Long AoTian Transmigrated Into the Wrong BookCh4 - He’s declaring war on me

“What are you doing here?”

Xie Sixing couldn’t hold back any longer and finally spoke. 0hHZKb

Yu Han finally noticed someone approaching from behind and turned around, seeing Xie Sixing at a glance.

Xie Sixing’s face was grim as his dark eyes fixed on the person in front of him.

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“You found me so quickly.”

Yu Han originally thought he would be alone on the rooftop for a while longer. ztEJRd

He turned his whole body around and casually rested his elbow on the railing. He  lifted his chin slightly and directly faced Xie Sixing.

His amber-like, bright eyes carried an unmistakable defiance. There was no trace of sorrow at all.

Seeing Yu Han in such good condition, Xie Sixing felt a sense of absurdity, as if he had been deceived.

It was as if, for a split second, upon seeing Yu Han standing on the edge of the rooftop, he had genuinely worried that he might jump off.


——After all, Yu Han had managed to climb up to the rooftop of a ten-story building, so Xie Sixing believed there was probably nothing he couldn’t do.

However, Xie Sixing knew that was just his misconception. He would never worry, even the slightest bit, about a book transmigrator with ulterior motives.

Especially not for the cunning book transmigrator in front of him.

Thinking of this, Xie Sixing’s gaze fell on Yu Han’s right hand which was hanging around his neck. He let out a thin smile, “Looks like your hand has healed completely?” Gk2S0E

His smile was cold, with an undertone of mockery.

Yu Han snorted, “It’s just a minor injury!”

In other worlds, even with all his meridians broken, his martial arts abolished, or falling off a cliff with no unscathed part of his body, he wouldn’t even make a sound, okay?

It was just a little fracture. He didn’t care at all. YX1FtC

If he could, he would even perform a one-handed handstand for Xie Sixing.

“About Lin Yucheng, was it you who hit him?” Xie Sixing looked at him, his cold tone devoid of any emotion, as if the person standing before him was an irrelevant stranger.

Yu Han smiled slightly, “Who else could it be?”

His tone carried a hint of pride. “No one could punch faster than this king” was clearly written all over his face. j8GiCf

Xie Sixing: “……”

It seemed there was nothing more to explain.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Very good, he admitted it quite readily.

Xie Sixing stared at him without blinking, his tone cold, “They want a resolution, and they might not let this go easily.” AiV2zZ

Xie Sixing’s attitude was clear: this was Yu Han’s problem, and it was best he resolved it himself.

He, as a husband with no emotional ties to Lin Han, certainly wouldn’t clean up the mess for him.

In fact, Yu Han hadn’t intended to ask for Xie Sixing’s help.

“Resolution?” Yu Han laughed disdainfully. ndZ4W3

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The Lin family still dares to demand a resolution?

Lf vlvc’a rfcv Olc Temtfcu ab atf PJF bcis yfmjerf tf ralii yfilfnfv atja atfs kfgf ilnlcu lc j rbmlfas ubnfgcfv ys ijk.

Dea tf mbeivc’a pera ifa la ub.

Te Ljc atbeuta obg j wbwfca, atfc gfiemajcais rjlv, “P’ii qjs ab ufa tlw j cfk abbat.” WI9nz

Wlf Vlzlcu: “……”

Te Ljc gjlrfv jc fsfygbk, “Qtja, cba rjalrolfv?”

This was the best solution he could think of.

Getting a Long AoTian to make a bigger concession was almost impossible. iMEWC9

Xie Sixing seemed to be taken aback by his idea. He remained silent for half a minute.

Yu Han, growing impatient, didn’t wait for his response. He had been on the rooftop for a long time. He was only wearing a thin hospital gown, so he was getting a little cold from the wind. At this moment, he couldn’t even help sneezing.

He didn’t want to delay any longer, so he stated his purpose directly, “Xie Sixing, let’s get a divorce.”

The air seemed to pause for a moment. Only the occasional breeze from the rooftop proved that time hadn’t stopped. lNiEMs

After a while, Xie Sixing finally spoke, his tone calm, “Why? Is it the same reason again?”

Yu Han’s words that day in the hospital room still felt as fresh as yesterday.

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He doesn’t deserve him?

Xie Sixing admitted that, at that moment, he was indeed briefly stunned by Yu Han’s demeanor. 9RZaUb

That confidence and radiance, all summed up in one sentence—it didn’t seem like an act.

Xie Sixing decided to observe him further.

Yu Han sneered, scoffing at his question, “I, Long AoTian, have had my own way of doing things all my life. Why do I need to explain this to you!”

“……” MdrA4T

Although Xie Sixing didn’t understand why Yu Han would say such a thing, he knew that if he wanted to reform him, staying close was the best approach.

Therefore, no book transmigrator had ever asked for a divorce right after arriving.

But Xie Sixing was well aware of the treacherous and cunning nature of these book transmigrators. He knew that anything they said had a purpose.

Even though Xie Sixing was momentarily perplexed by Yu Han’s bizarre behavior, he quickly regained his composure. dGk5ml

It was possible that Yu Han suggested a divorce as a way to attract his attention through unconventional means.

Thinking of this, Xie Sixing’s eyes grew even darker.

Although book transmigrators shared the same goal, their actions were sometimes unpredictable. Keeping them under close watch was the best way to control them.

Having already decided to reject Yu Han, Xie Sixing still wanted to see what other reasons he might come up with. TYRz5f

He composed himself and looked up, “…What if I disagree?”

“Disagree? Ha ha.”

Yu Han threw back his head and laughed, as if he’d heard the funniest joke.

After laughing, he declared domineeringly, “Defy the heavens, and there may be exceptions; defy me, and there will be no hope of survival!” hEM6Pn

Xie Sixing: “……”

As if sensing that wasn’t powerful enough, Yu Han coldly added, “You wouldn’t want to know the consequences of angering me.”

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Complete silence. THEidl

After Yu Han’s words fell, even the air seemed to suddenly freeze.

Xie Sixing didn’t speak, his thin lips pressed into a line. His dark eyes were fixed on Yu Han.

His gaze was highly oppressive, settling on Yu Han as if re-evaluating the arrogant young man before him.

Before this, Xie Sixing didn’t find this new book transmigrator particularly special. lNnqjX

Cunning, rigid, self-righteous—these summed up Xie Sixing’s assessment of all book transmigrators.

Xie Sixing, who initially found them boring, had lost interest in playing along. He was even more disdainful to give them another glance.

But the other party’s successive actions forced Xie Sixing to admit that this time’s book transmigrator might be a worthy opponent.

Xie Sixing became a bit interested. LZNQ9y

“Is that so?”

His lips curled up.

“Then let me see the consequences of angering you.”

Yu Han was stunned. Y0iVkg

The meeting on the rooftop finally ended with the arrival of a group of bodyguards.

Xie Sixing stood a few steps away with a smile on his face, “Let’s do it then. Order a new tooth for Lin Yucheng in your name.”

Xie Sixing didn’t care how the Lin family would react to this solution. He just wanted to see how Yu Han would handle it. The Lin family wasn’t easy to deal with.

After saying that, Xie Sixing turned and left without hesitation, only giving Yu Han a meaningful glance. bOS8ZA

The bewildered Yu Han was surrounded by bodyguards and taken back to the hospital room.

On the way back, the system, which had been pretending to be dead since Xie Sixing arrived, popped up again:【Congratulations, host, you’ve successfully caught the main villain’s attention~ As expected of you!】

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The system had never seen Xie Sixing take such great interest in anyone. This was simply a major discovery!

“What do you mean ‘caught his attention’?” Yu Han frowned in confusion. “Wasn’t he declaring war on me?” qNsEF5


Yu Han recalled Xie Sixing’s slightly provocative expression at the end. He could hardly suppress the competitive fire burning in his chest.

Xie Sixing was one of the few men who wasn’t swayed by his domineering aura.

“Heh, I’ll make him understand the consequences of angering me,” Long AoTian declared. 3vdsPp


It went silent.

When Yu Han returned to his room, he found that half of the bodyguards who had been stationed outside the door were gone, clearly indicating they no longer intended to guard him strictly—they couldn’t keep him in anyway, so they might as well let him come and go freely.

This move played right into Yu Han’s hands. 8gncDd

After all, climbing over the rooftop every time he wanted to go out was tiring, even for someone as powerful as Long AoTian.

So Yu Han happily accepted this and made it a habit to go to the rooftop every day to relax, occasionally meditating and practicing his breathing exercises there.

Yu Han’s injuries weren’t severe to begin with, and with his active cooperation in treatment, his fractured right hand healed very well, even the doctors were amazed.

Although the doctors advised him to still be careful and avoid using his right hand as much as possible, Yu Han couldn’t stay idle and set his sights on the bodyguards Xie Sixing had arranged around him. 3J Qjl

After all, Yu Han had been here for several days. Aside from stretching his muscles on the first day, he had been forced to rest and recuperate. After so many days, he was itching for action.

What’s more, he needed to get stronger as soon as possible to deal with Xie Sixing.

Yu Han squinted his eyes as he sized up the bodyguards. Everyone he glanced at felt a chill down their spine.

He picked the burliest one among them: “You, spar with me.” 3jYkJA

The selected bodyguard looked terrified, “Madam, I…”

Once Yu Han made up his mind, no one could change it. Under his insistence, the chosen bodyguard had to stand face-to-face with him, both frightened and reluctant, only to be quickly knocked down.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yu Han raised an eyebrow, still feeling unsatisfied: “Again!”

One lost, another stepped up. iZ29cg

He challenged all the bodyguards one by one and finally felt much better.

Although Lin Han’s body was frail, Yu Han’s skills, honed through many worlds, weren’t limited by physical fitness. Of course, a better physique would have been preferable.

Sure enough, reforming a villain wasn’t suitable for him. He was born to be Long AoTian and would die as Long AoGui. He could never be someone who would try to reform a villain.

Even using only one hand, Yu Han defeated all the bodyguards, winning their admiration. Initially resistant, they eventually came to respect him deeply. PTXKAG

When bored, Yu Han would take them to the rooftop to practice boxing together.

Seeing a dozen strong men practicing boxing on the rooftop in unison, shouting “Huh, ha” in sync, was quite a spectacular sight.

Naturally, everything Yu Han did was reported to Xie Sixing.

Although Xie Sixing had instructed that Yu Han could do as he pleased without being stopped, the expression on Zheng Sinian’s face was still indescribably strange when he reported these activities to the president. 73bxAl

Noticing this, Xie Sixing asked nonchalantly, “Anything else?”

With a grimace, Zheng Sinian said, “President, if we don’t bring Madam out of the hospital soon, he’ll turn it into a boxing ring.”

The author has something to say:

Yu Han: You wouldn’t want to know the consequences of angering me lr7Y W

Xie Sixing: He’s so confident. It doesn’t seem like an act. Not sure yet, let’s observe more.

ps: Defy the heavens, and there may be exceptions; defy me, and there will be no hope of survival—— from 《Pili Puppet Show

Translator's Note

吾 (wú) – dated pronoun

Translator's Note

定制 (dìngzhì) – made-to-order or custom-made

Translator's Note

The guǐ (鬼) here means “ghost” XD

Translator's Note

Specifically a line said by Yi Qixing, a fictitious character in Pili Puppet. Pili (Traditional Chinese: 霹靂, Pe̍h-oē-jī: Phek-le̍k, “Thunderbolt”) is a glove puppetry show from Taiwan. The TV series debuted in 1984 and once reached over 90% viewership. Unlike traditional puppet shows, Pili uses computer generated imagery (CGI) during action sequences. The delicate design of the appearance and characteristics of each puppet has made Pili a well-known TV series in Taiwan. Here’s an image

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  1. Yu han is so cool 😍 you go bestie! Not him casually turning the hospital’s rooftop into a boxing ring lmaoo

  2. System: PLEASE HOST, WE CAN STILL FLIP THE SITUATION AROUND! YH: Flips another one of XSX’s guards over his shoulder Oh what did you say? System: Numb to pain and life Thanks for the chap~

  3. Gawat!! Sudah diujung babㅠㅜㅠㅜ kenapa ini seru sekaliii! Keighty-san, terimakasih atas terjemahannya🫶🏻🫶🏻 setua menunggumu~

  4. XD Long Aotian ain’t no joke here hehe!!!! Goodnight/Goodmorning guys I’m going to bed, broke my charger so now when this thing goes flat so do I… ;-;) 😭😭😭🤧

  5. This is legit one of the funniest novels on this site and I’m loving every moment of it

    The jjwxc comments got me rolling too like“as expected gay [people] all like straight men”“warming heavenly emperor” (bc Yu Han literally means ‘keep out the cold’ lmao)