Long Live HateChapter 5

Chiyoung maintained an expressionless face despite swearing all kind of things inside. This wasn’t the first time.

Chiyoung was subjected to countless forms of harassment and ridicule after Baek-han abandoned him. He’s too tired now to respond to each one individually. CflPZr

People say that polar opposites are meant to be together.

If Ki Baek-han is the highest-ranking Esper in the center, with his own unique rank, Chiyoung’s rank was so low, down to an F, which cannot be found in the capital’s centers.

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Typically, those at that rank are transferred to other bases, so ranks like Chiyoung’s are unavailable in the capital center.

Despite the stigma, Chiyoung had to stay in the military until the end. Even though he was only a shell, he served as the powerful esper’s guide. tEKuSH

“So, if I get guided by you, I guess I can use the same things as Colonel Ki, that unusual bastard.”

Every time the pathetic bastard opened his mouth, he said nothing but shit. Because he can’t keep up with Ki Baek-han and can’t even flee from him, he must have wanted to target the easy Chiyoung to console himself by beating the guide up.

This guy wasn’t the only one, and Chiyoung had been through so many situations that he was sick of them already.

Chiyoung did, however, become irritated today. Some days, he wonders why he has to go through this.


“If you’re not going to stand still, get out. Unless you are here to receive guiding.”

“Oh, so you know how to talk back? Huh, I guess Gi Baek-han failed to educate his guide’s behavior.”

Based on the rank on the extremely rude esper’s chest, he was at most a captain.

Chiyoung cannot believe he is a captain and even criticizes Ki Baek-han, the Colonel. Chiyoung should report this to the inspections department. Chiyoung gritted his teeth expressionlessly. qIchQR

“Aw, don’t do that; let’s hold hands. Let’s get close. You won’t be so lonely when your esper is no longer around.”

“I will report you to the Human Rights Committee for sexual harassment and insults.”

Chiyoung said it, unable to take it anymore. The esper must have been intimidated by the threat, as he immediately raised his hand.

It appeared difficult to avoid the incoming slap. This is because the distance is too close, and there is little time left to react. Pj7EUS

Chiyoung recalled something at that moment.

There was a time when an IAK’s esper also hit Chiyoung’s face.

He remembered how Baek-han ripped through the ceiling and pulled him out of the pit.

Back to reality, Chiyoung’s head turned with the sound of a slap. The burning sensation in his eyes hurt more than the tingling on his cheeks. Chiyoung blinks his eyes several times. JypisE

‘Sigh. Now, no one would come and drag me out of this pit. Just like back then.

‘Baekhan will not save me again.’ Chiyoung thought.

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* * * PBIb2d

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“Tbe’gf j wfrr.” Djfx-sfbc rjlv:

“Tfr, P wlrrfv sbe, abb. Zs Tfbc.”

Djfx-tjc rmbkifv ja Djfx-sfbc jcv rqgfjv tlr jgwr. Pa kjr lcafcvfv obg tfg ab mbwf jcv teu tlw, yea rtf kjixfv jkjs klat j vlrvjlcoei fzqgfrrlbc, jr lo rtf kfgf klacfrrlcu rbwfatlcu jyregv. R0bkea

Djfx-tjc rafqqfv boo atf wlilajgs qijcf jcv jaafwqafv ab teu tlr rlrafg klatbea kjrtlcu bg kfjglcu jcs rjclajgs mibatlcu. Coafg rfnfgji wbcatr bo kjcvfglcu atgbeut atf vfrfga, tlr qgfnlberis mea-rtbga tjlg tjv ugbkc ibcu fcbeut ab gfjmt tlr rtbeivfgr.

He slicked it back and fixed it. Because of his attractive face, it appeared that he had carefully slicked his bangs with some pomade, but Baek-yeon knew full well that it was just sticky hair.

Even though she was seeing her twin brothers for the first time in a long time, his messy face made her want to punch him in the solar plexus.

Baekhan grinned as if he were used to Baek-yeon’s disdain. RC0s M

“Oh, I was really hungry. Noona, please prepare something for me. ”  I’m in a hurry right now.”

Ki Baek-yeon’s eyes welled up with contempt as she looked at her twin brother, who opened his eyes slowly and stuck out his tongue to lick his lips.

“That sounds disgusting.” Go wash up and head straight to the center director’s office. They’re all waiting for you.

“Sign, the first thing I see when I come back is those old bald twirk.” LsjOUJ

Baekhan shrugged his shoulders. The battalion squad that was unloading the luggage laughed.

The battalion squad, whose superior did not even inform them when they returned to the center, also looked astonished.

Baek-yeon cleaned up the dusty battalion members on behalf of Baek-han, who was only concerned with winning.

“All I had to do was return to the accommodation, change clothes, and take a shower.” Baek-han thought. ATIir5

In the evening, a welcoming ceremony was planned for Chunlandae, who had returned victorious from an exhausting battle.

On the other hand, they need to come and get Baek-han, who was on his way to the dormitory. He is the type of guy who just goes out and about, so if he enters the dorm, he may not leave, regardless of whether he has a meeting with the center director or not.

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Depending on how ridiculous Baek-han’s reasons are, he may need to enjoy some free “love.”

Unsurprisingly, Baek-yeon thrust Baek-han’s back with the handle of a military knife and forced him to head straight to the public shower room in the center. y2uSRo

Without any further resistance, Baek-yeon asked him if it felt good to return home after such a long time.

“Ugh, is there a welcome back ceremony or what? But I need something else right now.”

“Stop acting like an asshole. Just get it over with. “Do not make me say it twice.”

Baek-yeon crushed the cup that Baek-han was holding. Her grip was always so strong that it seemed like if Baek-yeon caught his ear, it would be ripped off. KF4yIn

Baek-han, who had escaped being crushed like a cup, smiled and removed his clothes one by one before entering the public shower room.

His body itself was like a weapon. His muscles had a smooth texture, similar to a leopard climbing a thick tree branch.

Baek-yeon sighed as she tapped his combat uniform, which had worn out and resembled beggar’s clothing.

…This time, they will try to break the mark. Lg0596

Baek-yeon sighed, thinking about how Chiyoung, who already appeared pale, would become even paler under Baek-han’s pressure.

However, nothing can be done at all. When Baek-yeon thought of Baek-han, her bones ached.


* * * 2ptsuX


(Back to the markig incident.)

“Were you crazy?” Is his face similar to a woman’s? “Why are you pressuring the child when you are the one who made the mistake?” a researcher asked.

“For fuck’s sake, should I even excuse myself? Is it my fault that he clings to people? I thought it was a girl because it appeared so soft that I could swallow it in one bite. “That rag was already messed up; why is it my fault?” Baek-han responded. 0kZrJn

“Do not speak such words. It would be difficult to take it back.”

“That bastard was the one who bewitched me first. That dick was very cunning! “It even marked me!”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Baek-han became so enraged that a wave as powerful as never before formed. His eyes are filled with rage.

Or perhaps the bloodshot eyes are caused by the mark. 8fTe6a

Baek-yeon, who was finishing up some work, returned quickly after learning that Baek-han had destroyed the wall of the guiding laboratory.

They said he did it because his guide had marked him.

We didn’t really talk to each other about that kind of thing, and Baek-yeon was also upset because of her esper at the time.

She also considered for a brief moment that if everything went well and Baek-han finished marking, it would be nice to stop by a pub in the center’s commercial district after returning home and introduce each other’s partners. nLSA R

But that was it. out ofBaekhan and Baekyeon were extremely busy.

She also discovered in a report before returning home that the guide that was said to be marked was the one that Baek-han had picked up in IAK two years prior.

Baek-yeon was initially concerned about the guide, who was caught up in Baekhan’s temper.

The guide accidentally left a mark. Even in theory, it was described as unprecedented. RzgBmM

While marking is possible without sexual intercourse, it can only be done through contact with the mucous membrane, where the marking injection and the wavelengths of the Esper and Guide are the closest.

“How did that damn special case happen?”

After losing consciousness as a result of the aftereffects of marking, Baek-han awoke and gritted his teeth, vowing to kill Chiyoung, who was still unconscious. He had already demolished one wall by the time he was tied up.

The glint of murder in his eyes was unsettling. Q3ZB6T

If he had been born in ancient times, his face would have caught the attention of an artist, inspiring a sculpture that would be passed down for millenia. The war god is stepping from mythology.

The face that had received so much praise was severely distorted, and both eyes were filled with curses.

Fearing for the safety of the marked guide, she used a psychic control device to neutralize Baek-han and tie him to the bed.

Aside from the enormous physical strength of his supernatural ability, Baek-han’s natural strength was sufficient to bend the pipes on the bed into tatters due to his monstrous power. mL1ofc

“Bring me that bastard!” I have to at least remove his eyeballs!”

Baek-han growled until he was sedated.

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Due to the esper’s physical ability to instantly detoxify most poisons, he was injected with enough to put five elephants to sleep, but even with his pupils dilated, Baekhan was able to tear off the bed frame.

Finally, Baek-yeon hit him on the back of the neck with a machine, knocking him out. Even the twin sister was not permitted to touch his body, so he had to be restrained after waking up, despite his dislocated arms, but Ahn Chiyoung’s safety came first. HYQuxi

In fact, it was not limited to Ahn Chi-young. Baek-yeon had witnessed an esper go berserk after losing his marked guide during a battle.

Baek-yeon is a fairly high-level esper and guide. Despite being a unique case at the center, she was involved in an imploding incident and had her femur broken.

A black hole formed like a small star imploding, sucking in everything around it. Baek-yeon held on to the street curb until her fingernails broke.

This is why, despite her quick recovery, Esper’s hip still hurts occasionally. shrmnJ

She couldn’t see Baek-han that way. If he goes berserk, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, and roughly half of Chungcheongbuk-do will be destroyed.

Such an incident had to be avoided for the sake of Baek-han and many other citizens’ lives.

In the end, Baek-han had to spend a month locked in a cement cell with grounded power control stones.

Finally, the surveillance day was over, and he was released from his cell. Baek-han was immediately assigned a six-month mission. LejWyz

And when he returned, the first signs of implosion appeared. Ahn Chi-young still serves as Gi Baek-han’s guide on paper.

Chiyoung was placed in the medical unit to take care of Ki Baek-han, who had lost consciousness that day.

Chiyoung had to enter the facility, where psychic waves were spreading rapidly in all directions, attempting to tear people apart.

  4m 5rd

* * *


“Hey! Yoon-ah. There is only cold water in here!”

Baek-han exclaimed loudly from inside the shower room. lpGNR5

Baek-yeon exited the locker room without responding. She thought she should mentally prepare Chiyoung.

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