PeachCh149 - Shoot to Kill


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Translator's Note

Sha means kill. It’s a common battle cry.

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  1. Lmao why is the mini-theater so unserious? XD I just finished the intense scene and then that! HAHAHAHA. Thank you for the update <3

  2. I really love Yuhu’s role in this battle! I knew she would get involved somehow when the Jiang sect’s horrible rules and beliefs were revealed. I also love how Chen Ziqi had always used every resource and idea at his disposal 😆. He’s really still the kid who sprinkles fish food on the ice over the pond!

  3. »The soldiers at the foot the mountain all found this incredible.« foot of the

    Why am I not surprised that that sect has a lot of fans under the commoners? And, of course, they’re all male.

    Thx for the ch ٩( >ヮ<)۶