Escape From the LibraryCh296 - Scholarship 02

The ‘Garbage Sorting System’ that Lin Manluo exchanged last time was very useful, especially the ‘Hazardous Garbage Bin’ which could designate certain substances as hazardous garbage and recycle them directly.

This time, she changed to a whole set of follow-up skills ‘Garbage Disposal Equipment’, which could throw sorted garbage into it, crush it into powder, and destroy it in place. HsYQZ6

From air purification to recycling, the skills of the Faculty of Environmental have always been based on the principle of ‘protecting the environment’.

Zhang Xiaonian chose the ‘Tower Crane’, a tool of the Architecture Department, which could lift people vertically and without limiting the height. With the Tower Crane, he could use it to hoist his teammates up collectively if he even encountered the endless abyss of the Faculty of Physics again.

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In addition, he also changed a skill ‘Demolition Engineering’, whether it was underground base, bridge construction, or building construction, he learned to build a building out of thin air, while ‘Demolition Engineering’ was to destroy the original buildings, mountains, etc. In the future, no matter what obstacles encountered, he could use Demolition Engineering to raze them to the ground.

Xu Yishen spent all his points this time to exchange for a complete set of <Genetic Engineering> skill book, which was his favorite major, only that he hadn’t been able to exchange them in the early stages because he didn’t have enough points. rqRSzc

The great thing about this skill book was that it could carry out genetic recombination of any substance from the molecular level. After corresponding to the library’s skills, Xu Yishen was able to extract the cells of several organisms, reorganize them, and cultivate the genetically reorganized cells into individuals.

Liu Zhaoqing was very curious about this and asked, “You mean that our cells can be extracted to create offspring similar to genetically modified organisms?”

Xu Yishen said with a smile, “That’s right. For example, if I, right now, take one hair from Xingwen and one hair from Pingce, and fuse the genes of the two in vitro, I’ll be able to quickly create an offspring that inherits half of Xingwen’s traits and half of Pingce’s traits.”

Yue Xingwen: “??”


Why me? Why are you using me as an example?

Ke Shaobin looked at Yue Xingwen, then at Jiang Pingce and said, “Half like Xingwen and half like Pingce, I can’t imagine it ah. Will that child like to smile or not?”

Yue XIngwen interrupted his mind with a light cough. “Cough, back to the point. WIth this skill, isn’t it possible to just generate clones?”

Xu Yishen nodded. “That’s right. If you only use one person’s genes, you will be able to generate exactly the same replica. When necessary, I can use my <Genetic Engineering> skill to quickly create our clones to confuse enemies so that they can’t tell the difference between the real and the fake.” GqVSgQ

Liu Zhaoqing complained, “Sun Wukong can pull a tuft of hair down and turn into thousands of Sun Wukong, this is great, you can also pull a tuft of our hair down and turn into thousands of us.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

We Tlrtfc ibbxfv ja Ole Itjbdlcu jcv jrxfv, “Qtja jybea sbe, rfclbg ygbatfg? Qtja rxliir vlv sbe mtjcuf?”

Ole Itjbdlcu rjlv, “P qgfnlberis mtjcufv jii atf regulmji gfijafv abbir, atlr alwf P mtjcufv ab jc lcafgcji wfvlmjalbc—— Ktf jii-qegqbrf jcalylbalm, ulnfc ab j tfjiats afjwwjaf ab lwweclhf atfw ogbw jcs vjwjuf obg j qfglbv bo alwf. Xlnlcu la ab lcpegfv bg rlmx afjwwjafr mjc rqffv eq gfmbnfgs.”

Xu Yishen gave a thumbs up. “Senior brother is really an all-rounder healer.” njDO4L

Liu Zhaoqing smiled. “How can you play a dungeon without bringing a healer? My Surgical Bed has limitations and can only lay one person at a time. With antibiotics, multiple teammates can be saved at the same time.”

Yue Xingwen praised. “It’s still senior brother who is thoughtful.”

Gauze to treat skin injuries, antibiotics prevented injuries and speed up wound healing, and the Surgical Bed treated the dying. With senior brother Liu around, they could at least be saved even if they were in danger.

Yue Xingwen turned his gaze to Xin Yan. “What about Xin Yan? What skill did you change?” A4LCqj

Xin Yan said lightly, “Chemical Catalyst.”

Since exchanging the <Periodic Table of Elements> skill book of the Chemistry Department, Xin Yan could use any element to make the required potions through chemical reactions, plus the previous skills such as infinite Spirit Lamp, flammable White Phosphorus and Distillation Equipment, his current skills were very comprehensive.

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After going to the library of the Faculty of Chemistry this time, he thought twice and spent half of his points to exchange for a book of <Chemical Catalysts>. Catalysts were very common in chemical reactions, they could change the rate of chemical reactions without changing the chemical properties or quality of the reaction itself.

It was like a key that opened a specific lock, but the key itself did not change. AUj0C

The effect of this skill was two-way.

The first was <Forward Catalyst>, which could speed up the cooldown efficiency of teammates’ skills, for example, Yue Xingwen’s <Fast as Lightning> skill originally had a cooldown time of 30 minutes, but after using <Catalyst>, the cooldown would only be 15 minutes. Moreover, since the catalyst itself ‘remains intact’, it could be taken out and reused immediately after the catalytic effect was achieved, making it very flexible.

The other was <Reverse Catalyst>, after using the skill, it could slow down the speed of the designated target, for example, when encountering the pursuit of monsters, Xin Yan could use Reverse Catalyst to slow down the opponent’s speed, making the opponent unresponsive and turning into slow motion.

He handed over all the remaining points to Ke Shaobin, letting Ke Shaobin look at his skills. k4PRFC

Ke Shaobin listened to everyone’s opinions this time and didn’t change artificial intelligence-related skills.

He spent 1,000 points for a ‘Database’ that could display all his teammates’ skills and cooldown data in real-time in a hovering box. This skill itself had no control and attack effect, but the existence of a database allowed everyone to better understand the situation of their teammates and make the best judgment at critical moments.

The remaining points, plus those given by Xin Yan, Ke Shaobin spent nearly 4,000 points and changed to a ‘Research Group LAN Wifi’.

He had wanted to change this skill for a long time, but his points had not been enough before. The advantage of LAN Wifi was that it was not affected by the outside world, and 12 of them could stay connected on the LAN. p58NLZ

There had been several times when the chat channel was disabled after they entered the examination room and they could not contact each other. Now, with LAN Wifi in hand, even if the library did not give them a network signal, Ke Shaobin could build his own signal base station and reach his teammates as soon as possible.

This was more useful than any attack or control skill.

Yue Xingwen made a joke. “With homemade Wifi, you don’t have to worry about a failed connection again, right?”

Ke Shaobin scratched his head and said with a smile, “I think that our team has too many control and attack skills, and it will be more practical to change it to a more functional one.” LWgT 1

Jiang Pingce agreed. “The skills you changed this time are indeed very practical, the scope of Xiao Tu to find people is limited, and the LAN Wifi is more convenient for everyone to contact. There are so many skills for the 12 of us that it’s often hard to keep track of them, and with the database, everyone can understand the situation of teammates as soon as possible.”

Ke Shaobin asked, “There are still Xingwen and Pingce who haven’t shown their skills, right?”

Yue Xingwen looked back at Jiang Pingce and motioned for him to come first. Jiang Pingce cooperated by stepping forward and spreading his right hand——

In the last <Dreaming of the Great Tang Dynasty> the ‘Nine Chapter of Arithmetic’ he drew had become a fixed skill book, and Jiang Pingce simply upgraded the book directly to the full level. uReBX4

The first chapter of the unlocked ‘Square Field’ was to summon 8 types of shapes according to the area and ground the targets within the range. With this upgrade, the skills in chapter 2 ‘Millet and Rice’, chapter 3 ‘Decline and Divide’, and chapter 6 ‘Equalization’ were also unlocked.

Among them, the ‘Millet and Rice’ skill was an equivalent exchange. In ancient times, it could be exchanged for grain of the same value with designated grains, and the effect of use in the library was that one of its own skills could be exchanged for a skill of the specified target.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

For example, he could swap his triangular ruler with Liu Zhaoqing’s scalpel, and of course, if he encountered an enemy with a skill, Jiang Pingce could also forcibly exchange one of the opponent’s skills. Chapter 3 ‘Decline and Divide’ skill was equal proportion distribution, which could be used in the distribution of loot and materials, for example, for daily meals, there was no need for Xin Yan to use distillation bottles to fill up one by one with food, Jiang Pingce could directly use ‘Decline and Divide’ skill of the Nine Chapter of Arithmetic to set up the proportion, and he could automatically distribute food and drinking water to his teammates. Chapter 6 ‘Equalization’ skill was used in ancient times for reasonable apportionment of taxes. The use of putting it in the library was to share the damage. For example, if a teammate was attacked, Jiang Pingce could use the ‘Equalization’ skill to divide the damage he had suffered equally among everyone, so that the injury would not be too severe.

Hearing this, Liu Zhaoqing couldn’t help but praise, “Even the heaviest injuries, if evenly spread on the bodies of 12 people, will become much easier to heal. Pingce’s skill of sharing damage evenly is very interesting!” hZWerm

Jiang Pingce said, “The Millet and Rice skill is also very useful, for example, my coordinate system is on cooldown, I can use the coordinate system to change the skill that can be used on the opposite side, and then change it back when it’s used up.”

Liu Zhaoqing laughed. “The Mathematics Department is really hardcore. However, exchange your skills on cooldown for the skills that others can use? Your approach is a bit of a scoundrel.”

This was indeed a practice of ‘harming others and benefiting oneself’, and it was too easy to use if it was a PK between teams, such as a School Sports Meeting. However, it was still unknown whether the next dungeon would encounter NPCs with skills or not, so he didn’t know if Jiang Pingce’s skill would be used.

The reason why the <Nine Chapters of Arithmetic> was upgraded was also because of the other attack skill books of the Mathematics Department, Jiang Pingce thought that it would not be of much help to the team, but the skills of Equivalent Conversion, Equivalent Proportional Distribution, and Equalizing Damage would be more useful. d2H6 U

Yue Xingwen had previously exchanged for <Idiom Dictionary>, <Modern Writers’ Classic Anthology> <Thirty-Six Strategies>, and <Book of Songs>, but he was not interested in continuing to upgrade, so he simply exchanged it for two new skill books, namely Guan Hangqing’s <Moon Worship Pavilion> and Wang Shifu’s <Tale of the Western Chamber>.

Among them, the skill <Burning Incense and Worshiping the Moon> unlocked in <Moon Worship Pavilion>, the heroine of the story, Wang Ruilan, once burned incense to worship the moon, praying for the safe return of her separated lover Jiang Shilong, and finally the two were able to stay together.

After using the skill, he could silently recite the name of his teammates in his heart, and he could apply the ‘Peace buff’ to teammates who left him, so that his teammates were immune to attacks for a period of time.

The unlocked skill in <Tale of the Western Chamber> was ‘Matchmaker”, as a key character in the story, the Matchmaker had helped Cui Yingying and Zhang Sheng many times. After using the skill, he could summon the Matchmaker and activate the ‘Lovers will Eventually Become Married’ effect, connecting the two teammates and reuniting the two immediately. w5DuWl

This skill could be used to find people, or to get a teammate in danger immediately to return to safe teammates, and it was also very flexible to use.

So far, the skills of the 12 people had been fully upgraded, and their 183 Research Group’s ability to save their lives and fight head-on had been greatly improved.

Ke Shaobin handed out the form to everyone and asked, “Tomorrow is Wednesday, are we going straight to the last faculty?”

Everyone looked at Yue Xingwen in unison. 7Z6zFu

Everyone was desperate to go back. There was only one last faculty left, and they had worked so hard to get to this point, why didn’t they just hurry up and get 100 credits to hurry up graduating from this strange library?

Yue Xingwen nodded and simply said, “Let’s go tomorrow, so as not to have too many dreams  at night. Everyone go back and have a good rest, tomorrow morning at 7:30 am, gathered at the old place!

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  1. Xin Yan giving his points to Ke Shaobin!!!! (I really can’t tell if they will end up together by the end of this. But even though I ship them, their friendship is super cute too and as long as they have this dynamic my day is made!)

    Pingce’s ‘decline & divide’ skill is super interesting I hope we get to see it too. But unfortunately the author is very good at coming up with super cool skills and then leaving them in the dust T_T. Also final arc let’s goooo!!!!