Descendants of the GodsCh45.1 - The Dragon and the Mouse

Chapter 45: The Dragon and the Mouse

◎ If the mouse is as strong as the dragon, people will kneel down to us; If dragons were as weak as mice, they would have to hide underground. ◎ ruRbNm

When he received a call from the boss in the middle of the night, Liu Li realized that the so-called “double salary” actually meant “double working hours”.

Previously, Liu Li was ordered to investigate Ye Zhan, and he found something interesting, He was too excited and called Qi Yuan directly, but he didn’t expect Ye Zhan to be next to him at the time, fortunately, Qi Yuan was witty and led to other topics.

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“So, is the list of VIP customers at the auction found?” Qi Yuan asked.

“I’ve found several of them; they’re all big names with known faces! Even the richest man in Huaxia District, the former leader of the Qingya Fertile Land, quietly participated in this auction,” Liu Li said proudly, “Then I went to find out what was it that made them so crazy. It turned out that it was a notebook.” VkUoeC


“Lin Huang Notes, alias ‘Hunter Notes’.” Liu Li said, “Lin Huang is the legendary ‘strongest hunter’, even after thirty years, no one can replace her name, because it is said that she once hunted gods!”

“Lin Huang is indeed a rare miracle hunter who made a living by searching for miracles,” Qi Yuan said, “Speaking of which, what miracle made them so crazy?”

“Yes, Lin Huang wrote down all the miracles she had discovered, their coordinates, conditions, and the strange beasts and gods that were active in them, all in this notebook.” Liu Li’s voice hid excitement, “For example, she once went to Penglai Immortal Island, where she discovered the secret of ‘resurrection from the dead’, and successfully resurrected a dead person; there is also a legend that Lin Huang once hunted the phoenix and obtained the incomparably precious phoenix blood; there is also a saying that the scarlet flower was planted by her, as long as you follow the prompts on the note, you can find the original variety of the scarlet flower, that is, the ‘No. 0’ scarlet flower!”


Qi Yuan chuckled, “If she was really that powerful, she wouldn’t have died.”

Lin Huang is very strong, yes, and may even be the strongest supernatural of her time, but she still hasn’t got a good ending. About twenty years ago, Lin Huang suddenly disappeared from this world without a word of news. It was believed that she had died on a hunt, which was almost inevitable for a woman like her. Somehow, her notes appeared at the Free Capital auction eight years ago, where they were bought by a mysterious VIP buyer.

After a few more years, Ye Zhan began to “visit” these buyers one by one, and his purpose would be to find this legendary notebook.

Qi Yuan said, “There is no evidence that Ye Zhan must be looking for Lin Huang’s notes, send me a list of other collections.” q O6AH


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Can you find the buyer of Lin Huang’s notes?”

“Ktlr lr vloolmeia,” Ole Ol rjlv, “joafg jii, ktbfnfg abbx atf cbafr klii mbnfg la eq ab atflg vfjatr, batfgklrf atfs klii yf atf fcfws bo atf ktbif kbgiv.”

“Kgs ab olcv la,” Hl Tejc rjlv, “Po kf mjc olcv la, la klii yf j ugfja tfiq ab er.” ALQygl

Ljculcu eq atf qtbcf, Hl Tejc kjixfv jibcf lc atf rwjii ujgvfc. Cr vjkc jqqgbjmtfv, atf yief rxs kjr ugjvejiis vsfv klat j wjuclolmfca bgjcuf jcv sfiibk, ugjs mibevr oibkfv, jcv atf rec kjr gertlcu ab atf fjra.

He was still not sleepy, he was awake, of course, it was all in exchange for his life, and these sleepless nights were counted in his life burned by dragon blood. Normally he would use his time to exercise or study, but now he just wants to go back to bed for a while.

Back in the room, Ye Zhan slept deeply, sleeping like a koala, holding his pillow with his hands and feet, and burying his face in his pillow. His pajamas were his own T-shirts, and the hem was just right to cover his ass. However, because the T-shirt is too loose, Ye Zhan likes to twist around, and often exposes a flat lower abdomen and slender waist, and the person concerned is unaware of this, regardless of the psychological impact this picture will have on his fiancé.

The beasts of the jungle do not bother to cover their bodies, their muscles are strong and their fur is beautiful, they are nature’s most perfect creatures so there is no need to hide them at all. Only troublesome humans would regard certain parts of the body as taboos that cannot be looked at directly. pagJ6H

Qi Yuan’s eyes continued to go down, Ye Zhan’s legs were straight and slender, without the kind of cardinal muscles that were cultivated by intense training in the gym, and even on the contrary, his legs were beautiful and smooth, his skin was fairer than usual, and his ankles were especially slender, as if they could be held with one hand.

As soon as he finished his thoughts, Ye Zhan opened his sleepy eyes and asked vaguely, “Are you done?”

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“Hmm.” Qi Yuan sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled the quilt for him.

“What time is it?” GaOKo9

“Half past five.”

Ye Zhan quickly closed his eyes, “Sleep a little longer.”

Qi Yuan lay down behind him, his arms carefully and conspiringly around his waist. Ye Zhan stiffened for a moment but quickly relaxed again and acquiesced to his actions.

Again, counting his slow and peaceful heartbeat, Qi Yuan got a short sleep. RdmxQ6

Time back to the evening of the previous day, the mouse clan base in the tunnel, not long after Qi Yuan and Ye Zhan left, the mouse king ordered the patrol team to work in groups of four to find the murals that might still exist in the tunnel.

“I heard that as long as you see the mural, people will go crazy, just like Brother Wu Xian.” The children were also chattering about it.

“It’s scary, are there really monsters?” Another mouse kid shivered.

“What are you afraid of,” said the human child, “aren’t you a monster yourself?” y3Qjza

“That’s right!” The mouse child suddenly realized and touched his mouse ears.

“What are you talking about?” Xiao-Ya walked over and said in a stern voice.

“We’re talking about monsters underground…” The children all bowed their heads as if they had done something wrong. Xiao-Ya is the children’s leader, and whenever she feels that someone has done something wrong, she will not only scold others but sometimes use her hands to teach them a lesson.

However, this time, Xiao-Ya showed a mysterious smile, “I know that monster, his name is Xuan Yi.” C4Jw16

The children’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Does he eat people?”

“What does he look like?”

“Don’t ask questions, don’t tell anyone,” Xiao-Ya lowered her voice, “If you behave well, I can take you to meet him.” NkPp7m

“I heard that he likes to eat mushrooms,” the children nodded ignorantly, all looking expectant, “maybe we can bring some mushrooms for him…”

Xiao-Ya remained mysterious, did not reveal any more information, just raised her hand and straightened the hat on her head: it was an old wide-brimmed hat with a pink ribbon tied on it, which Xiao-Ya had treasured for many years. The reason why she wore it out was because today was a special day – Li Qingcao promised this rest day that he would take her and her younger brother Xiao-Nuo to play on the ground together.

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Li Qingcao has a holiday every half a month, and every time he takes a few children to play on the ground, this time it is finally her and Xiao-Nuo’s turn.

What’s special is that all the people who went to the ground before were human children, and it was the first time for a mouse child like her and her brother. The other mouse children were too scared to go out, and Xiao-Ya decided to lead by example and let them see that there was nothing to be afraid of on the ground. 9xQfiu

According to Li Qingcao’s instructions, she washed clean clothes two days in advance and spent the whole afternoon wiping her body clean with a wet towel.

That night, in the warehouse of a tavern in the slums, a cover suddenly opened, and a curly-haired head popped out, looking around, and then a girl wearing a wide-brimmed hat appeared, it was Xiao-Ya.

“Okay, there’s no one here.” Li Qingcao said in a low voice.

At this time, a small head wearing a velvet hat appeared in the tunnel, and Xiao-Nuo crawled out of the tunnel with round eyes and a slingshot in his hand. Fd6uRe

“Follow me, don’t get separated.” Li Qingcao grabbed one with one hand, “I’ll take you to my place of work to take a look, we’ll just take a look from a distance, and won’t go in.”

It’s seven o’clock in the evening, and it’s not yet curfew, and more people are wandering the streets, so it’s easy to be not to be too suspicious.

As they walked out of the warehouse, the tavern owner leaned back in his chaise longue and nodded his head in greeting. The food scraps of the tavern are transported by his hands to the inhabitants of the underground, and those who have spare money can buy low-quality beer from him.

They pushed open the door and officially walked out onto the street. Xiao-Ya panicked but pretended to be calm, and walked forward with her head held high, from time to time she was straightening up an oversized wide-brimmed hat. Xiao-Nuo was excited and scared, and couldn’t stop shaking, but he still remembered Li Qingcao’s advice and tried to behave like a normal person. VBKGET

Li Qingcao took the two children and walked around the streets of the residential area, and soon he felt that his two hands were sweaty. There were a few night snack stalls on the side of the road, and the night wind blew a tempting fragrance, Li Qingcao heard the sound of swallowing saliva from both sides at the same time as if the left and right channels were blowing.

He couldn’t help but smile and went to the stall to buy two baked potatoes and handed them to the two children. There were also those cut into wavy potatoes then roasted golden brown and sizzling over hot oil, sprinkled with green onions, bright red peppers, and snow-white minced garlic.

Xiao-Nuo took a bite of the crispy potato, only to feel that the spicy taste bloomed on the tip of his tongue, all the way to the stomach, regardless of the hot and spicy, he swallowed a few mouthfuls in a row, and his tears and snot fell together.

Li Qingcao bought them two more glasses of chilled sugar water and wiped their little faces clean. He didn’t eat anything, just watched the two little ones gobble up their food, and his expression was relieved—the whole point of his hard work was for moments like this. zU4SrM

A colleague once mentioned that he might be suitable to be an animal breeder because just doing the “feeding” would make him bubble up with happiness.

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