I Got Caught After Flirting with the Wrong PersonCh122 - Can You Let Me Go?

It was supposed to be a simple question, but Fei Bai found it difficult to choose a suitable answer between “yes” and “no.”

Even when he was standing in the bathroom with Luo Yusen that evening, he still hadn’t figured out how to open his mouth and speak to him. 7i4g0z

Luo Yusen, holding the boy’s rib, asked the same question earlier that day. He then noticed Fei Bai’s fingertips against the wall were red, evidently not just from instability but from exertion.

Fei Bai’s guilt made it hard for him to concentrate. Feeling the pain, he bent over and turned tearfully toward Luo Yusen. “Shixiong, I can’t take it anymore…”

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Luo Yusen watched him for a moment, wiped away the tears from his eyes, and soothingly said, “Be good.”

Fei Bai knew that nothing he said at this moment would make a difference. Luo Yusen never granted him mercy just because he pleaded. He could only bite his lip and endure it. Fortunately, Luo Yusen didn’t press him with any more difficult questions. Fei Bai gradually relaxed, and the pain slowly subsided, replaced by other sensations. qGdT83

After it was over, Fei Bai lay on the bed like a broken doll. Luo Yusen sat beside him, wanting to embrace him. Before his hand could touch Fei Bai’s body, he quickly moved away. “Shixiong, I really can’t take it anymore.”

Luo Yusen chuckled softly. “What are you afraid of? I’m not going to touch you.”

In this matter, Luo Yusen had already lost the trust of his little one. Fei Bai pushed away Luo Yusen’s hand. “It doesn’t matter. Shixiiong, just pretend I’m dead right now.”

Luo Yusen was left in a state of bemusement by Fei Bai’s words. “If you’re dead, how are your eyes still open?”


“Because I can’t rest in peace,” Fei Bai retorted defiantly.

Luo Yusen couldn’t argue with him. He gently touched Fei Bai’s cheek and asked softly, “Are you angry?”

Fei Bai turned over and buried his face in the blanket.

Luo Yusen then gently turned the child’s shoulder, flipping him back over, and asked again, “Is it really that painful?” ECwHYF

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Fei Bai angrily sat up. “Why don’t you try it next time?”

Fcjyif ab tbiv yjmx, Oeb Terfc yegra lcab ijeutafg. “Vb la rffwr la’r gfjiis qjlcoei. Dea vlvc’a ws ilaaif Vtlvl jrx wf ab…”

“Gbc’a rjs la!” Mfl Djl lcafggeqafv jcuglis, mbnfglcu Oeb Terfc’r wbeat. Qlatbea kjgclcu, Oeb Terfc qeiifv tlw mibrf, kgjqqlcu tlr jgwr jgbecv Mfl Djl’r kjlra.

Mfl Djl’r ojmf qgfrrfv jujlcra Oeb Terfc’r mtfra, tfjglcu atf ragbcu jcv rafjvs tfjgayfja atgbeut atf atlc qjpjwjr. hCiL5W

“Alright, Shixiong was wrong,” Luo Yusen said, still laughing as he offered a half-hearted apology to Fei Bai. “Next time, I’ll be gentler.”

Fei Bai snorted viciously as he leaned against Luo Yusen. After a moment, he felt uncomfortable in that position and wrapped his arms around Luo Yusen’s neck.

Luo Yusen understood this gesture as forgiveness from the child. He lowered his head and kissed Fei Bai’s forehead. “But next time should be a week from now.”

Fei Bai was puzzled. “Why?” USBEnF

Luo Yusen gently rubbed Fei Bai’s wrist that he was holding. “I have to attend an internet development forum tomorrow, and I won’t be back until next week. You should stay at the villa near Second Ring Road for now, and I’ll come get you when I return.”

Fei Bai paused. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

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Luo Yusen raised an eyebrow teasingly. “Would it hurt less if I had told you earlier, little Shidi?”

Fei Bai didn’t reply. Instead, he kneeled on the bed and lifted his face to kiss Luo Yusen. yiKVeB

Meanwhile, his heart felt heavy. Luo Yusen never trusted him to be alone, even on business trips. He always ensured someone was with him, providing unconditional care and love. Yet now, Fei Bai has concealed something very important from Luo Yusen.

Fei Bai found himself torn between Luo Yusen and his grandmother, both irreplaceable figures in his life. He struggled with the dilemma of honesty, unable to bring himself to hurt either of them.

Because of this, Fei Bai experienced insomnia for the first time in a long while. He lay in bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. The more he thought about it, the more restless he became, eventually kicking the blanket off entirely.

Luo Yusen was a light sleeper. Every time the boy kicked the blanket, he would wake up and cover him again. After a few repetitions, he realized that Fei Bai simply didn’t want to stay under the blanket, restless for some unknown reason. orbI1d

“Be good. Stay under the blanket, or you’ll catch a cold.” Luo Yusen gently rubbed Fei Bai’s back, trying to soothe him.

Fei Bai agreed, but soon Luo Yusen found him outside the blanket again.

Luo Yusen chuckled in exasperation. He fetched another blanket and knelt on the bed, swiftly bundling Fei Bai up with it and then securing it tightly with a belt.

Fei Bai was bewildered. He struggled within the blanket for a moment before realizing he couldn’t free himself. He quietly pleaded with Luo Yusen, “Shixiong, can you let me go?” kDdGF9

“No, sleep,” Luo Yusen replied curtly.

The next day, Fei Bai woke up to find Luo Yusen standing by the bed, wearing an expression that was halfway between amusement and a smile.

With a slight guess, Fei Bai knew why Luo Yusen looked like that. “Shixiong, do I look particularly silly right now?”

“Not silly, quite cute,” Luo Yusen said, reaching out to untie the belt securing the blanket around him. “Like a sushi roll ready to be cut.” P1Z46d

Before heading to work, Luo Yusen dropped Fei Bai off at the villa on the Second Ring Road, instructing Aunt Zhang not to treat Fei Bai as an outsider but also not to be overly enthusiastic to the point of making him uncomfortable.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Luo,” Aunt Zhang replied with a warm smile. “We’ve long since considered Fei Bai  as part of the family.”

The happiest person to hear that Fei Bai would be staying for a week was Luo Feifei. When Fei Bai helped her with math problems, she couldn’t concentrate and would occasionally shake his arm to play with her.

“Feifei, stop messing around. Finish the problems on this page first,” Fei Bai said firmly, pulling his arm away. NwWDBv

Feifei then reluctantly started working on the problems, completing them in a very sloppy manner before tossing them to Fei Bai.

After finishing grading, Fei Bai couldn’t believe that the math prodigy in front of him had only gotten six out of ten questions correct. “Out of ten questions, you got six, right? Come on, little girl, tell me, how did you manage that?”

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Feifei explained that she had gotten four questions wrong.

Fei Bai was at a loss for words. He knew Feifei didn’t want to do it, so he didn’t force her. Instead, he started playing with building blocks with her. POKlBd

The new set of building blocks had a birthday party theme, featuring a small house with a birthday cake, gifts, and little figures wearing birthday hats alongside their friends. After Feifei finished building, she stared at it for a long time, then suddenly tugged at Fei Bai’s sleeve.

“What’s wrong?” Fei Bai asked patiently.

Feifei pointed at the building blocks and then at herself.

“You want to have a birthday too?” Fei Bai understood. “When is your birthday?” xOk mu

Furrowing her brow in concentration, Feifei thought for a moment. Fei Bai opened his calendar on his phone and handed it to her. She confidently pointed to a date three days from then.

Fei Bai was surprised. “So soon? Why didn’t your brother tell me?”

During lunchtime, he quietly asked Aunt Zhang if Feifei’s birthday was approaching. Aunt Zhang was surprised and asked back, “You know when her birthday is?”

“Feifei told me it’s the day after tomorrow,” Fei Bai said, feeling happy that he might be the first one to know. daU2HS

Aunt Zhang responded with an “Oh” and said, “That’s okay then. She celebrates her birthday on whatever day she feels like. Last year, she picked a different day.”

Fei Bai: “…”

Well, it seemed he had gotten excited too early.


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  1. Bedroom’s matters should be enjoyable for the both parties, not forcing ones way =.=

    Thank You for the new chapter (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`) ♡