Doomsday Divine Seed CultivatorCh57 - Getting What You Wished For

If that was not the case, then there should be something like a ‘secondary attribute stone’, which hadn’t appeared so far. There were only three attribute stones. Was there really no way to improve secondary attributes?

Impossible. Xun Ye continued to stare at his palm without giving up. The black strength was on the top, the cyan agility was on the left, and the red constitution was on the right. According to the conventional triangle drawing, there should be nothing wrong with this placement, but no prompt appeared, so this was clearly wrong. pBRiZ9

Xun Ye suddenly slapped his forehead. Habit was such an unreliable thing. He liked to draw it this way, but others might do it differently. There was no standard guideline at all. If there was a universal method…


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Xun Ye quickly swapped the left and right attribute stones so that agility was on the right and constitution was on the left. EVxOWQ

[Merging attribute stones will result in a chance of increasing the secondary attribute value or producing a new secondary attribute. Do you want to merge them?]

“I did it! Haha, I was right!”

Xun Ye laughed excitedly and jumped up. He held up the attribute stone and wanted to run to find Xun Yi. He ran a few steps away, thought of the two more on the ground, and ran back to pick them up.

When he was about to rush off again, Xun Yi and the others returned.


“Why are you so excited?” Xun Yi knew from the look on his face that he was extremely excited.

“I found the way to get secondary attributes!” Xun Ye said excitedly.

Xun Yi and Yin Fuchuan were both a little surprised and looked at each other. Xun Yi quickly walked up to Xun Ye.

When Xun Yi was digging for magic crystals, he had been thinking about how to get Yin Fuchuan the secondary attribute of mental spirit. Now that there was hope, he was anxious. 59NlTu

However, Xun Ye whetted their curiosity. “Tell me, am I very smart?”

“Of course, my Xiao Ye is the smartest,” Xun Yi quickly praised him.

“Then am I your favorite person?” Xun Ye continued to ask.

“Yes, precious Xun Ye is my favorite,” Xun Yi added. vcmxQY

Xun Ye glanced at Yin Fuchuan who was standing behind him. “Are you sure you love me the most and not someone else?”

Xun Yi was anxious and annoyed, and his remaining patience ran out. “Tell me right now or no more fruits for you.”

Xun Ye screamed, “Are you my biological father? I’m sure you must have picked me up from the trash can.”

“You don’t call me dad anyway, so why does it matter?” Xun Yi retorted. IATFrl

Xun Ye gritted his teeth. “Good for you!”

He passed Xun Yi and went directly to Yin Fuchuan. “Give me your hand.”

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Yin Fuchuan squatted and reached out his hand to Xun Ye.

Xun Ye didn’t say anything but placed three attribute stones in a clockwise triangle in Yin Fuchuan’s palm. Dl0QbN

Yin Fuchuan paused briefly before he smiled and reached out to stroke Xun Ye’s head. “Xiao Ye is indeed the smartest.”

Xun Ye jerked his chin up smugly. “Is this good enough for my tuition fees?”

“Of course.”

“Try it quickly and see if you can get it.” 5RHsA9

Just as Yin Fuchuan was about to confirm the merge, Xun Ye stopped him.

“Wait a minute, I want to pray first. Xun Yi is so worried about your secondary attribute that he doesn’t even care about his son anymore. You must succeed once and for all. Please, please succeed once and for all!”

Xun Ye clasped his hands devoutly, bowed to the attribute stone again and again, and said, “Okay, let’s do this.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Tlc Memtejc ijeutfv. Lf kjr jmaejiis j ilaaif cfgnber, yea la kjr gfjiis tjgv ab qgfvlma rbwfatlcu atja gfilfv bc iemx. aiMtFI

Coafg Tlc Memtejc mbcolgwfv atf wfguf, atf atgff jaaglyeaf rabcfr lc tlr qjiw vlrjqqfjgfv, jcv obeg qjlgr bo fsfr ibbxfv ja tlw fjufgis.

Wec Tf rjlv cfgnberis, “L-Lbk lr la?”

Yin Fuchuan shook his head. “The value of my existing secondary attribute increased by 2 points.”

Xun Ye was not discouraged. He handed over the two attribute stones in his hand, and said, “Again! Uh, I’m missing one.” AvmbSN

“I have more.” Yin Fuchuan took out his inventory, a total of 6 stones, 2 constitution attribute stones, 3 strength attribute stones, and 1 agility attribute stone.

There was just enough to try it out twice more.

The second time, Xun Ye prayed again. “All the great gods, please give me some help. We’re running out of inventory. You must bless us with success.”

He failed again. This time, he didn’t even get the secondary attribute value. The three attribute stones were simply wasted. 9C3kJn

For the last time, Xun Ye almost knelt in front of the attribute stones. “Bro, three’s the limit. Stop fooling around. Hurry up and succeed!”

After Xun Ye finished praying, he turned around and saw Xun Yi looking nervously at the last three attribute stones.

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Xun Ye raised his eyebrows and said, “Stop looking, come over and pay your respects. Success or failure depends on this.”

Xun Yi, “…” gaOh8Y


Yin Fuchuan looked at him with a smile, and Xun Ye waited. Xun Yi looked at the big one and then the small one, and suddenly wondered why their eyes looked so similar.

It must be an illusion.

Xun Yi had no choice but to walk over. He clasped his hands awkwardly, and muttered to the attribute stone, “Please succeed.” RV9uCd

Looking at their pious faces, Yin Fuchuan smiled and thought, ‘It’d be a shame if we fail again. See how many people are praying sincerely.’

After Yin Fuchuan merged for the third time, he didn’t speak for a while, and his face became more and more solemn.

Xun Yi and Xun Ye, who had been waiting, saw his expression, and their hearts skipped a beat.

Did he fail again? WRXhl

Xun Yi was about to say a few words of comfort. As long as they knew how to get the secondary attribute, they could get more attribute stones, so there was no rush.

Yin Fuchuan said in a low voice, “It worked.”

Xun Yi and Xun Ye were stunned.

Yin Fuchuan looked at their expressions of disbelief and laughed. He said loudly, “We did it!” l83ohq

“Aahhh, it worked, we did it! It’s great. Wonderful!”

The father and son screamed excitedly, almost going crazy with joy. They screamed and threw themselves at Yin Fuchuan.

By the time the three people calmed down, Yin Fuchuan held Xun Yi with his arm around Xun Yi’s waist, carried Xun Ye with the other hand, and the three of them hugged each other just like a family reunited after a long separation.

When Xun Yi returned to his senses, he blushed and quickly stepped away from Yin Fuchuan’s arms, grabbing Xun Ye by the way and placing him on the ground. QRCAMp

“I-It’s great that we succeeded,” Xun Yi said in a fluster.

“You’re really my lucky star, thank you,” Yin Fuchuan smiled and thanked him.

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“Y-You’re welcome,” Xun Yi said.

Xun Ye looked at his father’s flustered expression, shook his head, and sighed. He said to Yin Fuchuan, “You’re welcome. I don’t have mental spirit either, so I need your help in the future.” 3acS2M

Yin Fuchuan understood and patted Xun Ye’s small shoulder lightly. “Don’t worry, your business is mine. I used all of your father’s attribute stones and must replace them.”

“You don’t have to,” Xun Yi quickly said.

Yin Fuchuan smiled at him and said nothing, making Xun Yi even more embarrassed.

Xun Ye rolled his eyes and said with emphasis, “Only family don’t have to return what they take. Are we family?” utzEL2

Xun Yi panicked and immediately looked at Yin Fuchuan, fearing that he would think too much. As a result, he met Yin Fuchuan’s gaze.

Xun Yi was so embarrassed that he wished he could abandon his son. He stiffly changed the subject, “L-Let’s go out.”

After saying that, he ran away as if he was fleeing for his life.

Yin Fuchuan looked at Xun Ye in confusion. 7O5Eat

Xun Ye shrugged.

Xun Yi obviously liked him so much, but as soon as this topic came up, he ran away. Why did he have such a cowardly father?!

Yin Fuchuan did not leave but looked at Lu Di and Yin Weijiang. “Have you guys decided?”

Yin Weijiang looked at Lu Di, letting him go first. 1pQGMR

“I want a profession that can take a lead in battle,” Lu Di said.

Yin Fuchuan nodded without forcing him.

Yin Weijiang was a little excited and stuttered when he spoke, “I, I can do it. If you don’t mind, I’m willing to be your driver. I’ve worked as a chauffeur before, so I have experience.”

Yin Fuchuan had expected this result. Yin Weijiang had a calm personality and strived for safety and security. Given the chance, he would definitely choose a profession that didn’t face zombies directly, so being a driver was just right for him. v Ahy7

Yin Fuchuan handed over the driver’s badge without a word.

Yin Weijiang was very grateful and kept thanking him. He used it on the spot so that he could get to work immediately after going out.

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Xun Yi waited for everyone at the exit. He wasn’t stupid enough to run out alone. He would be doomed if those people outside thought he carried a lot of treasures and attacked him.

The five people assembled and walked out together. vIWF6r

The people waiting outside started a commotion upon seeing them.

“They are out. Here they come!”

“I wonder if the team that just went in will come out alive.”

“I don’t think it’s that dangerous inside. Look, their clothes are still clean and tidy, and they don’t look like they’ve been fighting. It shouldn’t be as scary as that person described.” w78rp0

The crowd stared at them with various thoughts in their minds. Everyone tried to guess what treasures they found inside. What were their chances of success if they tried to steal from them?

Everyone worked so hard to get here and into the Poltergeist Cave just for the treasures.

Now that they couldn’t enter, everyone was tempted when someone with treasures appeared.

A group of people who had just arrived were talking in low voices. The tall man tilted his head to listen to the fair and elegant man next to him. There was a pale red mark on the man’s fair face, which marred his otherwise delicate face. jDPwch

“We don’t have a team banner, so we can’t get in at all. Even if we want to follow someone with a team banner, they may refuse to take us. Even if they did, the cost would be high, and safety isn’t guaranteed. At this point, we either have to find a way to get a team banner, or we stop wasting our time here,” the fair man said.

The tall man frowned, somewhat unwilling to give up. “It took a lot of effort to get here. How can we just leave?”

The fair-skinned man said, “I heard it’s very dangerous inside. Three teams entered yesterday but only one team came out alive.”

The tall man said decisively, “At least one team made it. With the strength of our team, it won’t be difficult to come out alive. The problem is how to get in.” GTRmYn

The fair-skinned man hesitated. “Do you really want to go in?”

“Of course. Otherwise, why would we come all the way across the district?”

Just as the tall man finished speaking, he heard some commotion and comments in the crowd.

A team that entered the cave just came out. uMIUwx

The tall man looked up to see who was so lucky to have the team banner.

He was stunned at the scene. His eyes widened as he stared at the person at the entrance of the cave.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The fair-skinned man pondered and said, “If you’re serious about this, the only way is to steal someone’s team banner, but I wonder if we can do that. What are you looking at?”

The fair-skinned man followed his gaze and was also stunned. srEUDY

After his initial shock, the tall man walked forward uncontrollably, trying to approach that person. That was the person he had been dreaming about for years!

Over the years, he suffered in pain for his reckless impulse. He regretted it countless times and wondered why he did such a thing at that time. It was like being possessed by the devil.

He hurt him and lost the chance to remain as friends.

He searched and inquired but found no news about the other party. He finally saw him on TV two years later and realized that the person he had been thinking of had become a big star. SlI1Pq

The gap between them had grown so big that it was impossible between them.

The fair-skinned man grabbed the tall man who wanted to go over, but the tall man shoved him away decisively.

“Xun Yi!” The tall man hurried over, his face full of joy at seeing Xun Yi.

Xun Yi heard someone calling him and looked up to see a tall man approaching him quickly with joy on his face. HXIemy

Xun Yi couldn’t recall who he was for a moment, only that he looked familiar.

The tall man said anxiously, “Don’t you remember me? I’m Jiang Lin.”

Jiang Lin!

Xun Yi’s face immediately darkened. Yes, he was indeed Jiang Lin. He had changed a lot after seven years. CJMrAG

In the past seven years, all of Xun Yi’s memories of Maple Hill were about Yin Fuchuan. He never thought of this person once. If he hadn’t appeared in front of him today, Xun Yi would have forgotten that this person ever existed.

Xun Yi looked at the fair-skinned man following Jiang Lin.

Xu Huairan.

He didn’t change much, so Xun Yi recognized him at a glance. wEiY r

Xu Huairan’s eyes were fixed on Yin Fuchuan next to Xun Yi, and he averted his gaze after a while. The smile on his face remained as if nothing had happened.

“Long time no see. I didn’t expect to meet you here. What a coincidence.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Xun Yi looked at them expressionlessly. He thought his dream last night was about him and Yin Fuchuan. Even if some bad memories popped up, everything was in the past. He didn’t expect to meet the protagonist of his bad memories today.

Xun Yi ignored them and said softly to Yin Fuchuan, “Let’s go.” gAdEUz

Yin Fuchuan nodded and glanced at the two people who suddenly appeared.

The smile on Jiang Lin’s face had disappeared. He knew that Xun Yi’s attitude toward him was to be expected. It was his fault and his mistake, but he was still in pain.

Xun Yi’s indifference and disregard for him caused him more pain than killing him outright.

As Xun Yi walked past him without giving him even a glance, Jiang Lin was unwilling to give up and wanted to stop him. But before he could speak, someone had spoken for him. vjQmBY

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