The God of War Returns and Spices Up Life With MarriageCh21 - Words of Tigers and Wolves

Using the most innocent expression to say the most vulgar words. 

Young Master Ren dropped a bomb without warning. 4Mn7zv

Bai Juanqiu was shell stunned for a minute.

“What’s going on? Bad internet?” Ren Xingliu shook his phone, “Why is nothing moving?”

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Bai Juanqiu suddenly came to his senses and nodded calmly, “Yes, connection dropped for a moment…it’s fine now.”

“That’s good.” Ren Xingliu blinked, held it in for a while, but still couldn’t hold it in, and spoke a little shyly, “Then can you pull your clothes apart a little, your collarbone is so beautiful, I I want to see it more clearly…” yFJNeA

“Oh, that’s good.” Ren Xingliu blinked. He held it inside for a moment, but it was futile. He opened his mouth and asked, with a hint of shyness, “Can you pull open your robes, just the tiniest amount? Your collarbones are so well defined. I want to see them more clearly…”

Presumably to appear more polite, he even pinched his thumb and index finger together to show how much, negotiating with a sincere expression, “Just a smoll amount…”

Bai Juanqiu “…”

As expected of Young Master Ren. Using the most innocent expression to say the most vicious words.


He almost went through with it!

Ren Xingliu even added with dead seriousness, “Don’t worry, I won’t let you come out at a loss. I can show you mine…”

It could be said that there was cheating neither old nor young!

Bai Juanqiu: “…” p1sAFu

Did this young master know just what he was saying?

Bai Juanqiu realized something was wrong. When he took a closer look, he saw that the fingers on the opposite side were clearly shaking and his eyes were a little blurry. He couldn’t help but frown: “Have you been drinking?”

Bai Juanqiu realized something was wrong. Upon closer inspection, the other party’s fingers were clearly trembling, and those eyes were plainly unfocused. He couldn’t resist frowning and said, “Have you been drinking?”

He didn’t use a heavy tone; one could even call it mild. n9S1Li

But Ren Xingliu didn’t know why he was feeling inexplicably guilty. His gaze drifted upward before lying, “No…”

Bai Juanqiu: “…”

Confirmed. There was definitely alcohol involved.

Otherwise, given the young master’s temperament, he would show courage on his own convictions, instead of looking guilty. fXLzd4

“How much did you drink?” As soon as Bai Juanqiu finished asking, he realized what a silly question it was.

This young master would probably not tell the truth, so it was senseless to look into the matter.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Sure enough, it was the same gesture from the other party. “Just a smoll amount…”

“Where are you now?” Bai Juanqiu threw the hair towel aside and stood up. “I’m coming to find you.” t1 gha

He was filled with worry that the drunken ghost would wander off with his impaired mind, and if the other party fell asleep, his call wouldn’t be picked up.

So, Bai Juanqiu didn’t end the call and directly kept the call going while he hailed a taxi and headed to Thirteen Lane.

What he was doing was undoubtedly being responsible, but the issue lies in the fact that…Young Master Ren, who was under the influence of alcohol, was being irresponsible. tI76BT

Between the two of them, the big eyes stared at the small eyes through their phones. Young Master Ren’s eyes were filled with dissatisfaction.

“Gugu, why did you put your clothes on?”

“Didn’t you agree to show me more?”

“You just took a shower. I feel bad having you come out.” cuWsdH

Bai Juanqiu: “…”

He held his forehead, feeling regret now. He just had to negotiate with the drunken ghost.

Just how was Young Master Ren’s temperament cultivated into this? Even though he was clearly drunk and disorientated, he didn’t forget to bargain this and counter back, refusing to take the smallest losses.

More precisely, the situation had worsened. QYVqm0

Bai Juanqiu asked the youth to provide the address, but while the house was burning, he went for the taking; he would only provide the address if Bai Juanqiu agreed on showing him his collarbones.

Bai Juanqiu was angry and funny, but it was impossible to really reason with the drunkard, so he thought of appeasing him temporarily and agreed.

Bai Juanqiu was torn between annoyed and amused. It was impossible for him to reason with the drunken ghost, so to appease the other party for now, he agreed.

He didn’t expect that this drunken ghost would burn it into his memory, staring blankly at the camera the whole way and frequently making shocking remarks. LnyZbr

It was no big deal.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Dea atf wjlc qblca kjr, Djl Aejcdle kjr lc atf gert. Yea bo ofjg atja tlr qtbcf kbeiv vlf tjiokjs, tf ybggbkfv j qbkfg yjcx ogbw j mbcnfclfcmf rabgf vbkcrajlgr, yea obguba ab yglcu tlr fjgqtbcfr.

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Qbgglfv atja tf wluta wlrr jcsatlcu ogbw atf batfg qjgas, tf xfqa atf rqfjxfg nbiewf ab atf wjz.

So, this was how Ren Xingliu’s clear voice echoed throughout the taxi. lh1Sp9

Although he was asking a very innocent question, without knowing the content, it sounded really stunning.

Bai Juanqiu was very glad that he was taking a taxi and not the subway.

Of course, this merely narrowed the scope of damage to his reputation.

Thinking of this, he raised his eyes and sure enough, the driver was peering through the rearview mirror, quickly scrutinizing him with a hint of disdain in his eyes. VQ8yns

Seeing Bai Juanqiu looking over, the driver quickly moved his gaze away and continued to focus on the road with a straight face, demonstrating a considerable professionalism.

Bai Juanqiu: “…”

Although he didn’t know just what the driver had added to his brain, Bai Juanqiu could imagine that it was definitely not something good.

But that didn’t bother him. The most important thing present was for him to settle the little drunken ghost first. mpPW E

Bai Juanqiu turned down the volume on his phone, put the microphone close to his mouth, and patiently explained to the person on the other side of the camera: “Just stand there and don’t move. I’ll show you when I get there… I’m not going to lie to you.”

Bai Juanqiu lowered the speaker volume slightly, placed his mouth against the microphone and patiently explained to the person across the camera, “Be good, stand there and don’t move away. Once I get there, I’ll show it to you…I’m not lying to you.”

“Yes, call me a piglet if I do.”

As he spoke, the driver, who was pretending to have all of his attention on the road, unconsciously twitched the ends of his eyes—young people these days! LH0Tia

There was traffic control after eight in the evening in Thirteen Lane, making it inconvenient for taxis to enter. Bai Juanqiu had to get out of the car at the intersection and run the rest of the way.

Fortunately, the place wasn’t very difficult to find, and he quickly found the back entrance of the bar using the address provided by Ren Xingliu.

“Xingliu.” Bai Juanqiu shouted. zYa81R

A figure in the corner moved and raised his hand to wave. “Gugu, I’m right here.”

Ren Xingliu said and was about to go over, but his head was groggy, and he had been standing for too long, and his legs were numb. As soon as he moved, he stumbled forward and rushed forward, “Ang——”

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Ren Xingliu approached as soon as he called out, but his head felt so heavy, coupled with the fact that his legs had fallen asleep from standing too long. As soon as he moved, he stumbled and rushed forward, “Ah—”

“Be careful!” Bai Juanqiu quickly took a swift step forward and reached out to catch him, saving him from the fate of hitting the ground. asdSr4

However, Ren Xingliu hung on him and held on to his shoulders. Forget it, he still moved his head back and forth in the crook of his neck like a dog, and made a praising voice: “Auntie, you smell so good. ah!”

Ren Xingliu took advantage of this and rested his whole body onto Bai Juanqiu, clinging on the shoulder and not letting go. That was fine, but he even cuddled into the crook of Bai Juanqiu’s neck like a dog, making a purring praise, “Gugu, you smell so nice!”

Bai Juanqiu: “…!”

Young Master Ren was very wanton under the influence of alcohol. yu3Bn8

“What kind of shower gel do you use?” Ren Xingliu continued, “…I also wanted to smell as nice as you.”

Bai Juanqiu: “…”

Oh, so the one with the impure one is me. 

“Next time, I’ll give you a bottle.” Bai Juanqiu tried to coax him while detaching him, “You need to stand up first.” qpQuwU

It wasn’t like he minded the lack of personal space; it was just that they were in a pretty compromised posture. Although there weren’t many people in the back alley, there were still people coming and going.

Just now, a few people were consistently looking their way.

More importantly, Ren Xingliu’s movement was really without logic. The youth snuggled with the tip of his nose, carrying a faint trace of alcohol scent, causing Bai Juanqiu to feel somewhat irritated.

He didn’t dislike it, but there seemed to be a nameless fire burning in his heart, without a place to release. k7DGhy

After finally getting the drunken ghost to stand up somewhat, Bai Juanqiu still loosely supported Ren Xingliu around the waist, not wanting him to trip again.

Just as he was about to leave with the baggage, a loud roar suddenly came from the doorway, “Who are you, and what do you plan to do with Xing-bao?!”

Ding Shi had already drank another round of wine, and the gangsters who had paid for the money had already started to pretend to be crazy because of their drunkenness. He felt that it was boring if he couldn’t drink anymore, so he turned around to look for the boy, only to find that Ren Xingliu hadn’t come back for a long time. .

Ding Shi had already finished around a round of alcohol, and those few big heads had already pretended to be drunk after paying the bill, insisting on not being able to continue drinking. Having his mood killed again, he turned around, wanting to get out of here with Ren Xingliu. Only then did he find that Ren Xingliu hadn’t come back yet, even after a long time had passed. 2nu5yo

Luckily, he was very familiar with this bar street and quickly found the back door. Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked out of the door, he saw a tall man carrying Ren Xingliu away.

As for Ren Xingliu, he was half hanging on the other person. Obviously, he was past the point of being able to stand straight.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

What the hell!

A place like this bar street was a mix of fishes and dragons. Ding Shi knew that some malicious people would come on with an impure purpose, waiting to pick up some drunkards on the verge or had already blacked out. urtdBc

But never would he expect that someone would dare to pick up Ren Xingliu!

Did they even inquire about whose territory this was?

Ding Shi exploded in anger instantly. Without caring how staggered his steps were, he quickly rushed forward and without saying a word, swung his fist out.

Then, his fist was caught. d7DO6F

However, the person who caught him first wasn’t the ill-intentioned-looking guy, but his…childhood friend.

Ding Shi: “???!”

Bai Juanqiu couldn’t resist looking down at the person who was half leaning against his shoulder. Wasn’t this little drunken ghost lost all of his trace of clarity? How was he able to move his hand so nimbly?

Ren Xingliu was indeed drunk, but not completely dead to the world yet. He was just unable to use his full strength, and with the alcohol’s influence, he couldn’t help but act dumb. CcKaMo

Originally, all was going really well, but who knew that Cheng Yaojin would come gun blazing halfway.

He lifted his head and narrowed his eyes at Cheng Yaojin, roaring, “What do you think you are doing? Moving your hands and feet at the first meeting?”

Ding Shi was baffled. He almost wanted to question why Ren Xingliu was hanging on someone when he was that sober?!

Moreover, did his childhood friend secretly learn martial arts behind his back? Being sharp enough to catch his fist. It was way too agile, something that only existed in movies. 5kgYj6

However, at this moment, his childhood friend was giving him a very dangerous look. His instinctive desire for survival made him swallow back his questions.

He awkwardly glanced at the tall man and said, “I thought you had met a bad guy…”

Ren Xingliu frowned and said, “What bad guy…”

At the same time, Bai Juanqiu nodded at Ding Shi and introduced calmly, “Hello, I’m Xingliu’s boyfriend.” sze Hr

Ren Xingliu was only slightly dizzy. This called him to attention that got him instantly reacted. He nodded and said solemnly, “That’s right. This is my partner…”

Perhaps to appear more realistic, he paused for a moment and then added, “Why aren’t you calling him sister-in-law yet?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“…” Bai Juanqiu slowly glanced at him, but ultimately didn’t refute.

Ding Shi was also stunned for a moment, his eyes wandering back and forth between Ren Xingliu and Bai Juanqiu. He was quite speechless. After a long while, he spoke with difficulty: “This is my sister-in-law…” 0rUFaS

Ding Shi was also stunned momentarily. His gaze wandered back and forth between Ren Xingliu and Bai Juanqiu. He was speechless, and it took him a while to struggle to say, “Oh, so this is sister-in-law…”

If there was one, say one. Bai Juanqiu was indeed as rumors made him out to be, very good-looking. However, Ding Shi only just learned that sister-in-law was a half a head taller than his buddy.

Ren Xingliu was playing more and more wildly.

At this moment, Bai Juanqiu was also looking over and met Ding Shi’s eyes, asking, “Are you Xingliu’s friend?” 5MSwPb

“I am.” Ding Shi instantly puffed out his chest.

This was Ren Xingliu’s first recognized partner to the public. As his childhood friend, Ding Shi felt obligated to show the other party a demeanor.

It is best to give the other party a blow by the way and let him see clearly what level of friends Ren Xingliu has around him. I hope he will be more self-aware and not have too many unrealistic fantasies…

It was best to show off his might and give the other party a warning, let Bai Juanqiu see clearly just what kind of friends were around Ren Xingliu. He hoped that Bai Juanqiu would become more self-aware, and not have too many unrealistic fantasies… Lp3BD6

Thinking of this, Ding Shi tilted his chin and proudly stated, “I’m Xing-bao’s best friend. We grew up together…”

Before he could finish his sentence, Bai Juanqiu interrupted him, “Since that’s the case, why don’t you be a more considerate of Xingliu?”

Ding Shi uttered, “…Ah?”

Bai Juanqiu didn’t follow the laid-out script at all. Not only did he sincerely show fear, but there was also a hint of coldness on his face. Although his voice wasn’t harsh, every word struck heavily on Ding Shi’s soul. oF6xwb

“Xingliu’s hand injury just got better, and you bring him here to drink. Have you ever considered his health?”

Ding Shi hesitated and murmured, “I…”

“He got this drunk, yet you didn’t look after him. Allowing him to stay outside alone for a long time. What if he met some really bad people?”

Ding Shi without his self-portrayal. “This…” J9fYLF

“Even if he was lucky enough to not encounter any bad people, it’s still very hazardous to leave him alone. It’s also very dangerous for him if he bumps or falls.”

Ding Shi couldn’t stand the torture on his conscience anymore and weakly said, “I was wrong.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Seeing that he was indeed regretful, Bai Juanqiu stopped talking and just said “Yes” lightly: “That’s good. I hope this won’t happen again in the future.”

Seeing that he was indeed showing remorse, Bai Juanqiu didn’t continue on and only said lightly, “Well, as long as you know that. I hope that this kind of behavior won’t happen again.” Mi2Azv

In fact, he wasn’t interested in reasoning with drunk people. It was only when Ding Shi put on a good-friend act with Ren Xingliu that hindered his eyes, so he deliberately said a few things.

However, this one was quite fast to collapse at the first blow, it seemed that not every young master was as determined and competitive as Ren Xingliu.

Bai Juanqiu tightened his grip on Ren Xingliu slightly and said, “If nothing else, we’ll take our leave then.”

“Ho-hold on a minute…” Ding Shi quickly called out and looked at his childhood friend. “Xing-bao, you’re leaving with him?” ZVTrH

They clearly arrived here together!

“Right.” Ren Xingliu blinked. The dizziness was getting too much, but with what loyalty was left in him, it didn’t seem good to just abandon his friend.

After thinking for a moment using his fuzzy mind, he decided to explain, “We-well, Juanqiu has something he wants to show me…”

Ding Shi frowned on the spot. They grew up together, was there anything that they couldn’t see together?! Wqbv 9

He bravely put on an expression and refused to yield, “I also want to see—”

Ren Xingliu continued, “It’s on Juanqiu. Needs to head home with clothes removed to see…”

Ding Shi responded with a coughing fit.

Why must you pant while saying that! AP0otl

Also, there are things you don’t have to share with me!

He didn’t want to know one bit of this!

Bai Juanqiu couldn’t help but turn his head and glanced at Ren Xingliu slowly… Does Young Master Ren have any strange drunken buff? Why can I always express the most evil feelings with the purest words?

Bai Juanqiu couldn’t resist turning his head and slowly glanced at Ren Xingliu again… Was there a strange drunken buff on Young Master Ren? Why was he able to say the most innocent words that gave off the evilest feeling? lEPodp

Seeing Ding Shi’s face turn from white to red, and then from red to green, he finally stumbled and said: “I mean I want to go and watch TV, you can do whatever you want, no, don’t worry about my life and death…”

Under the naked eyes, Ding Shi’s face turned from white to red, then from red to green, until he finally stumbled his words out, “I mean I want to go s-see a TV show. You guys continued on, don’t need to wo-worry about my fate…”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Bai Juanqiu: “…”

Oh well, there was no need to explain. qyltgP

As long as it worked out.

Just as he was about to leave, he thought of something and then asked Ding Shi, “How do you plan to go home?”

This person stunk of alcohol and probably drunk quite a bit. There was no saying what he was going to do once the alcohol got to his head. Since this was Ren Xingliu’s friend, it wasn’t good to leave him alone.

Ding Shi didn’t expect that the other person would ask after himself. He froze before saying, “I’ll ca-call for a taxi…” 4hXDeV

“It’s not very safe for you to ride a taxi alone by yourself.” Bai Juanqiu shook his head and reached out, “Give me your phone.”

He spoke very naturally, and Ding Shi’s head was indeed feeling heavy. Without thinking much into it, he handed over his phone.

After Bai Juanqiu took the phone, he searched through the contacts and picked one to call. “Hello…yes, he is drunk. If it’s not too much trouble, could you get someone to drop by Thirteen Lane…”

He gave the location clearly in a few words, then returned the phone. “Wait here, and someone will come get you.” 67HG5P

Ding Shi took the phone and subconsciously nodded, “Oh, thank you.”

Without saying anything more, Bai Juanqiu left while supporting Ren Xingliu.

Ding Shi watched the two figures gradually disappearing from his sight, and he could still vaguely pick up Ren Xingliu’s voice.

“Gugu, will you only show me once we get home? I think it’s fine to show me on the road. I can come closer and take a peek…” KqchaM

Ding Shi trembled a little.

When sober, Xing-bao would go on and on about clean and honest living, but once he was drunk, he revealed his true form!

In a public place no less!

Sending a vicious chill down his back! 7hDMds

However, this Bai Juanqiu wasn’t that shabby. He was pretty thoughtful, and it showed in his actions as well…

During the middle of his thought process, he heard a somewhat familiar voice from his phone, “Are you still there?”

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Oh, Bai Juanqiu didn’t end the call just now.

Without looking at the phone screen, Ding Shi placed his phone by his ear, saying, “I’m here…” WCrtFc

Then he heard his father yelling angrily: “You prodigal son! You went to drink again, and you drank so much that you asked others to call back to inform -“

Then he heard his father’s angry shout, “You wastrel! You went out drinking again, and even got drunk and had to get someone else to call and notify home—”

Ding Shi: “!!!”

Bai Juanqiu actually called his father?! Ma cuq

Don’t you know that when spendthrifts like them go out to spend their time drinking and having fun, they do it behind their family’s back!?

What a malicious person!

The author has something to say:

Xiao Ding: My friend is becoming more and more unreasonable! aBF4ep

Xingliu: [shi], capeesh?

Translator's Note

(億): The original is ‘just a one hundred million amount’. It’s actually a drunken mispronunciation of ‘one’ (億 yì vs 一 yī). So, Ren Xingliu is trying to say ‘a tiny/ small amount’.

Translator's Note

(虎狼的話語): This is the meaning of this chapter’s title. Words of tigers and wolves, it means astonishing and vulgar words, dirty jokes.

Translator's Note

(童叟無欺): Treating everyone equally.

Translator's Note

(醉鬼): Drunkard.

Translator's Note

(大眼瞪小眼): To look at each other, not knowing what to do.

Translator's Note

(扶了下額): Recap, gesture of helplessness, frustration, etc. It’s like a quiet/soft facepalm, like the meme from Star Trek.

Translator's Note

(討價還價): To haggle, as well as to negotiate something back and forth. This idiom actually reminds this translator of the Other Side from the Greatest Showman.

Translator's Note

(趁火打劫): To take advantage of chaos for one’s own profit.

Translator's Note

(腦補): An internet slang for to imagine. Like filling in the blank with one’s imagination. So, the driver is having a wild imagination.

Translator's Note

(魚龍混雜): Crooks mixed in with the honest folk.

Translator's Note

(要耍賴): To clarify, he wanted to act dumb towards Bai Juanqiu in the name of alcohol.

Translator's Note

(程咬金): Cheng Yaojin is a Chinese general of the Tang Dynasty. This whole expression means, someone or something unexpected appears and disrupts the matter.

Translator's Note

(動手動腳): Come to blows or being touchy.

Translator's Note

(嫂子): Older brother’s wife. This usage also includes a friend’s wife. This translator doesn’t believe there is a term for ‘older brother’s husband’ in Chinese, it’s either sister’s husband or brother’s wife.

Translator's Note

(有一說一): Recap, to speak the truth. To speak plainly or to speak one’s mind.

Translator's Note

(無地自容): Ashamed and unable to show one’s face.

Translator's Note

(礙眼): It means finding someone or something an eyesore, an irksome presence that you wish they were not here. Would have translated to ‘sickened him’.

Translator's Note

(不堪一擊): Unable to withstand a single blow. Describing that the argument is not righteous and couldn’t withstand rebuttal.

Translator's Note

(buff): This word was in English in the original text. This is a term often seen in games. A buff is a status effect that is a temporary modification to a game character’s original stats usually from user ability, items, the environment, etc. Beneficial effects are referred to as buff while hindering effects are called debuff.

Translator's Note

(邪惡): Describing something as sinister, vicious, wicked, and evil. But it reads more like, the dirtiest feeling.

Translator's Note

([shi]懂): Didn’t include [shi] in the translator note because the feature/ code would freak out. Original is more like, [shi] understand? I think shi might be referring to 屎, or shit. So, Ren Xingliu is saying, ‘shit, you get me’? As in, remember how you said you will eat shit?

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  1. Haha what a rollercoaster of events 🤣🤣

    Thank You for the new chapter ♡⁠(⁠˃͈⁠ ⁠દ⁠ ⁠˂͈⁠ ⁠༶⁠ ⁠)

  2. Thanks for the chapter!!! 🥰🥰🥰

    I love that even after all that he lived through, RXL is still a silk pants at heart ❤️😆