Long AoTian Transmigrated Into the Wrong BookCh2.1 - Long AoTian’s true character

After Yu Han’s earth-shattering speech, everyone, including Xie Sixing, fell into silence.

What nonsense was this young master of the Lin family spouting?! L07VR4

How could someone like Xie Sixing, a rising star among the elite, not be deserving of him? On the contrary, wasn’t it Yu Han himself who was out of his league and undeserving of Xie Sixing?

Everyone was secretly criticizing him in their hearts, but the room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

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Xie Sixing seemed both amused and somewhat irritated, his expression turning peculiar: “I don’t deserve you?”

Yu Han smiled, “Isn’t it obvious?” dAE4yJ

He looked at Xie Sixing with a bit of expectation, thinking that since he had made his stance clear, the matter of divorce was surely settled.

How could he, the mighty Heavenly Emperor, be someone else’s wife?

What’s more, considering that his own wife was lying in the hospital and, as a husband, Xie Sixing couldn’t even manage a visit, their relationship must’ve been so cold that staying together was pointless, right?

As Yu Han scrutinized Xie Sixing, Xie Sixing was also examining him.


This was the nineteenth one.

Xie Sixing looked at him quietly, thinking without a trace of emotion.

Since he first awakened his own consciousness, a brand-new soul would awaken in Lin Han’s body every so often. These souls had vastly different personalities and distinct ways of speaking and behaving, but one thing was certain: they all shared the same purpose.

From their actions, Xie Sixing could roughly infer that they all came to reform him. dJn 0Z

Xie Sixing had accidentally discovered that he was a character in a book and that he was the villain in the story—a character with a gloomy and cruel personality due to childhood experiences, always opposing the protagonist and meeting a tragic end. So, when he awakened his own consciousness, he killed the protagonist with his own hands.

He thought he could be freed in this way, but the rules of this world were not as simple as he had imagined. After killing the protagonist, he fell into an endless cycle of reincarnation. Each reincarnation required him to relive everything from his past life, with a new soul arriving in this world each time.

Xie Sixing knew that these individuals came from an organization called the “Book Transmigration Bureau” and had a unified name called “Book Transmigrators.”

They tried to reform him, instilling in him ideals of the greatest virtues and beauty in humanity, hoping he would become a less violent villain who would no longer kill the protagonist and upset the balance of the world. Kxdsre

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

But they all failed.

Wlf Vlzlcu vlrilxfv yflcu mbcagbiifv, ifa jibcf yflcu vfmflnfv bg absfv klat.

These book transmigrators all returned crestfallen and yet continued to come one after another, as annoying and persistent as cockroaches.

Ktlr kjr jigfjvs atf clcfaffcat bcf. PFKGuV

Wlf Vlzlcu tjv cb qjalfcmf. Rb wjaafg ktja atfrf qfbqif rjlv bg vlv, tf kbeivc’a yf rkjsfv lc atf rilutafra.

Ktlcxlcu bo atlr, Wlf Vlzlcu’r fzqgfrrlbc ugfk mbivfg.

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Lf aegcfv ab atf rtbmxfv tbrqlaji vlgfmabg ja atf vbbg jcv rjlv, “Zjvjw lr rfglberis lii. Kjxf ubbv mjgf bo tlw.”

The director snapped back to reality: “…Yes, President Xie.” z6q1aL

Yu Han: “?”

Xie Sixing still had business matters to attend to. He had squeezed in this hospital visit amidst a tight schedule. He also had several video conferences lined up, leaving no time to waste on Yu Han’s nonsense.

He instructed the bodyguards to keep a close watch on Yu Han, then turned and left.

Watching the man who came and went as quickly as the wind, Yu Han’s eyes widened: “He left just like that??” Gb8QPU

The system seemed to sigh with relief: 【Good thing he left】

Otherwise, it really feared Xie Sixing might agree to the divorce.

Yu Han was frustrated: “Why?”

System: 【To reform him, it’s best to do so as his wife. Host, you shouldn’t mention divorce anymore!】 rZmdlh

Yu Han couldn’t be bothered to correct the system that he had no intention of reforming Xie Sixing in the first place.

“Just wait.”

As long as Yu Han wanted something, there was nothing he couldn’t achieve.

He looked in the direction where Xie Sixing had left and coldly declared, “When I rise to power, you all will bow down to me!” Me1Uz

This person had already ignited his competitive spirit.

The hospital director who was still standing at the door: “……”

It seemed that the Madam was indeed quite ill.

/ 7X1Qdi

After leaving the hospital room, Xie Sixing got into the car headed for the company.

In the car, Zheng Sinian finished reporting the day’s work schedule. Looking at the president’s handsome profile gazing out the window, he swallowed nervously and carefully asked, “Is the Madam… okay?”

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He had heard about the commotion Lin Han caused at the hospital last night and found it quite intriguing.

It was said that last night, Lin Han fought off four or five burly bodyguards alone and even managed to escape from the well-trained guards. That was impressive, and he couldn’t help but feel a bit of admiration. fvb08R

How to put it… Zheng Sinian had met that young master Lin before. He was good-looking but seemed weak and frail, always cowering in fear around strangers like a timid little white rabbit.

At first, Zheng Sinian didn’t believe that Lin Han had such abilities, but when he saw the surveillance footage from the hospital corridor, he was shocked beyond words.

He had never seen anyone move that quickly. Even now, thinking about it, he still finds it astonishing.

Zheng Sinian had sent a copy of the surveillance footage, which was as thrilling as a martial arts movie, to the president. He wondered what the president thought after watching it. dDblJ3

Xie Sixing glanced at Zheng Sinian indifferently, as if he knew what he was thinking. “Make sure everyone who saw what happened last night keeps their mouths shut. No leaks.”

If word got out about Lin Han causing a commotion at the hospital, it would undoubtedly lead to more gossip.

Ever since Lin Han married him, rumors have been constantly swirling around Xie Sixing.

Xie Sixing is currently focused on expanding into the overseas market. Now was a critical time for him. He didn’t want any distractions. lj8mhU

Zheng Sinian also understood the importance of this matter and nodded. “Understood.”

Xie Sixing hummed and asked, “How many people have you stationed at the door?”

Zheng Sinian replied, “Four at the door of the Madam’s room, six in the hallway, two at the elevator, and we also have our people at the hospital entrance.”

In other words, they had set up a tight security network. Even if the Madam could grow wings, he wouldn’t escape their layers of guards. tJ I56

Xie Sixing nodded, not expressing whether he was satisfied or not. He closed his eyes and stopped inquiring further.

He leaned back in the car seat, his eyes closed and his breathing steady. A few strands of hair from his forehead rested on his brow bone, softening the sharpness between his eyebrows.

Seeing this, Zheng Sinian didn’t dare disturb him any further.

He thought Xie Sixing might be tired, but in fact, Xie Sixing was not even the slightest sleepy. DHWyl

Xie Sixing was thinking that the book transmigrator this time seemed somewhat different from before.

Had they realized he was difficult to deal with, so they changed their strategy?

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Xie Sixing couldn’t help but remember the previous book transmigrator.

That book transmigrator appeared docile and obedient on the surface but was actually always feigning cleverness. After numerous failed attempts to probe him, they moved their sword with a side stroke and attempted to gain his attention through self-harm. SwDXWd

Xie Sixing originally wanted to continue playing the cat-and-mouse game with them, but unknowingly, he touched upon Xie Sixing’s upturned scales.

Xie Sixing lost his patience and quickly delivered the book transmigrator a failed outcome—putting them in a sack and throwing them into the sea.

He knew these book transmigrators wouldn’t actually die but would be sent back to a place called the Book Transmigration Bureau. However, he had long grown weary of this repetitive game.

This time would be no different. He would never give them the slightest opportunity. fkDSrU

Well then, let him see what cunning tricks these book transmigrators have and what endless schemes they can come up with.


KEIGHTY: Hi, just a quick translator’s note! Once chapters exceed 4,000字, I will split them up into parts so as to save myself from suffering. Hope you guys understand. Thankies~


Translator's Note

铩羽而归 (shāyǔ’érguī) – (an idiom) to return in low spirits following a defeat or failure to achieve one’s ambitions

Translator's Note

吾 (wú) – a dated term for “I” or “me”, unlike 我 (wǒ) which is used in casual conversations

Translator's Note

称臣 (chēngchén) – Original meaning: To declare oneself a vassal (or subject). Figurative meaning: to acknowledge one is inferior to somebody.

Translator's Note

嗯 (èn (or ǹg, ǹ)) – a sound of acknowledgment/agreement

Translator's Note

剑走偏锋 (jiànzǒupiānfēng) – a modern idiom that means “resorting to extreme measures” or “an unconventional gambit”

Translator's Note

逆鳞 (ní lín) refers to the scales on the back of a fish that grow in the opposite direction, a sensitive or vulnerable area on the fish’s body. Figuratively, it means a sensitive or vulnerable spot, akin to “sore spot” or “raw nerve” in English. It represents something that someone is particularly sensitive about or easily angered by, often used metaphorically to describe a point of contention or a topic that triggers a strong reaction.

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  1. Well xie sixing you’re in for a pleasant surprise once you notice this lin han is gonna ignore tf out of you 😂

  2. That’s a good starting twist. What a world! And yes, we have seen plenty cunning sweet-acting quick transmigration protagonists orz it’d be so unnerving to be the target of that

  3. XD the gut of that transmigrator to actually do self-harm to gain attention, be respectful dude it’s someone else’s body!

  4. Well, I find it kind of impressive (and OOC) that Xie Sixing managed to keep so focused on his work after reliving the same life 19 times… Or is there some restrictions from the book world that doesn’t let him make changes? 🤔Thank you for translating K80~~