Heal That Poor Little OneCh52 - The School Bully Gets Beaten Up Every Day

Hearing there was nothing wrong, Yan Shengchen relaxed and sat down opposite Yan Quan.

Since listening to Bai Su, Yan Shengchen had begun to pay more attention to his father, and their relationship had become increasingly better. He routinely asked about Yan Quan’s health and work situation. DMyOCH

Yan Quan had heard about Yan Shengchen’s improved grades and was happy, feeling his son was becoming more sensible. He smiled and asked Yan Shengchen what reward he wanted.

Thinking about rewards, Yan Shengchen couldn’t help but recall the confession and kiss between him and Bai Su, and after a brief daze, he shook his head with a blush.

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“There’s no need for a reward. I was just too immature before.”

Hearing this, Yan Quan felt even more gratified. However, seeing his son’s earlier expression, he felt there might be something else going on. Rwrp89

Yan Quan took a sip from the cup of goji berry tea beside him. Since Yan Shengchen had ordered him to stop drinking coffee like water, his cup had been filled with various healthy teas and goji berries.

“Shengchen, has something good happened recently?” Yan Quan asked tentatively.

“No.” Yan Shengchen shook his head in confusion.

“Then, have you met someone really nice?”


Hearing this, Yan Shengchen nodded, thinking of Bai Su. Although they didn’t meet recently, they had only gotten to know each other well later on. Since being with Bai Su, he had felt particularly happy every day.

Thinking of this, Yan Shengchen’s face showed a brilliant smile. Thinking of the person he liked, his eyes seemed to be filled with starlight.

Yan Quan looked at the boy opposite him in surprise. He recognized that look, as he had experienced such beautiful love himself. It was the expression one had when thinking of a cherished person.

Could it be that his son already had someone he liked? But Shengchen had never mentioned any girl to him. VmxHqt

Thinking of the girls in their class, Yan Quan recalled a few who were good-looking, like Yu Shuxuan. Could it be her?

Yan Quan went through the girls he remembered in Shengchen’s class but didn’t pursue the question further, instead listening as Yan Shengchen brought up Lu Junfeng’s situation.

Due to the improved relationship between father and son, Yan Shengchen occasionally mentioned his friends, and Yan Quan had an impression of Lu Junfeng and Bai Su. He had a good impression of Lu Junfeng, and knew that Lu Junfeng’s father ran Shengheng Group, which was involved in new energy development.

Yan Quan was aware of the recent troubles at Shengheng Group and was considering whether to acquire the company. In the past, he wouldn’t have thought of doing so, preferring to first understand and collaborate with better companies. 7zqkpP

But considering the relationship between Lu Junfeng and Yan Shengchen, and knowing the reasons behind Shengheng’s current issues, he didn’t mind helping Lu’s father, seeing it as a mutually beneficial situation.

With this in mind, Yan Quan didn’t hide his thoughts and directly mentioned them.

Hearing his father’s words, Yan Shengchen was overjoyed and said, “Dad, is it true? Are you really planning to acquire Shengheng?”

“Of course, when have I ever lied to you?” Yan Quan patted his shoulder helplessly. “This is also partly on your account. Don’t worry about it, soon enough, Lu Junfeng’s family will be stable.” dlhTKU

Having resolved a major issue, Yan Shengchen felt relieved. He chatted with Yan Quan for a while, surprised that his father had been home for so long. After discussing the important matter, he also remembered wanting to tell his father about Yan Xinjue and Xiao Yuzhen.

Without any personal bias, Yan Shengchen straightforwardly recounted the conversation he overheard between Yan Xinjue and Xiao Yuzhen, as well as Yan Xinjue’s recent actions, including stealing Bai Su’s work and trying to frame him.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yan Quan listened quietly to his son’s evaluation of the mother and son duo, occasionally nodding and encouraging him to continue. He remained outwardly calm, but when he heard them call his son an idiot and Yan Xinjue shamelessly slandering Yan Shengchen as ungrateful, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Thinking of the surveillance footage he had just reviewed in his study, Xiao Yuzhen was indeed a master at acting. Fortunately, he hadn’t completely trusted her. That woman didn’t know there was surveillance in his study. rjDWMs

This mother and son usually pretended to be pure and kind, gaining so many benefits from the Yan family, yet they were still resentful and slandered his child behind his back.

Ungrateful? Who was the real ungrateful one here!

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Pa kjr jirb tlr ojeia, yflcu abb yers klat kbgx jcv abb cfuifmaoei, eialwjafis jiibklcu atfw ab ugbk jwylalber. Oemxlis, Vtfcumtfc tjv ugbkc wbgf rfcrlyif, wjxlcu tlw jkjgf bo atflg kbiolrt jwylalbcr.

Vlcmf atfs kfgfc’a ugjafoei, atfgf kjr cb cffv obg tlw ab yf abb ifclfca. tNOYd9

Tjc Hejc kjrc’a j oluegftfjv; tf tjv reqqbgafv atf Tjc ojwlis rlcuif-tjcvfvis obg rb wjcs sfjgr. Vlcmf Wljb Tehtfc kjcafv ab rajy tlw lc atf yjmx, rtf rtbeivc’a yijwf tlw obg yflcu qgfqjgfv…

A few days later, Lu Junfeng indeed resumed his chatterbox mode, the three of them lively eating and chatting together. Lu Junfeng was especially grateful to Yan Shengchen.

With this crisis resolved, Bai Su also felt very relieved.

Lu Junfeng’s father was fine, and Lu Junfeng returned to his cheerful self. Bai Su believed in the male protagonist’s character, and as long as they maintained a good relationship, with Lu Junfeng’s abilities, his future was bright even without his lover’s help. qrZzwx

Enjoying a pleasant vacation, Yan Shengchen’s eighteenth birthday was approaching.

He decided to hold a birthday party. Normally, Yan Shengchen wasn’t interested in such things, but now that he had Bai Su, he became enthusiastic about these events. Especially when he thought about appearing in matching outfits with Bai Su in front of everyone, this subtle declaration of ownership excited him.

With that in mind, the guest list wasn’t short. Besides Lu Junfeng and Yu Shuxuan, other classmates were also invited.

On the other side, Yan Xinjue and Xiao Yuzhen didn’t intend to miss this opportunity. Yan Xinjue had completely come to hate Yan Shengchen and Bai Su, so when Xiao Yuzhen suggested framing Yan Shengchen, he agreed without hesitation. 5oPT8m

After contacting the Li family, Xiao Yuzhen found the so-called Yan family’s secret documents in Yan Quan’s study as per their request, earning a substantial deposit. They then asked her to continue acting as their informant in the Yan family, and she agreed, planning to squeeze the last bit of value out of the Yan family.

She also wanted to find a chance to disgrace Yan Shengchen, showing Yan Quan how worthless the child he loved so dearly was.

Their plan, as in the original plot, was to falsely accuse Yan Shengchen of assaulting a female classmate, with the hired perpetrators already arranged. However, this time, Yan Xinjue’s hatred made him more ruthless, planning to drug Yan Shengchen directly.

But they had no idea that their room had been unknowingly equipped with listening devices, so Yan Quan was almost simultaneously hearing their plans. FK21jO

On the day of the birthday party, Yan Shengchen was in a great mood. He had specially ordered matching black and white suits for himself and Bai Su.

He had only recently learned that Bai Su was actually two months older than him, and Bai Su’s birthday had long passed. This made Yan Shengchen very annoyed. He complained that Bai Su hadn’t told him earlier and only let his lover off after taking advantage of him.

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Bai Su pouted with swollen lips, feeling extremely wronged.

This matter wasn’t really Bai Su’s fault. The original character hadn’t celebrated birthdays for many years, having more pressing concerns like basic survival. So, he had forgotten about it too. It wasn’t until Yan Shengchen mentioned his birthday party that Bai Su realized his birthday had already passed two months ago. 8JBfUx

However, Yan Shengchen still decided to make up for Bai Su’s missed birthday, so he specially ordered the couple’s outfits. He told Bai Su early on that today’s birthday party was for both of them.

Guests arrived one after another, mostly classmates, but also some of Yan Quan’s business partners.

Yan Shengchen and Bai Su changed into their outfits upstairs. Looking at the boy in the white suit, who appeared particularly handsome and upright, Yan Shengchen felt a fire ignite in his heart, feeling an urge to kneel down and become his guardian knight.

He took Bai Su’s hand and lightly kissed his fingertips. The infatuation in his eyes was too obvious. Seeing him lean in for a hug, Bai Su stepped back and said helplessly, “The clothes will get wrinkled.” J1Ik07

Yan Shengchen pursed his lips, feeling dissatisfied but not insisting. After leaving the room, he held Bai Su’s hand and whispered in the hallway for a while before heading downstairs.

After they went downstairs, Yan Xinjue emerged from the corner, shocked. Seeing their clasped hands, he never expected that Bai Su and Yan Shengchen had such a relationship.

Yan Xinjue’s face twisted into a malicious smile. This was perfect. When he drugged Yan Shengchen, Bai Su would also suffer. The thought of getting revenge on both of them at once filled him with indescribable joy.

Bai Su had always had 555 keep an eye on Yan Xinjue and Xiao Yuzhen, and he noticed their actions. However, before he could act, Yan Quan’s subordinates had already started to move. J9F vx

Seeing Yan Quan’s orders being carried out, Bai Su raised an eyebrow. As expected of a business tycoon, once alerted, he wasn’t easily taken advantage of.

555 also observed the proceedings, noting that as the small world gradually returned to its proper course with the host’s help, the supporting characters were less influenced and not as foolish.

Yan Xinjue had no idea he was already being watched by multiple parties, thinking everything was under his control.

Seeing Yan Shengchen drink the drugged wine handed to him by a bribed waiter, he felt a rush of vindictive satisfaction and picked up a nearby glass to drink as well. gVjA9B

But what he didn’t expect was that after drinking that glass of wine, he immediately felt dizzy.

Before he could react to what was wrong, he was taken to a guest room in the hotel. This room was the one he had previously arranged with the female classmate to frame Yan Shengchen.

When the girl saw Yan Xinjue, she thought the plan had changed and quickly walked up to ask him what had happened. But by then, the other drug in Yan Xinjue’s drink had already started to take effect.

He felt a burning heat all over his body and slowly lost his rationality, rushing forward to tear off the girl’s clothes. 6erI84

The girl hadn’t expected Yan Xinjue to suddenly do this. Although she had taken his money, the plan was just to be seen with a drunk Yan Shengchen, with disheveled clothes, pretending to have been taken advantage of. She hadn’t thought she would actually be harmed.

But seeing Yan Xinjue’s current behavior, it was clear he intended to go through with it!

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The girl panicked immediately and tried to run, but Yan Xinjue wouldn’t let her go. He grabbed her arm and dragged her down. Yan Xinjue quickly stripped off his clothes and began to forcefully tear at hers.

The girl, in a desperate state, saw a stone ornament on the table. Without thinking, she grabbed it and hit Yan Xinjue on the head. But the first blow wasn’t strong enough; the ornament was heavy, and she couldn’t hold it steadily with one hand. 3lMagP

Yan Xinjue, stunned by the blow, sat up in confusion and then glared angrily at the girl.

Staring at her with such a terrifying look, the girl decided to go all out. Taking advantage of the brief moment of freedom, she grabbed the ornament with both hands and swung it forcefully at Yan Xinjue’s lower body.

A scream echoed through the room. Overcome with fear, the girl lost control and kept hitting him several more times. By the time she snapped out of it, Yan Xinjue was already bleeding profusely and had passed out from the pain.

At that moment, security guards rushed in. Seeing the two of them in a disheveled state and Yan Xinjue bleeding heavily from his lower body, they immediately found some clothes to cover them and took them away. ItxScQ

These security personnel had been placed there by Yan Quan. He wouldn’t let the girl be truly harmed, but since she had taken money to frame his son, Yan Quan decided she needed a lesson.

Afterward, he planned to send evidence of her being bribed to her school. How they dealt with her would be up to the school. Helping others do evil had its consequences.

Many guests heard the commotion and came to see what was happening. Bai Su and Yan Shengchen were also not far away, and they were shocked by the scene.

Bai Su knew Yan Xinjue would be drugged but didn’t expect the girl to retaliate so brutally. According to 555, Yan Xinjue’s lower body was completely smashed, and with the medical technology of this era, there was no way it could be restored. GzPVC6

So, Yan Xinjue had effectively been turned into a eunuch for the rest of his life!

Such an unsavory incident at the birthday party meant that, even though most people didn’t know what exactly had happened, the birthday boy was obviously in no mood to continue the celebration.

“Shengchen, after sending off the guests, come find me. There are some matters that need to be settled today,” Yan Quan said, watching the security personnel carry Yan Xinjue to the ambulance.

Yan Shengchen nodded in response. After hurriedly sending off the guests, he looked apologetically at Bai Su. Q58Mzh

Bai Su, understanding his feelings, gave his lover a hug and patted his shoulder. “It’s okay. We can celebrate our birthdays again when we both have time, just the two of us. That would be even better!”


Yan Shengchen agreed, lightly kissing Bai Su’s forehead before sending him off. He then turned back to deal with the remaining issues with his father.

Yan Xinjue woke up again to find himself in the hospital. As he tried to sit up, a sharp pain radiated from his lower body. Recalling the events at the birthday party, his expression changed dramatically. fZdRUQ

Even though he had been losing consciousness at the time, the pain had jolted him back to awareness. He remembered the girl frantically hitting him with the ornament, smashing his privates into a bloody mess beyond any hope of recovery!

“How did you mess this up? You were supposed to drug Yan Shengchen. How did you end up drinking it yourself?” came Xiao Yuzhen’s accusatory voice from beside him, snapping him out of his despair.

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Turning his head, Yan Xinjue glared venomously at the woman and suddenly slapped her across the face.

Before Xiao Yuzhen could react, Yan Xinjue, in a frenzy, grabbed her by the hair. Hcy3h6

He screamed, “Are you even my mother? I’m in this state, and you’re blaming me! I’m ruined! My life is over!”

Yan Xinjue was almost insane, clawing at Xiao Yuzhen without a care. He didn’t even notice when her face hit the corner of a table, leaving a bloody gash.

When Yan Quan and Yan Shengchen arrived at the hospital, this was the scene they saw. Yan Quan instructed the bodyguards to intervene, and it took some effort to separate the two.

Xiao Yuzhen, clutching her face, looked pitifully at Yan Quan. But with her disheveled hair and wounded face, she looked more like a madwoman than anything else. uGEVqk

Yan Shengchen watched the scene with a complex expression, not expecting Yan Xinjue to go even more berserk upon seeing him.

Though restrained by the bodyguards, Yan Xinjue kept shouting at Yan Shengchen, “Are you happy now? Satisfied? You knew about my plan and switched the drugs, didn’t you? I’m ruined now, nothing compared to you. Is this what you wanted?”

“Switched the drugs!”

Yan Shengchen was startled by his words, thinking of the horrific scene in the room and vaguely recalling the girl’s sobbing. His mind was in turmoil. WYm2tH

He was never stupid, and now he pretty much figured it out. It turned out that Yan Xinjue wanted to harm him, but somehow he ended up consuming that drug himself.

With this realization, Yan Shengchen’s last bit of sympathy for him also evaporated.

At this moment, Yan Xinjue couldn’t accept Yan Shengchen’s calm demeanor. Anger surged in his mind. Thinking of seeing him holding hands with Bai Su today, Yan Xinjue decided to fabricate without regard: “It’s all because of Bai Su, isn’t it? You’re treating me like this because of Bai Su!

Do you think Bai Su likes you? He’s with you just to get back at me. He doesn’t really like you at all! That’s why he signed so many works with my name willingly and did things for me. But I like women, he’s unattainable to me, wanting revenge! Otherwise, why didn’t he come to you in the past? Cy4Mjg

Hahaha! Yan Shengchen, do you really think someone like you could be liked by anyone? Bai Su is just using you!”

Yan Shengchen’s face darkened as he heard Yan Xinjue’s words. He wanted to refute, but he knew the man was not in his right mind at all. How could he reason with someone who had gone mad?

Yet he couldn’t help but think about how Bai Su had indeed gone above and beyond mere friendship for Yan Xinjue, doing so much for him. It was difficult to explain.

Yan Quan overheard their conversation and looked at Yan Shengchen with some confusion, sensing something odd in their discussion about Bai Su. 7zwfQS

But it wasn’t the time to ask now, so he gestured for the bodyguard to gag Yan Xinjue and then looked coldly at Xiao Yuzhen. He motioned for the men behind him to bring two suitcases into the room.

“I know everything you’ve done, Xiao Yuzhen. You took documents from my study, didn’t you? And what else did you conspire with Yan Xinjue in secret? I know it all. These two suitcases are what you brought when you first came to the Yan family. Now, take them back. From now on, you and the Yan family have no further ties.”

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Xiao Yuzhen was completely stunned by Yan Quan’s words. She hadn’t expected him to suddenly say this, leaving her caught off guard.

Though she had long planned to leave Yan Quan, she did not expect to be so ignominiously shown the door. So, she stubbornly explained, “Yan Quan, it’s not like that. Please believe me, there are reasons for all this. I’ve been with you all these years, haven’t I? Don’t we have any history together?” QZiPL

“Since the moment you stole documents from my study and gave them to the Li family, we have no history left to discuss. You’ve enjoyed enough in the Yan family over the years.”

After saying this, Yan Quan ignored the two people in the hospital room and left with Yan Shengchen.

However, there was one thing Yan Quan did not mention. All the information Xiao Yuzhen took from his study was fake. He used this loophole to make a tidy profit from the Li family and finally gained the upper hand over them.

Over the years, despite fierce competition between the Li and Yan families, neither had bested the other. Now, however, the Yan family had finally won. gKExjy

When the Li family realized they had lost everything due to Xiao Yuzhen’s false information, they were absolutely furious and would not let Xiao Yuzhen off easily.

But what happened afterward was no longer Yan Quan’s concern.

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  1. Revenge finally

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖