The God of War Returns and Spices Up Life With MarriageCh18.1 - Deceive into Sleeping

Why don’t you tell me bedtime stories? (Part One)

Never mind Ren Xingliu, even Peng Hui himself would never have imagined that things would develop into this. Wn2Qd

He ran over small streamers less popular than when he was, like driving a light vehicle on a familiar road, and he had never flipped over his car before.

Even if the circumstances set Shao Wei’s livestream on fire, as long as he played his cards right, controlling public opinion wouldn’t be a problem.

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When Peng Hui disconnected the PK mode, he had already thought of how to splash dirty water on Shao Wei and the guy who suddenly appeared on the screen.

Calling that person a shrill on his livestream was just the bedcover. There was more to come, with even better methods, which would definitely make it difficult for them to clear with their mouths. sefbmj

Unexpectedly, before the broadcast ended, Peng Hui received a call from the team, and the other person scolded him: “Are you a bad guy? In front of hundreds of thousands of people, you said that the prince of the Ren family is a trust?”

However, before he could end the stream, he received a phone call from his crew, and the person on the other side went directly to the scolding, “Are you trying to stop your pen? Calling the Crown Prince of the Ren Empire a shrill in front of more than one hundred thousand viewers?”

Peng Hui was completely shell shocked, and when he found the end of the rolling hills, it felt like his world turned dark.

The guy who appeared on Shao Wei’s livestream was actually the young master of the Ren Empire???


Never mind what netizens thought, once Peng Hui himself knew the truth, never mind stopping his pen, he felt like he had essentially snapped his pen in half.

The great young master of the Ren Empire, who might not even do a three-star Michelin restaurant the honor of accepting their invitation, actually went to work as a shrill at a small streetside restaurant?

As a matter of fact, the owned media also posted a submission from a keyboard warrior.

[Ah…as a student from Ling University, I can’t bear to watch anymore. Does this streamer usually open his mouth and come like that? xQgX19

First of all, let me make it clear that I’m no friend of Young Master Ren, and to be honest, I can’t stand his usual behavior. But, judging the case as it stands, isn’t this host’s statement too fake?

It’s outrageous to say that Mr. Ren is being entrusted. As we all know, Ren Xingliu usually drives a luxury car when he goes to and from school. How can he afford to pay for gas in a small shop like this?

Just labeling Young Master Ren as a shrill was already outrageous enough. Ask anyone on the campus, and they will tell you that Ren Xingliu usually drives luxury cars when entering and leaving the campus. Looking at the small restaurant now, can they even afford his gas money?

In terms of food, personally, I have never eaten in the same room as Ren Xingliu because he only goes to those high-end restaurants with membership only. I heard that once, a medal-winning chef once cooked something that didn’t suit his taste, and the young master ridiculed the chef in his face… mJ587b

Do you think a small restaurant like this has a face bigger than an award-winning chef? If this owner really does have such a social prestige, would he have been stomped by a black-hearted streamer to this extent?

I have no other meaning in saying this, I just think this anchor is full of lies, so I broke some information for everyone’s reference. This kind of person can make up random information for passers-by who suddenly appear. How much of what he said about the young lady in the live broadcast room next door is true? You might as well think about it carefully. 】

I don’t have any negative intentions in saying this. I just feel like this streamer has a mouth filled with lies, this is why I’m sharing the analysis for everyone’s reference. How much truth can there be in someone who could fabricate information on anyone at will? Then, how much of what he said about the young lady on the other livestream is true? There’s no harm in using your brain on this.]

As soon as this discredit was out. Many students from Ling University rushed over to click like. Netizens also realized that there was more to the situation than a simple joke. J1Q5FK

[If you put it like that, there’s something going on with this streamer emmmm]

[Firing after the horse to say one thing. I can’t stand that Gluttonous Hui-ye since forever ago. He has a sizable fan base and constantly weaponizes his fans to cyberbully small and new streamers. He finally got what was coming for him.]

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[It’s really funny. Who would have thought that a wealthy prince would eat in a roadside restaurant like this and even go on a live broadcast… But it’s all thanks to him, otherwise this female anchor would be miserable. 】

[This is hilarious. Who would have thought that the loaded Crown Prince would eat in such a small roadside restaurant, and be featured on a livestream on top of that… But it was also thanks to him that the young lady streamer didn’t get even worse off.] sim8jd

[I do wonder, what is the grudge between Gluttonous Hui-ye and the female streamer? For him to screw over her like that?]

[Am I the only one who noticed that Mr. Ren only eats at members-only restaurants? Then why would he go to such a small restaurant? Could it be said that the food of this small restaurant is comparable to that of a gold medal chef? ? 】

[Am I the only one who noticed that Young Master Ren only eats at member-only restaurants? Then why would he eat at such a small restaurant? Did that mean the food served at this small restaurant is comparable to those award-winning chefs??]

[You’re not alone! I noticed it too. This foodie has already located the restaurant’s address and will be checking it out tomorrow!] DrpbkE

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Peng Hui kept scrolling through, feeling increasingly anxious with every swipe.

He would like to recover, but the public opinion on the Internet is like this. If you deliberately exploit it, it may be a temporary thing, but as long as a loophole is discovered by netizens and the backlash is like a flood that breaks a dam, it is no longer controllable by an individual.

Lf kbeiv ilxf ab rjinjuf atf rlaejalbc, yea lcafgcfa qeyilm bqlclbc kjr pera ilxf atja. Gfilyfgjaf fzqiblajalbc wjs kbgx obg j qfglbv bo alwf, yea jr rbbc jr bcf ifjx kjr vlrmbnfgfv ys jc lcafgcfa erfg, la kbeiv yjmxolgf, ilxf j vjw ojliegf, oibbvlcu lcab rbwfatlcu bea bo bcf’r mbcagbi.

As for him and his crew, it was destined to be a sleepless night tonight. 7gVb8H

Ren Xingliu felt that he had never been so speechless in his life.

Because he discovered that the school’s melon-eating group also forwarded this trending search at the speed of light. Everyone said that they did not expect that the most arrogant and domineering number one dude in the school would actually be treated as a support, and he was very happy.

Because he found that the university’s melon seed eater group had already forwarded this hot search at the speed of light. Everyone gave their own thoughts one after another. None of them expect the most arrogant and domineering silk pants would be mistaken as shrill by someone, which filled them with joy. C AkJ3

The group was filled with digital laughter.

Young Master Ren rested his hands over his heart and questioned, just what impression did he leave on his fellow classmates before?

As luck would have it, some students have sharp touch-like eyes, able to look through the appearance to perceive the essence.

Ling University’s Part-Time Substitute Class Group: FCdPVy

[Speaking of which, do you all feel that Young Master Ren seems to be different from before?]

[+1. I heard that he moved back to his dorm and even attended classes on time every day. Now even the restaurants he eats at are so simple. I’m feeling the earth energy from him.]

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[Sparrow food, he has been back on campus for so many days, yet, he hasn’t caused any trouble. I’m still not used to this!]

Ren Xingliu: “…” rLvpTP

Could this person watch their mouth?!

Do they need a beating or two from him in order to get used to it?!

At this critical moment, a message saved this melon seed eater from the beating of their life.

Bai Juanqiu: [Have you seen the hot search yet?] pW R3X

Ren Xingliu reluctantly withdrew from the melon seed eater group while climbing onto his bed. He lay down while directly dialed a number.

Bai Juanqiu quickly answered the phone and said with an apologetic voice, “I’m sorry. I didn’t think things would get so big…”

“This is not your fault.” Ren Xingliu had already calmed down and was very open-minded. “Besides, this is a pretty good outcome.”

That was indeed the case. Thinking about it now, it was entirely Peng Hai’s fault. h yz6Z

Looking at the end result, it wasn’t a bad thing either. On the contrary, it saved them a lot of effort.

Although many people came to Shao Wei’s livestream tonight, most of them were passersby who were only there for the fun and didn’t care about the enmity between Shao Wei and Peng Hui.

Peng Hui’s fan base was much stronger than Shao Wei, so it wasn’t as easy to change their mind.

In this livestream, many of his fans firmly believed that the kitchen showcase in Shao Wei’s livestream was a hoax, especially set up to be filmed. Ren Xingliu and Bai Juanqiu’s appearances were also staged. WCxtHP

But now there was traction, and everyone’s conflicting emotions towards Shao Wei wasn’t as intense as before. They were willing to listen to her explanation, which was a good start.

Afterward, it would be much easier for Lao Shao and his team to do something, such as opening his kitchen for people to see.

Before, there was supposed to be a process, where Shao Wei would need to prepare for a long-term counter against Peng Hui.

Unexpectedly, Peng Hui handled things as fierce as a tiger, then goodness gracious, as it turned out, the guy directly delivered the fruits of victory to them. MouLp

Based on the current situation, they didn’t need to do anything at all. Peng Hui had already undergone a social death.

It was quite sudden.

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Hearing Young Master Ren so optimistic, Bai Juanqiu’s voice eased, “I just didn’t want this to cause you trouble.”

This result was naturally a good thing for Lao Shao’s family, as well as himself. FHNhZn

Before, Bai Juanqiu planned to help Lao Shao resolve this matter quickly through his own means in private, to free them from Peng Hui’s grasp.

To his surprise, as soon as he returned home, there was a change to the netizen. Because someone recognized Young Master Ren, the incident reached its peak in an instant.

Despite saving a great effort, Bai Juanqiu didn’t feel happy.

On second thought, it was likely because Ren Xingliu was thrust into the public eye, and the netizens didn’t view him in a positive light. H3TtSl

In this hot search, Bai Juanqiu saw more than one person who took the opportunity to satirize Ren Xingliu’s usual behavior.

However, everyone’s attention was focused on Peng Hui’s incident, and not many people noticed it. I don’t take it too seriously if I see it occasionally. After all, the personal affairs of the young master have nothing to do with netizens.

However, everyone’s attention was focused on Peng Hui’s incident, and not many people noticed this hot search. Those who did see it didn’t look at it twice. After all, the private affairs of rich young masters have little to do with netizens.

He wondered if Ren Xingliu had seen these comments. yUXnR9

On the other end of the phone, Ren Xingliu sounded lazy, “Why would that trouble me?”

Bai Juanqiu chuckled lightly, pondered for a moment and said, “If not, then that’s good. You should turn in for the day. The internet is at messy sevens and ruined eights. There’s no point in wasting time.”

“Did you see the verbal abuse that was aimed at me?” Ren Xingliu gradually understood what this was about and said with a smile, “Afraid that I might be sad?”

So, the youth did see them. DGtxrJ

Bai Juanqiu’s tone remained unchanged, “They are all outsiders who don’t know you, so don’t take to heart…”

This naturally didn’t bother Ren Xingliu, and it wasn’t the first time he was bad-mouthed, but seeing Comrade Xiao Bai taking things so seriously, it didn’t feel justified for him to do nothing.

With this thought in mind, Ren Xingliu’s tone sank, and he sighed, “You may not believe it when I say this, but I was just hiding under the blanket and crying for half an hour.”

Bai Juanqiu: “…” GhrQ5D

It wasn’t that he didn’t want to believe it, but Young Master Ren’s script was too exaggerated.

He laughed while saying helplessly, “Then what can I do for you?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

His scheme prevailed!

On the bed, Ren Xingliu turned his body and casually said, “Since you took the initiative on this, then don’t mind if I do. Why don’t you tell me some bedtime stories?” mpVSYq

Bai Juanqiu: “…”

Young Master Ren sure had wild thoughts.

He even thought of the sketch.

Ren Xingliu said, “You know Makka Pakka.” jMVa3Y

“…” Bai Juanqiu felt unashamed and asked below, “Can this really help you sleep?”

Ren Xingliu replied, “It all depends on how you tell it.”

In other words, if Ren Xingliu wasn’t able to sleep, Makka Pakka wouldn’t be the problem, it would be Comrade Xiao Bai who was not capable enough.

Bai Juanqiu fell into a long silence, which put Ren Xingliu in a great mood. Just as he was about to drop it, he heard the voice on the other end of the phone sounding again. Q8vijT

Bai Juanqiu said, “I found the lyrics. Wait a moment. Let me look through it first.”

Ren Xingliu: “…”

Are you saying you didn’t go silent out of embarrassment, but to find the script?

He couldn’t tell by looking at what thick eyebrows and big eyes Comrade Xiao Bai had, quite a competitive nature! j51pK

Through the phone, Bai Juanqiu really recited, pronouncing every word clearly and correctly.

“It’s getting dark and it’s time to go to bed. Good night Wusidixi, good night Makabaka, good night Igubigu, good night Xiaodian…”

Go to sleep Upsy Daisy, go to sleep Makka Pakka, go to sleep Iggle Piggle, go to sleep Pontipines…”

Bai Juanqiu’s voice was so mesmerizing. It was deep, and through their phones, it gently tickled Ren Xingliu’s ears like a feather. 7Vmrie

He clearly picked a kid show on purpose.

Obviously, Comrade Xiao Bai deliberately teased back in a serious manner.

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But strangely, Ren Xingliu found these lines surprisingly cute.

As his body relaxed, he pulled up the blanket slightly and pressed his ear against his phone. Without realizing it, his breathing dragged out more and more. ioKNEs

At first, Bai Juanqiu wanted Young Master Ren to regret coming up with strange scripts and made it so that the youth would never do it again. But the moment he opened his mouth, he unconsciously softened his voice.

Today was quite exhausting, so it was time to sleep.

The person on the other end of the phone neither interrupted nor hung up on the call. When the music accompaniment was halfway through, Bai Juanqiu paused for a moment and asked gingerly, “Are you asleep?”

He received no answer, only a faint and even the sound of breathing. MjG5hs

Bai Juanqiu didn’t ask again. He stated, easing off on his voice even more, and with an imperceptible delight, “I’ll count to ten. If you say nothing, I’ll end the call.”

“Ten, nine, eight, seven… three, two, one.”

“Good night, little young master.”


Translator's Note

(打壓): To suppress actually, can also mean beat down. It’s pretty much to make someone yield or be in a submission. Used ‘ran over’ to match the other idiom/ slang.

Translator's Note

(輕車熟路): To do something routinely and with ease. A walk in the park.

Translator's Note

(翻車): An online slang for failing something.

Translator's Note

(火了起來): The starting of a fire, fire as in getting hot or popular.

Translator's Note

(潑髒水): To defame or to slander.

Translator's Note

(鋪墊): The prelude or the foreshadow. Just the beginning.

Translator's Note

(有口說不清): Direct translation, they have mouth, but they can’t make clear of the matter by talking. It’s like, they can’t talk their way out of this.

Translator's Note

(煞筆): It means to break off writing, or the final remarks. But this is actually a bypass manner to say 傻逼, or stupid cunt. Would have translated as ‘are you trying to fuck yourself over’.

Translator's Note

(來龍去脈): In feng shui terminology, 龍脈 refers to a stretch of rolling hills, the start and end points of which are termed 來龍 and 去脈 respectively. It means the origin and developments, or the whole story.

Translator's Note

(煞筆): Playing around with the ‘stop your pen’ from before. To the response of my translation, ‘are you trying to fuck yourself over’. Yes, it felt like ‘he had fucked his career over’.

Translator's Note

(正義網友): Righteous netizen actually. Found keyboard warrior fitting because they are a crazy bunch at times when it comes proving someone wrong.

Translator's Note

(張口就來): It means improvised speech without preparation. Just say whatever you want to say. Blurts out whatever is on his mind without conducting proper research.

Translator's Note

(金獎): More specifically, someone winning something first prize, or got a gold medal.

Translator's Note

(黑心): Ruthless and lacking in conscience. Black to the core. Usually, this translator would use ‘vicious’.

Translator's Note

(emmmm): An internet saying like Errrrr. Is expressing anything hard to express or pondering over something.

Translator's Note

(馬後炮): Like, firing off cannon after the horse. It means belated action or giving advice in hindsight. A smoother translation would be, allow me to add on top of this argument.

Translator's Note

(捫心自問): It’s like soul searching for an answer. To self-reflect on something.

Translator's Note

(慧眼如炬): Looking through searches, it is like a set of eyes like a bright light that can illuminate and see through dark places, describing someone with clear thinking and unique point of view.

Translator's Note

(透過現象看本質): Just a fancy way to say ‘seeing through the surface’.

Translator's Note

(+1): Same as ‘add one’ from chapter 16. Commonly used in Chinese forums as ‘agree’, ‘same here’, or ‘me too’.

Translator's Note

(接地氣): Someone more in touch with the common people, or down-to-earth.

Translator's Note

(雀食): 雀食/ quèshí or sparrow food is homophone to 確是/ quèshì or indeed.

Translator's Note

(操作猛如虎): An internet saying that a certain someone’s series of techniques was executed very well, similar to a hunting tiger. This is often used in gaming, for a perfect game or team fight.

Translator's Note

(社會性死亡): A really popular phrase that refers to doing something so embarrassing that it makes the person want to die.

Translator's Note

(亂七八糟): In a complete mess; at sixes and sevens.

Translator's Note

(瑪卡巴卡): A character from In the Night Garden. Looking through Google, each episode will always end with the narrator bidding goodnight to the animated characters one by one. Looking at the usage, if one receives goodnight like ones in the show from a friend, it means they are saying goodnight in a cute way.

Translator's Note

(不恥下問): It means not feeling ashamed to ask and learn from one’s subordinates. Is like when a teacher asks and learns from their students.

Translator's Note

(找到詞了): QwQ This translator can’t find a website with the English script, time to watch the YouTube video.

Translator's Note

(濃眉大眼): Describing someone who carries heroic spirit.

Translator's Note

(天黑了該睡覺了): The direct translation is more like, it’s dark, it’s time to sleep. Good night Makka Pakka, good night Iggle Piggle, good night Pontipines (?). This translator sat through videos of In the Night Garden for this. Rip my YouTube feed.

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  1. I can’t imagine what your youtube feed is like after watching all that 🤣🤣🤣 hopefully it can still be saved…

  2. Rip this good translator’s feed, your dedication won’t be forgotten 😍😍😍

    Thanks for the chapter!!!

  3. They’re so soft with each other <3 little young master is definitely satisfied with that children song 🤭