His Gentle GazeCh11 - Cherry

Ying Wan lowered his voice, instructing Ah Bu who was on the other end of the call, “Pick me up at the back door at 9.20pm.”

“…Boss, the situation’s a bit complicated now,” Surveying his surroundings, Ah Bu swiftly concealed himself in a corner of the dumpster in the back kitchen. “There are people at the carpark as well as the club’s front and back entrances. They seem to be plain clothes officers dispatched by the cops. They’re just waiting for you to go out.” lB8s4p

Ying Wan put down his phone. He looked up calmly, empty gaze inspecting the immaculately-dressed man in front of him. “You made a police report before coming here?”

Sensing the young man’s gradually tightening grip on the gun, Gong Jin held up both hands. His tone of voice could still be considered calm. “It’s full of police officers outside. If you shoot me, you won’t be able to escape either, no?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The gray-haired youth’s eyelashes drooped, as if he were seriously considering his words. A moment later, he lifted the gun and gave Gong Jin a pat on the side of his waist. “You can go, Mr Gong.”

Gong Jin momentarily couldn’t quite bring himself to believe that this person had released him so easily. He sat in front of the counter rigidly for a while before slowly standing up. T0YjfP

He took the coat that the waiter offered him. Then, he looked back at the person who was still seated at the counter, drinking. “Are you not afraid that I will notify the police officers to arrest you the moment I leave? Illegal possession of guns is a serious crime.”

“Mr Gong, since you and I know each other’s secrets, why don’t we both take a step back?” The young man twirled the decorative cherry on the cup with two fingers. Holding it up at eye level, he shook it lightly. The dark, gloomy wine red color was reflected in his eyes. “If I land in the hands of the police, won’t those filthy thoughts of yours be thrust into the light?”

The young man’s words were spot-on, rendering Gong Jin speechless.

If he had a bit more time, it wouldn’t be an issue for him to find out who exactly this person was. This person knew too many secrets. He would have to find an opportunity to seal this person’s lips before leaving the country.


He did not hesitate for long. Soon after, he followed the valet and left the bar.

Lucas, who was attending to customers on the other end, walked over after noticing that Gong Jin had left the club. He gave Ying Wan a teasing smile. “Oh? There are highly eligible bachelors that you can’t hook?”

LEON was at its core a gray zone where the good and bad mingled together. Knowing too much was not a good thing. Lucas had abided by the principle of ‘not listening or looking at what was contrary to propriety’ and tactfully taken his leave at the beginning of their interaction.

Ying Wan delivered the wine-stained cherry to his mouth. He sucked the remaining bit of red fluid on his fingertips. “Not my type.” gAjn8d

“Oh?” Lucas raised a brow. “Then what’s your type?”

A familiar silhouette abruptly surfaced in Ying Wan’s mind. He blinked his eyes, remaining silent.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The phone he’d placed on the counter started vibrating. The moment he picked up the call, Grayback’s loud voice erupted, “Boss, Yu-dage’s car is already out of the second ring road. Estimated ten minutes to arrival!”

Vfflcu atja Oemjr kjr qgfqjglcu ab gfolii tlr fwqas klcf meq, Tlcu Qjc qertfv atf meq abkjgvr tlw. “Rb wbgf, ulnf wf atf ylii.” rBCTK5

“Prc’a atfgf ralii atf rfmbcv tjio?” Oemjr jrxfv tlw. “Tbeg ojmf lr jigfjvs oiertfv, sbeg jimbtbi abifgjcmf lrc’a ktja la erfv ab yf.”

Ktf mbgcfgr bo Tlcu Qjc’r ilqr obgwfv jc jgm. Qjnlcu ja atf yjgafcvfg, tf abbx atf mjcf tjcvfv ab tlw ys atf kjlafg jcv ufcais ajqqfv la jujlcra atf miey’r wjgyif oibbgr. Lf atfc qgbmffvfv abkjgvr atf jgmtfv gbwjc-rasif vbbgr bc atf batfg fcv bo atf vjcmf oibbg.

His ge was already on the way.

He’d dared to carry out this plan tonight and come to Bar Street alone behind Yu Baiqing’s back because he knew his ge would be staying behind tonight for a meeting. As long as he was at home before the meeting ended, Yu Baiqing wouldn’t suspect a thing. y1ua8n

Yet, Yu Baiqing had suddenly left the municipal bureau not long after he reached the club. He was even driving over personally. This was too much of a coincidence.

He had indeed not expected Gong Jin to make a police report prior to their meeting. Gong Jin had so many secrets he wanted to conceal, did he not fear stirring up trouble for himself in the process of making a police report?

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In this situation, the smokescreen he’d set up at the snack street would no longer be effective.

His ge only needed to dispatch someone to check and he would discover that Ying Wan had neither set up his stall at the street nor obediently remained at home. Moreover, in order to bait his target, he’d specially dyed his hair to its previous shade. Even if he were to wash it off right now, he probably wouldn’t be in time. 92AnaY

His presence at the club had already become a fact. He had to find a proper reason to explain his presence here tonight. Otherwise, given how smart his ge was, he would undoubtedly follow the trail of clues and dig out something.

The hall comprising the bar, dance floor, and booths were located in the club’s ‘normal expenditure’ zone. One had to pass through the large arched doors flanked by heavy curtains to enter the club’s VIP zone.

Two waiters wearing bow ties stood in front of the arched doors. They were stationed there for the express purpose of welcoming the club’s valued guests.

The new waiter on the left saw that a blind youth was currently walking in their direction with his cane. They were just about to step forward to inquire when they heard the other senior waiter’s voice. jACWas

Uncertainty clouded the other party’s voice. “…N?”

“Little Mai?” Ying Wan seemed to have recognized the waiter from their voice. There was a hint of surprise in his expression, but he immediately broke into a smile. “I’m looking for Supervisor Xu, could you help me to call him out?”

“Supervisor Xu is pouring wine for the customers in the VIP room now. I’m not sure if it’s a good time,” The waiter informed him. “But I can help you enquire. If Supervisor Xu knew you were back, he would have come out to meet you.”

Ying Wan thanked his old acquaintances in the club and then gripped his cane, walking to the small fountain outside the arched doors. Concealing himself behind the curtain of water, he took advantage of the surrounding people’s inattention to slowly shift his gaze to the swaying clock on the wall. Bouka9

The minute hand unhurriedly moved forward, halting on the time 9.25pm. Ying Wan saw someone pushing aside the curtains hanging over the arched doors. A uniformed figure walked out of the VIP zone.

The person had neatly trimmed sideburns and sported a cordial smile. This person was the most senior supervisor in Club LEON and his old acquaintance, Xu Kang.

“It’s you?” Xu Kang hurriedly headed towards him, disbelief written all over his face. “The Atlantic Ocean’s winds blew you back?”

The vast majority of rumors circulating in the club about Ying Wan originated from this Supervisor Xu. Back when Ying Wan suddenly left Fan City, Xu Kang had randomly come up with a reason to give the club’s customers an explanation. The rumor spread swiftly and widely after that, so all of LEON’s regulars thought that N had left the country with the wealthy merchant who was supporting him. Sp6CAL

Ying Wan didn’t provide any explanation. He took out the club’s VIP member card from his wallet and passed it to Xu Kang. “Arrange an empty room for me, deduct the service fees from this. If someone comes looking for me, just say I’m accompanying guests.”

Unlike the depraved environment of the hall, the VIP zone exuded extravagance and elegance. Ying Wan followed Xu Kang in. The sound of fast-tempo dance music gradually faded behind the heavy curtains. Candles flickered on both sides of the corridor. Solid black wooden doors kept all noise from the outside world out.

“Business tonight’s pretty good. Room one to five, as well as room seven, are all occupied. Only room nine is vacant, you can use that room.”

Ying Wan listened to Xu Kang’s chatter as they walked. Just as they were passing by the corner at the end of the corridor, Ying Wan came to a sudden halt. tZMY6V

Far down the corridor, two men in the middle of a conversation stood at the entrance to the room with the number seven imprinted on the door. One of them had light golden locks, prominent facial features, and deep-set eyes. It was the typical appearance of a foreigner.

Ying Wan followed Xu Kang around the corner. He turned to glance at the end of the corridor. His voice contained an imperceptible emotion. “Is that room seven’s guest?”

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There were a total of ten rooms in LEON’s VIP zone. All staff knew that room number seven not only cost the most but was also the only room reserved for a single person. The room’s services were usually only utilized by this one guest.

Xu Kang nodded as he walked in front, leading the way. “He last came a few months ago. This time, he brought a number of people along, all strangers. They even opened a few bottles of Pétrus, I suppose they’ll spend at least this much.” pkbFVB

He raised a hand, indicating a number to Ying Wan. Then, it suddenly dawned on him that Ying Wan didn’t seem to be able to see.

There was no visible change in Ying Wan’s expression. “Is anyone joining room seven tonight?”

“No, I already asked them. That person says they will be discussing matters. It seems they don’t need anyone to accompany them.” Xu Kang lowered his voice. “They might be discussing some big business. There’s a couple of fellows who can’t be trifled with standing at the door. Even when we go in to pour wine, we’re watched the entire time.”

Ying Wan retrieved a wad of bills from his pocket and called out to Xu Kang. “Old Xu.” 0VnHbO

Ying Wan came to a stop with one hand touching the wall. He passed the cane and bills to Xu Kang. “Help me out?”

Those who could patronize the VIP zone were all bigshots in Fan City. This place had its own rules. His ge might be able to step through the club’s doors, but it would be exceedingly difficult for him to enter this place.

He knew just how much of a disgrace he was in Yu Baiqing’s heart. 

Since Yu Baiqing felt that he was such a person, then he ought to adapt this trick for his own use. TZv gQ

He’d originally come here solely to stall for time so that Ah Bu and the rest could eliminate any remaining traces of his interaction with Gong Jin, creating a reasonable motive for his appearance here tonight.

But now, he had a change of mind.

He followed Xu Kang to room seven. The two robust men guarding the door stepped forward, blocking them from proceeding further. P2kqMg

One of them pointed at Ying Wan, who was behind Xu Kang. The manner in which he spoke gave an inexplicable feeling that he was not fully proficient in the language. It didn’t seem like he was local. “No need for waiter. You, go in.”

Seeing that the guard only allowed himself to enter to pour wine, Xu Kang looked back hesitantly at the person behind. “This…”

Some newbies to the scene would privately give supervisors red packets so they could come here and get acquainted with high-spending customers. Those who were discerning and accommodating could rake in the big bucks in a single night. This had already become an unwritten rule in the club.

But there had never been such a precedent for N. t6hZIo

In the past, it was always others who sent him invites. He had never proactively gone knocking on doors.

“Not a waiter,” Ying Wan said all of a sudden.

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His eyelashes trembled slightly. He straightened his neck. Under everyone’s gazes, he leisurely undid the topmost button of his shirt.

“But a gift, sir.” 2y8lHc

Translator's Note

A teaching from the Analects of Confucius – if it is inappropriate to look, don’t look; if it is inappropriate to listen, don’t listen.

Translator's Note

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