Transmigrated as the Prince Regent's Cherished Runaway WifeChapter 66.1

“Husband, I love you so much, without you, I can’t go on living.” (Part One)

Translation Checker: jellypeaches 8z3RJM

Editor: jellypeaches, Special_K

What Lu Bozhou meant by solving everything was that he would go to the front line, eat and live with the soldiers, sleep in the open air, face the frost and snow in the north together, travel day and night, and measure every inch of the mountains and rivers on horseback.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Lin Bozhou’s so-called solution to everything was for him to personally lead the army on the front, eat and live with the soldiers, and endure the hardship of living and traveling out in the wild. Together he would face the frost and snow of the north, travel day and night, and ride across every inch of the country’s land.

The book says that Lu Bozhou is a power-hungry and suspicious person who doesn’t trust anyone. Even when he is in the military camp, he will investigate everything in detail, control the soldiers and generals, play political games, and use all kinds of conspiracies and tricks to capture the soldiers and generals. 4ZBoMC

In the book, Lin Bozhou is described as a power-hungry and suspicious man who does not trust anyone and who, even in the barracks, would carefully investigate everything. He would win over the soldiers and the generals, play political tricks, and use all the crafty plots and machinations up his sleeves to hold control over the troops.

But even with all of these careful precautions, he couldn’t guard against everything, not to mention the increasing troubles from others.

…This kind of Lin Bozhou.

Why does the book always degrade his personality?


Why do people in the court hate him so much?

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Meng Huan could not understand.

Zfcu Lejc aliafv tlr ojlg ojmf eq jcv ibmxfv tlr fsfr bc Olc Dbhtbe. Olc Dbhtbe rffwfv meglber jybea Zfcu Lejc’r atbeutaoei fzqgfrrlbc, rwlifv jcv jrxfv, “Qtja lr kgbcu?”

Zfcu Lejc rtbbx tlr tfjv. Llr fsfr kfgf mgsraji-mifjg. YsvEgJ

Coafg j ibcu alwf.

Lf rjlv lc jii rfglbercfrr, “Tbe vfrfgnf atf tlutfra qgjlrf.”

There seemed to be a moment of silence in the air.

Their carriage was led to the entrance. The horses paced back and forth, neighing. 4jzSyk

Meng Huan turned around and boarded the carriage to the imperial palace.

He had decided that in this tattered book with black and white reversed, he would see with his own eyes that Lu Bozhou would receive the praise and honor that rightfully belonged to him, and that those who hated him, cursed him, framed him, and belittled him would all be punished and pay the price.

It was decided. In this lousy book that overturned right and wrong, he would personally see to it that Lin Bozhou received the praise and glory that were rightfully his. Those who hated him, cursed him, framed him, and belittled him would all be punished and pay the price.

…Yes. CZqIr9

—Lin Bozhou should handle all of that himself.

But Meng Huan would cheer him on and prevent him from blackening.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

…A fool like him could only provide mental support QAQ.

Meng Huan got on the carriage. Emperor Xuanhe had heard that Meng Huan was kidnapped and wanted to comfort him, but the emperor was still the emperor and it would be very troublesome for him to stay at the Regent Palace in person, so Meng Huan had to go to the imperial city. 2SLBYR

Meng Huan got on the carriage en route to the palace. Previously, the Xuanhe Emperor heard that he had been kidnapped and wanted to console him. However, he was still the ruler and it would be very troublesome for him to ride to the Regent’s compound in person, so Meng Huan had to take a trip to the imperial city.

As Meng Huan sat down in the carriage, Lin Bozhou lifted the carriage curtain with his fingers, picked up the hem of his robe, and entered. As he sat down, the heavy scent of sandalwood filled the carriage.

Lin Bozhou shifted his dark eyes and smiled at him. “What did Huan Huan mean by that? What highest praise? You said it so suddenly, this husband did not quite catch it.”

His fingers gently stroked Meng Huan’s pale earlobes. JRAhi

Feeling ticklish, Meng Huan ducked for a moment, but not completely out of the way. “What I mean is that husband is the best.”

Meng Huan had this personality; when he met someone he liked, he would not hesitate to praise them. Using a very sweet and intimate tone, he gazed at Lin Bozhou with sparkling eyes.

However, as he spoke, Lin Bozhou lowered his gaze and smiled inexplicably.

Lin Bozhou had repeatedly attempted to wheedle Meng Huan into saying those words in bed without success. Now, the youth said it while looking like a little sun that could warm anyone’s heart, he was really cute. k2zdh6

Lin Bozhou seemed to not have heard it clearly. “Mmm?”

Each time he pretended to miss what Meng Huan had said, the latter would repeat himself.

Meng Huan looked at him earnestly and solemnly. He leaned close, pressed his soft lips to Lin Bozhou’s cheek and flattered, “Husband is the best.”

The voice was soft and breathy, brushing the side of Lin Bozhou’s cheek and bringing a soft tickling sensation. mROdNz

The youth’s voice was clear and forward, with a low, sticky sound that entered his ears, as if acting coquettishly.

Any man who heard this would sink straight into madness.

Lu Bozhou raised his lips slightly and pinched his soft earlobe. He knew why Meng Huan praised him. In this world, Meng Huan was probably the only sweetheart who would trust him wholeheartedly just by hearing him draw a cake and whose eyes would light up when he was praised.

The corners of Lin Bozhou’s lips twitched upward as he pinched the soft earlobes. He was aware as to why Meng Huan was praising him. In this world, the only person who would trust him even when he gave false promises, a sweet cake whose eyes would light up while praising him, was probably Meng Huan. kvZdAJ

Each time this happened, Lin Bozhou felt new strength in his heart, as though his bones were reinforced.

He kissed Meng Huan on the forehead.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Alright, for Huan Huan’s sake, this husband will win every battle.”


Translator's Note

For someone to turn evil.

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  1. Yes, emotional support!!!! And bed support!

    Thank you for your translation and edition 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  2. MH: I will make SURE LZ gets the praise and recognition he deserves!

    Also MH: Of course he has to do all the work though. Obviously.
