Reborn As The Villain President's LoverCh204 - Extra Story: Yao Xiuyuan x Ying Nian (23)

Translator/Editor:- Max

At this age, this was the first time Yao Xiuyuan had pursued someone. However, even though he had never eaten pork before, he can’t help but learn from the love saint Shao Yong, who demonstrates daily how pigs run away. As a result, Yao Xiuyuan gave gifts when he should, provided surprises when necessary, and occasionally asked Ying Nian out to watch a movie or go out for fun, which meant his pursuit was going quite smoothly. RJ9ICf

Ying Nian took a two-month break and was about to start filming again. Before leaving, since they would be separated for a while, Yao Xiuyuan reached out and hugged him. Ying Nian did not resist and obediently let him hold him.

“I will make time to visit you.” Yao Xiuyuan said.

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Ying Nian nodded, “Okay.”

They parted at the airport. Yao Xiuyuan watched as Ying Nian, along with his agent and assistant, entered the VIP passage before turning around and walking back. Mjp6yJ

Ying Nian glanced back at him and sighed silently. He had been pursued by Yao Xiuyuan for two months and was well aware of the changes in their relationship. He had tried hard to respond to his feelings, but he just couldn’t. Ying Nian felt he should tell Yao Xiuyuan to cut his losses in time, but he didn’t know how to say it.

Yao Xiuyuan was so good and tried so hard to pursue him. Ying Nian didn’t want to make him sad. He couldn’t even understand why he didn’t like Yao Xiuyuan. Was there something wrong with Yao Xiuyuan? He was already the best person he had ever met. Why didn’t he like him?

Ying Nian couldn’t understand it. He wanted to give them a little more time. Maybe in a few months, he would also come to like Yao Xiuyuan. He comforted himself like this and boarded the plane.

This time, Ying Nian was filming a TV series, and since he was playing the male lead, he would be filming for more than three months. When Yao Xiuyuan visited him on set, he looked at the calendar and calculated, “By the time you finish filming, it will be December.”

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“En.” Ying Nian responded.

“Then we can spend Christmas and New Year’s Eve together.” Yao Xiuyuan said with great interest.

“Sure.” Ying Nian smiled.

His eyes were very beautiful, and when he smiled, they would slightly bend into a rainbow, which was very endearing. FCze8

Yao Xiuyuan looked at the smile on his face and asked him, “Can I kiss you?”

Ying Nian didn’t expect him to ask this and was stunned for a moment. Then he nodded.

Yao Xiuyuan instantly smiled and leaned in to kiss his face. Ying Nian blinked unconsciously, lowering his gaze. Seeing that he didn’t resist, Yao Xiuyuan carefully kissed his lips.

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Very soft, just as he remembered. Yao Xiuyuan gently pecked his lips, then hugged Ying Nian and slowly shared a tender kiss with him. 5YzaOV

That night, just like before when Yao Xiuyuan visited him on set, they slept in the same bed with separate blankets. Before sleeping, Yao Xiuyuan said goodnight to Ying Nian and gave him a goodnight kiss. Ying Nian smiled in response. Although he still didn’t like Yao Xiuyuan, he realised that he didn’t dislike Yao Xiuyuan’s touch. In fact, when Yao Xiuyuan kissed him, he felt a long-lost sense of shy bewilderment.

Lf mbeiv jmmfqa Tjb Wlesejc’r qegrela, teur, jcv xlrrfr, jcv qfgtjqr fnfc wbgf. Ciatbeut tf vlvc’a tjnf gbwjcalm offilcur bg vfrlgfr obg Tjb Wlesejc, Tlcu Rljc ofia atja atlr kjr jigfjvs j ubbv rajga. Cr ibcu jr tf tjv j ilaaif wbgf alwf ab vffqfc tlr offilcur obg Tjb Wlesejc, tf wluta fnfcaejiis ojii lc ibnf klat tlw.

He firmly believed that day would come, he just hoped it would arrive sooner. That way, Yao Xiuyuan wouldn’t have to perform a one-man show all the time.

Yao Xiuyuan always stayed for only three days each visit, coming once every two weeks at a fixed time and place, just like clocking in for work. Sometimes, Ying Nian would see him making calls non-stop upon arrival or directing his subordinates while working on his laptop. hRybvN

He advised Yao Xiuyuan, “If you’re too busy, you don’t have to come over.”

After all, even during busy periods, Yao Xiuyuan only visited him after he finished filming for the day, either at noon or in the evening, to chat and talk about recent events. Most of the time, while Ying Nian was filming, Yao Xiuyuan would be in his hotel room handling work.

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Ying Nian felt it was unnecessary and would only increase Yao Xiuyuan’s fatigue. However, Yao Xiuyuan insisted, “I’m still pursuing you. Under normal circumstances, when pursuing someone, the pursuer wants to be with their sweetheart every minute of every day. I can only see you every two weeks, which is already quite inadequate. If I delay it further, I might as well be knocked out directly.”

“It’s not your fault. It’s mainly because of my job, which is quite unique.” PUFRjr

“But I want to see you.” Yao Xiuyuan looked at him and tenderly said, “Not only do I want to see you, but I also want to kiss you and hold you. So don’t worry about me. It’s all voluntary on my part. If you don’t let me come, then I’ll be depressed.”

Hearing him say that, Ying Nian couldn’t say anything more. So he could only remind him, “Then take care of your health and don’t overwork.”

“Okay.” Yao Xiuyuan responded.

And so, with Yao Xiuyuan’s constant visits, the weather grew colder and colder, gradually entering into winter. Ying Nian wrapped up filming in mid-December. Instead of immediately returning to X City, he attended several events. By the time he saw Yao Xiuyuan again, it was almost Christmas Eve. Bp3oyJ

Remembering Yao Xiuyuan’s wish to spend Christmas and New Year’s Eve together, Ying Nian didn’t arrange any work for those two days. On December 22nd, he returned home.

When Yao Xiuyuan saw him coming back, he couldn’t hide the excitement on his face.

Seeing him happy, Ying Nian felt happy too. He couldn’t help but say to him, “I haven’t accepted any more acting jobs after this. It’s just a few small announcements until March next year. Even if I have to leave, it won’t be for too long.”

“That’s really great.” Yao Xiuyuan knew he was telling him this specifically to make him happy, so he deliberately said, “I can be considered as waiting till the clouds have cleared and the moon appeared.” 68Y9Ev

“But I’ll still have to film after March next year.” Ying Nian said apologetically, speaking softly.

“It’s okay.” Yao Xiuyuan had no objections to his work. “People always need to work, and this is your job. When the time comes, I’ll just come see you more often then.”

Ying Nian looked at him and listened to his words, feeling relieved.

He always felt at ease with Yao Xiuyuan, as if everything about him could be accepted, tolerated, acknowledged, and liked. He really liked this feeling and enjoyed it. Ying Nian felt that subconsciously, he was actually somewhat attached to Yao Xiuyuan. h1eRN

Yet, there was just one thing missing, that heartbeat.

It had been more than five months now, Ying Nian thought, since Yao Xiuyuan had started pursuing him for over five months, and yet he still didn’t like Yao Xiuyuan.

On Christmas Eve, Yao Xiuyuan took Ying Nian out for dinner. There were many people on the street, and Yao Xiuyuan held his hand as they walked. Ying Nian wore a hat, mask, and scarf, so no one recognized or disturbed him.

They had dinner at a restaurant Yao Xiuyuan had reserved in advance. Afterward, they played at the arcade for a while before driving back. c wba9

Yao Xiuyuan asked him, “Are you happy?”

Ying Nian nodded and gave him a Christmas gift.

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Yao Xiuyuan took it with surprise and handed him the gift he had prepared as well.

Neither of them were anxious to open their gifts. Instead, they naturally shared a kiss. When they got home, Yao Xiuyuan and Ying Nian were surprised to find out that they both had given each other watches. KN2JkY

Ying Nian explained, “You have a habit of wearing a watch. I’ve seen the brand you usually wear, so I chose this one.”

Yao Xiuyuan’s explanation was simpler, “Watches go well with outfits and are convenient for events. I liked the design of this one and thought you’d like it.”

“It is quite exquisite.” Ying Nian looked at the watch on his wrist.

Yao Xiuyuan smiled and said, “Wait a moment.” RDzSg8

Ying Nian was puzzled and waited for a while. When the clock struck ten, he saw that the minute hand transformed into a beautiful firework display. After a moment, it slowly closed and began moving again.

Ying Nian really liked the design very much and asked Yao Xiuyuan in a rare childish manner, “If I adjust the minute hand back, will it turn into fireworks again?”

“It should.” Yao Xiuyuan pondered, “You can try it.”

Ying Nian hesitated, afraid of breaking the watch by playing with it. Seeing his distressed expression, Yao Xiuyuan rubbed his head and said generously, “It’s okay. If it breaks, I’ll buy you a new one.” b2uSDp

“This watch isn’t cheap, is it?” Ying Nian glanced at the brand.

Yao Xiuyuan smiled and said, “Do you like it? If you like it, then it’s worth it.”

Of course, Ying Nian liked it. He nodded honestly.

Yao Xiuyuan took the watch from his hand and helped him put it on. He said warmly, “Then this money is well spent.” osZdEt

Ying Nian looked at him with his head lowered, his heart moved, and he reached out to hug him.

Yao Xiuyuan was stunned for a moment, then slowly hugged Ying Nian and asked softly, “Do you like me?”

Ying Nian had just been immersed in their hug, but now this question brought him back to reality. He held onto Yao Xiuyuan but couldn’t answer the question.

He couldn’t deceive Yao Xiuyuan by saying he liked him, but he also couldn’t bring himself to say he didn’t like him. AEMXQw

He felt a little sad, and unconsciously increased the strength in his arms, holding Yao Xiuyuan tightly.

Yao Xiuyuan was actually very open-minded and gently kissed his cheek. He said, “It’s okay. At least you don’t dislike me, right?”

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Ying Nian nodded against his ear. He wanted to say something but didn’t know what to say, so he remained quiet and just kept holding him.

Yao Xiuyuan knew Ying Nian had been trying very hard to like him. He just hadn’t expected that, after all this time, Ying Nian still couldn’t develop feelings for him. He felt a bit disappointed, but he was even more worried that Ying Nian might feel guilty. So, he patted his back and smiled, saying, “This is already great. Don’t push yourself too hard. I should be the luckiest pursuer out there. Even though I haven’t caught my sweetheart, I already have him in my arms.” Pk9 dx

Ying Nian was amused by his cheerful tone. He loosened his grip and looked at Yao Xiuyuan, with a smile on his face. Yao Xiuyuan felt content seeing him smile like that. He didn’t want to put pressure on Ying Nian, nor did he want Ying Nian to feel guilty for not being able to respond to his feelings.

If Ying Nian liked him, that would naturally be the best. But if he and Ying Nian were truly not suitable, and Ying Nian couldn’t like him even after he tried hard, then…

Yao Xiuyuan thought for a long time, but ultimately reached out and pulled the person into his arms. He was not willing to think about this outcome, and rejected it from the bottom of his heart. Let’s give them more time, Yao Xiuyuan thought. They had both put in so much effort; there was no reason why feelings couldn't develop over time. Their meeting was too coincidental, and their time together was harmonious. They were destined to be together; there was no reason why they were destined to meet but not fated to be together.

“Let’s spend tomorrow at home.” He looked down at Ying Nian, “I’ve asked for leave and won’t be going to work tomorrow.” HFWVSo

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Translator's Note

not knowing what to do (idiom)

Translator's Note

It is a positive and optimistic spirit of persistence and never giving up. It means that only those who persist to the end can wait for the day when the clouds are cleared and the moon appears. It tells people that as long as they persist to the end, the rainbow will appear.

Translator's Note

Or (fig.) emotionally affected; aroused (of desire, emotion, interest etc)

Translator's Note

Idiom – familiarity breeds fondness

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