I Got Caught After Flirting with the Wrong PersonCh123 - Let Shixiong kiss for a while.

Although Feifei’s birthday was randomly generated, Fei Bai still wanted to give the little girl a proper celebration. He called Luo Yusen to ask if he would be back that day.

“Not sure,” came Luo Yusen’s voice from the other end, amidst the sound of flipping through documents. “You go ahead and prepare.” A6z3Mr

After a pause, he added, “You can invite your classmates over.”

Understanding that Luo Yusen likely wouldn’t make it, Fei Bai obediently said okay and hung up. He then went to contact Qiao Li and Yan Yan.

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Qiao Li and Yan Yan agreed immediately. Not only did they prepare gifts, but they also arrived before Feifei woke up that day. Qiao Li came with several bags, saying they were gifts and decorations.

When Fei Bai went to open the door in the morning, he was still a bit groggy. Seeing Qiao Li in a deep green down jacket, he felt like he was looking at a mailbox. He yawned and patted Qiao Li on the shoulder. “Come on, open wide. I’m going to send a mail.” Osc4FA

“Mail your grandmother,” Qiao Li said, pushing his hand away and throwing the bags on the ground. “Come on, let’s get to work.”

Yan Yan tried tearing open a zip on a package with her hands but failed. She kicked Qiao Li and demanded, “Get me the scissors.”

Qiao Li rubbed his leg and muttered, “Yan Yan, couldn’t you ask nicely? This makes me feel so undervalued.”

Yan Yan replied casually, “Oh, sorry. Please get me the scissors.”


Qiao Li sighed, “Forget it…”

The three of them sat in the living room, working on decorations. They quickly transformed the second-ring villa into a birthday party scene. Fei Bai ordered a cake through a delivery app, and now it was time to cook. Fei Bai gave the kitchen staff half a day off and had previously arranged with Aunt Zhang for her to stay with Feifei in her room until noon. The rest of the preparations were up to the three of them.

Fei Bai was worried that Aunt Zhang might not be able to keep Feifei entertained. After washing the vegetables, he instructed Qiao Li to start cutting while he washed his hands and went to check on Feifei in her room.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Aunt Zhang was in the middle of telling Feifei a story, “Once upon a time, a little rabbit carried a basket to buy carrots…” bguzPh

Mflofl, eclcafgfrafv, qertfv atf rabgsybbx jkjs. Qtfc rtf rjk Mfl Djl, rtf gjc bnfg jcv teuufv tlr ifu, ajixlcu ab tlw.

“Qbeiv sbe ilxf ab tfjg j rabgs jybea Fiagjwjc?” Mfl Djl mjrejiis qlmxfv eq Ceca Itjcu’r rabgsybbx, rxlwwfv atgbeut la, jcv yfujc, “Ycmf eqbc j alwf, Fiagjwjc mjgglfv j yjrxfa ab yes mjggbar…”

He told Feifei a story about Ultraman and a little monster fighting fiercely over half a kilogram of carrots. After that, the little girl quieted down and sat aside to play on her own.

While Fei Bai was telling the story, Qiao Li was cutting meat under Yan Yan’s supervision. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Qiao Li assumed it was the cake Fei Bai had ordered and hurried to open the door. qBfaLe

To his surprise, it was Luo Yusen standing outside.

Qiao Li, holding a large kitchen knife stained with blood, stared at him in shock. After a moment, he looked at the blood on the knife, swallowed hard, and said, “President Luo, would you believe me if I said I’m here to cook?”

Luo Yusen had seen the delivery guy with the cake at the door and had brought it in. When Fei Bai came out of Feifei’s room, he was stunned to see him.

“Shixiong, you’re back?” l9HrNC

“Yeah, I changed to an early morning flight,” Luo Yusen said, setting the cake down and gently holding Fei Bai’s face. “Why are you making your classmates cook?”

Qiao Li interjected, “President Luo, I’m practically family to Fei Bai, so it’s only right.”

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Upon hearing this, Feibai lifted his foot to kick Qiao Li, who swiftly dodged. Luo Yusen raised an eyebrow, finding it refreshing to see his little one playing around with his classmates at home.

After changing out of his coat and into more casual clothes, Luo Yusen went to the kitchen to check on Fei Bai, who was cooking. Yan Yan, perceptive as always, nudged Qiao Li out of the kitchen, saying they needed to set up the gifts and snacks in the living room. She even closed the kitchen door on her way out. VJmNyI

Fei Bai, wearing an apron, was chopping vegetables. Luo Yusen stood behind him, wrapping an arm around his waist and bending down to kiss the back of his ear.

“Shixiong, are you tired?” Fei Bai asked as he chopped.

“Not really,” Luo Yusen replied.

“Then have you missed me?” Fei Bai softened his voice. ZcsSNH

Luo Yusen gently sucked on Fei Bai’s earlobe and whispered softly, “Yes, I have.”

A tingling sensation spread from his ear, making Fei Bai’s waist go a bit weak. He nudged Luo Yusen’s hand with his elbow. “Shixiong, we’re still celebrating Feifei’s birthday.”

Luo Yusen kissed Fei Bai’s neck again. “I know.”

“You know nothing, you old pervert.,” Fei Bai muttered under his breath, trying hard to overcome the strange sensations and pretending to focus on chopping vegetables. tuHXKD

“When has my little junior brother ever celebrated my birthday?” After kissing him, Luo Yusen rested his chin on Fei Bai’s head and casually asked.

Fei Bai’s hand paused in its chopping. “Isn’t it still more than half a year away?”

“But I want to celebrate it now,” Luo Yusen said as he lifted Fei Bai’s sweatshirt and slowly traced his fingers upward. “No need for such preparations. We can celebrate in bed.”

Okay, he’s being a pervert again. Fei Bai blushed, and his chopping became more aggressive. “Shixiong!” Me5rB3

Luo Yusen smirked, taking the knife from Fei Bai’s hand and placing it aside. Then he lifted Fei Bai and sat him on the nearby empty countertop, pinning him down gently.

Fei Bai panicked and pushed Luo Yusen’s leg with his knee. “Shixiong, Qiao Li, and the others are still in the living room.”

“Let Shixiong kiss for a while.” Luo Yusen’s voice was low and husky. He braced one hand on the table, the other hand gently gripping Feibai’s nape, pulling him closer.

The sound of running water echoed in Fei Bai’s ears as Luo Yusen’s tongue energetically explored his mouth. Instinctively, Fei Bai wrapped his legs around him, relieved that the kitchen at Luo’s place wasn’t an open design. 8oXRtP

No one questioned why Fei Bai and Luo Yusen had spent so long in the kitchen. In the end, Fei Bai didn’t cook. Instead, Luo Yusen ordered food last minute from the nearest five-star hotel.

Fei Bai insisted on transferring the food from the hotel containers to plates himself, barely fulfilling his promise to participate in every part of Feifei’s birthday process.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Halfway through plating, Fei Bai discovered a serious problem—they had forgotten the longevity noodles.

He mentioned this to Luo Yusen, who didn’t seem to care much about such trivial matters and suggested they do without. dFbYdK

“How can we skip it? My grandma prepares it for me every year,” Fei Bai muttered, rummaging through the kitchen. Unable to find regular noodles, he unearthed a packet of instant noodles.

“Let’s just use this,” Luo Yusen suggested, helping Fei Bai prepare the instant noodles.

Fei Bai felt that Luo Yusen’s decision to substitute instant noodles for longevity noodles was irresponsible. However, he had no other choice at the moment and could only plan to make it up to Feifei later.

Even as he brought the instant noodles to the table, Fei Bai couldn’t help but worry aloud, “Will the little girl get a fever from eating this?” wUpQCr

Qiao Li, who overheard, thought for a moment and suggested, “Why don’t you try soaking the instant noodles in Isatis root solution?”


Translator's Note

Isatis is a plant with small yellow flowers. It grows in different parts of northern and central China. The leaves and roots of the plant are used in traditional Chinese medicine.

Isatis is used to treat the common cold and other infections of the nose, throat, and sinuses (upper respiratory tract infections), as well as infections of the glands that make saliva (parotitis).

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  1. He really has become a pervy old man and it’s lovely to see such affection.

    There’s a Korean manhwa which has a similar character development and it’s hilarious. “The ideal relationship” is worth checking out if you enjoy that.