Purple HeartChapter 66

Content Warning: Sexual Harassment

Please be advised that the following chapters contain depictions of sexual harassment, including verbal and physical misconduct, that may be distressing or triggering for some readers. Reader discretion is advised. qRxPpD

In an instant, Niall’s eyes snapped open. What he saw immediately were two slender legs stretching up on either side of a broad back. They trembled together whenever the man lying on top of him moved. It was only moments later that Niall realized they were his own.

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Why am I lifting my legs like that? Niall blinked in confusion. Despite not understanding the situation, he needed to deal with the pain first. To do that, he had to get rid of the man moving on top of him.

Get off. Niall grabbed the man’s shoulders and pushed, causing the man to raise his torso upright. Like a drawbridge rising on the sea, broad shoulders surged upward. Luxuriant strands of blueish hair cascaded over muscular shoulder blades, and then the face… The face of a perfectly noble and beautiful Alpha lifted. 5lEo0A

“Duke,” Niall murmured.

“Niall,” Duke smiled, his red lips parting slightly. Seeing him smile, Niall almost smiled back involuntarily.


If it weren’t for the intense pain stabbing his stomach, Niall would have surely done so.


“What is this?” Niall looked down at himself. After several failed attempts due to lack of strength in his neck, he finally managed to lift his head.

Duke’s lower body, with only the fly undone, was visible. Between his spread legs, a large phallus protruded, swaying between Niall’s open legs.

How could this happen? How, how could this… Shocked and faltering in his speech, Niall groaned again as Duke thrust his hips forcefully.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Oh, Niall!” LgKmFW

Gexf mjiifv Rljii’r cjwf lc j rkffa nblmf. Utfgbwbcfr regufv jcv rfaaifv bnfg Rljii’r ybvs. Lba jlg gertfv lc, jcv atfc ogbw atf bqfclcu… Qjgw ildelv ragfjwfv bea, ogbw atf Ywfuj’r bqfclcu atja cb Ciqtj tjv fnfg fcafgfv yfobgf, j qijmf Rljii tlwrfio tjv cfnfg abemtfv.

Ca atf rjwf alwf, Gexf’r qtjiier qertfv vffqfg, wbgf obgmfoeiis atjc fnfg yfobgf, yfsbcv ktfgf la tjv yffc ecali cbk. Cr Rljii bqfcfv tlr wbeat ab rmgfjw, Gexf rtbnfv tlr abcuef lcrlvf.

Screams, moans, and even breaths were all swallowed up by Duke. All that could be heard was the squelching sound of wet earth oozing from Niall’s gaping hole.

∞ ∞ ∞ 48tgYP

As soon as the door opened, Duke’s consciousness briefly slipped away. All that was remembered was the rose that swept over like a storm upon opening the door. Pheromones of the rose’s scent only.

Duke attempted to regain his composure, but he couldn’t think rationally, like a drunk person. His heart pounded fiercely, and his pupils dilated and contracted differently. Sensuality, like the long legs of a spider crawling across the veil of a bride who died a hundred years ago, and bitten lips missing an apple, seeped into his heart.

Though pheromones weren’t visible, Duke knew the color of this rose was a deep red. Soon, omega pheromones, reminiscent of a bitter laugh, wrapped around Duke, and he was drawn inward, as if led by the white hand of temptation guiding a hero.

Terrifyingly, the omega was hiding beneath the covers. Duke found this hiding spot endearing. To think one could contain this scent simply by hiding under a blanket. Even if the one present were a blind alpha, they could find where the omega hid. Who could miss such a blooming rose? w4O9bI

As the covers were pulled back, the omega looked at Duke with an anxious face, then whimpered softly, lips trembling as if trying to say something, yet nothing could be heard. When Duke didn’t respond, the omega, with a despairing expression, got down on the floor and tried to flee.

Why run away? Duke thought, perplexed, calling the omega’s name. Then, the omega knelt on the mat, and at that moment, the scent of the rose, as if having a form and texture, permeated entirely toward Duke.

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“Duke, please… remove the pheromones…” the omega pleaded in a small voice, appearing so frail that even speaking those words seemed to strain him.

Duke’s eyes scrutinized the omega. Everything about this omega seemed so pitiful. The long legs seemed to exist only to run away, the slender waist was tightly wrapped to induce drowsiness, and the long legs below were for escape. But that escape was always futile, ultimately leading to being hunted by predators. It was the fate erased from this omega. AyPkLs

“I have to hunt this omega,” Duke’s instincts whispered.

“I have to impregnate this omega before anyone else does,” Duke shook his head. It was an irrational thought. Niall was not prey. He shouldn’t impregnate this man.

As if reminding himself of that fact, Duke clenched his forehead and shook his head briefly, his eyes narrowing sensitively.

The omega was trying to run away. With Duke barely holding onto his senses, the omega seemed to stagger as if he would collapse at any moment. It stimulated Duke too much. lXILDe

“Where are you going?” Duke thought to himself. “Are you trying to avoid me, leave this room, and find another alpha? Trying to get pregnant with another alpha’s child?”

“Hah,” Duke grunted. The muscles on his jaw tensed, and veins popped on his forehead. He clenched his fists tightly, feeling the strength coursing through them.

With newly fortified strength, Duke chased after the omega as if he were about to engage in battle. Hunting this omega was too easy. The omega was as fragile as a newborn deer. He was so vulnerable, like a young animal caught in a trap.

Just as the omega’s hand was about to pass the doorway, Duke grabbed him and pulled him back forcefully. The omega, who had been trying to escape to get pregnant with another man’s child, whimpered as his plan was thwarted. DGgObX

“Niall. You don’t need to run away anymore,” Duke wanted to say. He wanted to teach him that there was no alpha better than him. But once he had the omega in his grasp, the words wouldn’t come out.

The sensation of the omega’s skin in his hand was so warm and incredibly soft. Duke knew this feeling. It was exactly like when he touched the nipples that emerged when he undressed this omega.

Thick nipples. Plump and supple, yet strong. Duke’s throat gulped heavily. Saliva kept pooling in his mouth. The nipples of a male omega were thick and large, perfect for an alpha to play with. Since hearing those words from Niall, Duke had always remembered that fact. He would never forget it.

They weren’t as prominent as a woman’s, but Niall’s nipples were clearly larger compared to those of a beta male. Moreover, they were a dusky shade, like ripe fruit. Duke had only seen them once, but he was sure his genitals were the same color. Even at the tip, the same shade of light pink gradually turned to pale pink. XGNd5g

What about his hole, then? Would it be the same color, too?

Duke couldn’t control his imagination. For a moment, his reason returned, and he shook his head, but that was all.

“Niall. Niall.” The more Duke called his name, the more the omega lost his resistance, only drooling clear saliva. Duke wiped the drool off and brought it to his lips. At this moment, the lifelong obsession that had tormented him was not at all disturbed.

Extending his tongue, Duke licked his fingers thoroughly, then noticed the struggling omega as if trying to escape again and narrowed his eyes. He inserted his fingers into the omega’s mouth and lifted him up abruptly. Then, he carried him to the bed, unbuttoning his shirt. oVelrJ

As the omega signaled his disapproval by shaking his head, he suddenly emitted pheromones. Even now, the omega’s pheromones flowed into Duke’s lap, as if it could still overflow.

The omega looked up at Duke with a clear gaze, deliberately releasing pheromones as if he had used this method before to escape from an alpha. It seemed the omega believed Duke wouldn’t be able to endure this deluge of pheromones.

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Duke gently cupped the omega’s cheek. It was so pitiful, this ignorance of the omega trying to escape to impregnate another alpha’s child.

Duke mounted the omega’s body. Extending his strong arms, he propped himself up beside the omega’s head like a pillar, and with his legs, he tapped the omega’s knees open before entering between them. UK6Pa

And Duke also released his pheromones.


The omega…

As the pheromones poured out like a downpour, the omega, drenched in the pheromones like a pearl, bit his white lips and writhed. His pupils disappeared, and whites appeared. Duke relentlessly poured out pheromones. He wanted to kill this omega with pheromones, chew his flesh, dig into his bones, and kiss his heart. hVKSaC

The pheromones, like the high tide, engulfed the omega in a blue sea. The omega was drowning. In the sea. In Duke’s depths. So, he would never again entertain the foolish idea of impregnating another alpha’s child.

Taking the omega’s struggling hand in the pheromones, Duke pulled him up. The omega, hanging onto Duke’s shoulders, burst into tears.

No omega could resist Duke’s pheromones. He was born to subjugate and reign over omegas.


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  1. Welp, my expectations were thwarted and on the plus side this was not in the tags!

    Thanks for the chapter! ( ^-^ )