The Little Zombie [Infinite]Ch30 - Shishi, you need to use your brain more often.

“Shishi, stop right there!”
You Wusi acted swiftly as he sensed danger looming. He dashed ahead of his wife and stepped onto the balcony, ignoring the large snake just a half-step away, and reached out scooped Jiang Shishi into his arms, who was about to jump off the balcony.

No matter how much his little wife struggled, he couldn’t jump anymore out of his grip. G4h26w

With such a commotion beside him, the big snake couldn’t ignore it either. It stretched its triangular head, trying to get a closer look.

You Wusi cast a cold glance at the toy-like snake.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Looking at the cold eye, the snake, once used to scrub the soles of shoes, silently withdrew its head, returning to its original position as it observed the scene inside the room.

You Wusi shifted his gaze back to Jiang Shishi, noticing the distress and helplessness written all over his delicate face. His usually bright and clear eyes were now clouded with a layer of mist, highlighting his already pitiful appearance. bKLWex

He couldn’t bring himself to scold such a lazy little fool who couldn’t even be bothered to think and made him run all around the room.

Instead, he could only helplessly coax, “Shishi, be good, big brother will figure something out for you.”

Jiang Shishi couldn’t behave and was really mad. He kept showing his sharp teeth and scaring people nearby.

He held the Little Mermaid close to his chest and hugged the little Tomato pot, which didn’t have any tomatoes. He felt very sad and sometimes kicked his legs in distress.


What was bothering him so much?

He was really mad!

You Wusi glanced at the pale Little Mermaid clutching Jiang Shishi’s clothes and asked, “Butler An’an, what’s happening?”

The Little Mermaid’s head was spinning, as if it had just been on a wild roller coaster ride, and now it was clearly feeling queasy. x3Ow5T

When You Wusi asked about the situation, the Little Mermaid shook its head and responded with a blank expression, “I don’t know, Little Butler An’an doesn’t know! I can’t figure out why I feel so dizzy…”

When You Wusi asked the Little Mermaid if it knew anything, he noticed that the little NPC appeared to be knocked unconscious by Jiang Shishi. Seeing the semi-unconscious figure, he could only sigh and return to the room.

Upon entering, he saw Wen Qingxue squatting on the ground in pain. Looking at her, You Wusi knew he had to find out by himself since she was unreliable.

Seeing that Jiang Shishi was very uncomfortable, with his legs stretched tight and twitching more often, You Wusi noticed lines on his skin that looked like fish scales. He decided to take him to the bathroom. btLeCP

He carefully placed his wife in the bathtub and turned on the water to fill it up.

As You Wusi suspected, his guess was correct.

When a thin layer of water covered the bathtub, Jiang Shishi stopped moving around and seemed to want to bury his hands and feet in the water. Before doing so, the clever little zombie made sure to place the paper cup tomato plant and the little mermaid outside the bathtub.

You Wusi found a blanket during the process and covered Jiang Shishi with it. Then, he carefully examined Jiang Shishi’s legs, which seemed to have an extra layer of soft fish scales. boD7BA

These scales, which couldn’t be felt without touching carefully, only reached up to the middle of the thigh. He also checked Jiang Shishi’s hands and other parts of his body but couldn’t see any scales for the time being.

Nevertheless, he wet the blanket and wrapped Jiang Shishi in it completely.

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Soon, You Wusi emerged with the wet Jiang Shishi from the bathroom.

Behind them floated the tomato plant suspended in mid-air. If it weren’t for the shimmering fish tail peeking out from holding the small paper cup, one might have mistaken it for a supernatural event or special ability! so8dFq

Seeing this scene, Wen Qingxue didn’t need You Wusi to explain much. She ran straight to the bathroom.

Meanwhile, Yi Jiangnan also hurriedly led Lin Qiyue to the bathroom. But halfway there, he realized it might not be appropriate for him to go in at this moment, so he let go of her hand.

By now, You Wusi had already settled Jiāng Shíshí back into the wheelchair.

He used a delicate wheelchair provided in the game’s copy, not the modified data wheelchair he had created. d5bOy6

Otherwise, given Jiāng Shíshí’s current strength, he wouldn’t be able to break free from it. However there was a high probability of him jumping up with the wheelchair.

By then, it might not just be a medical miracle.

Jiāng Shíshí was still unhappy!

He felt uncomfortable! Whatever was attacking him hadn’t left yet! 8vsaAu

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Dgbatfg Vl, P cffv akb yijcxfar…”

Tl Aljcucjc kjr bcis tjiokjs atgbeut tlr gfdefra ktfc akb yijcxfar kfgf qgbwqais tjcvfv ab tlw.

Xgjafoeiis atjcxlcu Tbe Qerl, tf mjgglfv atf yijcxfar ab atf yjatgbbw jcv xcbmxfv bc atf vbbg yfobgf qjrrlcu atf akb yijcxfar.

Vtbgais joafg, Olc Hlsef, kgjqqfv lc j yijcxfa, fwfgufv ogbw atf yjatgbbw, reqqbgalcu Qfc Hlcuzef, ktbrf mbcvlalbc tjv mifjgis cba lwqgbnfv wemt. nk0OmY

The pain caused Wen Qingxue’s cheeks to flush an unnatural shade of red, and her eyes faintly resembled the outline of snake eyes. Despite the discomfort, she forced herself to remain calm. After scanning the room, her gaze settled on the balcony not far away, where the large snake was lurking.

She racked her brain to remember what happened the first night she arrived in the dungeon, and she tried to connect it with the clues in her room.

She pushed away Lin Qiyue’s hand when she tried to help her, and shook her head when she came closer.

Then she stumbled towards the balcony. f3FZ8a

Zhou Qingxing was going to stop her, but it was clear that Wen Qingxue had a plan, and the other person did kinda look like the giant snake outside, so he decided not to interfere.

Wen Qingxue walked cautiously, ready to use her skills at any sign of trouble from the big snake.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Snake eyes focused directly on her, following her every move.

As she got close to the balcony’s edge, near the giant snake, she stopped. “Come,” she called out to it, her words hanging in the air. nOqkf2

As soon as she spoke, the huge snake head appeared right in front of her!

Wen Qingxue fought the urge to attack and instead took a deep breath, activating a defensive skill card. With caution, she reached out her hand toward the giant snake. Surprisingly, the snake gently placed its massive triangular head, as big as three human faces, onto her palm and rubbed against it gently.

The rub from the snake almost made Wen Qingxue stagger. She had to brace herself to avoid falling to the ground.

Now she understood why the nanny’s schedule included “Feeding Rabbit” every day. It seemed the giant snake was the so-called “rabbit.” dgkGKq

Imagine naming a snake which was bigger than a human Tutu! It’s pretty surprising, but who could blame her for not knowing? If she hadn’t been brave, she wouldn’t have guessed it!

And such a huge snake must eat a ton.

Wen Qingxue couldn’t understand it at first, so she told the big snake not to move and then went back to talk to the Little Mermaid NPC. Even though the Little Mermaid had become easier to talk to since the illusion broke, it didn’t always agree with player requests. Like now, it wouldn’t agree to prepare food for the snake, no matter what Wen Qingxue said.

It wasn’t until Wen Qingxue exchanged her lunch and dinner that she got a big bucket of raw meat. x0tLdl

But when the bucket of raw meat, so heavy it was hard to lift, reached the giant snake’s mouth, it only opened and closed its mouth. It seemed like the meat had just been pushed between its teeth.

Wen Qingxue was contemplating whether to exchange all her lunch and dinner for the next few days in advance. The itching and pain that had penetrated deep into her bones gradually faded away. When she rolled up her sleeves and looked, the snake marks had completely vanished.

It seemed that this snake was deeply involved with her identity card.

If anything happened to the snake, she might not be able to leave this dungeon. 2JDad

Considering this, the initial intention to let the giant snake go was abandoned and she reluctantly allowed the snake to remain on the balcony for the time being.

Once the matter with the snake was settled. Wen Qingxue returned to the house and explained, “The nanny’s identity can control snakes. Her motive for being in the villa was likely the black pearl. Although we lack clues, her travel records indicate she’s overly interested in Wang. She remembers precisely which room Mr. Wang visited at what time.”

At that moment, seeing Jiang Zuo busy with his notebook, Wen Qingxue didn’t feel the need to keep it a secret anymore. She began by explaining the part about the giant snake in her schedule.

She also mentioned that the ‘Nanny’ had attempted to steal pearls before but failed. For some reason, the snake even tried to wrap around Mr. Wang to harm him. u0wUbN

She went on, “Furthermore, the nanny noted that Miss An An was very unfriendly towards Mr. Wang’s girlfriend because she used to be her favorite music teacher. However, the teacher ended up with Mr. Wang instead. Because of this, An An deliberately hired a person
who had conflicts with the “girlfriend” to be the new music teacher.”

As she finished speaking, Jiang Zuo had already opened a file in his notebook. He pointed to the text written in an unknown language and asked, “Can any of you understand this?”

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He quietly wiped the sweat off his forehead with his still healthy hand. The vast amount of dungeon knowledge in this endless world seemed overwhelming. He could barely manage English, let alone multiple languages. Who would’ve thought he’d have to deal with that? It’s not that he didn’t want to translate, but the software seemed high-end and didn’t allow copying information. Plus, typing it in by hand didn’t seem feasible either.

Lin Qiyue, who had regained her energy, walked over with small steps, she took a closer look and then spoke up, “I happen to know this one.” 3Phrpw

“And what about this one?” Jiang Zuo switched to another page.

Lin Qiyue nodded and added, “I’ve also learned this one and can communicate normally.”

After switching between several pages, Lin Qiyue said she could give it a try.

Jiang Zuo couldn’t help but give a thumbs up. The children from wealthy families were indeed impressive, at least in terms of language skills, they were far superior! I9Jf5H

It didn’t take long for these communications to be translated.

Lin Qiyue translated each page sentence by sentence, using her phone to search for unfamiliar terms. Soon, she summarized, “There’s a lot of mention here about how any exquisite beauty who willingly sacrifices herself to the sea god will receive a token from the gods. This token can be exchanged for health and longevity. Then there’s another letter detailing Mr. Wang’s family history of hereditary diseases, as well as an investigation into Mr. Wang’s suspected diagnosis of bone cancer over a decade ago.”

She furrowed her brow as she read out one of the replies.
“Based on what I have known about her over the past two years, she is absolutely willing to sacrifice herself if it can be exchanged for the health of An An”

“This ‘old friend’ is Mrs. Yun’s pen pal! Mr. Wang is such a bitch, he actually poached his own friend’s crush!!!!!!” Lin Qiyue became more and more angry. Tp3CVu

It turned out that this old friend and Mr. Wang had known each other since childhood, and they even lived in the same dormitory when they went to college at the age of 18. Mr. Wang was also aware of the “old friend’s” feeling towards his pen pal.

What happened later was that the old friend felt he was a step too late and not lucky enough. Seeing his pen pal and Mr. Wang happy together, he left for abroad overnight after attending their wedding. It was sad and difficult for him to watch his previous crush with his best friend. So he wandered alone in a foreign country until Mrs. Yun passed away.

When he returned to attend the funeral, he accidentally witnessed Mr. Wang’s cousin blackmailing and threatening him. This made him realize that something was amiss.

Upon hearing Lin Qiyue mention his identity card, Lin Haoguang felt that everything in his possession had been figured out. Thus, he decided to speak up and piece together the plot. 7WXEAv

If he remembered correctly, high-quality copies with a lot of plot detail would offer significant rewards. Unfortunately, there weren’t many low-level players who could achieve this level of detail.

However, the big bosses who can restore the plot can’t enter the white copy after a certain level.

Thinking about this, Lin Haoguang openly admitted, “Yes, “Cousin” did know that Mr. Wang had been diagnosed with bone cancer ten years ago. At that time, An An’s health was also very poor. But after Mrs. Yun passed away, Mr. Wang miraculously recovered and stayed young as he was not I’ll in the first place. While at the same time though An An’s health improved a bit, she still had to deal with illness and medication.”

“Damn it, what a scumbag!” Lin Qiyue couldn’t hold back and cursed loudly. e2zwRm

Stealing someone else’s crush and tricking them into marriage was bad enough, but now messing with their life!

No wonder he met such a tragic end, shot in the head and heart ripped out. A man like that deserved to be cut into pieces a thousand times!

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Her anger only grew as she continued to curse: “Cheating to get married is bad enough, but treating your wife like this? What a disgrace! You’re not even a real man!”

After hearing this, You Wusi silently glanced at Lin Qiyue. For some reason, he felt her words sounded a bit harsh. 7WDgHO

He then turned to look at Jiang Shishi, who was playing a fruit cutting game with the Little Mermaid.

He was not like that!!! He takes good care of his little wife!

His gaze unknowingly fell on a certain tomato plant beside Jiang Shishi, which was starting to wither and turn yellow…

Actually, it was just two missing tomatoes, but they would forever stay in his memory, and someone would certainly learn their lesson. WrHZPL

At this time, Zhou Qingxing had already opened all the paintings covered with white cloth in the studio. Each one was signed to celebrate An An’s birthday, and each age had a perfect picture to celebrate it. It was obvious that Mrs. Yun was ready to die. The expectations for An An’s future are also arranged in these paintings.

Lin Qiyue scolded even louder, her voice choked up, even though she could shed tears while looking at the paintings. She couldn’t imagine how sad Miss An An would be if she knew this.

She didn’t know if this copy of the endless game mirrored the real world or was just a fictional tale.

At that moment, gazing upon such vivid paintings overflowing with love and blessings, she wished for the latter. 0 bQ2l

If this were true, it would be too cruel.

Lin Qiyue pressed the corners of her eyes, trying her best to hold back her tears. It wasn’t that she felt there was anything wrong with crying. She just thought that there were some malicious viewers around her, and she felt it was a bit disgusting to cry in front of these people.

They don’t deserve such genuine emotions.

In an attempt to shift her focus, she looked at You Wusi and Jiang Shishi, tears welling in her eyes, and said sadly, “Brother Si, Sister Shishi, you both must stay safe and be happy together!! Forever!” hegT91

You Wusi didn’t understand why Lin Qiyue was upset. He could see that she was trying hard to be less noticeable.

He met her eyes and nodded slightly, saying with a smile, “Thank you for your concern, Miss Lin.”

Upon hearing this, Lin Qiyue nodded earnestly. A talented man and a beautiful woman are truly meant for each other. Even if one person suffers from a hidden illness, the love between them remains strong.

Such emotions… it’s truly hard to find!!!! W0gVwe

As she thought about it more she felt like there was something major she had briefly forgotten.

After staring at Jiang Shishi, who was poking at the screen with the Little Mermaid NPC for a long time, Lin Qiyue finally remembered. Her eyes widened slightly as she said to You Wusi, “Brother Si! Just now, a medical miracle happened. Sister Shishi stood up!!!!!”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

You Wusi smiled faintly at Lin Qiyue. He knew he couldn’t ignore this medical miracle. Just as he was about to say something, Wen Qingxue on the other end spoke first.

“This might be another effect of the copy. It’s best not to get too hopeful for now,” Wen Qingxue said, not aiming her words specifically at You Wusi. She continued, “However, many dungeons provide items to enhance your physical condition, and the system also generates things with similar effects. Recovery shouldn’t be a major issue.” m QVtv

She understood that You Wusi, a new player, had a lot of potential.

In Endless, news like this wasn’t a big deal. It’s smart to be prepared ahead of time and make friends. You never know when you might run into situations like this in the game. Even if you can’t help directly, you could still be useful, like helping to collect items which in turn would be beneficial for her in future.

“In fact, Jiang Shishi’s lack of control over her lower limbs is due to mental issues. It’s not that she can’t move at all, but rather she can’t properly control her legs to walk,” You Wusi explained, gently patting his little wife’s head. Seeing that he was focused on the game and ignoring him, he smiled indulgently.

He sighed softly and continued, “I wonder if there are any medications or items in Endless that can treat mental conditions. Jiang Shishi is cute now, but I still hope he can return to his previous self, living clearly and fully That’s the real him” X2Kqdy

Wen Qingxue really wanted to say yes, but, as it’s well-known, the brain is the most delicate part of the human body, and any small mistake led to unknown consequences.

In simple terms, there are medications for mental strength, and there are also items for mental strength.

But treating a mental illness isn’t within this scope.

The most well-known case was a certain high-level player who went insane after entering a dungeon. He was aware of his insanity and requested the Endless system to treat him. Lbdpqs

The system couldn’t do it and clearly stated that the insane also fall within the category of healthy, normal humans.

Later, the high-level player took over a copy and directly became the director of the mental hospital inside, actively researching how to treat mental illnesses.

There are plenty of odd players in Endless, and even more odd high-level players.

Wen Qingxue felt that if anyone else had expertise in mental illness, besides this high-level player, there wouldn’t be anyone else. As she spoke, she observed You Wusi’s expression closely. EtVLBb

Since the other person didn’t show any signs of displeasure, she continued, “The dungeon number of that person is 138538. He doesn’t like players disturbing his hospital, but I’m sure he would welcome visits for consultations.”

“Thank you, Miss Wen. This information is very helpful to me. If there’s a chance, I’ll take Shishi to see him.” You Wusi spoke very seriously.

He felt it was necessary to take Little Zombie to see that doctor.

For zombies, even if they forget everything else, their brains can’t be empty like this. It was so clean that he even suspected that Little Zombie’s brain had been stolen, otherwise how could he forget even his instincts? DV8h0G

Although the main system not only deceived Little Zombie into working for free but also stole a large amount of primal energy, and sealed the supreme power that should have belonged to it.

Even so, it didn’t have the ability to tamper with the brain of the Zombie King.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Even the former main god couldn’t do it.

There’s also a lack of voice. lHd9Kj

Just thinking about it, You Wusi found it strange.

You Wusi noticed Jiang Shishi had finished his game, so he took the learning device, opened the learning page, and placed it in front of the little zombie.

He then said with sincerity and thoughtfulness: “It’s important to exercise your brain regularly. Shishi, you need to use your brain more often.”

In the distance, Lin Qiyue, who was observing the beautiful love, felt something peculiar but she couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was. H3ARrE

The author has something to say:

Jiang Shishi: (Bad Brother Steal My Game)

You Wusi: Stop playing brainless games and learn something that uses your brain.

The author with the straw hat: Haha, you guys don’t understand. Shishi is the smartest of us all! Even without a brain, he’s smart!!! 8rM25J

Translator's Note

It means Naming the snake “Tutu,” which usually sounds cute or small, seems ironic given the snake’s enormous size. It’s like calling a giant snake by a name that doesn’t match its intimidating appearance.

Translator's Note

As “he” and “she” sound the same in Chinese. They are both pronounced as “tā” (他/她). The difference between “he” and “she” is indicated by the characters used to write them. “他” is used for males, while “她” is used for females. What other players are hearing is she but what You Wusi ment is he. So I have used “he”.

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  1. Haha the fact that ML think what Lin Qiyue said was bit harsh prove that he have some guilty conscience 🤣 after all their situation quite similar 😂

    Thank you for the chapter 💕

  2. Even being mermaid you should study hard

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛