I'm Very Strong, I KnowChapter 16

Driven by frustration, the purple-haired Hu Wenbin turned and glared at his subordinates, “Attack!”

His subordinates hesitated. bSGVjC

They looked at each other, weapons in hand, but their bodies wouldn’t move.

After all, they were just a group of students who had never experienced real combat. Even with numbers on their side, they were unsure how to proceed.

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Hu Wenbin: “…”

This was no longer just about resenting their lack of competitiveness. L59imb

He felt as if he was matched with a team of pigs.

So, Hu Wenbin snatched an entrenching tool from a subordinate with yellow hair, shouting “Follow me!” and charged forward, leading by example.

Forget it.

If they are pig teammates, so be it.


At this critical moment, he couldn’t turn around and start beating his own people. He’d settle scores after they had taken the car.

Even six pigs ought to be able to take down two opponents.

With his greatly enhanced physical condition, Hu Wenbin was confident in himself, so being the first to charge forward held no worries for him. He went straight for Zhou Ruiyi, who stood in the center of the three.

To catch a thief, capture the king; to kill a snake, strike at its vital spot. Cjgd8x

With tremendous fervor, Hu Wenbin surged forward, and the rest of the students, infected by his spirit, temporarily set aside their doubts and courageously followed.

Zhou Ruiyi and his group were undaunted, deftly positioning their knives in front, their gazes sharp like eagles, contemplating the best angle for attack.

Knowing that the man opposite also possessed supernatural abilities, Bai Yunlai voluntarily took on the heavy responsibility of dealing with him.

As a supernatural ability user, he knew better than anyone how physical abilities could be enhanced after awakening. emLoCi

He and Zhou Ruiyi always had an unspoken understanding, and it was the same now. After receiving a signal from Bai Yunlai, Zhou Ruiyi and Zhao Chenggong focused on dealing with the six people following Hu Wenbin.

Bai Yunlai’s body was extremely flexible. As Hu Wenbin was about to charge at him, Bai Yunlai withdrew his knife into his space, grabbed Hu Wenbin’s wrist, and raised his right leg high, kicking directly towards Hu Wenbin’s face.

Hu Wenbin narrowly dodged the blow, and a cold sweat broke out on his back.

The grip on his wrist was so strong that he couldn’t break free immediately. n2dJiN

In a flash, Bai Yunlai activated his ability, and the entrenching tool in Hu Wenbin’s hand disappeared into thin air.

Suddenly weaponless, Hu Wenbin panicked a bit, incredulously looking at this handsome man who was as strong as him, cursing internally.

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This person also has supernatural abilities?!

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Dea yfobgf tf mbeiv oluegf bea j qijc, Djl Tecijl tjv jigfjvs gfaglfnfv atf xclof ogbw tlr rqjmf. Ktf rtjgq yijvf uilcafv mbivis, meaalcu atgbeut atf jlg ragjluta abkjgvr Le Qfcylc’r cfmx. SENy0K

Mjmlcu atf lwwlcfca atgfja bo vfjat, Le Qfcylc, qbkfgfv ys rbwf ecxcbkc ragfcuat, delmxis gfagfjafv, gfifjrlcu j olra-rlhfv oijwf ogbw tlr qjiw, tegilcu la olfgmfis ja Djl Tecijl.

Bai Yunlai dodged the fireball.

The fireball struck the glass of a shop, making a loud crackling sound and shattering it.

Meanwhile, Hu Wenbin painfully touched his neck. y1Gx9l

He widened his eyes in shock at the sight of the red blood on his hand, which stung sharply.

His pupils dilated in shock.

In an instant, much of Hu Wenbin’s pride collapsed.

While they were having a battle akin to gods fighting, Zhou Ruiyi and others were not idle either. j MkR5

Even though these students were much weaker physically and the two had knives, in a two against six fight, they did not fall behind.

Zhao Chenggong felt somewhat drained when he first got into the vehicle, but after drinking water and eating bread, his strength was replenished. The knife in his hand was very sharp, cutting deep wounds with each swipe.

After repeated clashes and injuries, fear once again took hold in the hearts of the students.

They were all their parents’ old babies. 4YnT9b

Such a bloody affair, in the past, would have called for the entire family to spring into action.

It’s unclear who first threw down their weapon and surrendered, squatting down like dominoes; one by one, the six students dropped their weapons and crouched with their heads in their hands, looking like frightened quails.

Crying out, “Don’t kill me, I surrender!!”

Zhou Ruiyi: “…” SbnGBd

Zhao Chenggong: “…”

Both were somewhat speechless.

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At this time, Hu Wenbin was also brought to tears by the pain from the wound on his neck.

With mixed feelings, Hu Wenbin looked at his subordinates, who were now squatting in a row as if they were about to be taken to the police station, his expression somewhat vacant. mgYPl

Bai Yunlai collected all the spikes blocking the car into his space and returned to Zhou Ruiyi’s side.

“With your skills, you’d better practice a few more years before trying again.”

Zhao Chenggong mocked.

They try to act like movie villains and hijack cars before their hair has even grown in fully, not even checking if they have the ability. m0NMp1

Laughed at, the quails didn’t dare move; there was no indignation, only fear now dominated their entire being.

Who knew that their first attempt at wrongdoing would hit such a snag.

“…It’s just victors and losers, what kind of man resorts to mockery!”

Stung by Zhao Chenggong’s tone, Hu Wenbin snapped back to reality and spoke. OK3VC

He was very defiant.

Zhou Ruiyi’s eyes darkened: “So, robbing people makes you real men?”

He looked at the group, not intending to let them off so easily.

Laying spikes on the road, having a woman pretend to be in distress to elicit sympathy, and even planning to murder and rob. OP2QLs

Had they encountered anyone but them, they might have succeeded.

He had intended to teach this group a lesson they would never forget, but suddenly, chaotic footsteps came from behind.

Turning his head, Zhou Ruiyi mentally cursed Hu Wenbin countless times.

The sound of the glass shattered by that fireball had attracted a large number of zombies! oKBIwz

Their limbs twitched and twisted unnaturally, yet they moved quickly towards them, like hungry wolves that hadn’t eaten in a long time.

Hu Wenbin was baffled by the situation.

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The six pig teammates looked up, frightened by the scene, and collapsed onto the ground.

“Damn it! Get in the car!” MFLnza

Zhou Ruiyi shouted as he pulled open the car door.

Bai Yunlai and Zhao Chenggong reacted very quickly, getting into the car even before he finished shouting. Hu Wenbin was momentarily stunned but knew that getting in the car was his chance to survive, so he hurriedly tried to run over.

“I am a supernatural ability user! I am a supernatural ability user!”

“I am very useful!!” 3 xTSn

But Zhou Ruiyi mercilessly started the car, and the Hummer, with all its power, was certainly not something Hu Wenbin could catch up to.

Seeing that he couldn’t catch up with the car, Hu Wenbin looked nervously and fearfully at the approaching horde of zombies, then turned and ran in a different direction.

He absolutely couldn’t return to Ji Gong Bao; with so many zombies, they could easily flatten that small shabby restaurant!

While running, Hu Wenbin still didn’t forget to shout back loudly: “Useless! You bunch of pig teammates!!” fstbZv

If it weren’t for these people, there wouldn’t have been so many complications!

By now, he would have already been at the steering wheel of the Hummer.

The harsh scolding finally snapped the six people back to reality. They got up and tried to run forward, but after just a few steps, the zombie horde caught up with them, two were immediately knocked down to the ground, overwhelmed by the zombies like ants, almost without even a chance to scream.

This was just the beginning. Q8M0dV

The number of zombies was simply too many, and they were very strong, continuously grabbing people to devour as today’s meal.


Bai Yunlai glanced in the rearview mirror.

Seeing those students overwhelmed by the zombie horde, his eyes flickered slightly before slowly withdrawing his gaze. ArbQ f

Those who harbor evil intentions will ultimately be devoured by their own malevolence.

Zhao Chenggong raised an eyebrow and said, “Serves them right.”

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Then added somewhat disappointingly, “It’s a pity that the short guy seems to have escaped.”

“He won’t get far.” 74Co2P

Zhou Ruiyi said solemnly.

Indeed, those students were at fault, but it was more due to the manipulation of their leader.

The one who deserved death the most had escaped, which was somewhat poignant.

——— cJCdbG

The Author’s Note:

Once the glass shattered.

Zombies: [eyes gleaming] Dinner time!!

All Advanced Chapters Available!


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  1. those poor kids RIP… at least darling zhao chenggong was cute as always u////u thank you for the chapter!