Honey and Ashes【ABO】Ch34 - No more demands! ❤️

This remark wasn’t a pretentious flirtation, but rather a response driven by instinct due to his hazy consciousness. However, his subconscious murmuring was taken as a provocation by Alpha, who mercilessly pinched him, leaving behind vivid fingerprints in an instant.

“Ah!” Ye Sang cried out in pain, tears immediately welling up in his eyes. hYOQrx

He gave a displeased glare at the Alpha who had lost control, intending to curse, but upon seeing those deep, burning brown eyes, his inflated arrogance instantly deflated. The overwhelming dominance of Alpha’s presence made the rebellious Ye Sang only dare to mutter softly, “It hurts…”

This plaintive complaint, along with the red marks on Ye Sang’s skin, ignited a flame of desire in Ai Mo. He gritted his teeth, arching his waist to press his scorching member directly onto the omega’s soft cheek, murmuring, “Let’s make you stop talking.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Usually, Ye Sang, who holds absolute dominance in bed, would definitely throw a tantrum. But at this moment, he was intoxicated by the high concentration of alpha pheromones, his mind foggy, not even harboring any rebellious thoughts, obediently lowering his head to continue licking.

He extended his tongue to lick the liquid from the rounded tip of Alpha, the faint salty scent mingling with Ai Mo’s own body fragrance. It seemed like he completely surrendered to that strong and domineering male scent. Ye Sang, who usually disliked serving others orally, unexpectedly served obediently. Ai Mo’s imposing and immense member was scorching hot, making Ye Sang’s mouth sore from being stretched so wide that he couldn’t even swallow saliva. His chin and Alpha’s thighs were wet, glistening under the moonlight, giving off a lascivious gleam. QfjysT

At this moment, Ai Mo’s hand, which had been pinching his buttocks, suddenly moved to his groin. The scorching fingertips gently touched his extremely sensitive bud, causing Ye Sang to involuntarily cry out, his waist trembling.

“Deeper… a bit deeper…”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The long-awaited touch made Ye Sang lose all his dignity. He murmured hoarsely, lowering his waist even further, essentially offering himself up to Alpha.

Lf ofia Cl Zb’r rmbgmtlcu ygfjat ygertlcu bnfg tlr yjgf atlutr, yea tf vlvc’a tjnf alwf ab offi fwyjggjrrfv sfa. Lf ofia Cl Zb’r olcufgr xcfjvlcu atf rboa yev yfakffc tlr ifur, jcv lcrajcais tlr kjlra kfca kfjx.


“Ct!” tf wbjcfv, j rjalrolfv rlut frmjqlcu tlr atgbja. Ktf rfjglcu olcufgalqr bo Ciqtj kfgf rb mbwobgalcu atja tf vlvc’a kjca ab atlcx jcswbgf. Lf kliilcuis boofgfv tlwrfio eq oegatfg rb atja atf batfg’r olcufgr mbeiv vfinf vffqfg.

Ai Mo found it hard to describe this sensation. He felt as if he were being sucked and swallowed by living silk, draining his rationality to the brink, enticing him to delve deeper, much like in a dream.

“Mmm…” As his fingers delved deeper, Ye Sang’s body trembled even more violently, his scorching inner walls squeezing tightly around him, as if pulling him into the sweetest abyss.

…Can a person’s body temperature really be this high? How strange… the inexperienced Alpha puzzled. dJOvfY

This wet, scorching heat seemed to melt the permafrost in Ai Mo’s heart and dissolve his entrenched reserve. His fingers churned and plunged into the soft depths of the omega’s body. With each movement of his fingers, Ye Sang’s moans grew louder, eventually turning into choked sobs.

“Deeper… yes, right there… mmm…”

The omega, soft as a puddle, lay on top of him, whimpering and calling out. The hot breath from his parted red lips brushed against his throbbing member. Ai Mo could even feel Ye Sang’s tears and saliva dampening his pants. The omega’s tears and moans were like an aphrodisiac, and the honeyed scent surrounded him from all directions, penetrating his cells and stirring his emotions.

Ai Mo felt his blood rushing downwards, his unreleased desire hardening even more. He gritted his teeth and pressed Ye Sang’s head down onto his scorching weapon. SV8Uyb

He didn’t speak, but the command was crystal clear. Ye Sang, who had been lost in moans and pleasure, suddenly remembered his task. He grasped his member and began to swallow.

“Mmm… mnh…”

As Ye Sang licked his throbbing member, he was simultaneously manipulated into moans. His mouth was tightly sealed, only allowing muffled gasps to escape from his nose, sounding like a pitiful meow.

The pitiful and miserable sight directly aroused Alpha’s conquering desire. Ai Mo recalled what he had read in books, slowly rotating the fingers buried deep inside the omega’s body. With a slight push inward, his fingertips touched a slightly rough area. Instantly, he felt Ye Sang’s body tense up, holding his breath. edANLc

“Is it here?” he asked softly, deliberately teasing a bit. He heard a sweet, breathy sound from Ye Sang’s throat, but he only gasped for a few breaths and didn’t stop licking him. However, he nodded slightly and lowered his waist even further, hinting at what he wanted.

The silent yet sensual teasing made Ai Mo’s heart race. With flushed eyes, he squeezed the well-textured buttocks with one hand, while the other hand focused on attacking that sensitive flesh.

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Ye Sang’s loud moans, accompanied by sweet yet pitiful hums from his throat, were filled with sweetness. His waist swayed with Ai Mo’s thrusts, and his fingers, gliding over the tender flesh, seemed to be coaxing him. The almost wrinkle-free crimson bud glistened with lascivious moisture, dripping sweet liquid with each movement of his fingers. It wet Ye Sang’s fair thighs and Ai Mo’s chest, their shimmering thighs almost blinding Ai Mo’s eyes. pUas83

In his haze, Omega suddenly turned back, murmuring softly with a pitiful expression.

“I want this…” Ye Sang choked out, gripping his hot manhood.

Tears welled up in his eyes as his legs spread wide open, in a pure yet longing posture that almost drove the Alpha, still holding onto his rationality, mad. He refused to relent, only furrowing his brows slightly and slapping Ye Sang’s slippery fair buttocks, speaking in a deep voice, “No more demands, I’ve told you there are no condoms.”

Though he was only stating the facts, his serious handsome face and commanding tone, combined with the soaring pheromones, caused Ye Sang’s cheeks to instantly flush red. The trembling state of his fair thighs was evident, showing his excitement. haPH9K

“Mngh…” Ye Sang whimpered, bending down in a pitiful manner, rubbing against Ai Mo’s fingers with choked sobs. The sight of his pitiful yet adorable appearance was enough to set Alpha’s eyes on fire.

Author’s Note: Yes, Sang Sang actually has potential to be a little masochistic, hahaha~ The colder and more dominant the top is, the more excited he gets (a little pervy).

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