I'm Very Strong, I KnowChapter 11

At that moment, Liu Dongsheng approached him.

“Zhao Shao… if things continue like this, we’ll all starve to death here.” pbtzC9

There was a small partition in the private room, Liu Dongsheng called Zhao Chenggong over, leaning against the wall, his face showing utter defeat.

He was naturally thin, and these days of hunger had made his complexion even worse.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zhao Chenggong glanced at him, but said nothing.

Liu Dongsheng wasn’t in a hurry as he stayed silent for a few seconds, then lowered his voice and said, “I have a plan… I don’t know if Zhao Shao would like to hear it.” NdYgBw


“About those two young girls in our private room… I think…”

Liu Dongsheng muttered the next few words unclearly, but Zhao Chenggong heard them clearly.

“Open the door, push them out to attract the zombies, and we’ll take that opportunity to escape.”


Zhao Chenggong scoffed.

Liu Dongsheng heard it and thought he agreed, starting to flatter him by saying “Zhao Shao is a smart man,” but the next second, he heard Zhao Chenggong say.

“Liu Dongsheng, Liu Dongsheng, you look like a human, but your words and actions are anything but.”

Before he could finish, Liu Dongsheng felt a pain on his cheek, as Zhao Chenggong punched him to the ground. kdjJS0

Zhao Chenggong was tough, truly debonair, and physically impeccable.

He had often visited the military district governed by his grandfather since he was young.

While Liu Dongsheng was accustomed to sitting in an office, physically weak. When he went for medical check-ups, they would give him a sub-health diagnosis and advise him to go home and exercise more to improve his health.

What followed was a one-sided beating lasting five minutes. 9 Vbk1

Zhao Chenggong had been bottling up his anger these past few days, so when this despicable person willingly offered himself up, Zhao took the opportunity to vent vigorously.

It wasn’t until his phone started to ring with a “drip-plop” sound that he finally stopped hitting.

By this time, Liu Dongsheng was almost beaten into a semi-conscious state, wailing uncontrollably on the ground.

He truly hadn’t expected Zhao Chenggong to start hitting him without even a warning, and now he was in severe pain, even his cries were feeble and filled with sorrow, unable to raise his voice. o0wxgK

Seeing the caller ID on the screen, a hint of surprise flashed in Zhao Chenggong’s eyes.

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He hesitated for a few seconds before finally pressing to answer.

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Dfmjerf tf tjv fzfgafv j iba bo obgmf lc yfjalcu Ole Gbcurtfcu, jcv tjnlcu cba fjafc kfii atfrf vjsr, Itjb Jtfcuubcu kjr rbwfktja vgjlcfv. Lf abbx j mbeqif bo rfmbcvr ab mjamt tlr ygfjat, jcv bcis joafg atf qfgrbc bc atf qtbcf tjv jrxfv aklmf vlv tf gfqis: “Tfjt, la’r wf.”


Bai Yunlai set the phone to speaker mode and held it up to Zhou Ruiyi.

Zhou Ruiyi glanced at him, a slight smile curling up at the corners of his lips, and then said into the phone:

“We’re almost at the entrance of Oscar.”

Following that, he reported their approximate location. u6a3WQ


Hearing the voice through the receiver, Zhao Chenggong was stunned, gripping the phone tightly.

He hadn’t expected… hadn’t expected Zhou Ruiyi to actually come to rescue him.

“What do you mean ‘ah’? Get ready, I plan to smash right through the door.” xO3Rf9

“Smash, smash through the door?”

Zhao Chenggong was shocked by Zhou Ruiyi’s decision, which sounded like a death wish at first listen.

Zhou Ruiyi laughed.

“Haven’t you seen my Hummer? Even ten of those flimsy glass doors at Oscar wouldn’t stand a chance against it.” k1RqPV

Zhao Chenggong was momentarily speechless.

Two seconds later, he said very seriously, “Okay, I understand. What do I need to do?”

“Do you really believe I’m going to smash through the door…?” Zhou Ruiyi was astonished by his naive thinking.

“…Otherwise?” 1lZgt5

Zhao Chenggong’s mind was blank at that moment.

It didn’t matter whether Zhou Ruiyi said he was going to smash through the door, or if he said he needed to set off explosives and needed Zhao to light the fuse, Zhao would try his best to do it.

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“Alright, no more joking.”

Zhou Ruiyi stopped teasing him. KmfgL

“In a bit, Yunlai and I will drop an alarm about a hundred meters from Oscar. That thing is really loud, not just for fun. When it goes off, it will attract all the zombies from the bar and nearby areas. My car will be parked just a few steps ahead of the bar. Don’t hang up the phone, listen for my signal, and when the zombies are all drawn away, hurry and run out to meet us, and then…”

“And then we’ll go to Shui Yi Fang together?”

Zhao Chenggong completed his unfinished sentence.

“Smart.” Sq6Jdi

Zhou Ruiyi complimented him insincerely and then floored the accelerator.

“You can start getting ready now.”

After saying this, Zhao Chenggong looked at the screen for a moment.

Then, he took out a pair of Bluetooth earphones from his pocket, put them on without giving Liu Dongsheng, who was playing dead on the ground, a glance, and left the room. oVnd3W

As soon as he stepped out.

“Zhao, Zhao Shao…”

Gu Yulian looked timidly at the person who came out of the small room.

The place wasn’t very soundproof, and Liu Dongsheng’s loud cries from inside made him and the two young girls outside feel like they were sitting on pins and needles, afraid even to breathe heavily. Z0G4RT

Young Master Zhao really didn’t hold back at all.

They listened as Liu Dongsheng’s loud cries inside gradually turned into indistinct whimpers, a kind of slow torture for both mind and body.

Zhao Chenggong glanced down: “What’s wrong?”

Gu Yulian originally wanted to ask what Liu Dongsheng had done to offend Zhao to such an extent, but the look Zhao threw him made him lose his nerve. He swallowed the words he was about to say and dared not bring it up again. yPiGOH

“Nothing… it’s nothing.”

He decided it was best to focus on how to preserve himself.

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It wouldn’t matter to him whether Young Master Zhao had just beaten up Liu Dongsheng or even if he had killed him; either way, it had nothing to do with him.

In times like these, meddling often doesn’t lead to a good outcome. 2xtl91

Seeing that he hadn’t managed to say anything substantive, Zhao Chenggong withdrew his gaze and pressed the Bluetooth earphones on his ear.

Chu Die and Lin Ling had been tightly holding hands since Liu Dongsheng started shouting inside. Even when Zhao Chenggong came out, they didn’t dare to look up, shrinking their heads, with cold sweat breaking out on their palms and backs.

Interestingly, the two were not close friends before, but rather competitors.

Hostesses, after all, don’t really share sisterly affection; not fighting over a patron is already considered good. Ad2 0l

But now, with no one else around to rely on, and Zhao Chenggong standing there like a grim reaper, they felt very insecure and could only huddle together for warmth.

Over these three days, they had developed a kind of comradeship through shared adversity, clutching each other’s hands tightly at the first sound of Zhao Chenggong hitting someone inside.

Zhao Chenggong was unaware of the image he projected in the eyes of these three, and of course, even if he knew, he wouldn’t care much.

He lightly sanded the surface of his earphones with his fingertips, and after about half a minute, he spoke to Gu Yulian. LPy8ca

“Come over and help me move the stuff blocking the door.”

Gu Yulian was stunned.

But then he was ecstatic.

He couldn’t help but sound a bit chirpy, his tone also carried a pleasing flavor: “Zhao, Zhao Shao, is this your family…?” 7fNQqS

Chu Die and Lin Ling also snapped out of their brief daze, their faces filled with expectation as they looked at Zhao Chenggong.

For some reason, they suddenly felt that Zhao Shao didn’t seem so scary anymore…

Just, the whole person was radiating a golden glow…!

Under their expectant gazes, Zhao Chenggong scoffed. Vrefbz

“Yes, that’s right. But it’s my brother who’s coming, and he’s only rescuing me. Don’t think about hitching a ride on his car.”

Saying this, he swept a glance at the three of them.

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“The zombies will be drawn away by him soon. If you want to survive, run out quickly and then fend for yourselves.”

Zhao Chenggong did not have the magnanimity to save the world, let alone provide this favor was not even his to give. u2DXkd

Zhou Ruiyi coming to his rescue was already a huge favor. He couldn’t, and wouldn’t, impose three more burdens on him.

All Advanced Chapters Available!

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  1. This is so interesting! I love how the author portrayed zhao chenggongs personality like he’s selfish but also humane but not a saint also thanks for the update!♥️