Long AoTian Transmigrated Into the Wrong BookCh7.1 - I want to sever ties with you

Yu Han came out of Xie Sixing’s company in a relatively good mood.

Although Xie Sixing didn’t agree to give him Zheng Sinian, he did promise to assign him another capable person. Vd9g7z

Yu Han didn’t necessarily need Zheng Sinian, so he readily agreed.

It was just that when Zheng Sinian saw him out of the company, the fearful expression on his face made Yu Han quite annoyed.

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He said to the system, “It seems like Zheng Sinian isn’t very eager to join my camp.”

The system was filled with frustration: 【Who would be eager!!】 vImFeN

How can anyone be so direct like this? Isn’t it supposed to be a gradual process?

At least all its previous hosts were like this… though the results weren’t great either.

Yu Han snorted, not wanting to argue with the system, and simply said, “He will regret it.”

He got into the car but didn’t want to return to the Xie residence right away.


After thinking for a moment, Yu Han said to the driver in the front row, “Go to the Lin residence.”

The system curiously asked, 【What are you going to do at the Lin residence?】

Yu Han: “Of course, to follow the essential plotline of Long AoTian.”

System:【???】 IqkeDP

It had never been bound to a host from the Long AoTian Division and didn’t know what the essential plotline was.

System:【What is the essential plotline of Long AoTian??】

Yu Han chuckled mysteriously, “You’ll find out soon.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The driver, upon hearing that Yu Han wanted to go to the Lin residence, didn’t ask any questions. They had been instructed by Xie Sixing not to interfere with whatever the Madam wanted to do, except for one thing: they must report to Xie Sixing. 4HS9l

Vb, ktfc Te Ljc rkjuufgfv lcab atf Olc ojwlis’r nliij, Wlf Vlzlcu gfmflnfv atf cfkr lwwfvljafis.

Lf rajgfv jyrfcawlcvfvis ja atf qlcx iecmtybz bc tlr vfrx.

“Ugfrlvfca?” Itfcu Vlcljc jrxfv mjealberis, “Qtja vb sbe atlcx?”

What do I think? flwrdE

It could only be said that this book transmigrator was fearless out of ignorance. The Lin family was currently looking for an outlet for their frustrations, and Yu Han walking right into their door would likely result in him being completely devoured by this greedy family.

Scmbecafglcu j ybbx agjcrwlugjabg atja qldefv tlr lcafgfra kjr gjgf. Lf vlvc’a kjca Te Ljc ab yf vfofjafv ys batfgr yfobgf atflg boolmlji mbcogbcajalbc.

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After pondering for a moment, Xie Sixing stood up, “To the Lin residence.”

Zheng Sinian: “Ah?” IlzWKm

Did he hear that right??


The Lin family members were all very surprised to see Yu Han appear.

Today was Lin Yucheng’s birthday. However, not long ago, Lin Yucheng had been knocked out by Yu Han at the hospital, and word of this had spread, causing him significant embarrassment. Therefore, he had no plans to hold a birthday party this year. OUgCz5

Since they weren’t hosting a banquet, the Lin family simply gathered together to celebrate Lin Yucheng’s birthday. Even their high school daughter, who lived on campus, returned home on time. The family happily enjoyed a warm dinner together.

However, Lin Han was not invited to this dinner.

Perhaps in the hearts of the Lin family, Lin Han was never truly considered one of them.

When Yu Han arrived, everyone in the Lin family was raising their glasses in celebration, clearly in high spirits. J9TnWU

Their expressions were quite a sight when they saw Yu Han appear.

Father Lin immediately stood up, his eyes blazing with anger, “How dare you come back?!”

The recent incident involving Yu Han still felt like a thorn in Father Lin’s throat, reinforcing his belief that Lin Han was just an ignorant white-eyed wolf.

“Why wouldn’t I dare?” Yu Han acted as if he didn’t see Father Lin’s expression and casually pulled out a chair to sit at the dining table. OGZi2w

Lin Yucheng was also surprised to see Yu Han. A flash of resentment crossed his eyes, but he quickly hid it. Standing up, he held back Father Lin and said, “Dad, it’s rare for Xiao Han to come back. We haven’t had a family meal together in a long time. Today is my birthday, please don’t get angry, calm down.”

Then he turned to Yu Han and said, “Sorry, Xiao Han. I thought you were still in the hospital, so I didn’t invite you to my birthday.”

Seeing that Lin Yucheng was still talking to Yu Han, Father Lin became even more angry: “This rebellious son, I don’t think he considers this place his home at all!”

“How could it be? Xiao Han is just… just…” Lin Yucheng frowned, as if he were trying to think of some reasons to excuse Yu Han, but because he really couldn’t think of any, he showed a hesitant expression. 5XEuNq

Even Yu Han had to admit that the performance was masterful.

Father Lin, as expected, was infuriated by Lin Yucheng’s hesitant expression. His voice boomed, “Don’t speak for him! If he cared about this family, how could he not help you and even knock out one of your good teeth? It’s outrageous!”

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Lin Yucheng is now the face of their family and is missing a tooth. How will others see the Lin family when he goes out?!

Hearing Father Lin mention the tooth, Lin Yucheng’s expression momentarily turned awkward. U6CW5m

For someone as vain as him, losing a tooth and having it known publicly was indeed a huge embarrassment.

Yu Han propped his chin with one hand and lazily looked at him, “You’re speaking without a lisp. Did you get the tooth fixed?”

After discussing the solution with Xie Sixing that day, he hadn’t followed up. Seeing Lin Yucheng’s intact front tooth now, it seemed Xie Sixing had indeed arranged for a custom replacement.

As for whether Lin Yucheng accepted it, Yu Han didn’t know. I4gqv7

Lin Yucheng forced a smile. “Xiao Han, you hit me, but I don’t blame you. Say a few nice words to Dad. His health isn’t good, and he shouldn’t get angry.”

Yu Han, confused, said, “I don’t think I did anything wrong. What’s the use of you blaming me?”


Lin Yucheng could no longer maintain his smile. R juKv

Yu Han paused, then continued, “Besides, adults should control their tempers. If Dad wants to get angry, there’s nothing we can do about it.”

He glanced at Father Lin, sighed as if disappointed, and said in a tone that was both indulgent and seemingly disdainful, “Dad, you shouldn’t throw tantrums like a child.”

The entire family: “……”

Father Lin wanted to lose his temper, but Yu Han’s words left him stuck, so he couldn’t fully express his anger. He could only suppress his fury with great effort. “Forget about the other things. Xiao Han, apologize to your brother.” vIcoVA

Yu Han raised his eyebrows. “Why?”

Father Lin slammed the table in anger. “Do I need to spell it out? Fine. Your brother went to the hospital to visit you, and you responded by hitting a family member, making us a laughingstock. Our Lin family doesn’t have an ungrateful son like you!”

Even the usually gentle and mild-mannered Mother Lin looked disapprovingly at Yu Han. “Xiao Han, you went too far this time. Your brother meant well.”

The youngest daughter of the Lin family, Lin Qingxi, merely frowned and didn’t join in criticizing Yu Han. kUNxJW

However, the Lin couple unanimously demanded that Yu Han apologize for hitting Lin Yucheng, causing the atmosphere at the dinner table to instantly cool down.

“Visiting me? Do you not feel guilty saying that?”

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Yu Han still wore a smile, but there was no hint of amusement in his eyes. “When the investor withdrew funding at a critical moment, instead of looking at your own mistakes, you went to the hospital to threaten a patient to solve your problem. Don’t you find that ridiculous?”

Lin Yucheng’s expression turned ugly. “Xiao Han, that’s not right. How did I threaten you?” Of8tRS

Yu Han: “Oh, so you admit that your visit to the hospital wasn’t just to see me?”

Lin Yucheng: “……”

KEIGHTY: Waaa, the novel is so fun and the face-slapping is so gooddd gegegrgeyhe ( ˘ ³˘)♡


Translator's Note

or “eaten without leaving any bones”

Translator's Note

白眼狼 (báiyǎnláng) – an ungrateful ingrate or thankless wretch

Translator's Note

漏风 – to speak indistinctly through having one or more front teeth missing

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  1. We all love a confident long aotian like yu han. He do be strutting with style still in that impressive white shirt 😂😂 more face slapping pls 🤭

  2. It’s so funny how, even though they are following two completely different scripts, they still think of the other as their rival~ 🤭

    Thank you for translating!