The King's FantasyChapter 2

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He returned to the tent, thought of the way Griffin was standing guard outside and took care of his desire himself. h1Hwlk

This was the first time in his life he had done this, because he had always gotten the people he wanted.

But now, he could only do this. Except Griffin, no one else could solve this problem.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He imagined Griffin kneeling before him, hair disheveled, face twisted in pain and humiliation, holding his member in his mouth and sucking earnestly. This thought nearly made him come instantly.

He visualized every detail—the ragged breathing, the tears at the corners of his eyes, the expression of wanting to gag but not daring to. Nelson would grip his hair tightly and force himself all the way in. jS9dha

This thought made him come quickly. He panted and cleaned up with a silk cloth, still keeping his eyes closed, unable to shake off the fantasy. He thought he could never rid himself of these thoughts.

For a moment, as the shuddering subsided, he thought of Griffin and of his face which showed no fear or resentment. He wondered if Griffin would tell this as a joke to the other guards. He probably would. To him, it was just a joke.

Nelson felt a wave of bitterness and sorrow. To him, he probably only meant so much.

He again recalled the day when that jousting tournament ended, the suggestive things he had done to Griffin. He seemed to have completely forgotten about it. Griffin stared at him as if he were staring at a beast with ill intentions until it walked away himself. He succeeded. Without saying anything, Nelson left on his own.


He was afraid to hear what Griffin would say, as it would undoubtedly carry a relaxed coldness and indifference.

And he was right. Nelson’s object of desire was misplaced. Griffin was not anyone’s prey, just as Griffin believed himself to be.

Royal authority and duty could not threaten him at all. On the contrary, Nelson might end up being the one threatened by the Griffin’s family and having to sell his body out… It was pointless to think about these things. He had gone over them countless times these days, but he just couldn’t make them stop.

Tremoring from the lingering afterglow, he hazily thought that but for someone well-versed in pleasure, if he wanted to sleep with Griffin regardless of the consequences, he would certainly have a way. 4bdENu

The greatest advantage of being a king was that even if after he did that and Griffin got furious, Griffin wouldn’t actually kill him… Uh, actually he wasn’t sure. But as a king, there was no safer identity in the kingdom. It wasn’t completely safe, but it was relatively reliable, worth the risk.

When he finally decided to act on his plan, he suddenly discovered he no longer cared about Griffin’s potential rage. He just wanted to have him—to make him suffer, feel helpless and desperate, endure humiliation but being unable to resist.

Thinking of this scene made his pulse race. No rationality, concern, or survival instinct could stop his crazy behaviors.

He had to do this, no matter the cost. qoaCzV

He thought, having repressed this desire for so long, he might indeed be a bit crazy. But since childhood, he had never been the normal type.

He easily obtained the drug.

The drug was called “Spring Night,” it was originally an anesthetic, but the upper class had enthusiastically repurposed it for its current use and had given this erotic prop an elegant name.

The upper class had countless such erotic accessories. He chose this one specifically because it made people lose strength while remaining fully aware of what was happening. It didn’t have the ability to induce arousal, which was good—it would make Griffin feel even more humiliated and painful. frXQk5

He poured a large dose into the wine. Fortunately, it was completely soluble in water, colorless, and tasteless—the creator of the drug was very considerate. Otherwise, the wine might have tasted like porridge.

Then he waited until the day Griffin was on duty, he pretended to find a lover to have some fun, acting like he had no ulterior motives. After a while, he sent her away, feigning fatigue, and called Griffin in.

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In the bedchamber, Nelson’s clothes were disheveled, looking spent from indulgence, while Griffin, in his light armor, stood with straight back, like his sword, with no trace of fear or unease.

Nelson said, “Every time you stand outside at such times, it must be difficult for you.” 6d52h9

Griffin replied it was his duty, nothing difficult about it. Nelson observed, unsure if he was sincere, or if he was mocking him.

He put on a melancholy expression, after being influenced by his parents, he looked quite convincing when making such an expression. He said, “Do you think I’m a useless king? The people want a tall, handsome king with master swordsmanship, who commands respect wherever he goes, but I’ve never been that type.”

“If Your Majesty had master swordsmanship, we’d all be out of a job,” Griffin said, his tone always casual towards the king. “Your Majesty is a good king; you don’t cause trouble. For a king, that’s quite a remarkable quality.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Nelson wondered if Griffin had spent a long time coming up with that compliment, as it sounded rather dubious. sGepf6

Lf rlutfv atfjaglmjiis jcv rjlv, “Jbwf, tjnf j vglcx klat wf, Xgloolc.”

Vibkis, tf qbegfv klcf lcab atf meq. Xgloolc rjlv, “Ktf Ebsji Xejgvr mjc’a vglcx ktlif bc veas…”

“P mbwwjcv sbe ab vglcx,” Rfirbc lcafggeqafv, atfc rlutfv jujlc. “Ktf gfueijalbcr rjs atja atf xlcu’r klii ajxfr qgfmfvfcmf, gluta? P xcbk la’r obg ws rjofas, yea gluta cbk, P gfjiis kjca sbe ab tjnf j vglcx klat wf.”

The other man shrugged and walked over. He was never one to strictly adhere to rules. HWfn6Z

He picked up the cup, made a toasting gesture towards Nelson, and then drank it in one gulp.

Nelson showed a smile.

Griffin put down the cup, bowed slightly, and said, “If Your Majesty doesn’t need anything else…”

“I still have something to say,” Nelson said. “You know, Griffin, when I’m with those people in bed, I’m always thinking about you.” deMSFt

The other man raised an eyebrow, his expression initially tinged with amused surprise, but then his face changed.

He swayed slightly, and Nelson saw him reach for his sword, but it was futile; Nelson knew how potent the drug was.

Griffin silently collapsed onto the carpet, his eyes wide open and unfocused, as if he couldn’t believe what was happening.

Nelson strolled over to him and said, “What do you intend to do with that sword? I am your king. You are supposed to do whatever I command. That is your duty. Did you think of killing me?” lQB89b

Griffin glared at him, his deep blue eyes—they resembled sunlit and translucent lake water, but some said they were blue like the sharp edge of a blade. They had always appeared complacent, likely never having encountered such a situation in his life, now showing an expression of fear and bewilderment.

Nelson looked down at him and said, “How despicable, Griffin. You will pay the price for your insolence and arrogance. A terrible price.”

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He sat on him, yanking his hair to force him to look up. It felt warm and soft, and when he tightened his grip, it felt like he had complete control over this person; it excited him.

“You will be severely punished, Griffin,” he said. “Do you have anything to say?” ElyIDW

Griffin said nothing, naturally—he had been drugged and couldn’t speak.

Nelson reached for his belt and began to remove his chainmail. Beneath it, he wore only a shirt, and Nelson finally had his unguarded body exposed before him. No matter how arrogant Griffin had been or how much he had ignored him.

He started unbuttoning his shirt. Griffin stared at him, neither closing his eyes nor looking away. His gaze remained sharp and dangerous, not pleading but rather more like “I wonder if you really dare to do it?”

Nelson felt a surge of anger. He tore open the man’s shirt, sending buttons flying in all directions, just as the scene he had originally imagined. Underneath was a powerful body, exuding strength and explosive energy, with old scars faintly visible—mostly were remnants of the battlefield— which added a fierce, deadly charm. gNBTtR

He reached out to touch, thinking, I finally have him.

The man who acted so arrogantly in the arena and killed without mercy, desired by everyone. He was one of the most powerful people in the kingdom, but now, I have him.

He grabbed his chin, leaned in, and kissed his lips, a fierce kiss until he tasted blood.

Then, the kiss traveled downward, leaving a wet trail. sLZPi8

He had often wondered what it felt like to be this man—possessing everything, knowing no fear, handsome and strong. There were other handsome and formidable men in this country, but the reason he always stared at him, might be because his eyes showed no fear.

It wasn’t the fearlessness from the inexperience of the world. Griffin had led troops in battles, achieving military honors at a young age. In the Iberia family, it was never easy to be the heir. In a way, this was an extremely strict family, which was why it maintained its position as the leading family of Hersey for so many years and grew increasingly stronger. Yet none of this had dulled Griffin’s sharpness in the slightest.

He could never achieve that himself. So, he always stared at him.

So dazzling, quite infuriating. rAnNwa

His kisses traveled lower as he removed Griffin’s pants.

He looked up at Griffin, who stared intensely back at him, blue eyes dark like the sea before a storm. The thing between his legs didn’t seem very excited. Nelson grabbed it and felt Griffin’s muscles twitch slightly, but he couldn’t move. Nelson knew that.

He slowly rubbed it, hearing the man’s breathing become somewhat erratic. He took a breath and continued to rub more skillfully, feeling Griffin slowly lose control in his grasp. He was holding the man’s most vulnerable spot, controlling his desire. This made him so excited that his scalp tingled.

For reasons he couldn’t pinpoint, he bent down and took Griffin’s member into his mouth. ABahQm

He felt Griffin’s breath stop, and the penis in his mouth grew increasingly hard. By this point, all of Nelson’s decorum and reserve were thrown out of the window. He was trembling with excitement, focused solely on the thing in his mouth. Controlling it was all he wanted to do with his entire being.

He licked diligently, as if it were something of utmost affection. He had never done this before but had plenty of experience being on the receiving end, so his actions became increasingly lewd and skillful. He felt Griffin completely lose control in his mouth, letting him do whatever he wanted. He could do nothing but breathing heavily and surrendering himself entirely.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He continued to toy with him repeatedly, until the final moment when Griffin came in his mouth.

Nelson would never have imagined doing such a thing before, but he had deliberately not avoided it just now. He raised his head, some semen still on his lips, and looked at Griffin. izCZGM

The man lay on the carpet, seemingly dazed. The climax was long and intense. Nelson had never seen him like this, unable to even focus his eyes.

He felt an indescribable satisfaction.

He cleared his throat, about to say something when the door was suddenly pushed open.

No one announced it, and the door was pushed open with such force that it made a loud noise, startling Nelson. He looked up to see that the one who rushed in was Gunter, Griffin’s father. 9mSE0l

He was dressed in military uniform, and at first glance it looked even like a mutiny, but in fact he had just come down from the training ground. This time he came to participate in the winter military parade and had been on the training ground all day.

His expression was frighteningly grim, especially when he saw his eldest son lying on the carpet. It looked like he could draw his sword at any moment and hack someone—mainly Nelson—to death.

Nelson shivered. The man rushed to Griffin’s side, followed by his entire team of personal guards and a few royal guards.

Obviously, someone tipped him off. Nelson thought, what he did to Griffin was not particularly in secret. This was the royal palace, and nothing was private. There were always guards and maids who knew. And in the palace, he really wasn’t all-powerful. Pleasing Marquis Iberia had far greater benefits. xdKPJo

He was still kneeling on Griffin, and the old marquis rushed over and shoved him away roughly. Nelson was pushed so hard that he fell to the side. For a few minutes, Nelson really thought he would rebel. He even imagined how he would loudly scream and reprimand him later.

But the Marquis ignored him. He knelt in front of Griffin and covered him with his cloak. The family doctor behind him immediately checked Griffin’s symptoms and took out some medicine, which should be something to neutralize the medicinal properties of “Spring Night”.

It seems that he came prepared this time.

Nelson silently stood up, watching the scene. He hadn’t even taken off his clothes yet. A few of the accompanying royal guards stood beside him. They probably followed the Marquis because they saw him rushing into the palace and feared something might happen. jAlJRD

Old Gunter blocked Griffin from view, but it wasn’t hard to guess what had happened. Nelson felt their attitudes were a bit suspicious, as if they didn’t know where to stand. Of course, it could also be that he was being paranoid.

After a while, Old Gunter helped Griffin sit up. Then Griffin broke free from his father’s hand and stood up on his own. He had already put on his trousers, still disheveled and looking a bit like he had just experienced a moment of passion.

“Your Majesty,” the Marquis said grimly, “I fear my son is not fit for the duties of a Royal Guard…”

Griffin touched him, and he stopped, turning to look at him. 56yJVL

Nelson’s heart almost stopped. On one hand, he deeply regretted not having done more; Griffin had already regained his footing. Though still weak, he was no longer the powerless person he had been a moment ago, but once again the dangerous figure that Nelson couldn’t touch.

Griffin leaned into his father’s ear and whispered something. Nelson couldn’t hear it, but it seemed these two were not planning to kill him. Though it was hard to say.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

However, the Marquis indeed didn’t kill him—perhaps realizing his son hadn’t lost his chastity?—and then, taking the large group of people he brought with him, he turned and left.

Nelson felt as if the room had been swept clean by a whirlwind, leaving nothing behind. Although those people hadn’t messed up anything, he felt as though his heart, and mainly his major pursuits all this time, had been taken away by the Marquis and his entourage, leaving the surroundings suddenly empty and cold. u4j5NR

Later, Griffin told him that he had said to his father that now was not the time to question him, as he had something important to discuss.

The important matter was that the royal family harbored such hatred for the Iberia family. This was an issue significant enough to unsettle the family.

To Nelson, it might have seemed that the Iberia family could do whatever they wanted, but in reality, this family didn’t want to do whatever they wanted.

For Griffin’s family, having strained relations with the royal family brought no benefits at all. They weren’t planning to replace the royal family. Firstly, they had no legitimacy, and their fiefdom and foundation were in the west. The capital had always belonged to the Sodder family—that is, the royal family—since ancient times. A2dRhB

They also didn’t want to stay cooped up in their territory. They wanted to be in the capital, the center of art and economy, where they could maintain good relations with other nobles and enjoy life. This couldn’t be achieved solely in the west.

The Marquis had always hoped to maintain good relations with the royal family. Back in the day, he recklessly got involved with Princess Elma. She threatened him to take her away from the palace because she was almost going mad from the constant gloom there.

Eventually, he married her and took her away. This was against the rules, and it was too rash towards the royal family, so he had been trying to make amends ever since.

He sent his only son to serve as a Royal Guard and even considered marrying his daughter to Nelson to deepen the ties between the two families. He never imagined things would turn out so badly. Gd37T0

As for the matter of threatening Nelson’s father, Griffin told another version.

He said that he and Elma had already secretly pledged to marry, but the old king firmly disagreed. At that time, he just wanted to appear closer to him to persuade him better. He did believe that he and the king were close, able to speak to each other like brothers.

He also thought that sending his son over and forming a good relationship with the new king would be easy. They would become brothers who could talk about anything, just like he had been with the old king.

Of course, that day he finally realized that this whole thing was a mistake from start to finish, and that the royal family was completely different from what he had imagined. x1rsWl

He decided to immediately return to the west and never come back to this crazy royal capital, but Griffin persuaded him to abandon that idea. He could handle this; he wasn’t a little boy who needed to hide behind his father’s cloak.

While Nelson’s father treated him like a child who could be hurt at any moment and needed strict protection, the relationship between Old Iberia and his son was quite equal. Because he actually agreed to let his son stay in this crazy environment and have him try to resolve the issues between their family and the royal family.

“If my late Royal Father encountered something like this,” Nelson said, “he would absolutely tie me up and drag me home, lock me in a room to ensure I will never face any danger. He’s that kind of person. He believes the world is full of dangers.”

Griffin laughed and said, “My old man’s way of handling it is to tell me to go sort it out, or don’t come back at all.” QwDFn2

As he said this, he was lying naked on Nelson’s bed, with the blanket only covering up to his waist. He was talking with a bright smile, just like the first time Nelson had seen him, with a carefree attitude. He was incredibly sexy, Nelson thought.

Nelson said, “Uh, I’m glad you were finally able to stay.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Even if he didn’t let me, I would have stayed,” Griffin said, smiling at him. “His Majesty the King’s oral skills are really first-rate.”

Nelson’s face was a bit red, and Griffin continued cheerfully, “So I decided not to go anywhere. It’s great to stay close to His Majesty.” 4tN0Dh

“Just because I’m good in bed,” Nelson said.

“Not just good, it’s really really good,” Griffin said.

Nelson stared at the ceiling in silence. This turn of events was incredibly bizarre.

For so many years, he had lived with resentment, but when he finally went mad and took action, things went in a strange direction. KiQ5gO

The Iberia family had no interest in humiliating his family; they just wanted to stay in the west, live their lives, fight some wars, and make some money. As for Griffin, look at his pursuit. He stayed in the capital against the marquis’s wishes was clearly just for…

He apparently wasn’t arrogant, nor did he look down on him. He was just… dense.

Nelson looked at the person beside him, thinking of the time he saw him at the jousting tournament, thinking of his long-standing jealousy and dissatisfaction. In the end, he did gain some satisfying sexual experiences, but…

He turned to look at Griffin, who had a look of complete satisfaction and was lying in Nelson’s bed as if it were his own home, far from Nelson’s initial goal of humiliating him. Wcs1l7

But he had just been fooling around with Griffin, and now his whole body was in a state of comfortable fatigue, and he had no energy for hatred.

Griffin leaned in to kiss him. Nelson wanted to resist a little, but it wasn’t an easy thing to do, so before long, they were entwined again.

What started as a matter of national and family feud, the King thought, had turned into a bedroom farce.

This felt much better. ouxqrk

The End.

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  1. Well turn out the Iberia isn’t a villain here?

    Anyway, congratulations Nelson you got what you wanted.
