Every Night, I Dream of My Nemesis Flirting with MeCh30 - Meeting the Parents

Before Mi Le had gotten over his jetlag, he had to take care of many issues with his cousin.

There were a total of six groomsmen, including Zuoqiu Mingxu. However, Zuoqiu Mingxu insisted on taking Gong Monan to the airplane before coming over. He only arrived at the place in the morning. INb0tz

As soon as they met, they had to prepare for the wedding.

The MC introduced the process to the six of them. Mi Le listened attentively the whole time.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He was a veteran when it came to participating in variety shows. After all, he started participating in variety shows when he was 4 years old.

When recording live, it was always very busy. Often, the process would be explained to them only once. If they couldn’t cooperate well, it would delay work. Pv5UDL

This had enabled Mi Le to develop excellent skills from a young age, namely, he could fully remember many things that were told to him once.

Zuoqiu Mingxu had nearly gotten used to being Mi Le’s assistant. He even had a recording pen.

Later on, it was discovered that they would have to take pictures at any time while wearing their groomsmen suits, and there was really no place to put these things. In the end, they could only rely on Mi Le.

Fortunately, Mi Le was very great in this respect. Everything was done systematically.


“Will there be any reporters on site? I’m not very good at facing the media,” Zuoqiu Mingxu asked from Mi Le’s side, seeming a little nervous.

“Don’t worry. There won’t be many people interviewing you now. The snobbiest people in the industry are not necessarily the employees, but rather the journalists. However, you can get close to them and ask them to give you screen time.”

“Your answer made me very disappointed.”

“Do your best to become famous after graduation. Didn’t your family prepare good resources for you?” SxgkqF

Zuoqiu Mingxu nodded, and he followed Mi Le to continue being a groomsman.

To be honest, it didn’t feel like much when attending the wedding, but being the groomsman made him feel very tired.

Mi Le was also quite famous. He was considered the most famous one of the groomsman group, so he received a lot of attention. If there really was anything, Mi Le was the first to be troubled.

Mi Le didn’t want to disrupt his cousin’s wedding. He didn’t have his usual bad temper and cooperated with everything. nVk04U

He was tired until the evening banquet. Mi Le finally had the opportunity to find a corner to sit down and rest for a while.

After sitting for less than ten minutes, he heard the sound of high heels, and then he heard Mama Mi calling his name: “Lele.”

Mi Le hesitated for a moment inwardly, but he still turned around and answered.

“Let’s go. I’ll take you to meet a few investors. Getting to know them will also be beneficial for you.” rgfkPQ

“Oh, okay.” Then he slowly got up and followed behind Mama Mi.


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Tong Yi thought that his father was crazy. He was attending the wedding of an unfamiliar person. He came in with a thick red envelope, and there was nothing else for him to do.

It would be fine if Tong Yi could go and see if the bride was beautiful, but his dad brought him to socialize with a group of people. This kept Papa Tong busy, as though he were getting married. He smiled so much that the corners of his mouth split. s7dhdo

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

When there were no more people around, Tong Yi immediately pulled Papa Tong to the corner and said: “Dad, stop investing recklessly. Everything you invest in always flops. How much have you lost in the last two years? I don’t think you’re made for that at all.”

“Glvc’a sbe rff tbk fcaterljralm atfs kfgf ktfc atfs rjk wf?”

“Ktja’r yfmjerf sbe fzevf atf jegj bo cfk wbcfs jii bnfg. Tbe’gf fjrs ab obbi. Po atfs oijaafg sbe j yla, atfc sbe’ii lcnfra afcr bo wliilbcr. Tbe’gf atf bcis bcf klat wbcfs, jgfc’a sbe?”

“I also want to raise the class of our family.” eJkvOz

“What do you mean by raise? You’re a mine owner. Why do you have to make investments? You think it’s quite impressive when you lose money, don’t you?”

“How are you talking to your old man?”

“You don’t like listening to the truth. Sooner or later, you’ll be deceived to death.”

Papa Tong kicked Tong Yi angrily, then got close to Tong Yi: “Do you see the pretty girls gathered over here? They’re all quite popular female celebrities right now.” KXn3Vj

“Why, do you want to support one? How old are you? Even if you ate pizzle by the pound, you wouldn’t be able to afford it.”

“Fuck off. I was thinking, if you’re interested in any of them, then try and get to know them. Your dad has money. If your girlfriend is a female celebrity, it’s respectable if word gets out.”

Tong Yi rolled his eyes at Papa Tong in anger. He was really disdainful of such hypocritical adults.

“Popular artists won’t easily date. Otherwise, it will affect their popularity,” Tong Yi replied. vUQCS1

“Then take one in privately. Choose one that’s good-looking. Later, if you want to rent a ship and set off fireworks or do something romantic, then you can tell Dad. Dad will arrange it for you.”

Tong Yi even thought that this was ridiculous when he heard it: “Can you teach me something good?”

“We’re all men. Why are you being secretive? Just tell me who you’re interested in. Dad will find a way for you.”

Tong Yi really couldn’t say anything. He wasn’t interested in anyone. AuJnVw

However, he suddenly got a flash of inspiration and asked Papa Tong: “What if I’m interested in a man? The kind of fresh meat that looks really cute and makes your temper disappear when you see him.”

“A man?”

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“Yes, a man.”

“How will two men do it?” bShYXZ

“You don’t need to know about the specific details. I just want to have a man. Do you agree or not?” Tong Yi asked.

“That’s fine. Then do you still want the ship and fireworks and whatnot? Or should I buy the newly built sports field over there, and you can give it to him?”

Tong Yi saw that his father was very accepting and couldn’t help but crack up, asking: “You’ll even agree with me doing a man?”

“Either way, you’re the one doing it, not me.” atKJfj

“You don’t expect me to pass on the lineage of your old Tong family?”

“Don’t mention it. When you were young, you were very annoying. I was annoyed whenever I saw you. At that time, I swore that I would never want to touch children again. You’d better not have a child to annoy me.”

“Okay, okay, okay, I’m not willing to have one either.” Tong Yi nodded happily.

“Then which man are you interested in? Dad will arrange it for you.” YHoVpl

Tong Yi didn’t answer. He sneezed several times, then exclaimed, “Fuck. Who sprayed sulfuric acid over here? Why is this smell so pungent?”

As soon as he turned around, he saw Mama Mi bringing Mi Le over to greet the two of them.

Mama Mi smiled as prettily as a flower and greeted Papa Tong: “Mr. Tong, we’ve met before. I’m Tao Manling.”

“Oh, hello. I watched your movie when I was a child,” Papa Tong replied politely. wjskzv

Tao Manling’s expression was awkward for a moment.

Tong Yi looked at Mi Le, then looked at Tao Manling, and immediately said, “It’s you. The video of my fight with Mi Le was sent to my coach, and my future was almost ruined.”

Tao Manling’s smile gradually stiffened. She looked at Tong Yi. After a moment of surprise, she said awkwardly, “Are you Mi Le’s little classmate? I saw your photo on Weibo.”

“Thanks to you. I fight with your son whenever we meet. We just had a fight on the plane yesterday.” FW26h4


Really awkward.

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Papa Tong was the biggest “tycoon” at this banquet, rich yet brainless. He was the type of investor who was particularly easy to deceive.

As for those who had come to this wedding, they were all willing to befriend Papa Tong. Perhaps they could get some sponsorships in the future. l3Jbxu

Tao Manling also planned to bring Mi Le to meet Papa Tong.

However, it didn’t go as expected. As soon as she came over, Tong Yi kept sneezing because of the smell of her perfume.

Tao Manling pretended to not have heard Tong Yi’s words and came over to greet them with a smile. However, Tong Yi didn’t really play along and spoke bluntly about their grudges.

Tao Manling didn’t expect that Tong Yi was actually the son of Mr. Tong. qfE k4

If she knew, she wouldn’t go to the school and find Tong Yi’s coach, nor would she use Tong Yi so that Mi Le could make headlines.

Had she offended the big investor’s son from the start?

Mi Le looked at Tong Yi, then looked at Papa Tong. Standing diagonally behind Tao Manling, he looked at the awkward scene and didn’t think much of it. He actually couldn’t help but secretly smile.

He was quite happy about the misfortune. gw926r

Tong Yi immediately felt that Mi Le was absolutely obtuse. He criticized Mi Le’s mother, but Mi Le could still laugh?

The awkwardness could only be defused when Papa Mi came. After he arrived, he exclaimed: “Wow! The young man is really tall.”

Papa Tong followed suit in boasting about his son: “My son is on the volleyball team. He’s even a top pick for the national team.”

“Pretty good, pretty good. His future is bright.” tXGcSF

After speaking, he took Papa Tong to drink.

It was Tong Yi’s first time seeing these people socialize. He saw Tao Manling take Mi Le to meet other people. After chatting a bit, she said to Mi Le: “Lele, come here. Toast Mr. Li.”

Mi Le wasn’t nervous either. He agreed with a smile, said a few words, then picked up the glass and drank it all in one gulp.

Often at this time, it would attract a group of people’s cheers. dnAToU

What was so amazing about drinking? Tong Yi was a bit puzzled.

Later on, the groom, who was Mi Le’s cousin, arrived. Tong Yi once again heard Tao Manling say: “Xiao Yu, later if you can’t drink any more, look for Mi Le. Mi Le has good tolerance.”

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“No need. It’s okay,” Mi Le’s cousin replied with a smile.

However, Mi Le was still sent by Tao Manling to help his cousin take the shots. aTWDnp

Mi Le was wearing a suit today, a three-piece suit with a vest inside.

This kind of attire required a certain image and temperament. If you weren’t careful while wearing it, you would look like a hotel waiter.

Mi Le had a good figure and was good-looking, and his temperament was even more outstanding. He was particularly eye-catching in this formal outfit. This was also probably the reason why Tong Yi kept staring at Mi Le.

Tong Yi saw Mi Le raise his hand and press on his stomach while others were not paying attention. Finally, he couldn’t sit still anymore and let out a “tsk.” da7eWz

Then, Tong Yi walked to the side, found the waiter, and said something. Afterwards, he said to Mi Le: “Mi Le, let’s have a drink alone, okay?”

Actually, Tong Yi was also very eye-catching today.

One was because he was Mr. Tong’s son, and the other was because he was the tallest person in the room, standing one head taller than everyone else.

Papa Mi and Tao Manling hoped that Mi Le and Tong Yi would have a good relationship, so that in the future, it would be easier to get investments. They immediately told Mi Le to go. YTVgQe

Mi Le arrived at Tong Yi’s side. After sitting down, he asked Tong Yi quietly: “What do you want? Don’t make trouble.”

“I want to drink with you. What else can we do? If you don’t drink with me, you’ll have to drink with someone else,” Tong Yi said. He then took the bottle from the waiter’s hand and poured a glass for Mi Le.

Mi Le looked at the glass and didn’t move.

Whiskey. cCXVP8

The alcohol content was quite high.

Was he messing with him?

“Drink!” Tong Yi said to Mi Le.

Mi Le saw Tao Manling looking at them from time to time. He braced himself and took a sip. ev5PQ1

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Tong Yi quickly.

Tong Yi smiled and poured himself a glass, added ice, and then took a sip. He said heartily: “It’s good!”

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Mi Le was both angry and amused. He sat across from Tong Yi and fixed his collar.

What was in his glass was not whiskey, but iced black tea. yBixrZ

Translator's Note

Envelope full of money, gifted to the newlyweds

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