Flirt [Interstellar]Chapter 52

No one would question the military department’s statement, but when this matter is related to Lin Yi, it will inevitably open people’s minds.

After all, Lin Yi’s gland injury was only a few months ago, and he suffered a lot of suppression later on. Many people, in a conan-like spirit, raised many doubts. qebCO1

People have not forgotten the interaction between Song Shu and Lin Yi at the royal banquet not long ago.

Of course, Wei Que also paid close attention to the hot spots and quickly posted two pictures with the caption: Searching for the correlation between these two pictures may provide you with a new idea.

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The content of the two pictures is not very complicated. The first picture was left by Archie’s mother when she went to find the media company owned by Galaxy Film and Television. In addition to the background picture, there are subtitles of Archie’s mother’s narration in the picture. The background is an apartment building and the subtitle is: “The only clue left by my son is that a person who lives here asked him to do something. It is said that after completing it, there will be a big reward.”

The second picture still has the same background, but it looks a little blurry. The apartment building in the picture remains the same, but there is an aircraft parked at the door. Below this picture is also a spliced ​ picture of an aircraft parked outside Galaxy Film and Television when the first episode of Where We Come From was broadcast. The registration numbers of the aircraft in the two spliced ​​pictures are exactly the same. 8pqe5L

This type of aircraft is not something that ordinary people can use, or those with money can use casually. It has to be a high-end aircraft that is only available in the upper class circles of the Capital Star.

So it is not difficult to determine who this aircraft belongs to.

Many people followed Wei Que’s prompts and went to search, and their gossip cells started to boil on the spot.

“I found out that the aircraft was registered in Song Shu’s name. It’s not Song Shu who lives in that apartment building, but someone like her assistant… Song Shu has appeared in many photos and videos in front of the public media where you can see her assistant.”


“If you say that, I can’t hold back my imagination. How much hatred must be required to use murder? Even if what Lin Yi was accused of at that time was true, it wouldn’t be… ”

“The key point is, aren’t the couple quite generous in front of the camera? Their love is as strong as gold, and they don’t seem to be shaken at all. If it is really like what they showed, for the matter to be handled to this extent?” CZnF6d

“Song Shu is so poisonous… I’m beginning to sympathize with Lin Yi now. If she can do it, hurting Lin Yi glands in the first place can be considered a sprinkle of water.”

“Looking at the connection of things, I suddenly feel a little shudder. If Lin Yi didn’t have the ability, he would have been suppressed thoroughly by now. This kind of thing would never be reported, and we wouldn’t even know if he was killed.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Qfl Hef lr ubbv ja qijslcu klat qeyilm bqlclbc. Pc jvvlalbc, yfmjerf atfs mjc’a oluegf bea ktfatfg atf Qliiljwr ojwlis lr yftlcv Olc Tl, wbra bo atf wfvlj beaifar vbc’a vjgf ab rqfcv jr wemt jr atfs vlv yfobgf ktfc ajixlcu jybea Olc Tl. Ktfs pera kglaf cbcrfcrf jcv yjrlmjiis jvbqa mbwqifafis cfeagji gfqbgar.

Wei Que has seven or eight entertainment marketing accounts with good fan followings, and he also runs Lin Yi’s fan support club account. 4b1cPu

Lin Yi doesn’t post much on his own account, and most of his interactions with fans are concentrated at the fan support club. He often posts some dynamic pictures and short videos for solid followers.

Ever since Lin Yi’s identity was revealed, the traffic has not gone down in the music section of the Empire Forum. The income brought by the two songs to Lin Yi has now accumulated to nearly one billion, part of which is direct rewards, and part is traffic monetization. However, the daily growth rate of income has begun to slow down, and it is indeed almost this amount.

After deducting the share with the music district and the taxes paid to the empire, Lin Yi could get about half of this money.

Although such an income in a short period of time is still not top-notch, it is still beyond the reach of most celebrities in the industry. Kk4Hsd

In addition, Little D’s Earth Restaurant’s monthly income shared with Lin Yi is also seven to eight million. If Little D follows his own plan, he can expand dozens of branches in Capital Star alone, so it is not difficult to increase revenue dozens of times.

After listening to Lin Yi and Little D’s discussion about the restaurant’s subsequent development, Little A couldn’t help but stutter in admiration: “Well, that’s a lot of money,”

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Then it lost control and said: “What should you do with so much money? If you can't make money, you will lose money. The Imperial Bank withdraws from the special financial management project, profit and increased value is guaranteed. Give us a chance to give you a dream! Please consult us for details. Capital Xingbei District Wulin Road Branch…”

Lin Yi and Little D both stared at Little A, causing Little A to take a step back nervously.

“I’m sorry,” it whispered.

Lin Yi frowned and asked little D: “The technology at the military department should be better than ordinary brain factories. Maybe I can ask the military department if they can help upgrade little A?” zIfWjY

“The technology of the military has always been leading,” Little D held Little A comfortingly, “Actually, I think Little A is very cute like this, but if Master Lin Yi wants to make it more convenient in the future, I can contact the military to see.”

Lin Yi got up and walked to the bathroom: “No, I can just ask myself.”

“Really, Master?” Little A followed Lin Yi, went to the bathroom to help him fill the bath with water, and asked him excitedly: “I, I, I, can an old and antique brain like mine be upgraded?”

Lin Yi took off his clothes and soaked in the hot water, squinting his eyes comfortably: “If you have enough money, there is nothing you can’t do. Do you have any upgrades you want?” cxCTGv

Lin Yi himself was unaware that he’s just like those parents who gave their bear children whatever they asked for. Fortunately, Little A is not that kind of Zhi Nao. His eyes sparkled and he told Lin Yi without hesitation: “Little A wants the latest upgrade of the home care Zhi Nao.”

The original version of Little A was a smart brain for home care, but the cheaper version was old and out of date. As early as last year, when Little A conducted a self-test, he found that it was the only remaining smart brain of the same model that was still functioning. 0GA mP

So it was worried that Lin Yi would replace it, and at the same time was grateful that Lin Yi had always taken good care of it and that it didn’t have any other major problems except being old.

After getting Lin Yi’s permission, Little A went out happily.

Lin Yi’s place was peaceful for a while when a call request came in.

Lin Yi raised his eyelids and took a look. It was Qin Nuo calling. 6DWHBd

He lifted up the personal terminal that was soaked in the water and connected the call. The first thing he saw in the dense water vapor was Qin Nuo’s frozen look on the screen.

Qin Nuo quickly turned his face to the side, “Sorry, isn’t it inconvenient right now?”

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“It’s convenient.” Lin Yi said, “What’s the inconvenience?”

He glanced at the pool where he was bathing. In fact, there were a lot of white bubbles on top. The only things that could be seen were his shoulders, neck and head, and there was nothing visible. 7soEdj

Qin Nuo slowly turned his head back, but his eyes were still nowhere to be found, which Lin Yi couldn’t help but want to laugh at. He curled up his legs, put his chin on his knees, and asked Qin Nuo: “Are we going to stare at each other like this?”

Knowing that Qin Nuo was old-fashioned and conservative, Lin Yi stopped teasing him and took the initiative to change the subject before Qin Nuo could say anything: “I want to upgrade little A. Can I go to the intelligence factory in the military department for help?”

Qin Nuo nodded when he heard this: “Are you going to upgrade Little A? Then I will ask the person in charge over there to contact you tomorrow.”

Lin Yi, who originally wanted to contact the other party, thought about it and decided that this was fine. After all, if Qin Nuo had spoken, it would have been a big deal, and there was no need for Lin Yi to waste any words on his own. ZMS0N

“Are you busy tomorrow?” Lin Yi wiped his wet eyelids, which turned red and looked childish.

Qin Nuo suddenly remembered that Lin Yi was more than twenty years younger than him. In comparison, he was indeed a child. However, because of this, Qin Nuo felt soft. He stretched out his fingertips and touched the end of Lin Yi’s eyes through the screen, and then said: “Well, I have to go to the palace during the day, and I will have free time at night.”

The two talked a few more about the arrangements for the next day, and made an appointment to meet at dinner time. Then, in the mood of not knowing what to say but not wanting to hang up, Lin Yi was about to get up after taking a bath and Qin Nuo immediately hung up the call.

Early the next morning, Song Qinsong stood in the living room downstairs of Qin Nuo’s home, waiting for him to come down. After the two gathered together, they boarded the aircraft to the palace together. Uf rs8

“Marshal, Madam asked me about Lin Yi earlier,” Song Qinsong said.

Qin Nuo was reading a book with his head lowered. Hearing this, he raised his head and looked at Song Qinsong with a scrutinizing look in his eyes: “What did you say?”

“I just told her that Lin Yi was not the person he was rumored to be.” Of course Song Qinsong was cautious on this issue. He was caught between three parties. He didn’t want to offend anyone, so he naturally had to be careful with his words.

Song Qinsong felt bitter in his heart. He didn’t even dare to mention Lin Yi’s scumbag tendencies, just for fear of any chain reaction. nwtC70

“Yes.” Qin Nuo lowered his head again.

“Marshal, aren’t you worried?” Song Qinsong couldn’t help but ask Qin Nuo, “I think Madam seems to care about this matter. If she wants to intervene…”

“She has no way to interfere with my marriage.” Qin Nuo said in a cold tone without raising his head.

“What I mean is, what if Madam went to Lin Yi to communicate directly? My cousin had a beta girlfriend before, but my aunt persuaded her to leave.” NBnKWS

The virtual book in Qin Nuo’s hand was slammed shut and disappeared from his hand. Song Qinsong’s desire to survive immediately came online: “Of course I am just providing a possibility. After all, Marshal, you are not my cousin, and Lin Yi is not his beta girlfriend. His girlfriend is very weak and timid, they are simply two different people.”

“Isn’t Lin Yi weak and timid?” Qin Nuo frowned even more dissatisfied, maxing out the couple filter.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Translator's Note

In the original translation this was used □□. So I am only guessing.

Translator's Note

For those who may have forgotten or not understand Little A is telling them an advertisement, he is stuck like that. MP1Tfw

Translator's Note

A “bear child” is a common Chinese slang phrase meaning a child who is spoiled and lacks discipline.

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  1. Lin Yi, weak and timid? Uhh… sure, if that’s what makes you happy 🙂

    Thank you for the chapter!

    P.S. watching the northern lights, what a sight!

  2. Lin Yi, who is only seen as cute and timid by his boyfriend Qin Nuo: ….???

    LOL poor Song Qinsong 😂

  3. Song qingsong: your future wife might be scared into leaving you!

    Qin nuo: frowns

    Song qingsong: I mean, he’s definitely not weak or timid!

    Qin nuo: frowns Isn’t he weak and timid!

    Poor songsong can’t win either way 😂