Neck KissCh106 - Online Extra: The Nerd and the Slacker 04

Luckily, the 17-year-old Yang Huaijin hadn’t really gone into heat yet, and they survived the accident without any danger in one of the library’s bathrooms.

Afterward, neither of them mentioned that day’s events again, but Feng Zhi never returned to the library. k4 lJM

Without their slacker classmate delaying their studies, the life of the top student remained unchanged. They continued their routine of attending classes, going home after school, and spending weekends studying in the school library, still at the old spot on the second floor, surrounded by the vast greenery. It was just that there was one less person across from them.

Life remained unchanged, yet somehow, there seemed to be an invisible, significant change.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

So one day, Yang Huaijin cornered Feng Zhi in the gym locker room.

The tall guy regretted not walking faster just now. He looked at Yang Huaijin and sighed, “Why are you looking for me? I really don’t want to go to the library. Please don’t make a fuss. Do you think everyone likes studying in the library as much as you do? I was just bored earlier.” d4JRUK

He felt guilty and started rambling before Yang Huaijin could speak, realizing afterward that he was revealing his true feelings. He often imagined what he would say when he saw Yang Huaijin again and ended up blurting out these words without much thought, inadvertently giving away his concerns.

Feng Zhi fell silent, and Yang Huaijin stepped forward. “How did you know I came to find you for studying in the library? Can’t I find you for something else?”

Feng Zhi stepped back half a step, and Yang Huaijin approached. Then he heard the other person say, “Feng Zhi, if you want to mark me, then stop avoiding me!”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Tbe…” Mfcu Itl mtbxfv eq.


Qtja cbcrfcrf kjr atlr ues rjslcu!

Ktf cfza wbwfca, Tjcu Lejlplc kjr qgfrrfv jujlcra atf ibmxfg. Ktf fzqibrlnfcfrr jcv rqffv bo jc Ciqtj kfgf jrabclrtlcu, jcv Tjcu Lejlplc’r yjmx tla j qgbagevlcu fifmagbclm ibmx, mjerlcu tlw rbwf qjlc.

Mfcu Itl’r ojmf kjr fzagfwfis mibrf ab tlr, klat mbwqifz fwbalbcr rklgilcu lc tlr fsfr. Ktflg atlutr kfgf qgfrrfv abufatfg, lc jc fzagfwfis lcalwjaf qbraegf. Mfcu Itl vlv atlr vfilyfgjafis; tf kjcafv ab rmjgf atlr Ywfuj.

“What do you want to say, Yang Huaijin?” Feng Zhi’s voice was low, as if he was restraining something. He pressed even closer to Yang Huaijin. “You’re an Omega, and I’m a normal Alpha. If you’re in heat, of course I would want to mark you. Just like that Alpha that day. He didn’t know you, but he also wanted to mark you. What? Do you want me to prove it, like… marking you now?” EUCiwl

It was a very ambiguous and dangerous posture. Yang Huaijin’s heart was pounding rapidly. He had nowhere to hide, being firmly pressed between the locker and Feng Zhi.

For a long while, he looked back at Feng Zhi and said clearly, word by word, “I don’t believe you.”

He didn’t believe what Feng Zhi said; he only believed in what he felt. Since he came to find Feng Zhi, he knew exactly what he was doing.

They locked eyes, tense and unyielding. qpfJDr

They were very close to each other, their bodies pressed together, breaths intertwining…

In the end, the one who lied lost first. Feng Zhi, who had originally prepared himself with a strong presence and poised for attack, suddenly let go of Yang Huaijin and turned around to leave.

It was practically fleeing in panic.

…… qdsdDe

Afterward, they still often appeared in the library, one still with a sour face because he couldn’t solve problems, and the other remained silent. The school had long stopped paying attention to that ‘one-on-one study group,’ but Feng Zhi and Yang Huaijin’s weekend self-study sessions tacitly persisted.

The position of Table 8 on the second floor of the library remained quiet, with the layers of greenery outside the large French windows serving as the backdrop for the two teenagers. In the afternoon, patches of sunlight streamed down, casting blurry shadows around them.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Feng Zhi’s return to the library was ‘coaxed in by Yang Huaijin.’

That day, he encountered Yang Huaijin carrying a stack of books near the library—he would never admit he came here voluntarily. It just so happened that he was passing by! 4jgd9Y

Yang Huaijin saw Feng Zhi from afar. He deliberately took off his backpack from one shoulder, pretending to struggle with the heavy load of books in his arms. Upon meeting, without saying a word, he immediately made Feng Zhi help him carry things and went straight into the library, heading upstairs. With someone else’s books and backpack in hand, Feng Zhi couldn’t stay where he was, but leaving wasn’t an option either. He could only follow into the library.

They interacted like every other weekend before, as if the incident involving pheromones and Feng Zhi’s avoidance had never happened. No one mentioned the incident in the gym again, and their distance grew, always deliberately maintaining a distance from each other as if avoiding suspicion…

Yang Huaijin occasionally took a nap, lying on the table with his head resting on one arm and the other arm blocking the light.

Feng Zhi put down his pen and looked at the boy in front of him. The other was lying on the table, his hair soft, his face buried in the crook of his arm like a fluffy ostrich. Yang Huaijin’s arm stretched across the center of the table, just a little in front of Feng Zhi, and against the dark red surface of the wide study table, his arm looked exceptionally fair. 9y8S2A

Feng Zhi also reached out his hand, leaning on the table, his outstretched hand getting closer and closer to Yang Huaijin’s hand. Eventually, they met in the center of the table, their backs of their hands lightly touching…

Feng Zhi closed his eyes. In the quiet library, he could hear his own heartbeat.

Yang Huaijin didn’t move, seemingly still asleep. In a place where no one could see, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and he half-opened his eyes.

He wasn’t asleep. He knew the person across from him wasn’t asleep either. gpEUNh


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