The Phantom Thief Steals the DawnChapter 9

The tale that piqued Vivianne’s interest unfolded as Chloe, newly minted as a doctor, departed from Dorothy’s abode. Chloe tugged his hat lower, hunched his shoulders, and trudged through the blizzard step by step.

Upon realizing that hailing a ride was futile, Chloe opted to enter a nearby café. The establishment buzzed with activity, packed with patrons seemingly seeking refuge from the relentless snow pelting down from the heavens. QB 2u6

Amidst the throng, a girl stood out as she fussed, tucking the hem of her voluminous dress beneath her as she sat, while her coachman and servant appeared to perspire heavily in their efforts to assist her. Additionally, there was a gentleman and a lady, both sporting frowns, who seemed out of place in such an establishment.

Indeed, nothing surpasses the force of nature, capable of uniting a group of reserved scholars who typically mingle only within the confines of a salon. As Chloe surveyed the room for a vacant seat, a familiar visage caught his eye.

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“Huh? That’s…”

The unmistakable short, cropped ultramarine-blue hair and scarlet eyes, vivid as charred pumpkins, and that perpetually furrowed brow. It was unmistakably Detective Shan, known for his fervent pursuit of Astar. fKB3PZ

Shan was engaged in a serious conversation with his seatmate, his mouth covered by clasped hands, rendering his lips unreadable. Chloe, feigning a search for a seat, managed to glimpse the person sitting before Shan.


To his astonishment, a woman of such beauty sat there that he couldn’t help but exclaim. Her attire was worn and ragged, yet her visage radiated a natural elegance that belied her modest garb.

Who would have imagined that Shan, recently in pursuit of Astar, would encounter such a woman? Unmarried as he was, it seemed fitting. His character was undeniable.


Apparently, Shan’s failure to catch Astar and his dating prowess were unrelated. Chloe had assumed that Shan’s inability to capture Astar would extend to matters of the heart. It seemed Shan lacked the knack for ensnaring, whether in pursuit or romance.

Chloe was itching to tease Shan but restrained himself. He couldn’t act impulsively, yet the thought of letting it go was unbearable. So, he discreetly retreated to the bathroom and locked himself in.


The lid of the pocket watch cradled in Chloe’s arms swung open. ODq6ra




“Senior! Is that you, Senior Shan?” 7Z0dv2


While conversing with the woman, Shan turned at the sound of his name. By the fireplace stood a man, drenched, drying off. It was Ronald, a subordinate officer from the police department.

Ronald approached Shan’s table, brushing off his robe with a self-satisfied air.

“Amazing, isn’t it? I never imagined we’d run into each other here. Who could have predicted a snowstorm would come out of nowhere? I certainly didn’t expect to be stranded.” Z9iHSM

“Weren’t you on office duty today?”

That was Shan’s impression. He glanced at the wall clock, noted it wasn’t time to leave yet, and his brow furrowed as he tried to recall the vague memory. Ronald grumbled and vented as if he had much to say,

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We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“P wfjc! Qts vbfr atf mbwwlrrlbcfg kjca wf ab gec jc fggjcv lc atlr ogffhlcu kfjatfg? Pr ws jcceji ifjnf pera obg gecclcu fggjcvr? Pc jcs mjrf, la’r mifjg tf vbfrc’a mjgf obg atf sbecufra wfwyfgr, ilxf wf. Qtfc P reuufrafv Jjif vb la, atf mbwwlrrlbcfg lcrlrafv atja rbwfbcf ktb’r ogff rtbeiv ub…”

“Okay, I got it, that’s enough,” Shan interjected. mRodc6

It seemed he had been eager for someone to inquire. His displeasure was like a balsam seed, ready to explode.

“Hehe.” s3XcyJ

The woman sitting across from Shan chuckled at their amusement, then cradled her teacup in her smooth, uncalloused hands. Ronald’s gaze fell upon the woman, and his excitement was palpable.

“Whoa. Who is this? Oh, I apologize. I should have introduced myself first. I’m Ronald Linton. I’ve been learning and working under you, senior, and it never crossed my mind that you were dating such a lovely lady. My coworkers speculated you’d be too engrossed in chasing Astar to entertain a relationship, let alone marriage. ….”

“Ronald. Shut up!”

Pfft. Not Ronald, but Chloe—disguised as Ronald—chuckled inwardly at Shan’s reaction. Chloe was fortunate to have such a loud, boisterous junior in Shan’s department. vpgkMy

Naturally, when Shan returns to the police station, he’ll discern that the Ronald he’s been conversing with isn’t the real Ronald, but by then, the imposter will have vanished.

Shan’s face turned crimson as he halted Chloe’s escape.

Should I tease you some more?

Chloe was about to do just that but halted. This was because Shan, who had demanded Chloe’s silence, pulled Chloe by the shoulders and seated him next to him. m1tcbZ

Uh-oh, what’s going on here? Normally, you’d tell me to get lost immediately, wouldn’t you?

Chloe gazed at Shan with wide eyes, filled with confusion. Even if Ronald’s mother were present, she would recognize him; his expression was so distinctly Ronald’s.

Shan nudged his shoulder, gently pushing his head down, and murmured into his ear, “Remember your manners. This is the Marchioness Auguste.”

“What?” KjxD5p

Chloe’s look of surprise was genuine.

The lady before them was none other than the wife of Marquis Auguste—a distinguished warrior who had gained the emperor’s confidence through his significant contributions to the ongoing territorial conflicts. Following the news about Astar and the Emperor, the Marquis Auguste is the one most frequently mentioned in the newspapers.

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Gazing into Shan’s earnest eyes, it appeared the information was credible. Chloe tilted his head, casting a glance at the woman seated opposite him. She offered him a slight, understated smile. Regaining his composure, Chloe quickly seized the opportunity to tease Shan.

“Somehow, I think she’s incredibly, overwhelmingly, exceedingly unworthy of your company….” a38VsD

“I’ll entrust this task to Ronald and myself. Despite his unassuming appearance, I can vouch for his expertise in this mission.”

“What? I’m in charge of what now?!”

In an unexpected turn, Shan, who would typically request a lead on Astar from this junior, abruptly took him aside. Glancing at his watch, he noted that it was nearly time to leave work.

A noblewoman, clad in simple attire to hide her identity, met with Shan, who had arrived to see her in solitude. It appears to be a clandestine operation orchestrated by the police. dhYbW6

As Chloe evaluated the circumstances, Shan leaned in and whispered,

“This task involves escorting a piece by Master Lutz. The Madame has requested as few people as possible.”

“A work by Master Lutz?”

Chloe’s heart skipped a beat. It was a creation by Lutz. Initially intending to feign attention and slip away from the cafe, Chloe reconsidered. y84u6J

Master Lutz, the renowned imperial craftsman famed for the Dawn of Ashtarte. It was common knowledge that only a handful of Ashtarte pieces were attributed to him. With the title of imperial master craftsman remaining vacant since his passing a decade ago, his unparalleled skill was evident.

“Do you mean to imply it’s an Ashtarte?”

“No, Monsieur. Whether it’s an Ashtarte remains unknown. However, it is indeed his work, as the emperor bestowed upon the Marquis a Lutz masterpiece to honor his wartime valor.”

The craftsmanship of a master, possibly touched by the divine, was alluring to Astar. wacoj

Now that I think about it, I recall reading in the newspaper about five years ago that Marquis Auguste had been gifted a piece by Lutz from the emperor. The name of that piece was…

“…If it’s Lutz’s creation, bestowed by the Emperor upon Marquis Auguste… then it must be ‘Turquoise Wings’.”

Chloe, delving into his memories, recalled a newspaper article he had scrutinized five years prior. The article had only mentioned the name of the piece, not the nature of the object. The Marchioness, upon hearing his recollection, looked surprised.

“You’re correct. How did you know the name? You’re quite informed.” fHlrJx

“I saw it in the newspaper a few years back. My senior advised me to compile all the information available on Astar…”

Indeed, Lutz’s creation was considered a potential Ashtarte. Aware that it might attract Astar’s attention, who was currently active, the Marchioness likely sought assistance from the police.

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“…I didn’t realize you were paying such close attention. I’m somewhat moved,” Shan admitted, a rare expression of happiness crossing his face. Ronald, who preferred the allure of new magazines over the nostalgia of old newspapers, had given him good reason to feel this way.

“You know, I’m the kind of guy who comes through when it counts.” GCpdqT

Ronald’s eyes softened and dropped slightly. Chloe gently lifted his chin, his lips curving into a smile that he shared with Shan. Shan remained silent, acknowledging that although Ronald could be difficult at times, he was worthy of praise in this moment.

“Moreover, Madame was feeling anxious about Astar, so she discreetly approached the police department. We can’t let Astar catch wind of this, so we’re limiting it to two officers. Given your familiarity with Astar, we must be cautious; information has a way of slipping out.”

“That’s true.”

The Marchioness, also attentive to Shan’s explanation, nodded with evident anxiety. Chloe experienced a surge of pity at the sight. telczq

How can this be? The very same Astar you fear is right in front of you.

“I have resolved to entrust it to Fog in the Western Kingdom, whose vaults are renowned to be second only to the imperial ones, and not even Astar could breach them.”

“Are we to accompany you to the Western Kingdom then? The journey by land takes no less than seven days. Moreover, with the ground so frozen, it will certainly take longer…”

Chloe sighed internally. I’m due in the Empire within a week, and I’ve only just secured the job! T2Eu8M

Shan, sensing Chloe’s dismay, shook his head and gestured upwards.

“No. We’ll take the skyway. Once the snow ceases, the airships will resume operation, and we’ll depart immediately. Speed is crucial, after all. Furthermore, the lack of a notice is proof enough that we remain unseen by Astar.”

Speaking in a whisper, Shan pushed his chair back and stood up.

“You’re not required to go back to the police department; your mission is only starting. I’ll inform the commissioner that you’re accompanying me.” vBDGg6

If Shan were to contact the police department, it would spell disaster for Chloe and his ‘Turquoise Wings’ operation.

You’re going to ask for Ronald, whom you’ve just ‘encountered outside’ yet is probably yawning and solving crossword puzzles at the police department, to embark on a covert mission?

Chloe seized Shan by the shoulders, forcing him back into the chair.

“No, no. You remain here, senior. I need to discuss an errand with the commissioner and will report back to the police department. Perhaps you could discuss the mission with Madame instead?” k9rId0

“Oh, you wish to speak to him?”

Shan, guided back into his seat by Chloe, nodded agreeably. Leaving Shan to resume his discussion about the mission, Chloe approached the counter to request a phone call.

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The owner at the counter directed him to the phone by the bathroom, and Chloe, offering a smile, cleared his throat and steadied his voice as he expertly dialed the telephone exchange. Moments later, he requested the telephone operator to connect him with the police department.

[This is the police department. How may we assist you?]

The receptionist’s resonant voice came through. Chloe, hastily jotting down notes on a paper from his arm, addressed her with a disguised voice. ZKP5hH

“This is Detective Shan Hardt from the Police Department’s 3rd Investigation Division, Intelligence Crimes Unit. I’d like to speak with the commissioner.”


– – –


Translator’s Corner:

Chloe is so sneaky haha. I love how he only caught wind of this just because he wanted to rip on Shan LOL

Poor Shan, his blue hair is gonna turn white soon! :blobrofl:

Speaking of, Shan’s description… what if he looks like this? I think… I would take him in a heartbeat. :blobnosebleed: v09OLI

Translator's Note

When balsam seed capsules mature and dry, they will explode when touched, shooting seeds in all directions!

Fun fact: Himalayan balsam flowers are also called Policeman’s Helmet, due to their hooded shape. They are also considered an invasive species, so it’s an apt description of “Ronald’s” venting – spreading negativity.

Himalayan Balsam

Translator's Note

German: topographic name for someone who lived by woods used as pasture, from Middle High German hart.

Translator's Note


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