Descendants of the GodsChapter 44.3

“You’ve been with me for two years, you should have come to a conclusion, right?” Qi Yuan asked.

“Yes, now I can be sure that you are not the murderer,” Chu Yu smiled, “I believe in my eyes, after all, I have two more eyeballs than ordinary people. Boss, not only are you not a murderer, but you are also a very good person.” cgdFhy

“Thanks for the compliment.” Qi Yuan said nonchalantly.

“Zhu Huang was a good place, I’ve almost forgotten about Xuancheng in the past two years that I was with you, if I hadn’t come back and if I hadn’t heard Xuan Yi’s call, I might not have become like this again.” Chu Yu said with emotion, “Since I landed in Xuancheng, I have frequently entered the tunnel, but I haven’t been able to find Xuan Yi, maybe he will take the initiative to come to me when he wants to see me.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“So the person who infected X-39 wasn’t you?” Qi Yuan asked.

“Of course, it’s not me, boss, I was on the ship with you when X-39 was infected.” Chu Yu said apologetically, “That kid must have made some deal with Xuan Yi, just like me but she wasn’t as lucky as me, and before she could escape, she was killed by Long Yin. ” gi4BrQ

Chu Yu knew a lot of things, this was Qi Yuan’s first thought, especially the fact that X-39 was killed by Long Yin, it should be a secret among secrets, how could Chu Yu know?

“What’s your source of information?” Qi Yuan asked bluntly.

“I infected some insiders, for example, the woman in the guards called Lu Chou.” Chu Yu said, “It’s a pity that her identity is relatively marginal and she doesn’t know much information. Ah, speaking of which, I did you a favor. ”

The smile on Chu Yu’s face deepened, “I left Ye Zhan for you, aren’t you gonna thank me?”


As soon as Ye Zhan walked into the tunnel of the research institute that day, Chu Yu quietly followed him, at first, he just used his mobile phone to remind him not to leave, and after the peacock came over, he took care of his clothes and hid his identity deeply.

Speaking of this, the air pressure on Qi Yuan’s body suddenly became lower – Chu Yu keenly noticed that this seemed to be what Qi Yuan was most annoyed about so far.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Tfr, P tjnf ab atjcx sbe.” Hl Tejc rjlv lc j rjgmjralm abcf.

Pc Aljcu Lf’r tberf, ktfc tf qlmxfv eq atf ugjs tjlg, Hl Tejc tjv jigfjvs mbwqifafis uefrrfv atf agef lvfcalas bo atf wbegclcu ylgv, yea atfc tf kjr lc j vlifwwj – rtbeiv tf afii Tf Itjc atf ageat? n3DfAT

Did he want to say to Ye Zhan: My priest Chu Yu is a mourning bird, although I brought him to Xuancheng, I don’t know his identity at all. Although the mourning bird attacked you in the tunnels and prevented you from escaping, this really wasn’t my order?

Ye Zhan won’t believe a word he says. The trust between them is as thin as a filament, and Ye Zhan is the one who will not hesitate to cut off the filament. He couldn’t afford to be suspected, and he couldn’t afford to prove his innocence—his credibility had gone bankrupt when he had Ye Zhan in his custody.

Now, having earned a little closeness, he won’t allow anyone to do anything to ruin their relationship.

He didn’t lie to Ye Zhan, Qi Yuan thought, he couldn’t wait to open his chest and offer his hot sincerity, and even disdained to hide his dark and despicable part in front of him, but as long as Ye Zhan knew about it, he would become an irrefutable liar. Many things in the world are just ridiculous and unreasonable. K6Q5MB

So he couldn’t say it, and even deliberately released the mourning bird to leave, and then he found him here alone because he knew that Chu Yu would wait for him there.

“We are grasshoppers on a rope,” Chu Yu straightened his cloak, his constantly moving pupils made him a little nervous, “You see, we all want to find out the truth about the assassination, and we are all people who this city has abandoned.”

“You want me to believe you?” Qi Yuan found it interesting.

“No, you can’t trust me!” Chu Yu became agitated, “You look at me as if I can keep my senses, but I’m not sure how much of the thoughts in my head now belong to me, and how much of them are influenced by Xuan Yi. I made a deal with Xuan Yi, and sooner or later he will ask me for payment, so you must not believe me, maybe we will become enemies one day, maybe the boss, after all, Xuan Yi hates the dragons to the core. ” VSGIHZ

“And what are you here for? Aren’t you afraid that I’ll kill you?” Qi Yuan asked.

“I’m not afraid, I’m not afraid of death, because I wasn’t supposed to be born in the first place. All these years I have been reminded of the prophecy of the patriarch, that there is no hope for the future, that there is no end to the disaster, that the catastrophe will never end, and that all the struggles are in vain. He’s right.” Chu Yu showed a pale smile, “But I still can’t help but want to tell you all this, if one day I become a puppet of Xuan Yi, at least someone will know what I have done… Also, if you find out the truth about the assassination, please tell me, and if I am dead by then, please burn the truth to ashes at my grave.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

He unconsciously used honorifics, looking at Qi Yuan with hope, such a simple and humble request, he believed that Qi Yuan would definitely agree. Through these two years of observation, he believes that Qi Yuan is a very good person.

“All the struggles are in vain,” Qi Yuan chewed on his words, “Then why are you still obsessed with finding out the truth, when the assassination has nothing to do with you? Why are you telling me these things, as if you want to leave some traces in the world? ” JMgEKB

Chu Yu was stunned and was speechless by his question.

He was dazed and thought: Why would I be obsessed with investigating a case that had nothing to do with me?

He thought of Liu Ling, the woman who had a good life, who wept bitterly in front of him, and said with red eyes that she would avenge her husband at all costs – and later, she and her children became the price.

He remembered the time when he was expelled from Xuancheng, and he remembered vividly- he was writing at his desk when the Dragon Scale Legion broke through the door, and before he could close the lid of the pen—how much he loved that pen—he was taken away. He asked himself repeatedly why, he just wanted to find out the truth, just wanted to help a poor mother and son, why did he have to suffer such a punishment?! xG5te2

Later, when he was tortured by the slave traders, the case became a fire in his heart, burning his heart and holding on to him until he would burn into nothing but ashes.

Chu Yu covered his face in pain and tore open the old wound- there was a piercing pain. Tears soaked his palms and seeped into the gaps between his fingers, and he suddenly heard Qi Yuan ask, “Are you willing to live?”

His shoulders were tightly grasped, and Qi Yuan forcibly lifted his chin, making him look directly into his eyes, the dark dragon pupils had an obsidian-like light, “There is no need to escape, it is useless to escape, I was hung by an obsession like you when I returned to the ruins, it was such an unwilling expression, people with this kind of expression will not die easily.”

Chu Yu looked at him in a daze, those eyes that were always awake seemed to be able to see through his soul, and he couldn’t help but think: His obsession is an assassination case, what is the obsession that supports Qi Yuan’s life? FAa0ug

“So what if I am unwilling to die?” Chu Yu blinked, and let the tears run down his cheeks, “I have sold myself to Xuan Yi. I actually want to say goodbye to you today…”

“Well, since you sold yourself to Xuan Yi,” Qi Yuan wiped away his tears and said softly, “You can also sell yourself to me.”

“What?” Chu Yu was taken aback.

“Get on your knees.” OpCKa

Chu Yu took a step back and looked at him at a loss.

“Bloodline suppression,” Qi Yuan took an unhurried step closer to not give him a chance to breathe, “The bloodline of the dragon is far more noble than that filthy underground creature. Abandon your old lord and surrender to me, and I will bear the fate you can’t bear – of course, most importantly, he will let you die, but I can let you live.”

Chu Yu’s eyes widened blankly, the faint light of the candle flame illuminated the narrow cave and also illuminated the man’s heroic facial features, the light and shadow traced his outline clearly and profoundly, and there seemed to be a flame hidden in his dark eyes. The ancient bloodline gave him an aura of unrage and self-authority, reminiscent of a dragon lurking in the abyss, but the madness and flamboyance hidden between his eyebrows made him more like a young god, about to exert his power in the world.

Chu Yu surrendered at his feet, and Qi Yuan’s burning fingertips tapped on his forehead, drawing a quaint mark. Within his bloodline, he immediately heard the wind and the dragon’s roar in this imprint and glimpsed the storm and the huge waves. The moment the seal was completed, Chu Yu felt an indescribable joy and clarity, as if a violent wind swept through his soul, blowing away the long-accumulated wind and dust, peeling off his muddy shell, reshaping his flesh and blood, and giving him a new life. ojdAae

“This is my mark, when Xuan Yi tries to manipulate you, it will burn you and help you keep your sanity.” Qi Yuan said, “I want you to lurk beside Xuan Yi, tell me everything about him, and if necessary, help me kill him.”

“Yes.” Chu Yu bowed.

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“As for the truth of the assassination, I am sorry but even I do not know the truth right now,” Qi Yuan pulled him to his feet, “Stand here, live in this world well, and then find out the truth for me, understand?”

Chu Yu nodded heavily, and his always peaceful and pleasant voice was dyed with excitement that he had never felt before: “We will succeed, I will live well, and you will be invincible – this is what I said, so it will come true.” uXtLAk

“Don’t you keep saying that ‘people can’t disobey the arrangement of fate’?” Qi Yuan smiled slightly.

Chu Yu also laughed, “Fuck fate.”

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1 comment

  1. Well, atleast we have one more ally on our side! Ye Zhan being asleep during all this lol

    Thank you for the chaper!