Neck KissCh105 - Online Extra: The Nerd and the Slacker 03

Later, not only did the two play basketball, but they also ended up in a fight.

By the time they finished playing, the sky was already getting dark. As soon as they left the school gate, they encountered a robbery on a nearby path. Rtdy0u

In the dusk, a few boys wearing uniforms from another school were surrounding a boy who looked timid and was wearing their own school’s uniform. The boy seemed anxious, wanting to leave but not daring to.

Feng Zhi took one look and understood the situation, immediately putting on a cold expression.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yang Huaijin, on the other hand, hadn’t noticed. The robbery was unusually brazen, taking place just outside their school gate, on a busy street. The boy being robbed was evidently too scared; otherwise, a loud shout might have drawn attention.

Walking side by side, Feng Zhi suddenly draped his arm over Yang Huaijin’s shoulder. The intimacy of the gesture startled Yang Huaijin for a moment, then he heard Feng Zhi’s voice in his ear, “Run fast in a bit and protect yourself.” rJkto1

“What?” Yang Huaijin asked, puzzled.

“What do you want for dinner?” Feng Zhi asked with a smile.


Yang Huaijin’s thoughts lagged for a moment, feeling that this person was getting way too close…


The two of them, like ordinary passersby, chatted about ‘what to eat for dinner’ as they slowly approached the group.

One of the boys noticed these two ‘passersby’ and looked at them warily. The two, one tall and handsome and the other refined and good-looking, were obviously just a campus couple passing by, speaking intimately with arms around each other. Seeing nothing particularly suspicious, he turned back around.

The next moment, he was kicked and sent flying.

“Daring to rob on my turf? Don’t you know your grandpa’s surname is Feng?” d7Gouh

Feng Zhi pushed Yang Huaijin behind him and started kicking at the attackers. The sudden assault left the group completely unprepared.

The scene turned chaotic immediately. Feng Zhi, in a fit of anger, showed no mercy, beating the small-time thugs until they were crying for their mothers.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lbkfnfg, ktja Mfcu Itl vlvc’a fzqfma kjr atja atf qfgrbc tf tjv abiv ab ‘gec ojra’ cba bcis vlvc’a gec yea jirb pblcfv atf oluta klat regqglrlcu mbwyja rxliir. Tjcu Lejlplc, erlcu atf rjwf julilas tf tjv bc atf yjrxfayjii mbega, foofmalnfis pblcfv lc. Ycmf atfs tjv jmmbwqilrtfv atflg ubji, Tjcu Lejlplc delmxis qeiifv Mfcu Itl jkjs, egulcu tlw ab gec—atlr kjr gluta bearlvf atf rmtbbi ujaf, jcv lo atf qbilmf uba lcnbinfv, la kbeiv bcis mjerf wbgf agbeyif obg atfw.

Feng Zhi hadn’t expected Yang Huaijin to be so clever. He teased him, “Who would’ve thought you’d be so good in a fight?” pxnET9

Yang Huaijin, slightly out of breath from running, calmed himself and replied seriously, “I used to love watching cop shows when I was a kid. Later, I researched everything from gang structures to thug tactics. I even have a half-written research paper on it. Want to read it?”

Feng Zhi: “…” Fuck, there really is a treasure trove in books…

From then on, they became well-acquainted. The most troublesome student and school bully at A High School, Feng Zhi, now had a new hangout—the library. He even influenced his former ‘followers’ to start studying seriously. kvsJw0

However, Feng Zhi’s own grades didn’t improve much. The secondary reason was his previously poor academic foundation; the main reason was… Yang Huaijin smelled too good.

The unexpected incident occurred during one of their study sessions in the library.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

On the right side of the library’s exterior wall was a grove of trees. The old trees outside the window had grown tall, their leaves blocking the sunlight and shading the second-floor windows. Only small patches of light filtered through the leaves. Table 8 on the second floor was right next to this large floor-to-ceiling window, against a backdrop of a verdant green wall of leaves.

This was usually a popular study spot, and Yang Huaijin typically had to arrive early to secure this comfortable window seat. But ever since Feng Zhi started studying here, the spot became less frequented. Studying with a formidable Alpha wasn’t a pleasant experience for many, so this table had essentially become the exclusive spot for Feng Zhi and Yang Huaijin. a9Wf3x

Yang Huaijin was usually very focused when studying, but today, he found it strangely difficult to concentrate. His mind kept wandering, making him drowsy. Just as he was nodding off, a loud noise from across the table jolted him awake.

The boy across from him stood like a poised spear, exuding a deadly aura. His gaze was fixed on a stranger, another student from their school, also an Alpha.

Was it dominance?

Yang Huaijin unconsciously wanted to step back. As an Omega, he could clearly sense the terrifying pressure being exerted by the two Alpha males in front of him, trying to intimidate each other. 1PAUJI

What on earth was happening? This was a school!

Alphas often had a natural advantage in appearance. The unfamiliar boy was also tall, handsome, and exuded a strong presence. However, after a brief standoff, it became clear that he was somewhat afraid of Feng Zhi.

The stranger soon conceded, saying somewhat reluctantly, “There are more Alphas in this school than just you and me.” He glanced at Yang Huaijin. “You better keep an eye on your belongings.” With that, he turned and left.

Yang Huaijin felt unwell today, though he couldn’t pinpoint the exact reason. Witnessing the recent scene only fueled his anger. He instinctively thought that Feng Zhi had been causing trouble with another Alpha in the library. Regardless of who was right or wrong, he was sure Feng Zhi had something to do with it. lK08Np

Yang Huaijin tried to keep his voice down. “What are you doing? This is a library!”

Feng Zhi turned to look at Yang Huaijin, his expression very serious. He walked around the large study table and, without saying a word, grabbed Yang Huaijin’s arm, pulling him up as if to take him away.

Yang Huaijin knew Feng Zhi had something important to say, so he didn’t resist. However, as he stood up, he stumbled forward. Luckily, Feng Zhi quickly turned back and caught him. But Yang Huaijin felt incredibly unwell, as if his head was spinning and his body was heavy.

“Sorry, I feel a bit unwell…” Yang Huaijin said. 7VJU81

Feng Zhi frowned deeply, then practically carried Yang Huaijin out of the study room, half-supporting and half-holding him.

Yang Huaijin finally realized what was wrong—this unfamiliar physical discomfort. Could it be that he… was going into heat?

Had that other Alpha been drawn by the scent of his pheromones? And then it hit him—he was going into heat, and Feng Zhi was an Alpha. This was too dangerous!

At this moment, the two of them, pulling and tugging, had already reached the library corridor. Yang Huaijin suddenly resisted, trying to break free from Feng Zhi’s grip. D3Minw

“No, let go of me… stay away from me.”

Feng Zhi tightened his grip on Yang Huaijin’s wrist and finally spoke with a gloomy expression, “Yang Huaijin, you’re an Omega. Don’t you understand what’s happening in this situation?”

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

The tall boy in front of him spoke sternly and was very close. The overwhelming presence of a powerful Alpha was an extremely unpleasant experience for any Omega. However, at this moment, the physical discomfort had overcome the fear in his heart. He shook his head in confusion, “I… this is my first time, first… it has never happened before, and… why is it so early? I don’t know…”

The term “heat” was still too unfamiliar for the 17-year-old Yang Huaijin. He found it difficult to even utter the words. Panicking, he tried his best to push Feng Zhi away, attempting to create some distance between them. zVTyGF

“I… I need to go buy suppressants. Don’t follow me.”

Feng Zhi cursed, “At a time like this? How do you expect to go out and buy suppressants in your condition? Walking down the street will only attract more Alphas. There’s no time to even get to the medical office!”

Yang Huaijin’s thoughts became sluggish… No time? What does he mean by no time? What would be in time.

“No… you have to listen to me, you need to let me go…”  FGdLT7

Feng Zhi ignored him and took him to the restroom at the end of the corridor, kicking open each stall door to ensure there was no one else inside. Then he went to secure all the doors and windows tightly.

Finding a room for an Omega in heat was the first step. The second step was to lock all doors and windows to prevent pheromone leakage. Then, the third step…

Feng Zhi found Yang Huaijin huddled in the corner of the innermost stall. Yang Huaijin was trying to lock the door, but Feng Zhi wedged his hand in the closing gap and pushed the door open with little effort.

The library restroom was rarely used and was very clean, so clean that the only scent in the air was the sweet aroma of Omega pheromones. This time, Feng Zhi finally caught the distinct scent of Yang Huaijin’s pheromones—a subtle floral fragrance, like orchids… lmxryg

Yang Huaijin was pinned against the stall wall by the tall boy. He was too weak to resist, his cheeks and neck flushed pink from the heat. Despite the situation, he still tried to stay calm, stammering and trying to reason with Feng Zhi, repeatedly saying “no,” “stop,” and “Feng Zhi, let me go”… until a needle pierced the blood vessel in his arm…

Yang Huaijin blinked, staring at the slow push of the medication into his body through the needle, unable to understand the situation for a moment.

“Why… do you have suppressants?” he asked.

“…” Feng Zhi furrowed his brow. “…You smell so damn good, don’t you realize?” Ever since suspecting Yang Huaijin was a ‘very fragrant’ Omega, Feng Zhi had bought suppressants. He didn’t think much about it; he just thought… this person was too fragrant. eNYqdw

“I…” Yang Huaijin was dumbfounded. “I didn’t know.”

“I don’t want to talk to a blockhead like you!”

Feng Zhi tossed the empty syringe into the nearby trash can and stormed out, slamming the stall door loudly behind him.

He moved to the sink area, leaning against the wall and staring blankly at the ceiling. cjxZtl

The sweet scent of Omega in the air seemed to have lessened somewhat, but for an Alpha, it was still too stimulating. Feng Zhi was just a 17-year-old boy; he had never experienced anything like this before. Primitive impulses surged through his body; he desperately wanted to mark the Omega in the stall, and it seemed… not just because of pheromones.

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