Fourth PerspectiveCh80 - Miss Hepburn.

Edited by Cloud Chip Cake.

“Zhang Xiaoqi, female. In December 2025, served as a resident doctor in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Jiuhua Hospital. In March 2029, during a trip to Haidu City to visit the Bund Square, she accidentally fell into the Huangpu River and died.” GZi1Tf

“Mo He, male. In December 2025, served as an intern doctor in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Jiuhua Hospital. In July 2034, while shopping at Zhongdu BaDa Plaza, suddenly felt abdominal pain. He died a day later due to acute intestinal obstruction.”

“Wang Mengmeng, female. In December 2025, worked as a night shift nurse in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Jiuhua Hospital. In August 2037, she was involved in a logic storm triggered by the logic breakdown of level four user A87 – ‘Valiant Knight’, and died accidentally.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“The ‘Valiant Knight’ incident resulted in the deaths of 6 citizens of Zhongdu City.”


“Luo Yuanwen, female. In December 2025, worked as a nurse in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Jiuhua Hospital. In November 2046, she died accidentally due to the ‘Head-Picking Parade’ orchestrated by level five user A13 – ‘Holy Sacrifice’.”

“Huang Jueming, male. In December 2025, served as an attending physician in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Jiuhua Hospital. In February 2046, he went to work at Haidu City Affiliated Hospital, where he suffered an acute myocardial infarction and passed away.”

“Among the 46 medical staff working at Jiuhua Hospital in Zhongdu City in December 2025, eight doctors and nurses who were assigned the same shifts all died under normal circumstances.”

“Normal death doesn’t mean they died of old age peacefully. Take Wang Mengmeng and your mother as examples. They both died due to logic chain events, which is quite unusual. However, they were just innocently affected. Every year, there are casualties nationwide due to involvement in logic chain events, resulting in accidental deaths, and they are among them.”


Zhao Hen added, “There’s also Professor Huang Jueming, who can be considered to have died within a logic chain. When he died, the logic chain ‘Relativity’ was already activated at Haidu City Affiliated Hospital. However, he didn’t die due to ‘Relativity.’ This level five logic chain doesn’t cause death; it only steals time. Professor Huang died of an acute myocardial infarction.”

“As for the other five deceased, we haven’t found any evidence linking their deaths to logic chains.”

Deaths due to falling into a river while traveling, acute intestinal obstruction, car accidents…

Deaths related to logic chain events. W5LIdG

Among these eight incidents of death, not a single person died from the same cause.

If there really was a mysterious mastermind behind all this, they would have to be part of a massive team.

After providing the data, Li Xiaoxiao mentioned that they had already started re-investigating whether there were any anomalies in the deaths of those six deceased individuals. However, due to the fact that some of the deceased passed away many years ago and that the records are incomplete, the likelihood of discovering any problems now is very low compared to when they were initially investigated.


The soft rays of sunset cast a gentle chill.

The three arrived at Jiuhua Hospital at six o’clock in the evening.

Jiuhua Hospital was quite renowned in Zhongdu City and was one of the comprehensive top-tier hospitals.

Exiting the subway station and standing before the hospital’s spacious and grand entrance, Xiao Jinyu first raised his right hand, brushing across his eyelids. 71lnF5

Su Jiuzhou: “Anything unusual?”

Shutting down his enhanced perception, Xiao Jinyu looked at the man beside him and shook his head. “Nothing.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Captain Wang had already sent people to meticulously inspect Jiuhua Hospital. Under the scrutiny of high-magnification logic factor detectors, there wasn’t a trace of logic factors within the hospital.

—It was just an ordinary top-tier hospital. DiymSA

The three headed straight to the Gynecology Department.

Along the way, Zhao Hen explained, “Around 2025, shortly after the Type A radiation incident ended, there was a global talent shortage. Medical personnel were in high demand. At the time, Jiuhua Hospital merged its gynecology and obstetrics departments into one, creating the Gynecology and Obstetrics Department. It wasn’t until a few years later that they separated the two departments again. Your mother’s former colleagues are now part of the Gynecology Department.”

Xiao Jinyu nodded subtly.

Jiuhua Hospital was already aware of the purpose of Xiao Jinyu’s visit, and the hospital’s database had all the materials prepared, awaiting their review. 4gj dA

The Gynecology Department was located on the sixth floor of the hospital.

A nurse with a serious demeanor led them to the lounge and remained there. She said, “I’m Lin Jing, the current head nurse of the Gynecology Department at Jiuhua Hospital. I started working in this hospital’s Obstetrics and Gynecology Department twenty-one years ago. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.”

Xiao Jinyu paused with the folder in hand and looked up at this calmly authoritative head nurse.

She directly mentioned the key phrase “twenty-one years ago”, indicating that she had already learned about their intentions from the leadership. Az65Qj

Xiao Jinyu sat up straight and went straight to the point, “Auntie Lin, please sit. We do have a few questions for you. First, do you remember a nurse from the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department twenty-one years ago? Her name was Luo Yuanwen.”

Realizing that Xiao Jinyu seemed to be the person in charge, Lin Jing shifted her gaze away from Su Jiuzhou and looked at him. She sat down and said without much thought, “I remember. Xiao Wen. But we weren’t in the same class, so I didn’t know her well, and I don’t have a strong impression of her.”

Xiao Jinyu continued, “What about Zhang Xiaoqi, Wang Mengmeng, Mo He… and Professor Huang Jueming?”

Lin Jing replied, “I’m more familiar with these few because they have been in the hospital for a long time. Especially Professor Huang, he was the head of our department before he was transferred last year. As for Wang Mengmeng, she used to be under my supervision.” YbvlQk

Xiao Jinyu immediately asked, “Do you have any particular impression of her?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf tfjv cegrf ofii rlifca obg j wbwfca, rlutfv, jcv rjlv, “Vtf kjr j vlilufca ulgi, yea rtf revvfcis ifoa er akfinf sfjgr jub ktfc rtf kjr bcis 36.”

Wljb Alcse jrxfv j ofk wbgf defralbcr, jcv Olc Alcu jcrkfgfv fjmt bcf.

Cr jc biv wfwyfg bo atf Yyrafaglmr jcv Xscfmbibus Gfqjgawfca ja Aletej Lbrqlaji, rtf kjr ojwliljg klat atfrf fluta vfmfjrfv lcvlnlvejir. Lbkfnfg, Wljb Alcse’r wbatfg, vef ab gfrluclcu fjgis, yfmjwf atf bcf Olc Alcu gfwfwyfgfv ifjra jwbcu atf fluta. OukJGv

After asking about the eight individuals, Xiao Jinyu turned his gaze and asked, “Aunt Lin, we’ve gone through the hospital records from December 2025, and it seems that not much is preserved.”

“It’s related to the hospital’s system,” Lin Jing said swiftly, picking out several files from the messy records: “Before the Type A radiation incident, our hospital was privately owned until it was nationalized in 2030. The hospital reform was chaotic, and some records went missing, especially during that era. We may not have complete records of inpatients and maternity patients, but the overall information should be there. I believe these are what you need the most.”

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She organized the files and handed them to Xiao Jinyu, saying, “These are records of twenty-three patients and forty-nine maternity patients who were hospitalized in December 2025 and were taken care of by doctors and nurses from your mother’s class.”

Xiao Jinyu immediately started searching. EuB2M7

The first thing he checked was the names.

– Xiao Jinyu.

This was the name his mother gave him.

His mother’s surname was Luo. He remembered that when he was young, his mother mentioned his grandmother’s surname, and it wasn’t Xiao. CJK7zx

In Xiao Jinyu’s memory, his mother didn’t have any friends with the surname Xiao.

But he bore the surname Xiao.

The most likely explanation was: his father’s surname was indeed Xiao.

Xiao was a very distinctive surname. One minute later, Xiao Jinyu ruled out the data of forty maternity patients and their families. His attention shifted to the data of nine maternity patients whose husbands’ names were not registered. lXTGLN

Xiao Jinyu: “Aunt Lin, do you remember these nine maternity patients?”

Lin Jing took the data and checked, “I only remember two. This one named Gong Lili died due to severe bleeding during childbirth. And this one named Liu Fei didn’t register her husband’s data because she was unmarried but pregnant. As for the other seven, five of them even lacked the names of the maternity patients.”

After a pause, Lin Jing looked at the five sets of data with the maternity patients’ missing names and their families. She suddenly pulled out one.

“It should be this one.” ibRz1A

Everyone looked at her.

Lin Jing remained calm, but she squinted slightly, as if recalling something, “If I have to say what left the deepest impression on me in December 2025, it would be that a very beautiful, extremely beautiful pregnant woman was admitted to our hospital.”

The repetition of “extremely beautiful” four times left everyone stunned.

Zhao Hen asked directly, “Extremely beautiful? How beautiful?” uTHLiv

Lin Jing: “Audrey Hepburn level beauty. Her data is indeed missing, and she wasn’t under my management, so I can’t recall her exact name. However, everyone in our Obstetrics and Gynecology Department secretly called her ‘Miss Hepburn’. The day she was admitted, all the male doctors in our hospital sneaked into the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department to see her, causing a sensation. But her family was very wealthy, they stayed in a VIP ward, valued their privacy, and were well protected, so not many people actually saw what she looked like.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“With such a beautiful wife, her husband must have been very attentive. And her husband was also very mysterious, always staying in the ward and not going out, spending every day with his wife.”

Xiao Jinyu fell silent for a moment, then asked, “Do you remember when their child was born, Auntie Lin?” V RWM1

Lin Jing: “I don’t remember. VIP patients weren’t under my management, so we couldn’t intervene. Also, news of their discharge was only known to those of us in other departments several days later. That’s all the information we have about her.”

[Name: Missing]

[Gender: Female]

[Age: Missing] v4V nC

[Condition: Mild multiple organ failure, irregular heartbeat, joint pain in limbs.]

Xiao Jinyu raised his head in surprise.

Lin Jing seemed to anticipate what he was going to say. The strict head nurse continued, “I saw her symptoms just now, and it’s quite strange. It seems like she had minor issues all over her body, yet nothing too serious anywhere. Especially this ‘mild’ organ failure, I have never seen the term ‘mild’ used with organ failure. Organ failure is a serious condition, and there is no such thing as it being mild.

“But if we’re talking about December 2025… no, the most special maternity case we’ve ever had at Jiuhua Hospital, it has to be her.” bTRBOm

At the same time, in the Haidu Logic Research Institute.

In the underground dungeon, 30 floors below ground level.

The damp, pungent smell of earth lingered in the cramped glass cell, where over fifty cameras focused simultaneously on the woman inside. She lay quietly on the iron bed, almost as if dead, with only the faint rise and fall of her chest indicating that she was still alive.

But death wasn’t far away. M1EiBV

With the theft of the Court of Judgment, the arrest of Relativity…

In the past month, Haidu had experienced several major incidents, leaving the Extermination Squad with no time to deal with this executioner who had killed hundreds.

However, while Relativity had been captured, the issue of the Court of Judgment being stolen was temporarily unresolved.

This morning, the gray-haired female captain had come again. e3wsHa

This time, she did not conduct torture in private but stood silently outside the glass wall, silently observing this half-dead woman.

“Drip, drip—”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The moist underground soil seeped quietly into the cell made entirely of earth, leaving water stains in the corners.

The nun clasped her hands tightly, resting them on her chest. xC sGO

She was praying.


Her eyes snapped open.

Huo Lanxu stared at the black earthen ceiling, her round eyes wide open, unblinking and fixed. kZUiML


Why was she caught in the first place?

The “Head-Picking Parade” incident had been stopped, and the most suspicion fell on “Pope’s Crown”.

Why was she identified as the mastermind? MZXfbQ

——Because of her accidental encounter at the coffee shop with Meat King.

Thirty-two days of continuous contemplation, with almost no clues to work with, Huo Lanxu stared at the air in front of her. She seemed to see countless invisible hands intertwining in the air, weaving together seemingly meaningless scenes.

Forming an answer.

The encounter with Meat King was a coincidence. 1veaFh

Level five users could sense the presence of all level three users and below within five kilometers. She sensed them, but she didn’t avoid them because she never imagined they would be Meat King.

A user who had auctioned off items from the Howard family collection.

Why was Meat King there?

The case of the Meat King’s murder had already been solved before her capture. hJsY3i

Everyone in Haidu knew because a level two user had a transaction with Meat King at that coffee shop.

Why that coffee shop next to the Astor Cathedral?

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

No, this coffee shop shouldn’t be special; perhaps Meat King frequented it. Otherwise, Water Punishment would have immediately noticed that her husband had gone to a coffee shop he had never visited before, instead of waiting until the next day to investigate.

So there was that question again. Why this coffee shop? yfocAU

Meat King frequented many places, so why choose this particular coffee shop?

Whose choice was it?

Meat King’s? Or…

Huo Lanxu’s eyelashes trembled suddenly. 0hANQH

It was the level two user.

Meat King proposed several transaction locations, and the level two user chose this coffee shop. At the same time, they chose a specific time. A time when the nuns from the Astor Cathedral would go to buy coffee.

—This level two user deliberately orchestrated the meeting between her and Meat King.

There are no coincidences in the world. Oqzo1L

There are only countless calculations.

Because he was Meat King, he had auctioned off the Howard family’s fan.

Because he was Meat King, Water Punishment would be extra careful, observing every person who interacted with Meat King, scrutinizing surveillance footage ten times, a hundred times over.

And the reason she was discovered was the necklace she wore, carved with the Howard family crest around her neck. gGqs K

Huo Lanxu closed her eyes.

Just the fact that the head-picking parade was discovered and stopped wouldn’t have led anyone to suspect her.

The sole reason for her arrest lies in the seemingly coincidental encounter with Meat King. aAgXrL

There was someone who wanted her to be captured.

Does her capture serve a particular purpose for that person?

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Wait. c3d0GY

Huo Lanxu opened her eyes.

—That wasn’t a level two user.

In the merciful eyes of the nun, a rare hint of shock appeared.

If they were a level two user, being in the church just five hundred meters from the coffee shop, it would be impossible not to sense the existence of a level two logic chain. 2Un8tv

That was a level five user.


In that instant, a name flashed through Huo Lanxu’s mind.


『Surprisingly, you have a talent for modifying the ’cause’ of a logic chain towards more challenging directions. It’s quite special, this creativity.』

『Have you ever thought about using one logic chain to seamlessly open your own logic chain? You want to find a large amount of virgin blood to enhance your logic chain. But have you considered that what you’re looking for is never virgin blood itself, but a ‘result’ that comes from virgin blood within a logic chain?』

『There’s a user in Haidu who fits your needs.』

『Huo Lanxu, I can help you obtain his logic chain, as long as you’re willing to pay the corresponding price…』 wjBqy2


After thirty-two days in total.

The nun sat up for the first time. vhaMUn

She clasped her hands together, closed her eyes, and silently prayed.

But her mind was spinning rapidly.

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The person disguised as a level two user, killed Meat King, and deliberately orchestrated her encounter with Meat King, leading to her capture.

Everything made sense now. 2H0hbG

“So, that’s how it is.”

Huo Lanxu spoke calmly, her gentle face devoid of joy or sorrow.

“You were worried that a level two user would not be enough to make the User Committee open the Court of Judgment for you, but my capture would definitely trigger the Court of Judgment. id0MvT

“You wanted to find the Court of Judgment.

“But once you find its location, what can you do…”

The nun fell silent for a long time, gazing at the pitch-black soil sky.

“Boss Jin, did you steal it?” Obi75L

Translator's Note

this British actress :)

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