Imprisoned in Eternal NightCh42 - :D


Wen Ran was surprised beyond measure. He rose to his feet and tried to keep his voice as low as possible, “Assistant Fang, where are you? Are you safe?”

“I’m still in the capital. Everything’s fine. I’m calling from a payphone.” qdAIMO

Time was of the essence. Wen Ran quickly relayed the most important information, “I found your mother’s farewell letter and took a photo of it.”

“Really…” Fang Yisen’s voice wavered with disbelief. He asked cautiously, “Can we meet?”

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“Yes, right now.”

“Now? It’s late. It’s not safe for you to come alone.” FbVjWh

“I’ll be fine.” Wen Ran said as he slipped on his shirt, “Tell me your location and I’ll be there soon.”

“I’ll wait for you at Wanjiang Park. Be careful.”

“Okay, I’ll be right there.”

Since waiting for the driver would take some time, Wen Ran took a taxi and arrived at Wanjiang Park after twenty minutes. Clutching his phone, he walked in and spotted a figure beneath the nearby trees.


Wen Ran ran over and saw it was indeed Fang Yisen. He appeared to be in good condition, albeit a bit weary.

“I brought some snacks from home for you to eat on the way.” Wen Ran handed him a lunchbox and pulled a crumpled roll of cash from his pocket, “This is my allowance. It’s not much, but take it.”

“I have enough money with me.” Fang Yisen accepted the lunchbox, “Thank you.”

“And… your mother’s letter.” Wen Ran retrieved his phone and opened the gallery to find the picture, “I couldn’t take the original, so I took a photo.” yl8Y0X

Fang Yisen paused, his expression at that moment was hard to describe. He took the phone and studied the picture for several minutes before handing it back to Wen Ran and whispering, “Thank you so much, Wen Ran.”

“No need to thank me. If it’s not too much trouble, could you send me a text when you get to your new place?” Wen Ran didn’t ask Fang Yisen how he had hidden himself or where he was going and just hugged him, “I hope you stay safe. Maybe we’ll meet again someday.”

Fate always took unexpected turns, leaving little time to say more words before parting. But Wen Ran was content, knowing that this departure meant escape and freedom for Fang Yisen.

“I will.” Fang Yisen ruffled Wen Ran’s hair before letting go, “Once things settle down, I’ll get in touch.” KVzAdb

“Goodbye, Wen Ran.” He took a step back and smiled at Wen Ran. Then he turned and disappeared into the depths of the night.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


It wasn’t too late when Wen Ran returned home. After taking a shower, he pondered for a moment before sending a message to Gu Yunchi: I feel like I can sleep well tonight [ moon]

Rbk atja C Xbbv Ufgrbc kjr yjmx lc atf mjqlaji, tlr gfqis rqffv kjr wemt ojrafg atjc ktfc tf kjr jygbjv: mbcugjaeijalbcr HLqE9B

Wen Ran: [rose]

Qtlif atf rlaejalbc klat Mjcu Tlrfc tjv gfjmtfv j afwqbgjgs mbcmierlbc, Ol Hlcukjc’r qtbab ilcufgfv nlnlvis lc Qfc Ejc’r wlcv. Pa kjr fnlvfca atja ybat Jtfc Vtetel jcv Qfc Eel kfgf jkjgf bo Ol Hlcukjc jcv tjv yffc rqslcu bc tfg. Dea kts?

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

The likelihood that Li Qingwan had returned to find him was high.

Wen Ran’s heartbeat quickened uncontrollably at the thought, like seeing a glimmer of light. Li Qingwan was no longer the violinist who had disappeared seventeen years ago. She had resurfaced four years ago, possibly even trying to find him. 1vEg0s

So close, Wen Ran thought, the day he could meet his mother might be near.

The next day, Wen Rui left early in the morning and didn’t return until after Wen Ran had taken his evening shower. Once home, Wen Rui locked himself in his room again.

Auntie Fang brought dinner upstairs. Wen Ran opened his door and took the tray from her, “I’ll go. You can rest.”

“Alright, alright. Make sure he eats at least a little. His health will suffer if this continues.” fXHMcJ


Wen Ran entered Wen Rui’s room. The safe had been tidied up. Wen Rui was sitting on the edge of the bed, clutching the farewell letter. Wen Ran walked over to him without saying a word.

“I was in a meeting when the hospital called. By the time I took Fang Yisen there, his mother had already passed away. He couldn’t see her one last time.” Wen Rui suddenly spoke, his voice hoarse as if filled with sand, “So, he became afraid of the dark. He has to keep the lights on at night to sleep.”

Whether it was guilt or remorse, it was all too late and utterly useless. Wen Ran gazed at him calmly. FjKPG7

“Keeping the farewell letter from him isn’t about stringing him along.” Wen Rui looked at the ceiling light, “It’s because I know it’s his only reason to live. Once he reads it, he’ll end his life without the slightest hesitation or regret. I know him well.”

Clatter—the tray in Wen Ran’s hands tilted, causing the bowls and cups to clink together. Wen Ran heard his own voice tremble with disbelief, “What?”

Fang Yisen had read the letter last night. Wen Rui said he would die without the slightest hesitation or regret.

Wen Ran was barely able to stand. He stiffly placed the tray on the bedside table and forced out a sentence, “I’m going back to my room.” bRX3UG

Wen Rui tilted his head back, eyes closed, and didn’t answer.

Upon returning to his room, Wen Ran stood there frozen, a chill creeping over his body. He recalled Fang Yisen’s last smile in the wind the previous night. It carried a mix of emotions he couldn’t decipher at the time. Now, he realized it was likely the smile of someone who had truly decided to say goodbye.

Wen Ran lost the ability to think, his mind looping over a single thought: If Fang Yisen truly committed suicide, it’s my fault. I killed Fang Yisen.

He had shown Fang Yisen the farewell letter because he wanted him to have no regrets, trying to do everything he could to make even a little amends. Yet, he hadn’t considered that good intentions could also cause harm. It turned out that being free from regrets didn’t necessarily lead to happiness and fulfillment but could instead result in losing all ties and sentiments. PD7h0I

For a second, Wen Ran even thought of telling Wen Rui: I saw Fang Yisen yesterday. Find him and bring him back, even if you have to force him. I just need to know he’s safe.

But he couldn’t do it, he couldn’t… Wen Ran’s hands trembled uncontrollably at his sides. He tried to persuade himself to calm down first and think of a solution. However, a voice kept echoing in his ears, reminding him that an entire day had passed. It was too late. Time had run out.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Wen Ran’s heart was about to sink to the bottom. He lowered his head and rubbed his face vigorously. Suddenly, the last remnants of rationality and hope offered a suggestion—besides Wen Rui, who else could track down Fang Yisen now?

Wen Ran jerked his head up. Ignoring the fact that he was still in his pajamas, he snatched his phone and dashed downstairs. D 0y4F

He took a taxi to the villa district, where the security guard drove him in the patrol car to the entrance of Gu Yunchi’s house.

Wen Ran’s legs felt weak as he exited the car and he nearly tripped on the steps. The living room was pitch black. Wen Ran unlocked the door and ran frantically inside. There was no sign of 339 anywhere. He only noticed a light in the backyard and assumed someone was there.

He stumbled through the living room to the backyard, only to find it empty except for the lights. Gu Yunchi couldn’t possibly have gone to bed so early; he was probably still out partying.

Wen Ran stood bewildered in the garden, breathing heavily, his thoughts tangled in a mess. Finally realizing he could call Gu Yunchi, he fumbled for his phone in disorientation. Before he could even unlock it, the sound of glass clinking caught his attention. He spun around but saw nothing but the darkness around him. It seemed like the sound was a mere figment of his imagination. ASJxC3

Wen Ran paused for a second. Then, as if guided, he looked up—an alpha was standing on the second-floor balcony to his right.

Gu Yunchi was holding a glass of wine, leaning over with his elbow on the balcony railing as he gazed down at Wen Ran.

He almost blended into the night sky and his eyes were obscured by the thick darkness of the night. Wen Ran looked into his eyes and opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

Wen Ran couldn’t remember how he made his way back to the living room, got into the elevator, opened the door, and crossed the room to the balcony. R2O j1

All he could hear was his own heavy breathing along the way, accompanied by a profound sense of calm he felt when standing in front of Gu Yunchi.

Gu Yunchi turned and leaned against the railing, silently watching Wen Ran. Wen Ran seemed unable to wait any longer and blurted out in a trembling voice before he could organize his words, “Can you help me….. find Fang Yisen? Something might have happened to him…”

“Still no word from him?” Gu Yunchi asked calmly.

“No. I mean…” Wen Ran took a breath and tried to express himself as clearly as possible, “He’s hiding. Last night, he called me. I went to meet him and showed him the farewell letter.” idbhHe

“But today my brother told me that he didn’t show Fang Yisen the letter because he feared he’d kill himself afterward. I didn’t know it would be like this, so I showed him the letter. What if something really happens to him? Can you help me find out where he is now? Is he safe? I’m worried…”


Before Wen Ran could finish, his words were cut off. Wen Ran stared at him blankly. He had thought Gu Yunchi would question why he was interfering or why he came to bother him, but he didn’t. He simply said “Okay”.

The next moment, Gu Yunchi typed out a few words on his phone and sent a message. The screen lit up his cool white face. Against the night backdrop, it looked like a blurry and unfocused image seen through a viewfinder, lacking warmth yet within reach. 2d mlI

Without warning, the heavy stone weighing on Wen Ran’s chest was lifted effortlessly in an instant, allowing air to flood in and rapidly expand his chest. With the sudden shift in emotions, Wen Ran took a breath and tears began to fall uncontrollably, even though he didn’t feel sad or upset.

“Sorry…” He wiped his eyes carelessly, unsure what he was saying, “Thank you, thank you…”

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“What are you crying for?” Gu Yunchi locked his phone, giving the impression that he neither comprehended nor cared. He was calm and aloof like he was casually asking with no interest in the answer, “Why are you crying?”

Wen Ran raised his head to look at him. Tears blurred his vision and he was only able to make out a silhouette swaying in the wind under the dark blue night. A balloon started to strangely inflate inside his body, filled with countless questions that had been avoided and shielded because he hadn’t dared to ask or think about them. Rewinding back to their first encounter, he thought about everything that had happened between them—why Gu Yunchi had given him a phone and a laptop, why he had been willing to speak frankly about the funeral, why he had agreed to release pheromones, why he had given him the model, why he hadn’t refused the hug, why he had sent people to rescue him during the kidnapping, why he had revealed the secret about his rut, why he had agreed to help him find Fang Yisen… YeVWqk

In the end, they collided chaotically into a single question: Why are you so good to me when I haven’t been able to do anything for you?

The balloon stretched to its limit, trying to burst out of his throat as it swayed and bulged, eager to pose the question.

Unfortunately, it completely exploded in the next second as Gu Yunchi reached out to wipe away a tear from the corner of his eye.

The explosion caused Wen Ran’s ears to ring. In the shattered fragments of his thoughts, he grasped Gu Yunchi’s wrist and took a step forward. With some effort, Wen Ran tilted his head up and planted a kiss on Gu Yunchi’s cheek. M60tkq

It was just a light touch. The contact between lips and cheek was fleeting, as brief as if nothing had happened.

What now? What came after the kiss? What to do? What to say? Wen Ran had no idea. His thoughts scattered like a string of beads broken off a chain, each bead pounding to the ground and shattering. Unable to piece together a coherent logic or train of thought, he stood before Gu Yunchi as though he had committed some great wrongdoing, feeling increasingly bewildered and panicked.

Wen Ran warily loosened his grip on Gu Yunchi’s hand a little, then a little more, hoping not to appear overly flustered. Once he let go of Gu Yunchi’s hand, he would have to pull himself together to go downstairs and leave, pretending as if nothing had happened.

His fingertips grazed against the skin of Gu Yunchi’s wrist. Just as they were about to separate completely, Gu Yunchi clasped Wen Ran’s hand back. qokeUO

Wen Ran eyes widened in disbelief as he stared at him, but a freezing darkness immediately blocked his sight—Gu Yunchi’s unreasonably cold hand covered his eyes. The wind in his ears became clearer, and the alpha’s voice came from an unknown direction and felt surreal.

“When will you learn to do these things while you’re clear-headed.”

Gu Yunchi’s voice was low and each word crashed into Wen Ran’s buzzing ears. Wen Ran struggled to piece them together into a sentence. When he finally comprehended, he felt even more confused. He parted his lips, intending to explain that he wasn’t in heat and knew what he was doing.

Before he could make a sound, Gu Yunchi released his wrist, then wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him closer. c3fEny

The alpha’s breath drew near, tinged with alcohol, transforming into a soft presence pressing against his lips.

Author’s note:
First night……is being……delivered……

Translator’s note:
The author really loves teasing us 😂


Translator's Note

references to (possible) suicide

Translator's Note

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  1. Ran’s self-esteem is super low. He would need Gu to tell him how much he’s helped and valued. But Gu isn’t a person to open up…