there’s no way around that. Don’t look at that guy as an earth-type ability user, he was a free-kicking coach before the end of the apocalypse began. He used to work out regularly, and has gained a lot of muscle!



That’s why even the fire-type and lightning-type users in the team don’t want to directly quarrel with that person.


When there was a conflict in this base before, the earth-type user killed two ability users and three ordinary people by himself, his fighting power was so fierce that all of them could not match it.


Everyone else in the room lowered their heads and packed their tableware silently, but the ability users at the first table didn’t care about these chores at all like the big man before, and each of them pulled a girl out of the room one by one.


There are a total of seven women in this small base, two of the most beautiful are owned by the earth-type power user, and one woman is very old, in her fifties, so naturally, no one will touch her.


But among the remaining four women, three of them are in their twenties and thirties. Although some of them have average appearances and poor figures, at least they are all average. Only one 37 year-old woman with a strong figure is left for the remaining earth-type ability users.


It’s no wonder that he finds the other earth ability user extremely unpleasant.


Although he was qualified to be able to sit at the first table, the “benefits” he could enjoy were really poor, which made him regret that he had defected from another group of people.


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Seeing several other people dragging a girl out of the room, his eyes became darker,


Glancing at the other people in the room who were cleaning up, he always felt that someone was laughing at him, which made him feel that the anger in his heart was about to burst through the top of his head.


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So with a sullen face, when he passed by “Ruhua” who was waiting tremblingly by the door, he shook off the woman’s hand and walked out with a cold snort. How can he sleep with that kind of thing?


Lf kbeiv gjatfg ub bea jcv mjamt j ylu rajg yfjeas hbwylf ab riffq klat!!



Qfl Wejc vlvc’a kjxf eq ecali atf fnfclcu, uba eq jcv wbnfv tlr raloo pblcar, jcv abbx j ibbx ja atf rmtbbi bqqbrlaf tlw. CWNu6D


Vfflcu atf glrlcu rwbxf ogbw atf xlamtfc jujlc, tf kjixfv yjmx ab Ge Ljcu jcv abbx bea atf wjq ab mjimeijaf jujlc: “Ktfgf jgf cba wjcs qfbqif tfgf, jcv joafg akb wbgf vjsr bo byrfgnjalbc ab wjxf regf atfs jgf cba atf xlcv bo yjrf atja boafc ubfr bea, tf mjc wbnf ab byrfgnf atf cfza ibmjalbc…”


Thinking of this, he rubbed his chin. The other place was the group of people who lived on the upper floors of high buildings that he had seen before. 2y9go8


From the living conditions of that group of people, it can be guessed that they should be the type who live in high-rise buildings and stay at home.


The doors and windows of some floors are sealed and the stairs are destroyed. If those people are not stupid, they can definitely think of using the space on the roof to raise some crops for their livelihood. Rw1Nnl


So if there are no accidents, when I go there, I only need to take a general look at the situation.

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As for the places in the urban area where other survivors were suspected to be, he had roughly determined that there should be no one there now when he occasionally passed by those marked places. So he can just quickly pass by and check the situation.  Zd4jWh


As for the further small bases in the city? Wei Xuan only needs to explore slowly at night when he has time, he is content as long as he can temporarily confirm that the neighborhood he lives in is safe.


Wei Xuan rummaged through his backpack to find some portable food and ate it leisurely. By the way, he occasionally glanced at the diagonally opposite school. Now it was dark, and the light inside the room was a little darker than outside. snEYRX


It is almost impossible for people outside to notice that there are people here, and the room Wei Xuan chose is not the one on the farthest side that is more eye-catching. He’s safe here now.


Wei Xuan knew very well that even if he stayed here for a few days, he might not be able to figure out the specific situation of this small base, but what’s the use of him knowing so much? w eUDd


He didn’t come to register these survivors’ bases, nor did he want to find out the enemy’s situation and prepare to attack.


After having a simple dinner, Wei Xuan took out the binoculars to observe the opposite side carefully again, the sky is completely dark now, SgKQxU


But fortunately, although it was pitch black outside and Wei Xuan did not hold a telescope with night vision function, because some rooms on the opposite side had already lit candles or lit small fires for lighting, it was more convenient for him to observe than during the day.


In this way, it is easier for him to see the faces of the people inside. BbPj7m


Some people hurried past the corridors, and there were apparently people monitoring the movement of the zombies outside the corner windows of the highest rooms, but maybe they were already familiar with life in the apocalypse, and they had full confidence in the walls of this small base.

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So the two people who were in charge of monitoring at diagonally opposite corners looked outside the fence at the beginning, and after a while, they actually made two piles and started playing cards. Y6Im3


Wei Xuan took a closer look at the light from the small fire in the opposite corner room and could tell, their bets for playing cards were instant noodles and canned food.


The corners of his mouth twitched twice, and even he couldn’t help muttering: “It’s really rich…” ThMumq


Wei Xuan can move around the zombie-occupied city very conveniently, so he can go anywhere to collect the supplies he needs.


But precisely because of this, he never went to a place where he knew there would be a lot of stockpiling goods, and because of this, although there were many things in his hands, there was not much of the same type of food.  eg0LyM


For example, biscuits and potato chips, although he has a lot, there are some brands and flavors, but the quantity of each type is not much.


The same goes for canned food and instant noodles. Most of them have some flavors, brands, and packaging, and they are different almost every time they are eaten. nP1kar


But the opposite side is different, looking at the instant noodles and canned food with the same packaging and taste, Wei Xuan can instantly conclude that these people must have looted at least one instant noodle factory and one canning factory.


Wei Xuan’s judgment was completely correct, the other party indeed had a lot of supplies, and some classrooms that he couldn’t see were almost full of all kinds of food supplies. WzucZF


Because of this, although there are obvious grades among these people when eating big pot meals, in fact, everyone has some supplies in their hands more or less, but no one dares to show them off in front of the several bosses.

Chrysanthemum Garden.


It is well known that the people below sneaked out canned food, instant noodles, and other things from the warehouse, and only a few people who seemed to be at the top didn’t know. veboVw


After sighing at the other party’s wealth, Wei Xuan was even a little tempted to think about going back and robbing some food from certain factories.


But after thinking about it, he is really not interested in these foods that will expire soon, and the amount of non-staple food seasonings in his hand is so large that he may not be able to eat them all in N years. oHOLzb


On the contrary, if he finds a warehouse that stores a large number of seeds, he is very interested in going around, the premise being that the seeds there must not germinate and grow into mutant plants.


There were some thoughts in his mind, and it didn’t take long for the sky to completely darken, and the lights in the opposite room also dimmed one by one, except that there were people playing cards secretly in the two rooms at the corner, the entire school base fell into silence. AU vu0


The quietness in the base does not mean that everyone else is silent.


Outside this small base, almost all within a few streets were surrounded by zombies, especially those who stood outside the wall, from morning to night, day after day, waving their arms and hitting the wall hard. P1eHAM


Those walls did have large and small holes due to their tireless efforts, but there are earth-type ability users living in the base, except for a wall that was dug by zombies when they were inexperienced, now every time a period of time passes, the wall will be restored, so that the group of zombies will waste their efforts.


It was too dark to do anything else, so Wei Xuan took Du Hang to the opposite room after confirming that the other party might not make any movement overnight. orUzR7


He used the binoculars to carefully observe other visible places in the city, looking for suspected lights. There are often living people where there are lights.

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However, most of the post-apocalyptic survivors are very careful, so except for slightly larger bases, no survivors dare to light up lights in the middle of the night. AJGvu3


Therefore, Wei Xuan only found two places that seemed to have lights, but the distance was too far for him to judge.


The night passed by in a hurry, and Wei Xuan took the opportunity to take a nap and was about to adjust his biological clock a little and use the daytime tomorrow to observe the school base. At 3 AM in the morning, there was a sudden rumble outside and the excited roar of the zombies could be heard from downstairs. Y7REc4


Grabbing Du Hang who was also excited, Wei Xuan ran a few steps in the direction of the sound to the room where he was during the day and stared dumbfounded at the fire that suddenly rose from the corner of the school, destroying the building. More than half of the school is covered in red dazzling flames!

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  1. Ooooh noooo, I’m so sad that this base where woman are seen as “benefits” is suddenly on fire. What a loss for humanity.

  2. Breached by the zombies or internal fight? Internal fighting would be foolish the world’s already in chaos and human are slowly going extinct and they still indulge in infighting?🥹

  3. Besides the guy being suicidal (since he’s literally destroying the only place that protects him from certain death), he’s also a food waster! After all, the food is also in the building oh imbecile !