It's My Turn to Dominate [Virtual Reality]Ch74 - If I say it’s true, then it’s true.

Fractured Star City occupied a large terrain with crisscrossing streets that extended in all directions. It was impossible to run through every single street in the city.

Fortunately, the game was filled with talented and skilled people. People very quickly assisted in creating a route around the city. After the route was publicized, players swiftly filled both sides of the streets within the path. 6 zsWv

Gu Wen and the others: “……”

The Person in the Mirror swallowed hard: “It’s alright, just…… just pretend we’re running a marathon.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Gu Wen and the others instantly turned to glare at him in unison.

The Person in the Mirror shut his mouth. qL46Hf

Early Departure: “I told you guys you can avoid it at first, but you can’t put it off forever. If we didn’t dilly dally, it might not even have caused such a ruckus to reach the horns.”

Gu Wen: “En.”

Xing TianCheng: “Who was the one that suggested we should hide?”

Wooden Shackles: “Your guild member.”


Xing TianCheng fell silent and went against his conscience to speak up for his fellow guild member: “But didn’t you guys agree as well?”

Meteor Ironwood interrupted from the side: “Stop chatting already. Hurry up and strip.”

White Dragonbone said: “After you finish running, the three of us still need to roll.”

Willow & Swamp suppressed his laughter: “Yes, that’s right. Hurry up and run.” uTrvG9

Basically all the members of the seven large guilds were present. Hearing this, they were curious.

Negative One Meter looked at his guild leader: “Roll what?”

White Dragonbone said: “Other than running naked, the losers also need to run errands for the winners for 10 days. Rolling is used to make the assignments.”

These Are My Friends hastily massaged his guild leader’s shoulders: “May I have the honors of ordering a large guild leader around?” l9JKF

Meteor Ironwood nodded bluntly: “Yes.”

Wooden Shackles reminded: “It’s running errands for ‘you guys’, not for your guild members, thanks.”

Early Departure said: “That’s right……”

Speaking halfway, he saw Total Annihilation coming over, so he obstinately stepped forward, wanting to confirm one last time: “Ace, you know what’s going on right now. I want to ask once again, are you guys really together or did you guys bind together for the quest?” dVt9zD

The surrounding people instantly whipped their heads around to look at the Wardcaster collectively.

The five live streamers and Vice-CEO Tang also looked over. Under the guise of the side account, Fang JingXing looked at the person next to him, for a second not sure how he’d respond.

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Jiang Chen said: “It’s true.”

Fang JingXing’s heart skipped half a beat, somewhat bewildered. UeMN4a

On one hand, Fang JingXing felt that the other might not want to return to the PK Arena to listen to his black history, so he was purposely facilitating the naked marathon; on the other hand, Fang JingXing thought perhaps the other had really accepted his suggestion and want to give it a try.

The spectating crowd was unaware of the truth and congratulated them one after the other: “Congratulations Ace.”

Jiang Chen calmly replied with an ‘en’ and then looked at Early Departure.

Early Departure resigned himself to fate and returned to stand at the starting line with Wooden Shackles and the others. He miserably peeled off all the gear he was wearing. qvYK5s

The spectating crowd instantly became excited.

“Oh oh oh! They stripped, they stripped!”

“Hahahahaha such brave fellows, they really stripped.”

“As expected of the leaders of large guilds, forthright!” 8SvxJL

“Aces, you can start running bravely without a care. The camera is ready. I will definitely make sure you guys become the brightest stars in these streets!”

“Those on the forum, don’t worry either. We have already sent people to hype up the event.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Xejgjcaffv ab ulnf sbe fcbeut qeyilmlas.”

Wooden Shackles and the others: “……” 1E2QuV

Qts atjcx sbe rb wemt, gfjiis!

Ktfs mibrfv atflg fsfr jcv abbx j vffq ygfjat. Coafg ulnlcu j nlubgber gey ab atflg ojmfr, atfs rajgafv gecclcu lc bcis atflg oibgji ecvfgkfjg.

Ktf qijsfgr obiibkfv yftlcv atfw cblrlis, kjcalcu ab kjamt atf ktbif qgbmfrr.

Aljcu Jtfc kfjnfv lc yfakffc atf mgbkv jcv rflhfv atf bqqbgaeclas ab frmjqf lc atf mtjbr. b8eZRu

He found a quiet place, opened the map of the Main City to take a look, and went to a drawbridge at the center of the city. Looking around the vicinity, he quickly located a building and started to climb it.

After spending some time and effort, he climbed onto the roof and sat down cross-legged. Looking down, it was just enough to see most of the route for the naked runners. As such, he watched in satisfaction as the group dashed wildly in their floral underwears.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

On the other side, the live streamers and Vice-CEO Tang very quickly discovered that he had disappeared and looked at Fang JingXing: “You didn’t notice?”

Of course Fang JingXing noticed that a certain person had slipped away, but he said verbally: “No, perhaps he followed the crowd to watch the excitement.” 74dfKj

Right now, he didn’t want to live stream at all and asked: “Do you want to return to the PK Arena or finish watching this, then return?”

The live streamers asked their fans for opinions and decided to finish watching, then return.

Vice-CEO Tang waved his hand with disinterest: “You guys decide. I’m going back to the guild to look around.”

“Noooo,” The live streamers said: “We can walk and talk. We still want to hear stories!” WGdFg6

Vice-CEO Tang was very forthright: “Put it on my tab. The next time I come to leech points from you guys, I will keep talking.”

The live streamers didn’t want to force him so they politely bid farewell.

Right as they were about to follow the big crowd, they heard Fang JingXing say he was going to afk.

Fang JingXing said: “I’m leaving briefly, will be back in a bit.” o4 cr0

He said to the fans: “I will click follow on them so you guys can watch the fun.”

Saying this, he took off his glasses and switched to his other set of equipment. Returning to his Abyss account, he contacted Jiang Chen.

[PM] Abyss: Where are you?

[PM] Total Annihilation: Not live streaming anymore? FmP3Sd

[PM] Abyss: Afking temporarily. Where are you?

[PM] Total Annihilation: Guess.

[PM] Abyss: Roof?

[PM] Total Annihilation: En. Dzknbw

[PM] Abyss: No need to send me the coordinates. Let me see if I can find you.

After sending this message, he slowly remembered that after binding to a partner, he could teleport directly to them.

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However, since he had already spoken those words, he opened the main city map, looked around, and started his search.

A hand propped up under his chin, Jiang Chen continued to stare at those moving floral underwears. sIBEf9

A moment later, he heard a subtle sound from behind his back. When he turned to look, he looked right into Vice-CEO Tang’s face.

Jiang Chen: “……”

Vice-CEO Tang: “……”

The two people stared at each other for a few seconds. C0ytTU

Vice-CEO Tang raised his hand and greeted: “Hi.”

Jiang Chen, expressionlessly: “Why are you here, senior?”

Vice-CEO Tang said: “Came to watch the fun of course.”

For a moment, he couldn’t describe what he was feeling. ZigwxL

The other really was…… Before coming up here, he had already thought things through. If there were no one on the roofs of the buildings around this place, he would stop acting stupid and leave to play with old Du and the others. But the other really was here.

He walked over and sat down, exclaiming: “You and ChenChen are really very alike.”

Jiang Chen said: “Coincidence.”

Vice-CEO Tang said: “I didn’t say you were him.” Uul9oE

He watched those floral underwears for a while and then suddenly said: “Ai, if only people can truly resurrect from the dead, how great would that be.”

Jiang Chen fell silent, not speaking.

Vice-CEO Tang was just about to say something else when another sound was heard.

The two people turned their heads in unison. It was Fang JingXing. Qxdomb

The location of Indulge’s guild was pretty far from here. Fang JingXing also left the squad later than Vice-CEO Tang. As such, he arrived half a step slower.

He looked at a certain person and said somewhat surprised: “Senior, you’re also here? Didn’t you say you were returning to your guild?”

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Vice-CEO Tang evaded the question: “You’re not live streaming anymore?”

Fang JingXing said with a smile: “Came to accompany my boyfriend.” gB0S7M

Saying this, he stepped forward, sat next to Jiang Chen, and pulled the other into his arms.

Vice-CEO Tang looked at the Wardcaster and saw that the other didn’t react at all.

Immediately afterwards, he heard Fang JingXing cough dryly and say somewhat awkwardly: “Senior… we want to talk privately.”

Ruining someone’s romance will result in getting struck by lightning. 0QRSBt

Vice-CEO Tang got up silently, took a step forward, and jumped off the roof directly.

Fang JingXing withdrew the hands he placed on Jiang Chen and looked down, watching Vice-CEO Tang fall and turn into a corpse, then vanish. He asked: “He also found his way over here?”

Jiang Chen gave a soft ‘en’.

Fang JingXing said: “I’m a bit jealous.” TmFu76

Jiang Chen turned his head to look at him.

Fang JingXing stared at him firmly and added: “But I’m also a bit thankful.”

He was jealous that Vice-CEO Tang and the others were able to spend chaotic but exciting days with Jiang Chen for a period.

But thankful…… he could encounter Jiang Chen in this era, that he didn’t miss the opportunity to know this kind of person. SdHF0b

Jiang Chen looked into his eyes and understood what he had come over to ask. He said: “Fang JingXing, If I say it’s true, then it’s true.”

He knew his own terrible temper, which made it hard for him to interact with others.

He was also clear just how indulgent and considerate Fang JingXing treated him normally.

He didn’t dislike it, feel disgusted, or have ever felt conflicted. Not to mention, he didn’t actually want to refuse. Since it was like this, why not give it a try. y0pqUs

Taking a sharp inhale, Fang JingXing did his best to control his urge to give the other a hug and took a hold of Jiang Chen’s hands: “I won’t let you regret it.”

Jiang Chen said: “I never regret any decision I make.”

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Fang JingXing couldn’t suppress the smile on the corners of his mouth. He didn’t ask the other about his thoughts, but instead just sat here, accompanying him.

A moment later, he finally recovered from this huge surge of happiness and said: “Can I ask you something?” ndBOFe

Jiang Chen said without even considering: “Nope.”

Fang JingXing said with a smile: “You didn’t even hear what it is.”

Jiang Chen asked back: “Do I even need to hear it?”

Fang JingXing really couldn’t resist the curiosity in his heart: “I just want to ask a question.” bf17q2

Jiang Chen said: “I didn’t win against the city guards.”

Fang JingXing said: “Then what happened?”

Jiang Chen said: “You said just one question.”

Fang JingXing said shamelessly: “Then what happened, these three words are my question.” FOHc D

Jiang Chen behaved shamelessly as well: “Then I ran off.”

Fang JingXing instantly laughed out loud and implemented their agreement to not ask anymore.

During their conversation, the floral underwears have already run out of sight. As such, the two people also jumped down from the roof and went to watch the excitement.

Jiang Chen walked two steps and finally said: “I thought after jumping into the river, they’d stop chasing me.” oNGETP

Imagining the scene of the city guards also jumping into the river after him, the two sides swimming in the Glimmering Lights River one after the other, Fang JingXing said with a laugh: “But you can climb back up again.”

Jiang Chen fell silent.

Fang JingXing looked at him: “En?”

Jiang Chen said: “You go aggro 5 city guards all at once and then jump into the river, try and see what happens.” jgwbY9

Fang JingXing has indeed never tried that before.

When players were bored and listless, they’d occasionally hit the city guards as well, but they were basically killed on the spot. There’s no info about the aftermath of luring them into jumping in the river.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

He asked: “Don’t tell me they teamed up to drown you inside the river?”

Jiang Chen said: “You’ll know if you give it a try. I will cheer you on.” R9gJOY

Fang JingXing nodded, finished watching the naked marathon with him, then saw it was time for the other to log off.

He said a good night and returned to his side account to meet up with the live streamers. Distributing a bunch of red pouches to the fans, he caused the fans to send back a pile of question marks. But he didn’t explain and went to the PK arena to play until 11:30pm before finally stopping the stream to sleep.

A silent night.

The next day, the two people met online. Taking advantage of the fact that there were very few people in the Main City early in the morning, he dragged Jiang Chen to a bridge. wApJdH

Jiang Chen said: “What?”

Fang JingXing said: “I’m going to try.”

Jiang Chen said: “Are you for real?”

Fang JingXing said: “For real.” JXevnd

Jiang Chen imagined that scene. Thinking about how this was at least his trial-period boyfriend, he dissuaded the other: “Let me tell you, only one of them will chase you in the water, the remaining will continue to chase you on land.”

Fang JingXing said: “That doesn’t sound bad?”

Jiang Chen gave him a glance: “Have you seen spear fishing?”

Fang JingXing: “……” ldfj3y

Jiang Chen said somewhat disgruntled: “The four on land split into two on each side of the shore. While running, they throw weapons into the water and are extremely accurate with their aim. That’s how I got killed in the water.”

Fang JingXing: “……”

Jiang Chen said: “It was even nighttime that day, so there were a lot of people.”

Fang JingXing: “……” QtimjI

That seems pretty tragic indeed.

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Translator's Note

Usually red pouches are given for celebration of something

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  1. Hahhahahah the developer really put on efforts for those city guards 🤣🤣🤣 it’s like they especially target Jiang Chen cuz only Jiang Chen will do that 😭😭😭

    Thanks for the chapter! <3