The Ghost King's KeeperCh70 - Not guilty

Startled by the sudden shout, Ruzen dropped whatever he was thinking and moved back, a little conscious of the dead scout in front of him and the fact that he was kind of touching it right when the shout came. Even if he wasn’t guilty of anything, others might not think the same.

“You-” the man who had shouted stopped, he was a lower ranking guard wearing a simple soft shield and gloves, wrapped in long boots and a small blue robe hooked from both shoulders. wJTdDi

His hight wasn’t extraordinary, nor small, in the very least he still towered above Ruzen several inches, but unlike his seniors he had a wide girth and waist, powerful arms that were clenched in a fist.

He looked alarmed by what he saw, but he seemed to slowly recognize who was crouching in front of the dead scout. And that ended up baffling him, his face giving away his skepticism. “You are Number De’ji De’Ju… how did you end up here, what are you even doing?”

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Ruzen scratched his nose nervously, being implicated with evidence pointing against him, he could only enforce his innocence by words, “I was-” he paused, he recalled that the Ghost King asked that monster eating ghost lord to ‘Cooperate with others, and keep what you saw to yourself’, the king did say something like that. And now Ruzen wasn’t sure whether it was said to hide the King’s involvement with Ruzen or to hide the fact that they encountered so many malicious energies.

So confusing. ew65XW

“Come with me, without evidence we cannot let you go.” The guard only spoke when he saw Ruzen hesitating, and his skepticism paved way for heavy suspicion.


Just great.

“I am not guilty. I found it dead before I even knew how. I have no reason to kill a scout.”


The guard wasn’t sure of him, but he did seem to believe that Ruzen wasn’t entirely guilty. Yet his eyes were hard and he didn’t leave any reprieve for Ruzen. “We will not punish an innocent.” The words spoken held weight and Ruzen was a little less tense.

“Junior Gu’Yi,” another voice came called, “it is time for shift change… oh? What is going on here?”

‘Junior Gu’Yi’ straightened, and immediately saluted the ‘senior’ guard with a fist on his chest, his eyes dignified and serious. “Senior, I found this candidate hovering over a dead scout, it looked suspicious so I called on him.”

The senior, with dark hair and dark eyes, wearing hard armour, looked over the scene, his eyes withholding whatever he was thinking. “Then leaving site is dangerous, call the others, we need to deal with this before sun down.” 9ClV1a

The junior nodded, and without even a glance at Ruzen marched over the street with resolute steps, destination in mind.

Ruzen could only stand there under the scrutiny of a senior guard, whom he had seen somewhere before but couldn’t tell where.

The silence was unnerving, but Ruzen avoided talking since that would lead to more twists in the case. He did not want to be accused of anything he didn’t do.

“Number De’Ji De’Ju, is that your serial number?” cDvdVK


The senior nodded, “You have a strong core and enersym, enough to destroy imprint reading stones.”


“They say that a scout’s body has similar stones inside in their core, to kill a scout, all you need to do is destroy the stone.” wI418u

Ruzen narrowed his eyes at this senior, was he trying to feel him out or was he looking for some evidence against him. Both were possible. “And?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf rfclbg uejgv kjr rajglcu vlgfmais ja tlw klatbea yilcxlcu, la ifoa Eehfc offilcu bvv jybea atf uejgv. Vbwfatlcu vlvc’a offi gluta.

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“Vbwfbcf klat remt ragbcu mbgf mjccba yf rlwqis j ogfrtfg, ktb lr sbeg wjrafg?”

Ktf rtjgq defralbc jifgafv Eehfc atja rbwfatlcu kjr vfolclafis kgbcu. “Zs wjrafg kbeivc’a kjca wf ab rtjgf tlr cjwf, yea P jw j ogfrtfg, sbe tjnf rffc tbk P mbeivc’a vfofja atja… kbwjc, ktjafnfg atja kbwjc’r cjwf kjr.” Y3FjlU

“How come you can’t talk about your master? Is he a criminal?”

So direct dear brother!

Ruzen sucked in a cold breath, “My master is a recluse, he doesn’t want publicity and wants secrecy, is that wrong?”

The guard smiled. paYKC

It left Ruzen nervous.

“I see. Your mentor cannot be named, you were hovering over a dead scout and your powers are extraordinary. Do you know how suspicious you are?”

Ruzen bit his lips before he could scowl at this person, wasn’t this guard too eager to land him in jail?

Just when Ruzen was putting together clues to justifying himself, a troop of guards came out from the corner of the street, marching in their direction. In front he could see several long robed individuals and someone wearing a white collared cape. K4t3A7

“I got the gist on my way,” the man in lead spoke as soon as he came in hearing range, “Candidate Number De’Ji De’Ju, you are found guilty by way of being at the crime scene, do you have evidence to justify yourself?” The white collared man was straight and curt, not even glancing at the senior guard who had been questioning Ruzen just a second before.

Ruzen felt stranded, “I found my scout dead, and I was just thinking of taking it back with me because even I don’t know what happened. One second it was next to me and then it was missing.”

Ruzen was careful to hide what he himself had been doing, but the white collared man also did not miss it. “What were you doing at that time, why are you out here.”

A few of the guards from the troop surrounded Ruzen and the dead scout body, a few others looked around the crime scene with observing gazes. They were quick in responding to the situation. Kj1kM9

“I came for a walk.”

“A walk?”

Ruzen nodded. That had been the truth, but now he could see that it somehow felt really suspicious even to himself. Like who just went for a walk? But well, the guards who watched him leave did not argue, so Ruzen wouldn’t lie.

The white collared man did not proceed further, he stepped aside to look around, observing with the rest of his teammates. He was tall and elegant, looked very upright. aKrdJ0

“What else did you ask him?” He turned to look at the senior guard who had been questioning Ruzen before, and the guard saluted him, before narrating him everything Ruzen had told him so far, which wasn’t… much.

The white collared man did not speak further, he just stood and listened, observing Ruzen with sharp eyes.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

A silence ensued as the guards searched around, scanned the dead scout and even scanned Ruzen with strange articles.

Minutes later, an older male, who did not wear any armour called out a halt, he had been rechecking the dead scout’s body with a stone of some kind, and seemed to have found something; so the white collared man gave Ruzen a final look after clearly analysing the report from the older male, stating boldly, “Evidence finds involvement of malicious energies, not matching the candidate’s enersym, so number De’Ji De’Ju is not found guilty of direct assault. But the candidate was here before us guards, and lost sense of his scout while ‘taking a walk’, things are still unclear on his part.” PB1bEm

When the man saw Ruzen looking at him with a dumb gaze, he added, “give me a report of when you lost contact with your scout and what you did while ‘taking a walk’. Do not say admiring the town, we both know that is not what happened, because there are hints of residual energies from unknown sources on your body. We found it during a scan.”

Opposed to such crisp factual narration, Ruzen wondered how he was going to speak about what happened, could he really confess about the King as well? Would it be okay?

Well, the white collared man was a guard, not a local, so he won’t panic, but why did the king asked that ghost lord to not speak of what he saw? Was it a classified mission that the ghost lord had been given? Could Ruzen break protocol? Did the term protocol even exist in this region?

The King hadn’t asked him to keep shut about those humanoid monsters though… so maybe it wasn’t something classified and Ruzen mistook that statement’s meaning. Vy7aeb

“Does it take so long to tell a truth?”

The white collared man had a poker face, so it was difficult to tell what he was thinking, yet the senior guard who had asked the abrupt question really seemed to hate Ruzen for something because he didn’t have a nice attitude from the very beginning.

“I am thinking if I can speak of it. But… I did encounter a group of strange creatures. They were all dark, black, smelly and vague. Humanoid in shape but extremely fast, sharp and strong.”

There was a silence around them, as the senior guard finally shut up and the white collared man took in the piece of information carefully. “How did you get away?” CbPpEa

“A whistle distracted them and they followed the sound. Left me standing there. I… I ran away.”

The white collared man frowned, “…a whistle?”

Ruzen nodded, observing the face of the man for any hints of disbelief, but he found none. Then suddenly, the white collared man mumbled something under his breath, even Ruzen couldn’t hear what it was. But seconds later the man barked out an order, loud and bold, startling Ruzen, as the troop of guards around carried away the dead scout and left the street immediately, even the senior guard who did not like Ruzen had to leave.

The only one left then was the white collared man, his lips downturned, his eyes scanning the street stones with a very peculiar gaze. Hie84o

“I can see their residue even here, so Lord Ji’An was assigned this matter.”

Ruzen was surprised to hear that name from this man, turns out that the lord was well known.

“Follow me, I will take you back safely.” The urging was gentler than before, not harsh and sharp. So Ruzen believed he passed some kind of test…?

Ruzen followed without question. Followed until they reached a junction, turning straight towards a narrower street line with empty food stalls and grocery hubs. “What is here?” Ofbnu

Having some sense of mapping and layout, Ruzen was pretty sure that the direction they were going in was the opposite of the safe area. He was starting to doubt this white collared man’s character too.

“Worry not, we are going to meet a friend of mine, who can shed you of the residual that still clings to your body. It will be unsafe if you get into contact with others like this.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

If that was so, then Ruzen would follow, however it was better to be wary a bit, because these days even those who saved him were monsters under their skin.

When they reached a wide wooden bridge crossing over a deep stream, Ruzen took in a glance at the small hut right across the unpaved street that spanned perpendicular to the bridge. The hut structure was sitting under a grove of a big tree that grew upright from a patch of land behind the hut, several fenced walls barricaded the backyard and the lawn, marking the land under the owner’s name. NdD7AH

Several residences also laid scattered around the hut, but none of them connected to the hut, they were individual pieces of land that surely belonged to the same faction but to different owners.

Strange thing was, except for a few residences, and that lonely hut, there was no other settlement across the wide bridge. The rest of the area was forest ground, with elevated flat lands spanning for miles.

The white collared man did not explain where they were, but Ruzen read on a wooden stump that this cluster of residence belonged to the family of Ki.

No other information was provided, so Ruzen just followed the man across the bridge, entering the fenced border beyond the bridge. R5L9cd

The hut’s door was open and from outside, Ruzen could see a slender woman sitting on a rattan chair, fanning herself with what looked like a big piece of dried waxy leaf.

The heat was unbearable, even Ruzen felt the need to drink iced water.

“Lady Se’Ki, greetings.”

The slender woman did not even stand, she looked lethargic and unenthusiastic. So only a small disinterested nod was given in return, as she wiped her face with a wet cloth kept next to her chair. SJ48gP

The hut had a small desk, and a big treasure box in the corner, and the several slabs of wooden planks, which Ruzen guessed were ‘beds’. It was mostly like a small clinic, but with no equipment or even medicine cabinet.

‘Is this really a clinic?’ What Ruzen thought, he kept to himself, because he was unsure and asking about it would seem too invasive and curious.

“He has residual energy on his body, just brush it out.”

The lady huffed, looking at Ruzen sourly, as if he was the one who made the request. x9JIWc

“Fix the barrier in return when you leave duty.” The woman’s voice was cold, but she did not sound snubbish, instead she seemed to be overly familiar with the white collard man. Were they related?

“I will.” The white collared man clearly sounded more gentle.

Then, Ruzen found himself being stared at again, and in the next second a comb came to his attention, a comb that the lady held, as she… brushed his hair…?

What…? hGvs5k

But he wasn’t left in disbelief for long, because the next second he found the comb dragging out a bunch of black threads – not hair for sure – stretching until they snapped when the comb shuddered, cutting off the dark threads that stuck to Ruzen.

Then the comb went through his hair again, and drawing back, snapped a few more strands with elastic ease.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“I am combing out the residual energy, stay still. It will not hurt you if you don’t move.”

Ruzen was about to nod, but he forced himself to stay still, as this strange residual energy was literally combed out of him by the wooden comb. QCXr8b

After a long wait, when the lady was finally done with her work, the white collared man expressed his gratitude and left with Ruzen in toe, not sticking around.

Ruzen also did not mention his bewilderment, but he surely noticed the small diamond shaped tattoo on that woman’s forehead. She seemed to be like him, and belonged to the family of Ki.


{PLEASE READ} A/N – Hello, this is a small request to show my gratitude to my readers. The first 30 characters would be cast in my story at random, their role might be small/big depending on their characteristics and the plot line. So what the readers need to do??? WqPX2r

Readers may introduce their characters to me by leaving a message below with their character’s [1] NAME (Choose wisely, whether they are from Manjo, are outsiders, or etc also depends on their name), [2] HOBBIES, [3] ORIGIN (3rd world creature/ghost/human/god/Cursed One/other), [4] CHARACTER DESIGN (are they kind/gentle/rude/or any other traits). Readers may add extra info if any.

I will be the one to decide their background (if they are friend or foe) and their relation to the original characters and plot. Whether they live, die, or are simply side characters, is up to me, and where the plot goes (I hope I wouldn’t make people mad if their character dies, because every character is important in this story, and so please be kind with me dear readers). Thank you for your participation if you want to. Otherwise it is not necessary to do this at all.

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      • I have had my original character in mind for over a very long time (3 years) and I was thinking of writing a novel but still failed everytime. My oc has my name so it would be very cool if it’s included in your novel <3

        Name: Moulin

        Race: Ghost

        Hobbies: Loves studying history and artifacts of the past, loves animals but doesn’t show on his face, loves instruments such as flutes, or violin (whichever instrument is included in the world setting), hums random songs he’s heard in the past, very curious about mysteries

        CHARACTER design: Black fluffy wavy short hair that scatters around his forehead and neck , cold Crimson eyes that highlights his fair skin and cold bearing, usually wears causal clothes similar to a white long sleeve with cuffed wrists and tight fitting black pants. A few ear piercings but one that stands out is a red diamond stud on his right ear and a few silver ones on the other ear.

        Wields a sword, very proficient and flexible, his swordplay is similar to a dance? Anyways very elegant.

        Personality: He may come off as detached and cold but cares alot about the people he’s close with. (do ghosts feel that way??) lacks common sense and often shocks people with his sense of morals (to moulin, some things may be normal to him but to others that’s just not normal) traumatic past? Idk just make him have a sad backstory that made him who he is today? your choice author.

        Relationships: idk u decide author just dont make him evil pls 💔

        (last thing, I would refer if he has some sort of friendly connection to the ghost king? Like old friends? Like I said your choice author,,,)

  1. name: Asha ( meaning wish/hope in hindi)

    race: human? ( I am not sure about her race and I wouldn’t mind it being changed)

    personality: bubbly and optimistic. she’s extremely talkative and tends to get side tracked a lot. she tends to be forgetful. and has the habit of constantly trying to keep her hands occupied. tends to be a pushover when somebody manages to get their point over before she takes over the conversation.

    she is well liked by kids but not so much by adults who find her annoying.

    hobbies: wood carving. it keeps her hands busy and she can sell them. she makes small toys primarily and she has a collection she keeps of her favorites and sells the rest for change.

    I am not sure if the name fits your naming conventions but I tried to find something that fits.

  2. Anjali is a ghost who is searching for her twin ghost Anjuli. She is fairy-like and presents as lovely and enticing but is really quite fierce and strong. Her sister, Anjuli has disappeared without a trace. She is the opposite of Anjali, very soft in manner and compassionate. Anjali has searched all realms for her sister without any luck. Her moanful cries echo throughout them.

  3. A’Iz a human who is not very social (not in the timid kind of way tho) but very capable and has pride in what he does and just want to do his job and live peacefully.

    Btw thanks for the chapter ☺️

  4. Character Name: Viska(M), from Manjo

    Hobbies: Singing, playing flute

    Origin: Cursed one (I wonder if there’s a hybrid between a cursed one and a 3rd world creature? If it’s possible, I’d like Viska to have that origin!)

    Character design: gentle and sweet, but kinda insensitive, and eccentric

    And he’s skilled at archery? Like his throw barely makes a sound? It would fit his name.


  5. Welcome back, another great update as usual!! I missed your updates <3

    Name: Espa (means versatile and clever mind)

    Race: Ghost or 3rd World Creature

    Personality (?): quite and reserved and thus comes across as pretentious; in reality a sweetheart

    Hobbies: exploring the mysteries of the world

  6. Name: Rosh (means the beginning, the creation) [M], an outsider.

    Hobbies: Randomly scaring someone by just showing up, snooping around forbidden areas, tinkering, sleeping buried underneath the ground with his machineries, trading

    Origin: Cursed One

    Character Design: A very very lazy (an extreme salted fish), but a playful character, even the way he talks is so slow. He has a habit of imparting important knowledge but stopping halfway, then completely changing the topic. He could only focus when he tinker items, or when he travels to any random place to offer a trade. He’s easily amused of small things but has long since stopped trusting everyone he’s encountered, even though trust is an important aspect of trading (what could he be trading? who knows. Items he tinkered, stuff he had stolen, items he found when he’s looking for a place to bury himself, or…)

    He’s also great at all types of combat, especially with using the things he tinkered, but he’d rather watch and let others fight than be a part of it himself, because he’s too lazy.

  7. Thanks for the update!!! And if I may…

    Lumis (God, male) pale, ashen blond, watery green eyes, silent, rude, uses nasty language, haughty and arrogant to a fault.

    Scholar, studying the 3rd world.

  8. Kem, ghost, knows weaving and some herb lore, tends to be very snarky with people, is very self indulgent, but actually always willing to help.

  9. Im glad Ruzen was not wronged. I was scared that they may imprison him.

    Name: Yuira (Male)

    Origin: Ghost but actually hides that he is a hybrid (3rd world creature)


    He likes to travel, he is looking for his half older brother(ghost). He likes food but vegetables makes him vomit. He has soft side for kids and furry animals.


    Grey hair with light violet eyes.

    His ghost lineage made him have affinity to nature. He is sweet, calm and quiet young man. But also have a cruel and powerful side from his other blood. As a hybrid he has issues on where he actually belong. For him, Ghost are too cold and detach and 3rd world creature is too chaotic.

    “Brother, i won’t eat these evil humans.. (eyes turning gold due to anger) I will chew then spit them out.”

    Thanks for the chapter!

  10. I accidentally replied to a comment I’m so sorry:

    I have had my original character in mind for over a very long time (3 years) and I was thinking of writing a novel but still failed everytime. My oc has my name so it would be very cool if it’s included in your novel <3 Name: MoulinRace: GhostHobbies: Loves studying history and artifacts of the past, loves animals but doesn’t show on his face, loves instruments such as flutes, or violin (whichever instrument is included in the world setting), hums random songs he’s heard in the past, very curious about mysteriesCHARACTER design: Black fluffy wavy short hair that scatters around his forehead and neck , cold Crimson eyes that highlights his fair skin and cold bearing, usually wears causal clothes similar to a white long sleeve with cuffed wrists and tight fitting black pants. A few ear piercings but one that stands out is a red diamond stud on his right ear and a few silver ones on the other ear.Wields a sword, very proficient and flexible, his swordplay is similar to a dance? Anyways very elegant.Personality: He may come off as detached and cold but cares alot about the people he’s close with. (do ghosts feel that way??) lacks common sense and often shocks people with his sense of morals (to moulin, some things may be normal to him but to others that’s just not normal) traumatic past? Idk just make him have a sad backstory that made him who he is today? your choice author.Relationships: idk u decide author just dont make him evil pls 💔(last thing, I would refer if he has some sort of friendly connection to the ghost king? Like old friends? Like I said your choice author,,,)

  11. I have had my original character in mind for over a very long time (3 years) and I was thinking of writing a novel but still failed everytime. My oc has my name so it would be very cool if it’s included in your novel <3

    Name: Moulin

    Race: Ghost

    Hobbies: Loves studying history and artifacts of the past, loves animals but doesn’t show on his face, loves instruments such as flutes, or violin (whichever instrument is included in the world setting), hums random songs he’s heard in the past, very curious about mysteries

    CHARACTER design: Black fluffy wavy short hair that scatters around his forehead and neck , cold Crimson eyes that highlights his fair skin and cold bearing, usually wears causal clothes similar to a white long sleeve with cuffed wrists and tight fitting black pants. A few ear piercings but one that stands out is a red diamond stud on his right ear and a few silver ones on the other ear.

    Wields a sword, very proficient and flexible, his swordplay is similar to a dance? Anyways very elegant.

    Personality: He may come off as detached and cold but cares alot about the people he’s close with. (do ghosts feel that way??) lacks common sense and often shocks people with his sense of morals (to moulin, some things may be normal to him but to others that’s just not normal) traumatic past? Idk just make him have a sad backstory that made him who he is today? your choice author.

    Relationships: idk u decide author just dont make him evil pls 💔

    (last thing, I would refer if he has some sort of friendly connection to the ghost king? Like old friends? Like I said your choice author,,,)

  12. name: ikigai

    race: god or 3rd World Creature

    gender: non-binary

    biological sex: male

    pronoun: he/they

    hobbies: biologist in the heart. loves to observe animals in nature. they have quite a few pets and love taking take of them all. they love reading about nature and talking about it. fishing keeping is the most preferred hobby next to reptile keeping.

    character design: they have long black hair with purple eyes, when angry the eyes can turn red. face structure is the oval face shape. wears mostly flowing comfortable clothes. they usually wear colors of black and purple. they are tall (6’5). lean muscles like a swimmer body type. has a singular long red diamond earring on the right ear. has tattoo marking around their wrists, ankles, and neck, these are controls for their powers.

    personality: very laid back, bothering lazy however they are perfect when it comes to hobbies and pet cares. they are cunning but loyal to they are friends and family. has a very sarcastic sense of humor. they is also very open-minded to new situations. extremely big risk-taker and very resilient.

  13. You did it. You managed to drag me, a silent, but devoted reader, out of the shadow and into the comment section.

    Okay, let’s celebrate this with a character sheet ♪ヽ(´▽`)/

    [1] NAME -> Naz’rhyn (spoken Nazrin, if U need a meaning, feel free to add one)

    [2] HOBBIES -> disguises himself as mortals, searches places of the fallen and deceased (graveyards, deep woods, battlefields, hospitals, U Name it) to help calm the dead’s anger and rage and revenge the wronged. Since his sightings mostly are followed by bloodshed on one or more occasions, he’s considered a bad omen.

    [3] ORIGIN -> God

    [4] CHARACTER DESIGN -> As God: Dark, matte skin, scars show his long life and countless battles. A bit below average height, counteracting his mortal forms. Honey colored, glowing eyes, two stripes of the same colour and glow on each side of his eyes. Long, curly and black hair with pearl colored underhair (y’know, the hair “side” facing the body) reaching his hips.

    As mortal: differs in gender, age, height and appearance, but he always keeps the four stripes on his eyes in the color of his eyes.

    Due to his devotion to the dead, he’s rather indifferent towards the living, aloof from their problems and troubles. He can be a vital ally, but one needs to prove themselves worthy of his trust and respect.

    He attracts the presence of ill-omened creatures such as bulls, bats, moths and other beings, which keep him company for a while before parting again, thus giving the false impression of him, having a shapeshifting familiar. He still appreciates them and cares about them for their shared time.

    I hope this is acceptable.

    Thank you so much for Ur efforts and uploads. Keep up the good work (❁´◡`❁)

  14. Thanks for the chapter

    Name- Gazala Bee (Gazala-means intelligent and charming, bee means-a girl)

    Sex- female (course one?)

    Didn’t believe in man, have no intention of getting in the relationship

    Character- intelligent knows when to do things how to behave have amber eyes

    Not very beautiful but have her charm

    Tired of life, don’t want to live but living because she is alive

    knows many things because she has a curious mind but lost interest after knowing everything about it

    Have a very strong interest in galaxy, space, planets

    Creative mindset, love to draw, paint, singing, and reading

    Open-minded and make friends easily

  15. Interesting, so there are people who can see the evil energy. That clinic looks like some place for the outcast. Just brake of the bridge and the evil can not cross over. 😆

    For my character:

    Name: Sui Ra’kesh

    Nickname: SuSu

    Origin: ghost kitten (if it can turn into human form is up to you)

    Hobbies: eating delicious food (I know ghosts don’t need to eat, but still… let’s say it’s still greedy even if it doesn’t need it and can not taste it. >.<), playing with cat toys, lazing around, gossiping, getting its fur brushed

    Charakter: naughty, likes to play pranks, steals food from others, is very good at hiding and sneaking around, innocent, lazy, gets bored easily which leads to its interest into gossip, is not very strong and gets scared easily from strong people which leads to the amazing stealth ability, can get coaxed with delicious food, and the most important it must look like the cutest kitten ever. lol

    A lot of stuff I know. Let’s just say I want a cute gossiping kitten who doesn’t easily get caught while searching for more gossip. It also doesn’t necessarily need to be a ghost. Just figured that would make the most sense for the sneaking around ability. Might as well turn it into a 3rd world creature if it suits you better. Love the idea. Can’t wait what you come up with.

  16. Welcome back author and thank you for the chapters well as the extremely cool request.

    my character would be Gin, short white hair, black eyes, dark skin. Ghost or human or cursed one doesn’t matter. Gentle in nature but cruel in that they always stick to their duties. Hobby would be people watching and observing. I imagine someone who would speak slow and soft even though the things they say don’t match their tone. Extremely fierce in a fight, fights with no regard to themselves. Transparent character who seems to be able to hide nothing but could be a facade.

  17. Bixia, eating and standing up for their own beliefs,other, they are rude but kind. They have trouble with putting words to use and tend to use actions instead. Has long black hair with hints of dark and light shades of other colors. For Gender author can choose or leave unknown.

    I hope the author will have fun with the characters!

  18. Aiyooo that lit!!!! 🤩 Really like that idea u came up with!!!

    Name: Aya (meaning miracle).

    Race: I don’t know about this and don’t care which race she is, so this is one u author♥️

    Personality: quiet with unfamiliar people, wild with the people she knows, doesn’t blindly believe people even if she knows that person but she very much trusts her friends, rude to anyone that she finds annoying, has anger issues, very thick-skinned, hates those that beat around the bush, she is like a tomboy girl, very kind-hearted. Has 99% EQ. u can say she is strong. Hates wearing dresses and skirts. Hates red meat and loves very spicy foods. Very lazy. She is mature and has a dirty mind. She thinks that there is no such thing as a peaceful world and would never be.

    Character design: very long, medium brown hair that is very curly and is always in a very ugly braid, very dark brown eyes, golden like skin color, always wearing dark-colored clothes, and always wearing pieces of jewelry. She is tall for a woman.

    Hobbies: collecting goods especially any kind of stone or gems that she finds cool, has a soft spot for things she finds cute, and loves kids veryyy much. She finds ants very disgusting and tries to stay far away from them.

    And thanks for the chapter!!!<3333

  19. Name: Hei’an, female
    Hobby: making poisons and studying their ingredients, she is also good at using them.
    Origin: cursed one
    Character design – has long, dark hair, has heterocromia, one eye is blue and the other is red, which she usually covers with fabric. She is too honest and to others she seems rude, they think she doesn’t like or even hates them, because of that she rarely spoke to anyone and got used to being silent. She really enjoy being alone

    • Forgot appearance xD

      Narrowed purple eyes, has shoulder blade length hair, it’s really thick and wavy, covers his eyes as well. He’s about 5’7, likes to wear high waisted pants (think Rococo/fancy peasant blouse). Hair color is silvery, but since he dyed it the roots (black) are beginning to show. He also wears brooches and earrings c:

  20. Name: Aryan (means master race)

    - maybe Ar'yan because Manjonians like to split their names

    Hobbies: I was thinking she (or he) could be a villain, so she’s a schemer. She lives up to her name and wants her race to be at the top of society with her at the pinnacle. On the outside though, she likes to laze around and read or maybe enjoy some snacks with her friends. Also, she dedicates one day in the week to feed or do a good deed for the people.

    Origin: Goddess (Human or Cursed One would be interesting too)

    Design: On the outside, she seems like an angel: kind, caring, sympathetic, any positive word you can think about, but she’s not a naive airhead, so people can’t easily fool her. On the inside (if she’s going to be a villain), she’s always calculating how to be 5 steps ahead of everyone. She can be very cruel and will do whatever’s necessary to get what she wants, but she also cares for the people who work for her. (Maybe like Ciel from Black Butler)

    Other: something in her outfit needs to be the color gold, can’t overexert herself (she can run, but not too much), always wears a ring

    You can always change whatever you want, but I hope this character is to your likings. This is actually my first time creating a character, so sorry if it’s a bit cliche… Thanks for the chapter!!❤️

    • Don’t know if you already found the first30 characters. But giving it a go!

      1) Name: Ri` Ya (a hybrid – born unnaturally from the union of a ghost and a cursed one – this is also unknown to most people)

      2) From: Manjo, rumoured to be a mysterious identity as she isn’t found when seeked actively, but appears when least expected.

      3) Hobbies: Travelling among the different worlds (not many people know that, of course) , singing during stressful situations

      4) Character Design: Ditzy and dramatic, but covertly kind and wise. Looks like she is in her 30s, with light teal hair upto her waist, which she keeps tied in a bun. When she saw sings, her hair flows in the wind and her brown pupils turn oblique as her skill awakens. Speaks in a roundabout way but usually has answers to questions due to vast experience during her travels across different regions and worlds. Has a skill of purifying and absorbing energies by singing – discovered in the 3rd world by her while trying to unearth her own identity (as a hybrid). She is known to appear when least expected and is an unreliable but known philanthropist in Manjo.

  21. Oh, i can’t believe I missed this, so sad. But I’m back! Finally finished my thesis! I missed Ruzen!

  22. Sorry I posted as another reply.

    Don’t know if you already found the first30 characters. But giving it a go!

    1) Name: Ri` Ya (a hybrid – born unnaturally from the union of a ghost and a cursed one – this is also unknown to most people)

    2) From: Manjo, rumoured to be a mysterious identity as she isn’t found when seeked actively, but appears when least expected.

    3) Hobbies: Travelling among the different worlds (not many people know that, of course) , singing during stressful situations

    4) Character Design: Ditzy and dramatic, but covertly kind and wise. Looks like she is in her 30s, with light teal hair upto her waist, which she keeps tied in a bun. When she saw sings, her hair flows in the wind and her brown pupils turn oblique as her skill awakens. Speaks in a roundabout way but usually has answers to questions due to vast experience during her travels across different regions and worlds. Has a skill of purifying and absorbing energies by singing – discovered in the 3rd world by her while trying to unearth her own identity (as a hybrid). She is known to appear when least expected and is an unreliable but known philanthropist in Manjo.

  23. Don’t know if you are still picking the names but I find it fun so I should also give one:

    Name, harith or Ha’ Rith, male, a little bit effeminate has sunny appearance, a little playful and smart

    Thanks for the chapters 💖💖