PsychicCh173 - Those Who Value Love and Righteousness are the Best to Deal With

Fan Jialuo’s hand hovered over the snake-shaped corpse for a long time without making any movement. Zhang Yang kept glancing at him with pursed lips, and secretly bit the muscles on the side of his cheek. It was obvious that he was very impatient, but he did not urge him, for fear of interrupting his action of extracting the fish beads.

Two minutes passed. Fan Jialuo suddenly put down his hand, looked at Dr. Song, and sighed helplessly. “You really infected me with mysophobia. I don’t want to touch anything from inside this corpse.” b29xne

Song Rui couldn’t help laughing, rolled up his sleeves and said, “How about I do it? I said I will take care of all the dirty work from now on.”

Knowing that Dr. Song was both joking and expressing his true attitude, Fan Jialuo raised his eyebrows and couldn’t help but chuckle a few times. The two of them had five or six guns pointing at them and were surrounded by all kinds of weird corpses, but they seemed to be completely oblivious to the tense atmosphere and were talking and laughing casually.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zhang Yang was stimulated by their leisurely attitude and waved the gun in his hand. “Teacher Fan, I see you are really not in a hurry at all. How about this? Let’s take Dr. Song down to cook the food first, so that you can work with peace of mind?”

“Zhang Yang, how dare you lynch innocent citizens! Don’t forget that you are public officials, and you represent the interests of the broad masses of the people!” Meng Zhong stood in front of his friend, with overwhelming anger in his eyes. lAFOji

“Minister Meng, don’t you know? Your Special Security Department has been laid off by the country due to operational problems. If our Zhang family had not provided funds, space, manpower, and material resources in time, your job as Minister Meng would have been in trouble long ago. It is now the same as the Green River Research Institute, it is the property of my Zhang family. Now it has been renamed to the Longtu Special Security Company. The relevant documents will be issued soon. You can just sign it when the time comes.” Zhang Yang smiled, his expression as smug as could be.

In fact, many people knew this news, but they had kept it from Meng Zhong. Now, Zhang Yang took the initiative to tell him, first to admire Meng Zhong’s reaction, and second to show off his authority. It was not without reason that he could walk sideways in the Special Security Department.

However, Meng Zhong did not show an expression of receiving a major blow. He was just stunned for a moment, and then breathed out a sigh of relief. No wonder all the courageous and upright people he knew were gone, without even a simple explanation. It turned out that it was not that they had given up on their ideals, but that this place was no longer a hotbed for realizing their ideals.

“I will sign it. I hope you can handle the resignation procedure for me as soon as possible.” Meng Zhong nodded calmly.


“There is no need to go through the resignation procedures. Once this department is disbanded, your position will be automatically revoked. You are no longer Minister Meng, because the Special Security Department no longer exists. Hahaha, everyone was afraid that you won’t be able to accept it, so they deliberately kept it from you for your own good,” Zhang Yang said with a smile.

Meng Zhong said sarcastically, “Why are you afraid that I can’t accept it? To be honest, you just wanted to use my influence in the military and political circles to stabilize the chaos in the early stages of the reorganization. You are treating me like a monkey.” He pitied himself for running up and down to recruit new members and form new departments, sparing no effort, only to realize at the end that they were just squeezing his residual value.

The more Meng Zhong thought about it, the more ridiculous he felt. Looking at Fan Jialuo and Song Rui, he felt regretful and blamed himself. If he hadn’t been fooled, these two people wouldn’t have followed him into the dragon’s lair and the tiger’s den. Now he didn’t know if they could walk out unharmed. Zhang Yang was a very ruthless person and would never let them go easily.

Fan Jialuo seemed to sense Meng Zhong’s strong concern, so he shook his head slightly at the other party. After that, he flicked his palm on the snake-shaped corpse and took out a fish bead the size of a sesame seed. vW9Mjw

Zhang Yang’s eyes immediately burst out with light. He had no time to stimulate Meng Zhong and said eagerly, “Give it to me quickly!”

Fan Jialuo ignored his words and walked straight to the next corpse.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Xlnf la ab wf delmxis, vlv sbe tfjg wf?” Itjcu Tjcu obiibkfv tlw fjufgis, kjixlcu yjmx jcv obgat jgbecv tlw, uglaalcu tlr affat jcv sfiilcu, “Cgf sbe vfjo? Yg rtbeiv P wjxf j tbif lc Gg. Vbcu’r ifu ab afra sbeg tfjglcu?”

Mjc Aljieb rqgfjv tlr qjiwr jcv rjlv mjiwis, “Tbe mjc ulnf la j ags.” Ktf rfrjwf rffv rlhfv olrt yfjvr kfgf ilxf kjafg vgbqifar ojiilcu lcab j ijxf, rlcxlcu lcab atf glqqilcu ilcfr bo tlr qjiwr yfobgf vlrjqqfjglcu klatbea j agjmf. Pc jvvlalbc ab offvlcu bc fnli atbeutar, tf jirb tlv j agewq mjgv, ktlmt kjr atja tf mbeiv ajxf bea atf olrt yfjvr ogbw batfg qfbqif’r ybvlfr jcsalwf jcv jcsktfgf, jcv atfc jyrbgy atfw lcab tlr bkc ybvs. whj Rb

In other words, Xiao Yanling’s fish bead had been absorbed by him. His current strength was equal to his former self plus Xiao Yanling’s peak state. What kind of state was that? How lethal was it? Maybe it was doubled, or maybe it was an exponential increase. No one could guess the specific strength, and no one dared to provoke him.

Zhang Yang stared at his empty palm, and a thin layer of sweat broke out on his forehead unknowingly. He finally knew that he had been fooled, and Fan Jialuo was simply not someone he could provoke now.

His throat gradually became dry, tight, and narrow, and his heart beat rapidly. He seemed to be thinking of something, but he smiled confidently. “Teacher Fan, I heard that you also adopted a child. I have seen the picture of that child. He looks very cute, and is in the fourth grade of elementary school at Kongfu School right now? Look, it’s getting late, why don’t I send my people to pick up that child from school?”

One chip was not enough, so Zhang Yang added another chip. He was best at dealing with people with lingering consciences because he was ruthless enough. B4oprQ

Fan Jialuo looked at Zhang Yang expressionlessly, and after a long time he said coldly, “I will take out all the jade pendants and give them to you together. Don’t touch anyone.”

“Teacher Fan, if you keep your word, I will also act according to the rules.” Zhang Yang returned to his playful and smiling attitude because he was confident.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Song Rui closed his eyes and tried to suppress the murderous desire in his heart. He had already torn Zhang Yang into pieces in his mind. This was by no means a fantasy to vent his anger, it would definitely be put into action in the future. The unprecedented desire for destruction caused a tearing pain in his soul.

Fan Jialuo walked up to him, took his hand, and hinted that he should be patient for the time being. The two people’s mutual encouragement seemed to be a sign of giving in and having no other choice to Zhang Yang, so he shook his head and sneered, “I really don’t understand why you people are so powerful, but are still being dragged down by the world? If I were you, I would abandon everyone to pursue the ultimate power. When I stand at the top, superior to everyone, what wouldn’t I have?” B750jN

Fan Jialuo ignored him, let go of Dr. Song’s hand, and walked to the next morgue bed. He held his palm out to feel for a moment, and then raised an eyebrow high, as if he was very surprised.

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong with this corpse?” Zhang Yang became nervous.

“The devil has something to do with Dr. Song.” Fan Jialuo retracted his hand.

Zhang Yang immediately lifted the white cloth, and what he saw was a very normal male corpse, except that there were bloody holes on both sides of his head, as if he had been smashed to death. IfPGWo

Meng Zhong stared at the corpse for a while, and soon recognized the identity of the deceased and recalled the case he was involved in. Then he looked at Song Rui with an unnatural expression.

Song Rui only took a second to figure out the whole thing, and couldn’t help but sneer, “I recognize him. Meng Zhong, didn’t you tell me that he was just a delusional patient who mistakenly thought he was a devil? What’s happening now? What’s going on?”

Meng Zhong lowered his head to avoid his friend’s questioning gaze and did not dare to answer. However, Fan Jialuo saw the confrontation between him and Dr. Song through the residual thoughts left by the corpse.

This man was originally a member of a cult who worshiped Satan, and believed that he was a demon with powerful power. The jade pendant in his body heard his voice and really turned him into a demon, making a living by devouring human hearts. Fortunately, he was caught by the Special Security Department after he had just committed two cases, and he did not cause greater harm to society. oWnjwm

However, demons couldn’t be killed by humans unless humans grasped their true name and called it out. The man believed in this and thus became invulnerable and powerful. Meng Zhong couldn’t do anything about him, and he couldn’t get his real name out of him, so he had to go to Song Rui to find a way. The so-called real name was not the name on this person’s ID card at all, but a demon’s name he randomly chose. No one knew it except himself.

In order to conceal the existence of the stranger, Meng Zhong took great pains to saw off the man’s pointy horns and brought him to Song Rui as a paranoid patient who had injured his head, asking him to find out the name of the stranger.

At that time, Song Rui never thought that there were such strange things in the world. He actually believed it, took out a dictionary, and let the man look through it page by page. He picked out the words based on his micro expressions and micro reactions, and after a combination of several words finally called out his demon name.

The man was convinced that he would die, so he did die in Song Rui’s office. Song Rui was so disgusted that he removed all the furnishings and furniture in the room and renovated it the next day. 5zuCZW

Song Rui had helped Meng Zhong solve dozens of similar cases, but he had always been kept in the dark. He didn’t know that there were aliens, ghosts, and existences that couldn’t be described by human imagination in the world, until Fan Jialuo appeared… He had actually been deeply involved in it for a long time, but he didn’t learn the truth until today.

Looking at this all-too-familiar corpse, Song Rui’s expression changed several times, but he didn’t cause a scene.

Meng Zhong lowered his head, too ashamed to face this old friend again. How arrogant was he to firmly believe that only people from the Special Security Department could know about this kind of thing, and that the rest of the population must be isolated from the truth? However, the ones who were on the front line and never wavered in their original intentions were definitely not the Special Security Department. On the contrary, it was the people he had been deceiving and concealing the truth from.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking at the time. I should have told you the truth earlier.” Meng Zhong shook his head with an extremely bitter smile. SQqY2E

Song Rui stared at the corpse expressionlessly, without saying a word.

Fan Jialuo’s palm passed over the corpse, and in an instant he took out a jade pendant the size of a soybean.

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Zhang Yang’s lips moved slightly, as if he wanted to ask for it, but he restrained himself. Anyway, he had just sent a message to his subordinates, asking them to capture Xu Yiyang. With two hostages in hand, he was not afraid that this person would be disobedient.

Fan Jialuo walked and sensed, and soon got twenty-six jade pendants. He told Zhang Yang that this was all of them. Zhang Yang didn’t believe what he said, but had no way to prove that he was lying, so he had to take him to a reception room. axO6EY

Elder Wan and the young woman were already waiting here, and there was a sleeping child curled up on the sofa in the corner. When he heard the door open, he quickly rubbed his eyes and sat up, sweetly calling to his brother. Who else could it be if not Xu Yiyang.

Fan Jialuo quickly walked towards the child, but was blocked by two special defense team members. Several more team members dragged Xu Yiyang behind Zhang Yang and pointed their guns at his head. Seeing this scene, Fan Jialuo’s gentle face was as cold as iron, and Song Rui patted him on the shoulder gently, telling him to calm down. The two of them walked to the opposite side of the long table, waiting for Zhang Yang’s next move.

Meng Zhong couldn’t suppress his anger, and immediately banged the table and shouted, “Didn’t you say you would act according to the rules? Why did you kidnap the child?”

Zhang Yang burst into laughter and said, “You believe in such words, Minister Meng. Have you ever been in society, aren’t your thoughts too pure? I’ll tell you, my rule is that I have no rules. I can do whatever I like, as long as I achieve my goal.” He clapped his hands, hooked his fingers, and ordered, “Come on, Teacher Fan. Hand over everything you took away, or I will let this little thing have a taste of bullets. Oh, by the way, the skull you took away in the program before, hand it over too, it is a cultural relic and must be turned over to the state.” wHTuhA

While he was speaking, several special defense team members exuding a dangerous aura walked in quietly and stood silently behind him. If Ah Huo was here, he would definitely be scared to death because the smell of blood from these people was so strong. It was not from killing one or two people, but by killing hundreds or thousands of people, or from being soaked in a sea of ​​blood from a mountain of corpses. There was no light, no warmth, and no emotion in their pupils, only complete indifference and cruelty. Compared to guns and barrels, they were the biggest threat.

Xu Yiyang realized something was wrong and quickly covered his mouth, refusing to call for help. He was worried that he would become a burden to his elder brother.

“Don’t be afraid, it’s okay. Brother will definitely take you back.” Fan Jialuo comforted the child across the table. Finally, he took the skull out of his trouser pocket and held it in his hand. Then, he held his palm upside down and released the jade pendants of various sizes and colors, large and small, light and dark.

One piece, two pieces, three pieces… Zhang Yang counted silently in his heart, and he breathed a subtle sigh of relief when Xiao Yanling’s jade pendant also fell on the table. He wanted all these beads and the skull, and he even wanted to obtain Fan Jialuo’s life! This was why he despised such kind and kind people the most, because it was really too easy to deal with them. You only needed to capture a few hostages to take care of everything. UGauKg

Zhang Yang’s smile was both greedy and sinister. He reached out eagerly to grab the jade pendants, but was blocked by Fan Jialuo.

“What do you want to do?” He felt nervous.

Fan Jialuo gathered all the jade pendants together in one stroke with his five fingers, placed them in his palms and kneaded them slowly. His movements were very regular, holding the big ones on top of the smaller ones, stacking the smaller ones on top of smaller ones, and sticking them together slowly one by one. He continued to slowly knead them together until the twenty-seven jade pendants were fused into one, which was a little larger than the one in Xiao Yanling’s body, and the color also changed from light gray to pure gray.

Zhang Yang was stunned, and then asked with horror, “How did you do it? Did you fuse the energy of all the fish beads?” When he twisted his eyebrows and made a surprised expression, Song Rui glanced at him thoughtfully. XlO0T

Fan Jialuo didn’t answer. He held the jade pendant tightly and continued to knead it. He pinched and divided the jade pendant into twenty-seven pieces. The size and color were exactly the same as before. His weird abilities were simply beyond everyone’s imagination. In addition to ingesting and absorbing, he could also easily fuse these energy bodies, and divide them in an instant, as if they originally belonged to him and could be controlled by him at will.

What would happen if he were allowed to play with them any longer? Would the energy in these fish beads be activated by him and explode?

Zhang Yang was shocked and scolded him quickly, “Stop playing with them, give them to me! You don’t want this bitch’s head to turn into popcorn, right?” He gestured backwards, and Xu Yiyang was immediately shoved forward by a special defense team member, who grabbed his neck and pushed his head forward.

Fan Jialuo looked at the little boy who had tightly covered his mouth and did not dare to ask for help from him. His straight thin lips trembled slightly, and then he pressed down on the jade pendants and said in a deep voice, “You didn’t bring me here just because of these jade pendants, did you?” After speaking, he looked at Elder Wan, closed his eyes, and said, “Whatever you want to ask, ask it now, there is not much time left for you.” 7qvsKp

Zhang Yang was about to explode, but Elder Wan covered the back of his hand. Yes, his time was indeed running out. If he could see this, Fan Jialuo still had value…

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1 comment

  1. Ahhhhhhhhhhh they dared putting their dirty claws on my baby! 😡 XY don’t worry, it will be over soon. Your ge is around.