I Got Caught After Flirting with the Wrong PersonCh127 - A Bet Is a Bet

In the end, Luo Chengcheng managed to talk his way into a meal with his slick tongue. He sat at Luo Yusen’s dining table, watching Fei Bai take care of Feifei while eating, and said carelessly, “Cousin, your place is the best. There are no parents around.”

Fei Bai choked, thinking that Luo Chengcheng was about to be kicked out. MHwiYb

Realizing his previous comment was inappropriate, Luo Chengcheng quickly explained, “That’s not what I meant, cousin. I mean, my parents are too annoying. I just went back home for one day and they started pushing me to get married.”

He picked up a dumpling and continued, “It’s not just the nagging—they even put a pair of pink slippers under my bed and hung some women’s pajamas in my closet. For a moment, I thought I had a ghost marriage with some girl.”

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He paused and glanced at Fei Bai. “Hey, Fei Bai, do your parents know about you and my brother?”

Great. He really had a knack for hitting where it hurt. Fei Bai froze, unsure whether to tell the truth or not. cvsRf0

Luo Yusen came to his rescue, saying to Luo Chengcheng with a blank expression, “If you’re full, then leave.”

“No, no, I’m not full yet. I’m still hungry.” Luo Chengcheng quickly bowed his head and continued eating dumplings. Suddenly, he exclaimed, “Ouch!” and spat out a coin. “It’s not even New Year yet, and you’re already putting money in the dumplings? My tooth almost broke. I thought it was some new type of hidden weapon.”

Fei Bai counted the coins that had been found and said, “There’s only one coin left in the dumplings.”

Luo Chengcheng’s eyes lit up, and he suggested, “Hey, let’s play a game. Whoever finds the last coin can ask anyone here to fulfill their New Year’s wish. How about that?”


His plan was to get his brother to cancel his overtime for next year, so he eagerly turned to Luo Yusen. “What do you think, bro?”

Luo Yusen was about to say something, but after glancing at Fei Bai, he seemed to change his mind and replied indifferently, “Okay.”

Luo Chengcheng then quietly sped up his dumpling-eating pace, devouring three plates by himself. In the end, there was only one dumpling left on the table, and the final coin still had yet to be found.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Mfl Djl kjrc’a lcafgfrafv lc atf vewqilcu. Llr bcis Rfk Tfjg’r klrt kjr obg tlr qjgfcar ab jmmfqa Oeb Terfc, jcv ktfatfg atja kbeiv mbwf agef vfqfcvfv bc iemx, rb tf vlvc’a ybatfg qlmxlcu eq tlr mtbqralmxr. F Z9OD

Oeb Mflofl, ktb tjv cb remt kbgivis klrtfr, kjr jigfjvs oeii jcv tjv rajgafv qijslcu klat j rwjii qlfmf bo vbeut Mflyjl tjv ulnfc tfg.

Seeing that his brother wasn’t making a move, Luo Chengcheng quickly grabbed the last dumpling. “Alright, then I won’t be polite.”

He couldn’t help but smile widely—no overtime in the New Year, here he comes.

His grin was unstoppable as he imagined a New Year without overtime. But just then, Luo Yusen suddenly stood up and went to the kitchen. After a while, he returned to find Luo Chengcheng staring dumbfoundedly at the empty plate. “How could it not be here? Did I swallow it without realizing it?” HxdP7v

With a “clink,” a coin was tossed onto the table by Luo Yusen.

“The last one fell into the pot,” he said calmly.

Luo Chengcheng immediately jumped up. “Bro, that’s cheating!”

Luo Yusen knocked on the table with his knuckles and said calmly, “A bet is a bet.” kGTVja

Luo Chengcheng deflated slowly but soon perked up again. “Bro, what’s your New Year’s wish?”

“Maybe his wish is to be a kind-hearted capitalist or something,” Luo Chengcheng thought, hoping he could take the opportunity to make his own request.

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Luo Yusen raised an eyebrow. “It’s none of your business.”

Fei Bai felt an inexplicable sense of foreboding. Sure enough, after sending off Luo Chengcheng in the evening and putting Feifei to bed, Luo Yusen cornered Fei Bai, who had just finished his shower and was about to change into his pajamas, at the bathroom door. DyAGdS

“What are you doing, Senior Brother?” Fei Bai asked, his clear eyes wide. A drop of water fell from his eyelashes and landed in the hollow of his beautiful collarbone.

Luo Yusen scooped him up and kissed the water off his collarbone. “Time to fulfill my New Year wish.”

Fei Bai’s breath became a bit unsteady.  By the time he realized what was happening, Luo Yusen had already coaxed him out of his towel. He was now straddling the man, enveloped in the warm water of the bathtub.

Fei Bai lowered his gaze to Luo Yusen, his fingertips tracing patterns on his chest. “So, Shixiong, the reason you asked me to run the bath was for this.” RzTIOU

Luo Yusen grasped Fei Bai’s hand and pulled him closer, whispering in his ear, “Shixiong wants to see you take charge tonight.”

His hand, still damp from the water, carried a suggestive touch as it caressed Fei Bai’s skin. The corners of Fei Bai’s eyes reddened from the steam in the bathroom. Without a word, he slid his hand down Luo Yusen’s chest.

It was scalding.

The water brought a strange sense of fullness, making Fei Bai unsteady. He gripped the sides of the bathtub, his neck tilting back as he breathed heavily. Luo Yusen seemed to want to see him even more disheveled and out of control, pressing against the nape of his neck and biting his Adam’s apple. 760LAa

“Do you remember what you promised me earlier today?” Luo Yusen asked hoarsely.

Defiantly, Fei Bai claimed not to remember.

“You don’t remember?” Luo Yusen stared at him, and whatever he did next made Fei Bai moan uncontrollably, then, in a whimper, admit he remembered.

The next day, after being called “husband” and “big brother” and being coaxed and deceived by Luo Yusen into doing even more audacious things, Fei Bai was finally carried dripping wet out of the bathtub by Luo Yusen. His only thought as he was lifted was how that damn dumpling had ended up so overcooked. 0uK5v9

The following day was the day Fei Bai had agreed to have dinner with his parents. Luo Yusen had initially planned to drive him to pick up his grandmother and then take him to his parent’s place, but Fei Bai refused. He was afraid his parents would explode if they saw Luo Yusen.

Luo Yusen felt sorry for Fei Bai going out alone in the cold to hail a taxi. It took some effort to convince Fei Bai to let him at least drop him off at his grandmother’s house.

As Fei Bai hesitated before getting out of the car, he turned and said, “Shixiong, what if my parents insist I stay home?”

“Then stay,” Luo Yusen replied. euoalX

Fei Bai looked at him for a moment, then reached over, kissed him on the neck, and tried to leave. However, Luo Yusen pulled him back into his arms, wrapping his arms around Fei Bai’s waist.

Luo Yusen held Fei Bai close, kissing him tenderly and planting kisses on his lips and cheeks, showing reluctance to let go.

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Fei Bai caught sight of a figure outside the car and gently nudged Luo Yusen, “Shixiong, my grandmother’s here.”

Luo Yusen moved a little away from Fei Bai and lowered his head to look at him. “Little Shidi, remember to come back.” xth eR

Fei Bai reached out and innocently touched Luo Yusen’s nose. “Okay.”

Luo Yusen rubbed his face against Fei Bai’s affectionately before letting him go. “Say hi to grandmother for me.”

Fei Bai nodded, closed the car door, and waved vigorously to Luo Yusen inside the car before turning away.

Luo Yusen lifted his chin in response and mouthed, “Go on.” B5cU0x

Fei Bai then turned towards his grandmother and walked over. As he approached, he saw the elderly lady looking back and forth between him and Luo Yusen’s car with a gentle expression.

“It’s really nice to see you both. It reminds me of when your grandpa was still around,” his grandmother said warmly, raising her hand to pat Fei Bai’s head. Then, changing the subject, she asked, “Feifei, did I put you in a difficult position?”

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