Purple HeartChapter 84

“When did you send the letter requesting the return of the promissory note?” Niall asked as soon as he entered Majordomo’s office. Majordomo, who was about to drink tea, put down his teacup in surprise at the unexpected visit.

“Oh, sorry. Should I come back later?” wqQWgv

“No, it’s fine. Please, have a seat.”

Niall, feeling guilty for interrupting Majordomo’s tea time, sat down in front of him. Majordomo placed a teacup in front of Niall as well. Soon, a pleasant aroma wafted up, bringing a sense of relaxation to Niall’s face.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“So, what brings you here?”

“I want to ask about the promissory note. When did you send the letter asking Count Nubere to return it?” RserN1

“Let’s see. I think I wrote the letter on the second day of the first three days when Duke and Giles were trapped in the secret room.”

“When can we expect a reply?”

“It takes at least a month to get there and another month to return. So, it should arrive in a little over a month. You can think of it as about a month and a half.”

A month and a half. It wasn’t impossible to wait, but Niall felt disappointed by that.


“If it’s just sending a letter, can’t we use a carrier pigeon? The horses in the central region are slow. How about sending an envoy from the north to meet halfway?”


Majordomo raised a hand to calm Niall, who was quickly spouting ideas.

“Why are you in such a hurry?” N4h2Px


“Is there a reason you need to return to the central region quickly?”

“No, it’s not that.”

“Then why?” kCJscz

Niall hesitated before answering.

“I thought… Duke might not let me leave the north.”

“Why would you think that?” Majordomo laughed, finding the idea absurd.

“I assure you, Giles, as soon as you receive the promissory note, you’ll be able to leave the north.” D4em93

Niall didn’t respond. Realizing Niall’s doubts were deeper than he thought, Majordomo set down his teacup and spoke seriously.

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“Do you think Duke would stop you? Do you think the man who is to marry in spring would fall so in love with you that he would forsake all promises and duties and break an engagement that’s crucial for the future of the north?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Ktja’r… cba la.”

“Ktfc ktja lr atf qgbyifw? Gb sbe klrt ab rajs lc atf mjraif jcv qert bea tlr oljcméf?” eAR EY

Ktlr alwf, Rljii ibbxfv jrabclrtfv.


“Ktfc atfgf’r cb qgbyifw. Tbe vbc’a cffv ab kbggs jybea remt cbcrfcrf jcswbgf, Xlifr.”

Zjpbgvbwb ujnf j yerlcfrrilxf rwlif, yea Rljii mbeivc’a rtjxf boo tlr mbcmfgcr rb fjrlis. Rba ecali tf tfjgv Gexf qfgrbcjiis jrregf tlw tf mbeiv ifjnf. IabKSk

“Then, could you persuade Duke to let me go?”

“Persuade Duke? You want me to tell him to let you go?”

Niall nodded. Majordomo sighed.

“Giles, it’s true that Duke is infatuated with you right now. That’s clear. Anyone close to Duke would know. He’s deeply absorbed in his first experience of passion, just like any young man.” H nqiV


“Giles, you must have had someone like that too. Someone who taught you about your first time, the excitement of your first kiss. But how long did that passion last? Did it last a lifetime?”

Niall shook his head. Majordomo leaned back in his chair.

“I understand your concerns. You’ve only known Duke for about six months. I remember Duke from his boyhood. He’s always been as just as he is now. He’s a righteous man who keeps his promises, no matter how trivial.” hY14Gy

Hearing this, Niall lifted his head. Majordomo gave him a reassuring smile.

“I’ve served his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. I am a loyal servant of the Shirarund family for four generations, so I can assure you. Duke is devoted to the north. He wouldn’t do something as low as detaining an Omega out of a momentary passion. Do you really think he would?”

It sounded like a rebuke, as if asking how Niall could dare to doubt Duke’s integrity.

Niall’s eyes wavered. Listening to Majordomo’s explanation, his doubts slowly melted away. a47Opn

Niall also understood the importance of honor to a knight. Hearing Majordomo’s words made him feel like he was foolishly trying to seduce a hero. Feeling ashamed, Niall lowered his head, and Majordomo’s demeanor softened.

“Actually, it’s good you came, Giles. I had something to discuss with you.”

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“What is it?”

“While you stay at the castle, I would like you to teach Duke bedroom manners.” jMqfKN

“Bedroom manners?”

“Teach him how to handle an Omega. Help him so he can have a happy life with his future Duchess.”

“How can I do that?”

“As I mentioned, Duke is going through a phase of passion that every young man experiences. If he must go through it, I’d prefer it be with you. You are kind and gentle.” cslAei


“This passion will continue for a while. Duke desires to be with you. You can’t refuse him, so enjoy it with a light heart. And teach him. Teach him how to speak kindly, be considerate and gentle, and show warm affection.”

Kind words. Considerate and gentle behavior. Warm affection. Niall repeated the words to himself.

“But Majordomo….” v5d1Ff

“What’s the problem? Do you dislike sex? Or was sex with Duke not good?”

Even if his mouth twisted, he couldn’t answer yes. After some thought, Niall replied.

“If you promise me one thing, I’ll do it.”

“What is it?” uqNrPa

“Get Duke’s assurance that he will let me go.”

“Is that all?”


“Understood.” ed pCm

Majordomo threw out the cold tea and returned. He seemed absolutely convinced that Duke would agree.

Seeing Majordomo’s confidence, Niall’s wariness also crumbled.

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“Mr. Giles will leave the North with the three thousand pounds promised by the Duke as soon as the promissory note is returned.”

“……” T2s Fd

“If you don’t believe it, I can arrange for you to leave immediately. So, what will you do?”

Majordomo presented two choices. The first, to give up the promissory note and leave the North immediately. The second, to stay and deal with the Duke, who was consumed by the passion of his first love.

Niall considered the first option but soon shook his head. He knew well how vile nobles could become when dealing with those they considered beneath them.

If he didn’t get his hands on the promissory note from the Earl of Newbury, Niall would live the rest of his life in anxiety. He had to receive it himself and tear it up. eSInBb

Thus, the only remaining answer was the second option.


Niall accepted Majordomo’s proposition. Majordomo’s words were full of conviction and made sense in every way.

More than anything, Niall agreed wholeheartedly with Majordomo. The fever of youth soon passes. Niall had seen such cases countless times. The fever of youth, even the fever of an alpha. How easy it was to mistake the passion for an omega. oSVre4

As Niall left Majordomo’s room, he felt a mix of frustration and relief. He wanted to leave so badly, but at the same time, he didn’t want to part ways with the Duke like this. Now, just a little longer, the time he wanted was extended. The farewell was postponed. A longer postponement than expected, a month and a half.

It was the last romantic time Niall and the Duke could spend together.

∞ ∞ ∞

Carrying a water jug, Niall walked, crunching through the white snow, when the Duke, wearing a gray robe, jumped out and blocked his path. Niall moved to the side without showing any sign of surprise. Then the Duke also moved to the side. FPpOSl

“I’ve been looking for you all day.”

“Do you have something for me to do?”

“I wanted to see you.”

“That’s not an errand.” RKvzGr

Niall treated the Duke with a formal attitude. His eyes were modestly lowered, and his tone was compliant. It was the ideal behavior of a servant, but seeing it made the Duke restless.

Five times.

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All day, Niall had ignored the Duke’s summons five times. Yesterday, it was four times, and the day before, six times.

“I told you. It’s better to stay apart until your head cools down.” lDzhtj

“My head is always cool.”

Niall quietly looked up at the Duke and shook his head. As if to say, “No, it’s not.”

“Call me when your thoughts are clear.”

“I need to see you before that.” 6mACGj

“Meeting now isn’t a good idea.”

“I have to see you every day. I must see you.”

Niall smiled at the alpha lost in this youthful passion. So familiar, and therefore so sad. The Duke had the look of an alpha who had an omega for the first time.


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  1. Tell me how not fall in love in this situation!!! They are already dug in passion and are going to stick together for almost 2 more months.

    The departure is going to be so heartbreaking…