I Got Caught After Flirting with the Wrong PersonCh125 - I Want Everything

Fei Bai was silent for a moment. Knowing that he would have to confess sooner or later, he finally decided to tell Luo Yusen the whole truth.

As he spoke, he kept glancing at Luo Yusen’s expression, only to find that the other was much calmer than he had imagined. VpemxA

Luo Yusen had actually guessed most of it already. What else could make the kid so conflicted and afraid to tell him?

It wasn’t a complicated matter, and it didn’t take long to explain the whole situation. Fei Bai quickly finished speaking and looked at Luo Yusen anxiously, waiting for his response.

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Luo Yusen touched his waist and pulled his clothes down. “Get up and talk.”

Fei Bai propped himself up with his elbows, but his waist was weak, and he almost fell back down. Luo Yusen said nothing, wrapping Fei Bai’s hands around his own neck and helping him down from the table. 5vGdnq

“Shixiong, I don’t want to be separated from you. I just feel a little guilty about Grandma…” Fei Bai murmured.

He couldn’t tell if Luo Yusen was angry, and his heart was pounding nervously in his chest.

“I understand,” Luo Yusen said, looking at him. “What do you think?”

“I… I don’t know,” Fei Bai replied honestly.


Luo Yusen sighed. After all, he was still just a kid.

He patiently asked, “Fei Bai, have you ever thought about why your parents don’t agree with you having a boyfriend?”

“Because… because they can’t accept that I’m gay?” Fei Bai replied, still somewhat confused.

Luo Yusen looked at him for a moment and then rephrased his question. “If Feifei grows up and brings home a girlfriend, what would you think?” TlkNBt

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Mfl Djl atbeuta obg j wbwfca jcv rjlv, “P kbeiv atlcx jybea ktfatfg Mflofl mbeiv yf kfii ajxfc mjgf bo, ktja kbeiv tjqqfc ab atfw ktfc atfs ufa biv, jcv lo atfs vbc’a tjnf mtlivgfc, ktb klii ajxf mjgf bo atfw lc atflg biv juf…”

Oeb Terfc cbvvfv. “Ccv atf wbra lwqbgajca atlcu?”

“The most important thing,” Fei Bai repeated. The most important thing should be whether she is happy.”

“Do you understand now?” Luo Yusen gently pinched Fei Bai’s earlobe. ZKJznD

Fei Bai felt like he was starting to grasp something. “Shixiong, you’re saying I should prove to my parents that I’m happy now, and they shouldn’t worry about the future?”

Luo Yusen corrected him, “It’s not about not worrying. Everyone’s future is uncertain, and it has nothing to do with whether you have a boyfriend or not.”

Fei Bai nodded. “I understand. Then I’ll go back and tell my parents that as long as I die early, no one needs to worry about taking care of me.”

Luo Yusen paused, and before he could say anything, the kid continued, “But my parents probably won’t be convinced that easily…” HmKrSs

“Give it a try first,” Luo Yusen said, rubbing the kid’s shoulder. “If it doesn’t work, you still have your Shixiong.”

A week before the New Year, Luo Yusen gave the staff at the Second Ring Villa a holiday and moved back with Fei Bai to take care of Feifei.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

With only three people left in the large house, Fei Bai felt much more at ease. He could lie on the sofa and eat without restraint, one leg propped up on the backrest, swinging leisurely as if he were truly at home.

When he mentioned this to Luo Yusen, Luo Yusen glanced at him and said, “This is your home.” g1 hoX

Fei Bai responded with an “Mm” and suddenly said, “Then I need to buy a lottery ticket.”

“Why?” Luo Yusen asked.

“Because when I first came here, I thought that winning eight million in the lottery had a higher probability than this place becoming my home. Now that it really is my home, I want my eight million,” Fei Bai said with a smile.

Luo Yusen couldn’t help but laugh. “You want eight million that badly? Your Shixiong can give it to you.” ugvaEy

“It’s not the same. Winning eight million is something I earned through my own efforts,” Fei Bai said seriously.

“Right, the hard work of buying lottery tickets,” Luo Yusen said, raising an eyebrow. “It really takes a lot of effort.”

Fei Bai caught the teasing tone and pouted, “What’s wrong with dreaming of getting something without working for it?”

“I never said it’s wrong. If you keep at it, little Shidi, you’ll end up bankrupt someday,” Luo Yusen said as he walked over and sat next to Fei Bai. 6GxAFj

Fei Bai lightly tapped his leg with his foot. “If I go bankrupt, won’t my boyfriend save me?”

Luo Yusen grabbed his ankle. “Saving you comes with conditions.”

Fei Bai’s eyes twinkled as he pretended to be naive. “What does Shixiong want?”

Luo Yusen leaned closer, his hand resting beside Fei Bai, and whispered in his ear, “I want everything.” 9b1C5M

Fei Bai wrapped his arms around Luo Yusen’s neck and kissed him proactively. “Then let me give it to you now, okay?”

Fei Bai had originally planned to bring Luo Yusen home for dinner on Chinese New Year’s Day, but Luo Yusen said there was no rush for that day. He suggested letting Fei Bai spend a proper New Year with his parents first, and they could deal with other matters later.

Fei Bai agreed with him. If he couldn’t convince his parents that day, it might leave a painfully awkward memory for everyone present.

Moreover, Luo Yusen and Feifei wouldn’t be alone or without a place to go. They could continue their tradition of having dinner at Yan Yan’s home. 89sRAy

Yet Fei Bai still felt a bit regretful. “Shixiong, I envy Feifei so much. I also want to spend Chinese New Year with you.”

“We can celebrate again when you come back,” Luo Yusen reassured him.

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Despite this reassurance, Fei Bai still wanted to feel involved in their New Year’s celebration. So, he bought many decorations, like couplets and blessings, online, intending to liven up the Second Ring Villa a bit.

At this time, many delivery services had suspended operations. Fei Bai finally found someone willing to ship his package. However, on the expected delivery day, no courier contacted him. Checking his phone, he discovered that the package had already been marked as delivered, addressed to someone named Shui Chizi. Xun8sF

Fei Bai was puzzled. He quickly changed his shoes and ran into the courtyard, where he saw a box wedged on the artificial mountain in the pond.

Knowing that the pond water could freeze in winter, Luo Yusen had it drained to prevent accidents when Fei Bai and Feifei played outside. Despite this precaution, Fei Bai couldn’t believe how the delivery person managed to reach such an inaccessible spot. Even if they were busy, they could have just left it on the ground. It seemed the courier was unexpectedly responsible, insisting on a less accessible location.

Fei Bai exerted tremendous effort to pry the box from the artificial mountain and bring it home. He unpacked the decorations one by one: lanterns, red packets, blessings, and couplets he had ordered. Additionally, the seller had included a few sheets of blank red paper.

Fei Bai took these to Luo Yusen’s study. After much thought, he wrote the character “福” (money) on one of the sheets, reflecting his love for wealth. He affixed this upside down on the door. That evening, when Luo Yusen returned and inspected it for a while, he asked, “What does this mean?”

“It means ‘money has arrived‘,” Fei Bai replied matter-of-factly. He didn’t understand why Luo Yusen had a half-smiling expression that seemed like he wanted to laugh.

“So that’s what it means,” Luo Yusen observed the character “福” that Fei Bai had written, and then calmly said, “Shixiong thought it meant you were losing money.”



Translator's Note

Posting the “福” (pinyin: fú; jyutping: fuk1) character is a tradition for Chinese people during Spring Festival each year. “福” is difficult to translate into English; it means something like “幸福” (xìngfú; happiness, blessing, well-being, being satisfied with one’s life) and “福气” (fúqì; good luck, good fortune). Posting the “福” character represents people’s wish for a good life and happy future. 1v4gfQ

The “福” character is often posted upside-down. It is said that this is because the character for “upside-down”, “倒” (pinyin: dào; jyutping: dou3), is a homonym of the character for “to arrive”, “到” (pinyin: dào; jyutping: dou3). So this means that “福” (happiness, good fortune, etc.) is “arriving”.

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    • Hmmm.. I am thinking -of a hypothetical scenario – ‘IF’ —after my son goes to University– and if the choice is: he brings a classmate from University or a rich one like Luo Yusen – I would prefer his classmate…. don’t you think so(from a parent’s viewpoint)? However, It is so satisfying to read the rich CEO fall for the innocent young one in fiction. I am enjoying it!

  1. I don’t know it will be this easy with FB’s parents

    Thank You for the new chapter (♡ >ω< ♡)