Dressed as a Shady Villain’s Marriage PartnerCh22 - Video Call

Yu Baihan contemplated in silence for a couple of seconds. It made sense.

He pivoted and reopened the door. M dHxw

As the door swung ajar, Zhu Jin remained frozen in his place, gazing over in a dazed manner.

Their eyes locked once more, and his pupils seemed to quiver! For a fleeting moment, his gaze lingered on Yu Baihan’s countenance before drifting downward to Lu Huan…

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Yu Baihan commenced an explanation, “We…”

His opponent’s gaze suddenly recoiled, as if startled. Then, Zhu Jin burst out, “I don’t know anything!” zd6CA4

With those words, he spun on his heel and sprinted out of the bathroom.

In an instant, his figure darted out of the restroom, leaving only Yu Baihan and Lu Huan within its confines.

The two exchanged a glance, a silent conversation transpiring between them…

Yu Baihan cleared his throat and emerged from the cubicle, feigning composure, “I’m not sure where he’s off to, but he’s headed outside.”


A snort emerged from behind, “I see.”

Yu Baihan continued his prattle, “If anything comes up, we can sort it out once we’re back in our room.”


“Dirty, conjecturing about us, the innocent couple, like this.” 9oWh4l

Lu Huan lifted his gaze.

The bathroom mirror reflected Yu Baihan’s fair, immaculate features, his delicate eyebrows slightly arched, brimming with disdain—like a white lotus unsullied by mud.

He couldn’t resist interjecting to cut off Yu Baihan, “Let’s go back.”

Yu Baihan lowered his gaze, a smile quirking on his lips, and he halted in his tracks. “Of course.” BzIlFm

Exiting the bathroom, they returned to the lawn outside.

Yu Baihan inquired, “Would Zhu Jin spread rumors?”

A composed response emanated from his side, “He wouldn’t dare.”

Yu Baihan turned to confront Lu Huan’s profile, his sharp features exhibited an imperturbable calm amidst the tumultuous and boisterous surroundings. Amidst the ruckus, his visage emanated a tranquil grandeur, akin to an unmoving snow-capped peak. O5TZqu

Mature, poised, and endowed with unwavering courage.

He felt compelled to commend Lu Huan, “I truly admire your air of confidence and authority.”

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Lu Huan shot him a sidelong glance and emitted a soft snort.

Navigating through the crowd, they returned to their booth. As they arrived, Wen Lou peered over, “What happened to Brother Lu just now?” IOgqeS

Lu Huan abstained from answering, while Yu Baihan interjected on his behalf, “He had three pressing matters to attend to.”

Wen Lou was momentarily dumbstruck, the twist was too sudden!

Yu Baihan disregarded Wen Lou’s speechless expression, surveyed the surroundings, and inquired, “Where’s Zhu Jin?”

“Once he returned, he greeted his companions and hastily left,” Qi Jue recounted Zhu Jin’s demeanor, explaining, “He appeared apprehended, as if he might be silenced in an instant.” V08NFB

… companions.

Yu Baihan cast an approving glance at him.

Qi Jue certainly lived up to his reputation, his knack for phrase selection and articulation remained impeccable.

While still admiring Qi Jue’s skills, his attention shifted to Sun Yiqing beside him. A seldom-seen smile appeared on that gentle countenance, and then he lifted his drink and took a sip. 2nsa7V

It resembled a salute after a successful withdrawal.

Yu Baihan blinked.

Little Sun was reticent, what exactly was he chuckling about?


The latter part of the night’s festivities would continue until morning.

Yu Baihan had been present for nearly forty minutes, and seeing the late hour, he decided it was time to retire for some rest.

Qi Jue and the others were huddled together, engrossed in a card game.

Yu Baihan approached Lu Huan, his voice hushed, “I’m feeling quite tired and would like to get some sleep. Are there additional bedrooms here? Which one should I use?” xtqW9f

His subdued tone held a trace of softness, accompanied by faint breaths.

Lu Huan leaned his head slightly, appearing to pause momentarily before responding, “There are several guest rooms available. Let Qin Lun show you to one.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Qin Lun?”

As Yu Baihan finished his question, he followed Lu Huan’s indication and spotted a tall figure standing erect on the opposite side of the dance floor. Z93hmN

Other security personnel flanked him, all of them serving as guards for the night.

Yu Baihan felt a bit embarrassed—focused on chatting with Lu Huan, he had neglected to notice his brother.

He bid the hardware wholesaler farewell and then circumvented the dance floor to locate Qin Lun. Adorned in formal guard attire, Qin Lun stood near the dance floor, his posture composed and hands clasped behind him, an imposing figure that commanded respect.

Yu Baihan approached him, saying, “Qin Lun, Lu Huan informed me to find you. He mentioned you’ll guide me to the room for my rest.” lC35Y0

Qin Lun arched an eyebrow, turning to lead the way, “Let’s go.”

The estate was vast.

Ascending to the second floor of the mansion and navigating a series of turns, Yu Baihan found that he hadn’t yet reached the designated resting area. d Dd08

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Vflhlcu atf mtjcmf ab lcdelgf jybea atf Vl ojwlis’r joojlgr, tf jrxfv, “P’nf tfjgv atja sbe’nf yffc delaf bmmeqlfv klat kbgx ijafis, mbeiv la yf gfijafv ab atf FVD vglnf lcmlvfca ogbw yfobgf?”

Hlc Oec mbcolgwfv klat j cbv, “Tfr. Ktbeut P kbeivc’a fzjmais rjs P’w rkjwqfv. Pr atfgf j qjgalmeijg gfjrbc obg jrxlcu? Pcafgfrafv lc fcujulcu lc rbwf ujwlcu?”

Yu Baihan cast a sidelong glance, puzzled. Hadn’t Lu Huan previously mentioned that Qin Lun was too preoccupied to accompany him to the gym?

However, now that he had become a member of the Archery Club, he didn’t require any supervision for his training. puUyRd

Going with the flow, he replied, “If you’re available.”

“Sure.” Qin Lun’s expression then turned somewhat serious again, “Just, please don’t let Mr. Lu accompany you this time. I might develop a psychological shadow.”

“…” Yu Baihan agreed, “I promise, next time I’ll make sure of it.”


Once Qin Lun had led him to the designated room, he departed.

Yu Baihan, exhausted from the night’s events, quickly freshened up and retired to bed.

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The following day, at around nine in the morning, he emerged from his slumber. The night before had been consumed by a prolonged banquet. By this hour, some attendees had departed while others remained, their accommodations tended to by the manor’s staff.

Lu Huan’s exact return time was unclear. jacz13

Descending to the main area, Yu Baihan caught sight of Lu Huan, now dressed in a different attire. Standing tall amidst the scene, Lu Huan directed those present to tidy up and make ready for their departure.

“Master Baihan is awake,” Uncle Feng acknowledged with a nod upon noticing him.

Lu Huan, upon hearing this, turned his gaze toward Yu Baihan.

“Are you leaving now?” Yu Baihan inquired. fgcA4k

Lu Huan’s response was concise, “Yes.”

Yu Baihan offered a gentle reminder, “Don’t forget to bring along the gifts I gave you…”

An additional soft “hm” was appended to the end of his sentence, instantly conjuring vivid images in the realm of memory.

Lu Huan, lips slightly pursed, gave a nod in affirmation, “Understood.” CbTqP2

Yu Baihan felt content, assured in the knowledge that his sentiments were being valued.

Upon our return from the manor to the Lu residence, it was already noon.

Considering the likelihood that Lu Huan hadn’t enjoyed much sleep during the previous night’s festivities, he retired upstairs for a rest following lunch. J8iGVL

In his own room, Yu Baihan had barely shut the door when a call came in from Qiao Yun. Lately, Huo Ming had been preoccupied with making moves against Si Yanting, which accounted for his absence at Lu Huan’s birthday celebration the prior day.

However, this was inconsequential.

Because, targeting Si Yanting was the grandest congratulatory gesture Lu Huan could have hoped for.

Accepting the call, Yu Baihan was greeted with Qiao Yun’s felicitations. Following the initial pleasantries, the inquiry shifted to how he fared at the banquet. Yld03s

Yu Baihan’s response was replete with fond reminiscences, “It was immensely enjoyable.”

Each moment spent with Lu Huan was time well spent.

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“That’s wonderful to hear,” Qiao Yun’s voice carried a smile, “Old Huo picked out a gift to celebrate Xiao Lu’s birthday. Additionally, I’ve arranged for the tea you mentioned during your last visit to be delivered to you.”

Yu Baihan’s delight was palpable, “Thank you, Aunt Yun. I’ll come over to see you when you’re available.” S1mkYH

After a brief contemplation, Qiao Yun proposed, “How about the day after tomorrow in the afternoon?”

“Sure,” Yu Baihan concurred, the exchange transitioning from polite formality to a swift agreement within a matter of seconds.

Upon ending the call, he headed downstairs to inform Uncle Feng of his intention to arrange some gifts for the Huo family. With the scheduled visit to his “adopted mother” and “triplet brothers” at the Huo household set for the day after tomorrow, anticipation stirred within him.


The subsequent day, after lunch, Hua Wu drove Yu Baihan to the Huo residence.

Guided by the butler, Yu Baihan moved through the estate’s grounds with familiarity, arriving at the backyard where Lu Huan and Huo Ming had engaged in their initial chess match.

Upon arrival, he discovered that Huo Ming was also present at home.

Huo Ming greeted him with a smile and a wave, “I happened to have some free time this afternoon. Ayun mentioned you were coming, so I decided to stay.” Bi dgp

A cheerful clap of his hands was followed by Yu Baihan, “Perfect timing! Our gathering’s got the right ambiance with the right place and the right people!”

Sharing the sentiment, Qiao Yun joined in the applause, “Absolutely!”

Huo Ming’s laughter resonated through the air, as he signaled the butler to bring tea and refreshments. Enveloped in the courtyard’s serene atmosphere, the trio engaged in conversation, basking in the fragrance of the tea.

After conversing for a while, Qiao Yun brought the third son of the Huo family over. xIWaZy

Having been apart for a while, the three brothers warmly embraced Yu Baihan, their affection evident.

Joy pervaded the room, creating a heartwarming atmosphere.

As Yu Baihan held his second brother in an embrace, he lamented, “It’s a pity Lu Huan is tied up with work. Otherwise, today would have been a complete family reunion.”

Huo Ming expressed his understanding, “Speaking of which, I must express my gratitude to your little Lu. He managed to divert all of your elder brother’s attention, which made it easier for me to channel my efforts. If all goes well, I’ll make sure to give him due recognition.” aVrSYW

Yu Baihan responded modestly, “Thank you, Uncle Huo, although it didn’t involve much effort on his part.”

The bulk of the attention was redirected towards San San’er.
While contemplating these thoughts, he was abruptly interrupted by the sight of the housekeeper hurrying from the courtyard’s corridor and pausing at the entrance.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Mr. Huo, the third young master of the Si family is here to pay a visit.”

Yu Baihan’s brows knitted in confusion. smrPyh

Could the third young master possess telepathic powers?

Qiao Yun shot a glance at Yu Baihan, conveying a sense of curiosity.

Likewise, Huo Ming displayed a furrowed brow. Turning to Yu Baihan, he inquired, “I wasn’t informed of your third brother’s visit today. I’ve heard rumors about the strained relationship between him and your elder brother. Is it true?”

Yu Baihan nodded, delivering the truth directly, “It’s far beyond strained.” 85m0Kz

Qiao Yun’s astonishment was evident, “Is that an exaggeration?”

“No exaggeration, he broke his leg,” Yu Baihan responded matter-of-factly, even offering to share a recorded video on his phone, “I even have a video as evidence. Shall we start a group chat later?”

The pair across from him exchanged incredulous glances.

For a moment, Qiao Yun tenderly patted Yu Baihan’s head, commenting, “He must not be treating you well.” SRFhdl

Otherwise, such a profound enmity wouldn’t have formed.

Yu Baihan instinctively leaned into the warmth of a motherly touch.

Huo Ming turned his head, instructing the housekeeper to admit the guest. He then turned to address the two, “Ayun, you take the sons and head down first. Baihan, you should also step aside.”

It had been a while since their encounter at the beach. jMGBJ5

Yu Baihan was intensely yearning to witness this significant encounter. Hence, he tentatively inquired of Huo Ming, “Can I half-step aside?”

Huo Ming, Qiao Yun:?

After thirty seconds, Yu Baihan slipped into the inner room adjacent to the main room. NhMt5I

The inner room’s door was a traditional sliding door, positioned diagonally toward the seating area of the main room, with only a narrow finger-width opening. This made it difficult to spot from the outside.

As he arranged himself for covert observation, the distinct sound of footsteps, both deep and light, echoed from outside.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yu Baihan’s internal monologue: …Da da da?

He pressed his fingers into the slit of the door, peering out with his dark eyes. 9kAdaP

Si Wei halted at the door, offering his greetings to Huo Ming while leaning on a cane, “Mr. Huo.”

Yu Baihan’s attention focused on the crutches.

Ah, da da da.

Leaning on his crutches, he seemed almost driven to sprint towards Mr. Huo. It appeared that Si Yanting had pierced him once again, much like when he was attacked in the hospital room. sOVf B

Yes, Si Yanting must have maliciously neglected Lu Huan’s birthday invitation.

If he didn’t exploit his ailment to gain an upper hand, he wouldn’t be a true conniving strategist.

The conversation initiated outside reached his ears.

Yu Baihan listened with mild interest: Essentially, Si Wei’s elder brother was unable to contend with him. Recognizing Huo Ming’s interest in the project Si Yanting was engaged in, he intended to leverage this as a means to gain favor with Huo Ming. HkmcdL

Standard manipulation tactics.

Leaning against the door frame, he felt his eyes grow heavy with drowsiness.

Just as the haze of sleep threatened to envelop him, a hesitant voice emerged from the butler outside the door, “Mr. Huo… the young master of the Si family is also present.”

A profound silence ensued outside the door. sp2jF8

Yu Baihan, previously battling drowsiness, was instantly revitalized, barely containing an amused burst of laughter!

The day was indeed auspicious with the perfect alignment of time, location, and participants. The family was reunited, and coincidentally, the Si family had gathered as well. In this atmosphere of familial harmony, the absence of their classmate Lu would be inconceivable.

Yu Baihan took out his phone and sent a message to Lu Huan.

[Yu Er]: Ping!Ping!Ping! PS2bKy

[Yu Er]: Pause whatever you’re doing, and I’ll show you a live show!

Before Lu Huan could reply, another set of footsteps echoed from outside the door, followed swiftly by their cessation.

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Then, an eerie silence descended.

Yu Baihan hastily stole a glance through the door’s narrow opening. g60v7C

Through that slender gap, he observed the two Si brothers, Si Yanting and Si Wei, standing and sitting, respectively, facing each other in a silent confrontation.

He had set the stage for their confrontation.

—Look, your adversaries are secretly conspiring.

The unfolding drama was much more exhilarating than he had anticipated. As he avidly observed the scene, Lu Huan’s response arrived. 5sTxWV

[Fish]: What live spectacle?

[Yu Er]: “Brotherly Wall Battle”

In the midst of this, Si Yanting’s voice, rife with tension, resonated from outside, “Third…”

Swiftly, Yu Baihan sent a video call invitation to Lu Huan. 3FvN9w

[Yu Er]: [Video Call Invitation]

[Fish]: [Video Call Accepted]

Positioning the phone to capture the view, he muted the call, setting the camera to peer through the door’s crevice.

The screen now faced him, and he glanced at it briefly. TQmZOn

The main frame displayed Lu Huan’s face in a larger window, while a smaller inset window showed the ongoing situation outside.

Lu Huan was currently in his office, using a computer to connect to the video call. His half-length formal attire was illuminated by the expansive floor-to-ceiling windows behind him, casting a radiant glow.

Taking a moment to appreciate it, Yu Baihan thought, “He looks truly captivating.”

Savoring the view for a while longer, he then resumed his observation of the internal conflict, a spectacle made possible through the connection with Lu Huan. VJ8xM3

It appeared that Si Yanting had come to engage in discussions with Mr. Huo, likely involving the project he had in his possession.

After weeks of secretive maneuvering, the two brothers found themselves unexpectedly confronting each other in this setting.

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The long-simmering tension reached a boiling point at this very moment as the two disregarded their surroundings, even if they were within Huo Ming’s residence, and clashed openly.

Si Yanting, who had once maintained a facade of poise and elegance, could no longer contain his anger. Having been the perpetrator behind Si Wei’s broken leg, his temper was pushed beyond its limit. He grabbed his crutches and hurled them at Si Yanting in a fit of rage. cKjUnd

A wry smile tugged at the corner of Huo Ming’s lips as he carefully repositioned his prized tea set.

Outside, darkness and chaos ensued.

It wasn’t until Qiao Yun rushed to the scene upon hearing the commotion and had the household’s bodyguards intervene that the absurd confrontation was brought to an end.

Yu Baihan couldn’t help but feel a pang of disappointment. He was just a hair’s breadth away from successfully mimicking Si Yanting’s malicious and elegant facade while impersonating the infamous Shan San’er. Hv5KPw

With the commotion outside mostly quelled, he shifted his attention back to Lu Huan, adjusting the camera’s perspective to show himself once more.

The screen shifted, revealing a slender neck and a delicate chin in the frame.

Yu Baihan tinkered with the angle, positioning the phone slightly farther away. He offered Lu Huan a silent smile, revealing his two canines, and wordlessly inquired through a mouthed question: “How do I look?”

For a fleeting moment, Lu Huan’s gaze appeared to drop from Yu Baihan’s face, and his chin subtly lifted. ykZV1b

The phone remained silent, yet Yu Baihan gleaned an answer from Lu Huan’s expression: Yes.

Voices from the outside filtered in, indicating that the bodyguards were escorting the Si brothers away. Si Wei’s limp had worsened due to the earlier scuffle, and his ill-aimed kick had inadvertently landed on Si Yanting’s arm, resembling the impact of Thor’s hammer.

As the figures receded from view, Yu Baihan increased the volume on his phone and spoke to Lu Huan, “I’ll step out to check on things, and I’ll call you back later.”

Lu Huan nodded in response. “Alright.” sFdR78

The staff members were busy outside, cleaning up the aftermath of the skirmish.

Yu Baihan stepped out of the room and faced Qiao Yun, who appeared to be struggling with a headache, and Huo Ming, who seemed at a loss for words.

Upon spotting Yu Baihan, Qiao Yun’s expression softened slightly. “This is the first time we’ve had outsiders fighting in the house. You two brothers, really…” VKQtT0

Yu Baihan replied, “My third brother has a stronger temper.”

Huo Ming chimed in, “Stubbornness is one thing. When someone is on the brink of losing their mind, they care little about decorum or logic.”

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Yu Baihan couldn’t help but find this reasoning rather sound.

One was about to lose their sanity, while the other was clearly acting irrationally. It would have been surprising if a fight hadn’t broken out. eHLfm7

The disturbance had likely disrupted the house’s usually serene atmosphere. Qiao Yun appeared fatigued, pressing her temple gently.

With practiced ease, Yu Baihan extended a helping hand. “Aunt Yun, would you like a massage? My technique is pretty good, and Lu Huan can vouch for it.”

Qiao Yun couldn’t hold back her smile.

Huo Ming joined in the lightheartedness. “We have professional massagers in the house. Ayun, go get a massage and enjoy a sauna. Don’t worry about these petty matters. Baihan, you should go as well and relax.” gjAZD1

Qiao Yun agreed, “That sounds like a plan.”

Yu Baihan also acquiesced, “That’s a great idea.”

Huo’s residence was perched on a mountainside, boasting a pristine ecological environment. It was designed as a place where Huo Ming and his wife could prioritize their well-being.

The house featured a steam sauna and foot massage parlor, amenities that Huo Ming sometimes employed to entertain friends. dLgXAW

As such, there were always yukatas and massage garments in the locker room for the purpose of enjoying the facilities.

Yu Baihan changed into his yukata in the dressing room. However, the robes provided here were generally meant for tall, adult men, so even the smallest size available still appeared quite loose on him.

After donning his yukata and cinching the belt, Yu Baihan intended to return the clothes he had removed to the locker. In doing so, he noticed his mobile phone lying nearby.

Since he had ended the call earlier, he hadn’t yet messaged Lu Huan as intended. RxY46J

After a moment’s contemplation, a mischievous smile graced Yu Baihan’s lips as he picked up the phone.

[Yu er]: Hahaha!

[Yu Er]: Put everything aside, I’m about to show you a live broadcast!

With that message sent, he initiated a video call. zdsgQp

Lu Corporation, President’s Office.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Lu Huan was sitting behind the computer, and in front of him were Fan Lin and Yao Xingran who were reporting to work.

On the computer screen, the familiar nickname lit up. OLQTdi

Lu Huan moved the mouse and clicked on the dialog box, and the same message as it was dozens of minutes ago popped up on the screen.

He frowned slightly, What happened to the Si family?

After thinking about it, Lu Huan asked Fan Lin to suspend the report and connect to the video invitation.

As soon as the screen lit up, Yu Baihan’s face suddenly appeared on the screen. rE6Htk

Lu Huan was startled, breathing slightly.

The other party’s bathrobe was loose, revealing a thin white neck and beautiful collarbone. Realizing that the video was connected, Yu Baihan immediately looked up.

His dark eyes lit up, and the corners of his mouth curled up, “Doctor Lu…”

One hand quickly closed the computer, snap! umJt x

Lu Huan fixed his eyes for two seconds, and said to Fan Lin and Yao Xingran, who were in front of him, who were unclear, “You guys go out first.”


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  1. LMAO the amount of embarrassing moments baihan puts lu huan through 🤣🤣 now you know it’s dangerous to video call your hubby while others are present doctor lu~

  2. This story always manages to get at least a chuckle every time I read it. Thank you for taking the time to translate and bring a little laughter into lives.

  3. Dr Lu needs to have words with his mischievous patient! 😂

    Thanks for the chapter 💞

  4. When ur friends send you a sketchy sounding video & u make the mistake of opening it in public 💀😂