Purple HeartChapter 65

Content Warning: Sexual Harassment

Please be advised that the following chapters contain depictions of sexual harassment, including verbal and physical misconduct, that may be distressing or triggering for some readers. Reader discretion is advised. QFqDXB

“Sorry, Niall. Could you hold my hand for a moment? When a seizure happens, it’s not just the pain, but it’s also very scary.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The Alpha’s hand was quite clammy. Niall wanted to pull his hand away, but he didn’t want to upset the seemingly kind Alpha. After hesitating, Niall firmly held the hand, and the Alpha smiled slightly as he spoke.

“It’s getting darker knowing I can’t take suppressants anymore. As you know, all Omegas live in the city, so meeting one was almost impossible. I heard rumors that some Omegas would share their pheromones for money. I tried to find one, but it wasn’t easy. Respectable Omegas see selling their pheromones for money as no different from selling their bodies.” soqTMx

The Alpha’s voice quickened, and his grip tightened. With his head turned sharply towards Niall, the Alpha asked,

“So, what’s an Alpha like me supposed to do, huh? Niall, you’re an Omega too. Tell me.”


“My wife isn’t an Omega. When I married her, my condition wasn’t so severe. If I had known it would get like this, I would have done anything to marry an Omega, any Omega, regardless of age. But it’s too late now. I love my wife and son. I can’t run away. But I need an Omega. Do you understand this dilemma?”


“Let go of my hand, please.”

“What’s even more dreadful, you ask?”

The Alpha’s voice lowered as if sharing a secret.

“It turns out the Omega I’ve been searching for was my son.” mN798i

Niall twisted his hand, but the Alpha didn’t release it.

“He’s only sixteen now. Did I mention that? My son, taller than you. The memory of the day he was born is still so vivid. I even changed his diapers. He’s my son! But at some point, I couldn’t take my eyes off him because he was so beautiful.”

“It hurts. Please let go, sir.”

The Alpha’s fingers dug between Niall’s like hooks. tr9xwk

“When he stretches, a sweet scent wafts out, making my mouth water. When I see his lips move as he eats, I want to grab and kiss him right away. He’s my son. But I sneak glances when he goes to bathe, and when he falls asleep, I secretly touch his chest. I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t hold back. I just can’t hold back, no matter what!”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktfgf kjr j qjrrlbcjaf ofgnbg lc atf Ciqtj’r nblmf. Rljii xcfia bc atf oibbg. Ca atlr gjaf, la ofia ilxf tlr olcufgr wluta ygfjx.

“Pa mjc’a yf ilxf atlr. P xcbk. Ktlr lr cba cbgwji. P ibnf ws rbc. P’w rb rmjgfv atja lo P xffq ublcu ilxf atlr, P’ii jmaejiis nlbijaf ws rbc, rb P boafc atlcx jybea vslcu. Lf jmaejiis abbx j xclof jcv tfiv la ab ws atgbja. Dea lo sbe atlcx jybea la, tf’r ws rbc, gluta? lr cba la? P wjvf la, la’r wlcf, la’r ws rbc. Vb, kbeivc’a la yf bxjs ab vb jr P qifjrf obg bcmf? Let?”


“Let go! “I told you it hurts!”


Chrysanthemum Garden.

“The son loves his father. I love my son too. I made my son. I made her, so she belongs to me, right? So maybe, just maybe, if he finds out that I’m having a hard time like this, then he won’t open his legs to me at least once? If it’s just this one time, he loves me. Then we love each other.”


The Alpha rose to his feet. Words poured from his mouth like a confession. Niall looked up at him, whimpering. Just moments ago, this Alpha had been normal, a loving father. At this rate, he would soon harm his son. That’s why he had come here, to protect his beloved child from himself.

Niall emitted pheromones. They seeped through the Alpha’s clenched wrists. The Alpha, consumed by his own turmoil, blinked rapidly. Then, a deep sigh escaped his lips.


The Alpha whimpered, dropping to his knees. Hot tears welled in his eyes as the unfamiliar scent of the Omega overwhelmed his Alpha instincts. Reason returned. Emotions like shame that made him human flooded back. u5k1zi

Kneeling, the Alpha wept. From a beast capable of harming even his own son, he was becoming human again. Thanks to this Omega. Thanks to this small, young Omega. The Alpha buried his head in Niall’s lap, sobbing uncontrollably.

“You won’t do that, sir,” Niall said, looking at the moonlight streaming through the small window. “You won’t harm your son. You won’t ever do that again. You’re a good person.”

This Alpha was different from the terrifying one he’d met three days ago. He was responsive, striving to return to normalcy, a regular man who loved his family. If he could help someone like him, maybe this situation wasn’t all bad after all. With that thought, Niall could finally smile.

The Alpha’s broad shoulders shook. Realizing the dignity he almost lost, he looked up at Niall. The Omega’s genuine empathy in this desolate wasteland moistened his dry soul, and with that, the Alpha was quickly engulfed in unfamiliar emotions. 8Nbgxo

“I… I love you.”

The Alpha hastily grasped Niall’s hand and kissed it fervently.

“I love you. I love you. I love you.”

Niall’s smile froze. eR1IZp


“I finally realized. It was not my son. It was you. The omega prepared for me was you!”


“Let go of this.” nsBVXl


“Ah, I love you.

Chrysanthemum Garden.


“I would give my life for you.” FOrUNy


Wet lips ran up the back of his hand. The middle-aged alpha, with a face in love, pressed his lips. When Niall pushed his face away, he peppered his palms with kisses as well.


“I will marry you. my love. my love.” mrvU1T


Like a device arbitrarily adjusted by the God of Tragedy and Comedy, like a pulley that must go up when it goes down, Alpha returned as a man, but he entered the realm of another beast. He fell in love with a thirteen-year-old child.


“What is this madman saying now?” s7C13G


When morning came, the innkeeper opened the door and walked in. He pulled away the Alpha who was pleading with Niall to marry him.

“This one’s under my payroll. If you want to marry him, bring me so much gold that your eyes pop out. Got it? Gold. Gold.”

The innkeeper chuckled as he ushered the Alpha away. Still, the Alpha, shedding tears, tried to crawl back to Niall. The thugs hired by the innkeeper dragged the Alpha away, leaving Niall to stare after him with a bewildered expression. pLdmMZ

Since then, Niall encountered countless Alphas. Some were as deranged as the first Alpha he faced, but most were like the second one, oscillating between reason and beastliness.

Among the mentally unstable Alphas were those who projected their past onto Niall. Some mistook him for a former lover, while others took him for an old foe. They resented, hated, and even tried to kill Niall. Yet, all of them fell in love with him before morning came.

“I’ll pamper you till death, so marry me, sweetheart.”

An old man, shaking like he’s about to die, knelt at Niall’s feet. r5bO2V

“I’ve finally found my true mate. It’s you. You were my destiny!”

A young Alpha, who had coldly stated that he didn’t need sexual contact since he had a beloved wife, was begging for love from Niall within an hour.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Alphas. Countless Alphas confessed their love to Niall. All were gripped by fear. Fear of losing this Omega.

And Niall, who could alleviate that fear, was a god to the Alphas. uL0dX9

“My deity!”

The Alpha, blessed by pheromones, shouted, “You are my god! I will never lose you again!”

Without anyone teaching him, Niall knew he wasn’t an ordinary Omega. He was an Omega of Omegas, and the fervent Alphas who encountered such Omegas behaved as if they had met a deity.

No one desired fervent Alphas. Those fervent Omegas who matched with them became concubines of nobles or wives of the wealthy. Fervent Alphas who couldn’t find Omegas went mad alone. No one rescued them. Except Niall. Only Niall. rm1oVB

At the age of thirteen, Niall became a deity ruling over erect genitals. From children to mushroom-headed old men, Alphas lined up to ejaculate towards Niall. No Alpha could reject Niall, the Omega of Omegas. Except Duke. Only Duke was exempt in this world.

Splash, splash, the sound of water echoed. It sounded as if bare feet were splashing in a pool. The sound was so irritating. It hurt… Niall grimaced. His stomach was in so much pain. It felt like a large club was poking inside and prodding his stomach.

It hurts, stop it. Niall shook his head, whimpering. He couldn’t understand what was happening. There was no strength left in his body.

Continuously shaking his head, Niall pondered. Why am I in so much pain? Why is it so uncomfortable between my legs? 4gid50

What on earth is happening to me?


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  1. Please don’t tell me what I think is happening is happening…

    Thanks for the chapter though! ( ^ 3 ^) <3