EmeraldCh23 - Bed Warming


At night, Zhima hurried in, y1SZDf

“Your Highness, the Grand Duke has sent a few maidservants here.”

Zhou Huaiyan was still thinking about finding a martial arts master for the kitten. Meanwhile, Ah Fei knelt at his knees and imitated Hongdou’s way of massaging his legs.

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“Uncle is actually so strict about this minor matter that he even asked maidservants to get involved with it.”

The young man’s tone was a bit childlike, complaining. tL8cfm

“Just look after them and deal with them.”

Zhima glanced at Ah Fei subconsciously, then quickly looked away, her tone sounding a little difficult.

“Those maidservants… are for bed warming.”

Ah Fei was stunned. His hands couldn’t help but wrinkle the young man’s trouser legs. Fortunately, Zhou Huaiyan didn’t pay attention. He raised his head in surprise, blinked, and suspected that he had heard wrongly.


“Uncle sent them? For bed warming?”

“Yes. The steward on the Grand Duke’s side personally sent them. He said that all these bed warming maidservants have been meticulously selected and are clean and pure. Your Highness, please feel free to use them.”

Zhou Huaiyan raised his eyebrows, seemingly interested.

“Oh? Since it was Uncle who selected them, then I have to take a look at them with my own eyes.” 2OdZC8

Because of his inherent weakness, while the other princes had bed-warming maidservants when they were thirteen or fourteen years old, Zhou Huaiyan didn’t have one by his side up until now, saying that he was afraid of wasting his money.

Now, Duke Wei felt that instead of letting him get tainted with those unclean women outside, it would be better to select some clean ones himself and send them to him.

Ah Fei lowered his head and said nothing. His thick eyelashes drooped down, casting a dark layer on his pupils. Hongdou glanced lightly and didn’t speak a word.

As soon as the Ninth Prince spoke, several maidservants were quickly brought up. tdzB3S

Zhou Huaiyan was leaning lazily with his long legs crossed and his head resting on one hand. His posture was leisurely and comfortable, looking them up and down sluggishly and casually.

There were actually seven or eight bed warming maidservants, all dressed in bright-colored and simple but elegant clothes. One of them even wore the dress of the foreigners.

“You, come here and let Dianxia take a look.”

Zhou Huaiyan pointed at the young foreign girl. Ah Fei became nervous. Although he didn’t want to admit it, that girl was indeed the most beautiful among them. UlwZVM

“This maidservant, Suo Ya, is fifteen years old and greets Your Highness.”

She had no stage fright. She walked straight to Zhou Huaiyan, knelt down, and raised her head, exposing her face at the most perfect angle.

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Ah Fei couldn’t help but look at her.

Although she had just reached the age of fifteen, Suo Ya had a charming face and graceful figure, like a delicate, beautiful, and blooming red rose. Her distinctive foreign clothing also added a bit of richness. 4JzDWt

What was even more special was that she had a pair of clear blue eyes, which were moist and seductive.

Ah Fei felt sour in his heart,

——I am no longer special.

He thought of his master’s preference for unusual-colored eyes, and the sense of crisis over being replaced became even deeper. He couldn’t help but bite the flesh on the side of his mouth. bk9jof

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A few strings of fishy sweetness spread across his tongue.

Pa rffwfv atja atf xlaafc tjv vfnfibqfv atlr tjyla rlcmf jqqislcu wfvlmlcf ab atf sbecu wjc atja cluta. Qtfc vgfjwlcu ja wlvcluta, tf jikjsr atbeuta yjmx ab atja wbwfca ktfc tlr wjrafg bqfcfv tlr wbeat, fzqbrlcu atf ygluta gfv, vjwq, jcv tba alq bo tlr abcuef.

Qtfc tf kjr lc atf rfgnjca rijnf mjwq, Ct Mfl rjk wjcs qfbqif vblcu atja xlcv bo atlcu, jcv tf pera ofia vlruerafv. Dea lo la kfgf tlr wjrafg, tf aglfv ab lwjulcf atf sbecu wjc’r rfcreji ibbx, sfa tf bcis ofia tlr tfjga yegclcu.

He looked at the girl and couldn’t help but think. If the master really keeps her tonight, will he hug her? Will he use such beautiful hands to caress her? LBKIR

Even kiss her?

Thinking that the girl would possibly be kissed by his master’s lips and be caressed by him, Ah Fei sensed his jealousy so clearly for the first time, even having some murderous intentions for a moment.

However, Zhou Huaiyan’s gaze paused on the girl’s eyes for a moment, finally losing interest.

“What skills do you have?” Yh8A9J

“Replying to Your Highness, this maidservant’s dancing skills are indeed worthy of your eyes.”

The young man interrupted her,

“Are you literate?”

Suo Ya’s face stiffened, a feeling of guilt rising in her. poXr9

“Only know… know some.”

“How many are some?”

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Suo Ya was dripping with cold sweat. The rich and nobles kept foreign women mostly for fun. They only needed to be able to play the zither and dance. Who would require them to be literate?

“One… one hundred…” IfSvlE

Zhou Huaiyan turned his head,

“Ah Fei, how much do you know?”

The kitten didn’t expect that his master would suddenly call out to him, so he accidentally bit his mouth in shock, the pain and blood spreading inside. He couldn’t open his mouth, so he simply spread his five fingers.

“Five hundred?” pnV36q

“No… it’s not…”

Ah Fei covered his mouth, fearing that his master would see the dirty blood inside. He could only gesture in a fluster.

“Five thousand…”

Zhou Huaiyan was a little surprised. After all, in this era, scholars could only recognize about 5,000 characters. The kitten thought that his master was doubting him because, even among Zhou people, only a few scholars and powerful people could read. rKdak6

“Yes… it was taught… by my mother…”

Ah Fei covered his mouth and explained stammeringly. Zhou Huaiyan found it very interesting to see the kitten’s flurry. He casually played with the jadeite on his waist,

“Why are you covering your mouth? Dianxia is letting you speak.”

“……” DY9kLd

Being seen by his master in such an embarrassing and discourteous appearance, Ah Fei was so panicked that he almost cried. He immediately knelt down and stammered for a long time, unable to explain clearly.

Zhou Huaiyan wrinkled his eyebrows and reached out to grab his chin. Ah Fei had no choice but to tilt his head back.

“Hands off.”

He shuddered, let go of his hand as instructed, and pursed his lips until they turned pale. x16PGs

The young man’s fingertips stroked it gently, turning his pale lips a crimson color. His pair of pale green cat eyes were filled with water, like a vast and clear lake reflecting the world.

“What’s wrong?”

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Ah Fei’s breathing was rapid, but he didn’t speak. nq1Xgl

He didn’t know whether it was fear or excitement, but the master’s condescending gaze and forced movements made his body shudder slightly. Zhou Huaiyan narrowed his eyes and placed his fingertips between his lips,

“Open up.”

Ah Fei’s Adam’s apple moved slightly, but he meekly obeyed his master’s command and slowly opened up.

The young man’s fingers reached in. hsZNm

The kitten’s pupils dilated slightly, and he tried his best to control his teeth so as not to hurt his master. Zhou Huaiyan stroked the kitten’s pointed teeth, his fingertips getting stained with a little bit of sticky and thick blood.

“You bit it?”


Ah Fei responded in a low whisper. MNI7s9

Zhou Huaiyan retracted his hand, took the handkerchief handed over by Hongdou, and wiped it slowly. The kitten subconsciously stared at the young man’s fingers, his Adam’s apple quivering.

“You can’t even say something without biting yourself…”

Zhou Huaiyan only thought that he hadn’t spoken for a long time before, causing such a funny thing.

“Do you know where the medicine is?” wxEdOh

The kitten nodded.

“Go get it yourself.”

The kitten went away obediently.

Zhou Huaiyan watched him run away, and when he came back to look at the girl, he immediately waved his hands in disdain. uqojsX

“This one is too stupid, I don’t want her.”

As for the others,

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“Her voice doesn’t sound good, I don’t want her.”

“Her eyes aren’t good-looking, I don’t want her.” x6Juhm

“Her body is too cold, I don’t want her.”


In short, after picking out all the thorns, not a single one was left.

After sending them all away, Zhou Huaiyan finally breathed a sigh of relief. Women and what not were the most troublesome. He had already seen it in the palace. OPXvdp

“Your Highness, the Grand Duke has also sent a booklet.”

Hongdou put the thing on his desk,

“The New Year Festival will be in two months. This year, the Grand Duke will return to the capital. His Majesty may take this opportunity to invite some important officials and their families to come. This booklet contains portraits of women of the right age in the capital.”

Zhou Huaiyan: “……” dOi24J

——So it’s like this, huh?

“Take it away. I won’t look, and I won’t read it.”

He turned his head in annoyance, just in time to see the kitten holding a medicine bottle at the door.

“Ah Fei?” RrzOaG

The young man waved to him, and the latter quickly walked to him obediently, still standing one meter away. The kitten heard it all just now. The Grand Duke wanted to choose a wife for his master. He didn’t know if the future mistress could tolerate him.

Ah Fei lowered his eyes, looking lonely.

“Now that you have the medicine, why don’t you apply it?”

The kitten recovered from his absent-mindedness and stammered. UqPDEK

This was the medicine that the master used. How could a lowly servant slave like him use it? Seeing that he couldn’t explain the reason, Zhou Huaiyan simply reached for the medicine bottle in his hand and opened it.

“Open your mouth.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

——The master wants to give him medicine!

Ah Fei immediately knelt down at the young man’s feet, raised his head, and opened his mouth obediently. erQqEv

Zhou Huaiyan looked at Ah Fei who was staring at him eagerly, and he couldn’t help but laugh. Not only did his eyes look like a cat’s, but his teeth also looked like a cat’s.

Neat, tidy, white, and thin. Even his two small canine teeth looked like a cat’s.

Ah Fei nervously looked at him and saw his jade-white fingers wiping a little ointment. Then he inserted it into his mouth, passing close through the tip of his tongue, and landed on the inner wall that he had bitten.

A sharp sting and a bitter herbal taste immediately spread in his mouth. But Ah Fei couldn’t pay attention to anything else at all. All his attention was focused on the master’s fingers in his mouth at this moment. FlSvwY

——Want to lick.

Want to lick the master’s hand, from the fingertips to the knuckles, then the palms, and finally, bite and rub on the beautiful jade-like wrist bones, leaving tooth marks.

Such a wild and unspeakable desire slowly crept up from the depths of his heart.

“…Ah Fei?” CuF7hP

The young man’s clear and cool voice suddenly brought him back to his senses. Realizing what he had just thought, the kitten’s face instantly turned red.

He stared at his master blankly, the young man’s helpless expression reflecting in his beautiful emerald eyes.

“This medicine is for external application.”

“……?” oXyWuS

Ah Fei raised his head blankly.

Zhou Huaiyan took out his hand. Under the bright candlelight, his slender, white, jade-like fingertips were wet.

“Don’t you feel the bitterness? Why did you lick up all the medicine?”

“……” K1psaE

The author has something to say:

The kitten wants to lick his master’s finger

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Translator's Note

通房 (tōng fáng) – for sex use/to provide sex services for their master

Translator's Note

及笄 – i.e. come of age, marriageable age (in former times, girls at fifteen began to wear their hair bound up and held in place by a pin)

Translator's Note

唔 (wú) – sound of mumbling, murmuring, stammering, etc.

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