Flirt [Interstellar]Chapter 58

Lin Yi directly ignored the similar scripts that followed. Fortunately, in one afternoon, he picked out two scripts that were out of the norm, and he temporarily put them aside.

As time goes by at night, people’s moods are completely different. s3zTwb

The live broadcast room that Lin Yi released early had gradually accumulated more than 50 million viewers before six o’clock. The number of more than 50 million is probably an astonishing concept on Earth, but compared to the population of the empire, this number is not too shocking.

Firstly, it was not yet seven o’clock. Secondly, and a more important factor was that Lin Yi had set up a paid live broadcast room, and you needed to pay a price of 200 to 1,000 in advance to enter the live broadcast room.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

This kind of live broadcast model is not uncommon in the empire. To put it simply, it is similar to watching a concert during the Earth era. However, when watching, the audience does not need to go out to catch a flight and book a hotel. They only need to lie on their sofa to enjoy the experience. And this interactive experience is not one-sided. They can see Lin Yi’s performance, and Lin Yi can also hear the shouts and cheers of fans in the audience.

The more you pay, the better the experience. Many celebrity meet-and-greets do this. It allows fans to watch idols interacting with them up close without any uncontrollable injuries or illegitimate incidents happening. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone. ngquoG

The payment set by Lin Yi is not high, but certainly not cheap either. In addition to the fact that the platform has to extract some money, the layout of the virtual venue also needs to be graded according to the amount of money. According to a rough estimate, about 60% will be deducted from the commission and cost plus tax. However, even if you look at it this way, the remaining 40% is still very impressive.

Although Lin Yi’s previous songs received a lot of rewards, because they did not adopt a charging model, most of the viewers who listened to his songs basically did not spend any money. Now all of a sudden, people are asked to pay two hundred yuan to watch a live broadcast for an hour. Many people are really reluctant.

“Ah… it turns out there is a fee, so I’d better wait until the live broadcast ends before listening.”

“Uu, I’ve been having trouble this month, I’m so hesitant about whether to spend this money.”


There were also some harsh comments, which were very unpleasant, “He only released two songs, and now he’s just trying to make money? How shameful is it to charge two hundred.”

Naturally, there were many fans arguing with each other under the comment, and some passers-by did think that what they commented was wrong, but at the same time, there were also a large number of freeloaders who expressed their agreement.

In addition, fans similar to Song Shu and Xi Qingyu, who had trouble dealing with Lin Yi’s fans, came to intervene at the right time. After checking the number of people who actually paid in the live broadcast room, they taunted again: “Is it really fun to be in there, only 10 million have paid, are they all there to witness him flop?”

“Pfft, Lin Yi’s traffic flow is really unexpected. I thought he could attract people from the entire empire. Haven’t his fans always boasted that he is the idol of the entire empire regardless of age group?” tUPO7Q

The program team of Where We Come From, who had been nervous until now, felt a lot more at ease after seeing this. The audience in their live broadcast room was now basically the same as Lin Yi’s, and the pressure was lower than they thought.

They also didn’t expect Lin Yi to set up a charging model. This is basically in contrast to Where Are We From: Music Special because the program team conducts a lottery, drawing viewers to award a 2000 cash prize directly every ten minutes.

One received money and the other gave money, which indeed made many viewers shaken.

The key is that Lin Yi’s live broadcast won’t disappear, but can be watched for free a few days after the live broadcast ends. In comparison, many people feel that it is better to watch the second issue of Where We Come From. XWwkVH

The time passed by 6:50 in this bustling atmosphere.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Olc Tl’r ilnf ygbjvmjra gbbw mtjcufv ogbw atf bglulcji ilutar-boo rajaf ab bc, lcvlmjalcu atja la kjr lc qgfqjgjalbc jcv atf ilnf ygbjvmjra kbeiv rajga.

Olc Tl uijcmfv ja atf yjmxugbecv vjaj, atfc bqfcfv atf rfa nlgaeji rajuf jcv fcafgfv la.

Olaaif C bc atf rlvf wbnfv atf rboj obg Olc Tl ab rla bc. Qtfc tf rjk Olc Tl rlaalcu vbkc, tf kjlafv jaafcalnfis ab rff lo Olc Tl cffvfv la ab vb jcsatlcu. SDqkte

Lin Yi looked at the time: “I’ll be busy for about an hour later. You don’t have to accompany me. You can do whatever you want.”

Little A nodded, thought about it and moved to the balcony. Before Little D came back, he went to the balcony to wait. This is a matter of habit all year round. Little A’s life always revolves around a center.

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Lin Yi’s personal terminal sounded a prompt. He lowered his head and glanced at it. It was a message from Qin Nuo, “Is it going to start soon?”

He is still in the office of the military department, so it may not be appropriate to listen to the performance. 8cY9el

“Well,” Lin Yi, who knew his schedule, smiled, “you can go to the toilet to listen, but staying in the toilet for an hour may arouse suspicion among subordinates.”

If you are not careful, constipation will make headlines.

Lin Yi was amused by his own imagination, and then Qin Nuo made a call directly.

“Hello?” h7sX8u

“What are the seven songs?” Qin Nuo’s voice sounded a little depressed. What he actually wanted to ask more was whether Lin Yi had written a song for him like Rain.

“These are all songs for you.” Lin Yi has always been good at coaxing, and he doesn’t care about coaxing him too much. He has never been merciful in sprinkling sweets to Qin Nuo.

Although Qin Nuo was silent for a moment, the joy in his voice was obvious: “See you tomorrow then.”

The time turned to 6:59. At this time, the live broadcast room was shown to be open, and the fans who paid to enter had also been transported to their positions by the virtual system. qc2C5E

Depending on the price of payment, the positions of the fans are also different. Those who pay the most are closer to Lin Yi, and then fans are pushed further and further back.

However, because it is a virtual platform, no matter how far away it is, it won’t look like a concert on Earth where you have to raise a telescope to see it. The system of the virtual venue will intelligently divide all audiences. Only about 5,000 people will be allowed in one venue, and the numbers will be divided into countless small venues.

Only spectators in the same small venue can see and communicate with each other.

Their cheers will also be transmitted to Lin Yi’s ears by lowering the decibels and classifying the sounds, allowing him to feel the atmosphere without disturbing him. CMGzA1

As soon as seven o’clock hit the mark, a beam of chasing light lit up the dark stage, lighting up the center of the stage. Then several more rays of light came on, making the entire stage brighter.

Everyone saw the scale of the entire stage and the surrounding scenes. It was bright and well-arranged. At first glance, it seemed that a lot of money had been spent on the venue arrangement.

Lin Yi stood alone on the stage, holding the standing microphone with both hands. His face appeared on the big screen behind him at the same time, with a smile on his face and an unspeakable tenderness between his eyebrows.

The action of his eyes lowering was shown in a close-up on the big screen, and it was like a heavy punch that hit the fans directly in the heart. ypn7EP

“I’m dead, I’m dead, what does it mean to have rippling eyes, what does it mean to have affectionate eyebrows, Lin Yi is killing me with his eyes!”

When fans enter the virtual concert site, they can still connect to the outside world through the internet, so it does not affect them at all in posting dynamic posts and sharing real-time content.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

It’s just that you can’t shoot video or audio at the scene, and the function will be temporarily blocked by the smart brain.

“The first song,” Lin Yi stood on the stage and said, “Domination.” 3sGJpQ

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a burst of background sound, and at the same time, lyrics and subtitles began to appear on the side of the big screen.

When Lin Yi was on Earth, this song ranked No. 1 on the domestic music charts for a whole year. It describes the emotions of actively and passively chasing each other, and being willing to be dominated by others. All Lin Yi had to do was reshape the lyrics according to the common language of the empire.

The melody of the song reveals the joy of dominating and being dominated, chasing and being chased, because of the willing and morbid nature of heaven and earth.

Lin Yi grasps the rhythm and pitch very well, every breath and word is in the right place, and the clever combination of melody and lyrics makes every word he utters become a weapon used to hit fans. lrkbNm

The scene that was originally noisy due to the large number of people had suddenly become completely quiet. It seemed that except for Lin Yi’s voice, there was not even the sound of breathing.

Everyone’s eyes were fixed on Lin Yi’s face. Lin Yi’s expression changed with the joy and sorrow of the song’s melody, and the audience also unconsciously changed their expressions with Lin Yi.

It wasn’t until five minutes later that the accompaniment of the song stopped completely, and everyone gradually came back to their senses. Then they looked at each other and the whole venue burst into cheers.

It’s amazing, the song is amazing, and Lin Yi’s performance with his voice, body and expression is also amazing. 5Osg9f

There was a two-minute interval between songs. The lights on the stage dimmed again, the background music of Domination sounded softly, and a countdown was running on the screen. Lin Yi temporarily disappeared from everyone’s sight.

And within these two minutes, the vast majority of people rushed online. Countless people went to their home chat groups and screamed that they would regret it for the rest of their lives if they didn’t watch the live broadcast. They went online to vent their shock like crazy.

“#Lin Yi’s new song live broadcast# Ahhhhh, cool! Like! Come! Look! It shakes the soul, it sounds so good, ahhhhh, I declare that I have become a die-hard Lin Yi fan. The song Domination sounds really good.”

“Uu, Master Lin Yi understands it so well. This song is really nice, and the feeling it creates is actually not humble at all, but a bit sweet…? Anyway, it sounds nice. For people who haven’t watched the live broadcast, there is still a chance to listen to six songs. You can’t buy it with two hundred yuan, and you can’t be fooled.” H9O1fA

Within two minutes, such crazy rainbow farts burst out from every corner of the empire’s network. The density was so high that it naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Many hesitant fans were attracted at once, and the number of paying viewers in the live broadcast room was increased by another 10 million.

At this time, the program team of Where We Come From hasn’t felt that it has much impact, because judging from the overall live broadcast, their number of viewers is still several times that of Lin Yi’. It has also only been broadcast for five minutes now, and it is still far away from reaching its highest peak.

However, they never expected that this would be its highest ratings for the second episode of their program. Z6iu0

Because as the first batch of spectators were brought in, more people came out almost every five minutes, and pulled the audience in for Lin Yi with great excitement, even saying: “If it doesn’t sound good, I will cut the balls on the spot!” All this has been said.

From the first song Domination, to the second song Magnetic Field, to the third song Stars… until the last song Crazy.

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The order of the songs was specially arranged by Lin Yi. The emotions formed a transition, and the intensity was superimposed layer by layer, so that the audience’s emotions continued to surge higher with this accumulation. Finally, in the fierce melody of Crazy, they almost jumped up with Lin Yi on the stage.

Each song is different. During the two-minute gap, the stage will change before the lights come on to best suit Lin Yi’s subsequent performance. dv4m65

Lin Yi also went from singing while holding a microphone to singing while playing, and finally dancing and singing.

Magnetic Field expresses the sweet feeling of two people attracting each other and getting closer to each other.

Star is a guiding light and a lucky attachment.

By the time Crazy was performed, the style of the entire venue had changed drastically. Facing the audience’s bright eyes and faces flushed with excitement, Lin Yi’s voice was low, using a rock-and-roll approach to convey a person who had fallen in love and lost his mind. The crazy emotions for the other party were perfectly conveyed. SL7teo

The seven songs express seven ways of falling in love, with the same core but different styles, almost an experience that washes over the listener’s brain.

Every song will bring a new audience. By the time Crazy ended, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room had reached one billion. Many people felt at first that they had missed the first few songs, and it seemed like they would be at a disadvantage if they paid the same price to enter the live broadcast room later. However, then they began to realize that the more they delayed, the more they suffered.

Therefore, the people who waited for the last group to enter and only heard the last song Crazy did not regret spending their money. The only thing they regretted was that they did not enter earlier.

“I cried so loudly, why did I miss the first three songs? Master Lin Yi is a god! He must be a God! Is this what the legendary fairy music looks like? Every song is so good.” q3wNnk

“I only heard the last two songs, and now I just want to beat myself to death.”

“Before I went in to listen, I thought two hundred was too expensive. After listening, I thought it was the ultimate enjoyment at a bargain price. The hour just now was simply the most wonderful hour of my life!”

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