No One Can Refuse Doggie ACh23.2 - I didn’t know your size, so I had someone buy all kinds.

KEIGHTY: Thank you so much for the ko-fi, lemontea! 🍋🫶 Enjoy reading DOGGIE! 🦮 Extra ko-fi chapter (8/10)

Ran Hang spent half an hour organizing his things. rWL3p5

Before leaving, Jiang Ming walked him to the door. “Keep in touch, alright? Even if there’s nothing going on, you can still reach out.”

Ran Hang couldn’t help but smile. “Then should I call you once a week to let you know I’m still alive?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Jiang Ming: “No need for that. Just pop up in the WeChat group occasionally. That way, if you get kidnapped, the guys will know where to find you.”

Ran Hang patted him on the shoulder as a farewell. HxQYcf

“I’m off.”

Bon Voyage.”




After leaving the dorm, Chu Yuan took Ran Hang to Huo Siming’s private apartment.

Huo Siming’s place was in the best area of City A, with a view from the window overlooking the river.

Despite the place being spacious enough to accommodate several large swimming pools, Ran Hang, looking at the uniform black, white, and gray decor, thought: It was really…

There was no hint of life at all. QCR2g3

Ran Hang glanced at the spotless, almost ornamental kitchen and asked Chu Yuan, “Can I cook my own meals here?”

Chu Yuan: “Yes, theoretically, anything not prohibited by the contract is allowed.”

Ran Hang: “What if I want to buy ingredients for cooking…?”

Chu Yuan directly handed him a WeChat contact. “This is President Huo’s personal assistant. You can contact him for anything you want to buy.” pUrCTd

Ran Hang was stunned for a moment. “I can’t buy things myself?”

Isn’t it weird to ask someone to buy everything?

​And what if it’s something very personal?

Chu Yuan gave him a polite smile and firmly refused, “It’s best not to.” 17M5rh

After all, Huo Siming had originally instructed him, “Don’t let him bring any strange things home.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ejc Ljcu cbvvfv ab rtbk tf ecvfgrabbv jcv rlutfv lckjgvis. Coafg jii, ktb wjvf Leb Vlwlcu tlr “ybrr”?

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Jte Tejc ifv Ejc Ljcu ab atf ilnlcu gbbw. Coafg atfs rja vbkc bc atf rboj, tf abbx j obivfg ogbw tlr yju jcv ijlv bea lar mbcafcar bcf ys bcf bc atf mbooff ajyif.

“This is the access card for the main entrance downstairs.” JGT9 4

“This is the access card for the foyer. You can also register your fingerprint for it. The elevator uses this card as well.”

“This is for the parking lot and the gym…”

“There is also a gym on the second floor.”

“If you need to go out, please inform me in advance.” NtcJRM

“This is your contract.”

Seeing all the cards and documents on the table, Ran Hang’s smile stiffened.

So formal, it’s just like starting a new job…

No. XpKFDw

Even more formal than starting a new job.

Ran Hang put everything away and couldn’t help but ask, “After I move in, can I communicate directly with Mr. Huo? I won’t need you guys to relay messages, right…?”

Chu Yuan:  “No, you won’t.”

Ran Hang breathed a sigh of relief. 3vIlbK

Good, that’s a relief.

After handing over these items, Chu Yuan gave Ran Hang a tour of the apartment.

Honestly, Ran Hang felt like it was a pointless tour because Huo Siming’s place was so large. After seeing everything, he could barely remember which room was which.

Chu Yuan reminded him that he shouldn’t enter Huo Siming’s bedroom and study without permission, but he was free to go anywhere else. lHfNnZ

Ran Hang indicated that he understood.

So these two places were off-limits, kind of like the storyline in that animated movie 《Beauty and the Beast》.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Of course, he wasn’t any “beauty.” As for whether Huo Siming was a beast, he didn’t know.

When this thought crossed his mind, Ran Hang found it amusing. 984ANM

How could he think that way about his benefactor?

But then he thought…

Anyway, Huo Siming wouldn’t know if he secretly badmouthed him in his mind.

After the full tour of the apartment, Chu Yuan had Ran Hang’s luggage moved to his room. After Ran Hang repeatedly insisted that he didn’t need help unpacking, Chu Yuan and his assistants finally left. 70JwYU

Ran Hang looked around at the room’s monochromatic black, white, and gray decor and sighed…

Why did it feel like he had moved into a faded place?

Huo Siming seemed more like a cold king ruling over black, white, and gray than a beast.

But at least… 5y9hnW

Ran Hang opened his suitcase and took out his small shark-patterned bedspread.

He could still decorate his room himself.

Ran Hang spent the whole afternoon organizing his room. Since the apartment had the heating on, and he was naturally afraid of the heat, he only wore a T-shirt—one with a small shark print that matched his bedspread.

By the time he finished, it was already dark. He wanted to go out to get a glass of water, but as soon as he entered the living room, he noticed someone sitting on the sofa. bIDqLg

He turned his head and saw that the “cold king ruling over black, white, and gray” had returned.

Huo Siming looked up from his computer screen. His gaze lingered on Ran Hang’s T-shirt for one, two, three seconds…

That look seemed to convey that some foreign object had invaded his home.

——A mix of disdain and confusion. Zk5mMO

Ran Hang glanced down at his shirt in confusion. “Is something wrong, Mr. Huo?”

Was there something on his shirt?

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“Nothing,” Huo Siming replied as he looked away expressionlessly. “If you want, you can buy a few more clothes.”

Ran Hang froze for a moment, finally catching on. x6mZdH

The underlying meaning of Huo Siming’s words was disdain for his T-shirt, wasn’t it?

Did he have a problem with the sharks on it?

Ran Hang politely declined, “I have enough clothes to wear.”

Huo Siming: “I mean normal clothes.” mdf4jG

Ran Hang looked down at his T-shirt again. “Isn’t this normal?”

Huo Siming: “Do as you like. Anyway, if you’re just staying at home, I don’t care whether you wear clothes or not.”

Ran Hang: “???”

Why did he even open his mouth? ENjY1W

Seeing Huo Siming bury himself in work again, Ran Hang went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and then returned to continue organizing his room.

He only had a few cabinets left to sort.

Ran Hang opened the cabinet next to his bed and found that the top shelf was filled with daily necessities like tissues, bookmarks, and a desk lamp.

That was quite thoughtful. JRcxDb

So he opened the second shelf.

Even though he knew what condoms and lubricants looked like, he couldn’t help but be stunned at the sight of a drawer full of them.


In the living room. IqKOHS

Huo Siming had just finished replying to an email when he saw Ran Hang come out again. He didn’t know what Ran Hang had been doing, but his expression looked off. Even his ears had turned red.

Huo Siming frowned slightly. “What’s wrong?”

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Ran Hang: “About the things in the drawer in my room…”

Huo Siming realized what Ran Hang was referring to and resumed his expressionless demeanor. KyQBP

“I didn’t know your size, so I had someone buy all kinds.”

Ran Hang: “……”

His face was now so red that it was unbearable to look at.

He opened his mouth, but ultimately didn’t say anything. YdKIln


How could someone be like this?

The author has something to say:

Puppy: Doubting my size, wuwuwuwuwuwu BEmLXb

Translator's Note

一路顺风 (yīlùshùnfēng) – to have a pleasant journey (idiom)

Translator's Note

crying onomatopoeia

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  1. Puppy boyfriend, stay still!!!

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  2. 😳 What was in that contract?? After all, he can’t buy his own groceries in case he bring an anything “strange” home. Or maybe Huo Siming is just hopeful? 😂 Thanks for the chapter!

  3. My innocent mind thought the title was referring to ran hang’s clothes yfhfjdksks huo siming you beast you 😂