Playing E-Sports with a CatCh52.2 - This is better than dreaming, ah. (2)

This kind of keeper who doesn’t trust himself must be taught a lesson!

“Okay! I’m full! Let’s go quickly!” Bai Jin packed up his things and immediately pushed the person away I2VF8K

Chu Yuan: ???

Am I just a tool for delivering food?!

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As soon as Bai Jin sent Chu Yuan to the door of the youth training, he saw Luo Pei coming over with two bowls of instant noodles and a piece of ham sausage in his mouth.

When Luo Pei saw God Chu, he was so frightened that the ham sausage in his mouth fell off and he couldn’t help but stutter: “Chu, God Chu?!!!!” zRxdaJ

“Keep your voice down!” Bai Jin said immediately, “Don’t shout!

Chu Yuan narrowed his eyes and saw that this was the person next to Miao-Miao in the photo.

He looks pretty decent, but his facial features are not as good as his.

The people in the second class of the youth training don’t have any talent themselves.


In short, he’s not an opponent.

Chu Yuan nodded indifferently, and when he spoke to Bai Jin, his voice was softer: “Be good, if you want something, just tell me.”

After saying this, Chu Yuan took the empty lunch box and left, and when he passed Luo Pei, he paused in his steps:  “Delivering instant noodles to Bai Jin?”

This sentence was so cold that Luo Pei immediately said: “No! I will eat it myself!” 8lRcQd

“Two bowls for one?”

“Yes! I eat a lot!” Luo Pei was already crying in his heart!

He’s just playing off a little teammate love!

Let’s go make some instant noodles for Bai Jin who has worked so hard in ranking, ah!!! PWnojN

Who knew God Chu and Bai Jin had this kind of relationship!

Yes, Luo Pei could tell at a glance that the relationship between these two people was definitely not right!

As for what was wrong with them!

No one says anything! VAGCUt

But something’s wrong anyway!

After seeing off God Chu, Luo Pei immediately said: “What’s going on! You guys know each other!!! This can be, but it’s God Chu, ah?!!!”

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“Yes, we know each other.” Bai Jin was in a good mood after eating delicious food.

Luo Pei seemed to suddenly think of something: “No wonder someone in the youth training class said you knew a big shot. It turns out it’s true, ah.tecf9m

It was not unusual for someone in the circle to know about it. Bai Jin was mentally prepared, not to mention that he had appeared in his keeper’s live broadcast.

He was also in the photo when he sent his keeper to the base

Counting it down, he has been in the same frame with his keeper countless of times.

So he and his keeper obviously don’t have to hide it, as long as they don’t go too far on the surface! CiPX7r

Luo Pei was curious and went to Baidu.

Not to mention anything else, just search the two names Chu Yuan and Bai Jin together, and a lot of incredible things will come out.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Damn it, you were adopted by God Chu.”

“Gjwc la, sbe jqqfjgfv lc Xbv Jte’r ilnf ygbjvmjra gbbw.” kdQJpx

“Gjwc la, Xbv Jte tfiqfv sbe mtjccfi agjoolm veglcu sbeg ilnf ygbjvmjra!!!”

“Gjwc la, sbe jmaejiis rmbgfv bnfg 600 qblcar bc atf mbiifuf fcagjcmf fzjwlcjalbc wbmx qjqfg.”

Oeb Ufl kjr jigfjvs raeqlv. Lf gfoerfv ab fja tlr lcrajca cbbvifr jcv mbcalcefv ab rfjgmt.

Meanwhile, Bai Jin has already opened another raking game. WjEQ1c

“You and God Chu have a lot of CP fans.”

At the mention of this, Bai Jin’s ears reddened: “It’s all nonsense, my keeper told to me.”

Bai Jin thought for a while: “Just like family! He is a very good person!”

Luo Pei wondered why this sentence didn’t sound right: “Why do you seem to be giving out good person cards?” BpN O3

Sending a good person card to God Chu?!

Luo Pei is afraid just thinking about it, okay.

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After reading all this information, Luo Pei was already dumbfounded and came to Bai Jin’s side: “Boss, can I ask you something?!”

Bai Jin looked at him, a little disgusted: “What are you doing?” Fj4Zog

“Please! Ask God Chu for an autograph for me! This is my idol!” Luo Pei babbled, “I play the jungle position just for God Chu! I also came to Team Y for God Chu, come on!”

Bai Jin didn’t even raise his eyelids: “Go and get it yourself. He showed up just now, why didn’t you ask?”

“Do I dare? This is the God Chu, ah! The ruthless wild king, if you say a few more words to him, you will freeze to death!!!” Luo Pei said it exaggeratedly, but he really didn’t dare to ask for it.

Bai Jin was noncommittal: “Let’s talk about it then.” Mlurqe

“Then you are my great benefactor!!!” Luo Pei was already excited.

But after he said this, several heads appeared at the door, including those from the second youth training class and some from the first youth training class.

In fact, some of them saw God Chu when he came!

After all, that is God Chu, ah! The idol of all the players, and they can recognize him just by looking at his figure. VrUmxb

Besides, who else in the e-sports circle has God Chu’s figure and face,

Yes, now there is Bai Jin who can rival God Chu.

These are not the important points. As soon as Bai Jin showed up at the youth training camp, someone already recognized him.

Especially the players in the first class of the youth training class. They have been with the team for a long time, so they can naturally recognize the protagonist Bai Jin in the gossip! pDFEet

This is the person protected by God Chu, ah!

“Aaaaaahhhhhh, I also want God Chu’s autograph.”

“God Bai! Please, help me get one too!”

“I want too!” dUCer7

“Please! I can take you to the master in a double queue!!!”

“I’ll cover your snacks this month!”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“I’ll cover all your late-night snacks this month!”

“Why are you still raising prices?!!! The market is in trouble!!!” yGs5T

Bai Jin pushed away the crystal in the game and looked at their eyes, feeling a little unhappy.

As for why he was unhappy, Bai Jin didn’t bother to delve into it.

All the young trainees who were talking fell silent.

There was a little blue light in Bai Jin’s eyes, which looked a little scary. d5zhKp

Why did they see a trace of God Chu in Bai Jin?

“Do you guys like God Chu that much?” Bai Jin’s voice was not soft, but it was particularly pleasant, clear and light, with a sense of distance.

“En, God Chu is the god in this game!”

“I got into a trap watching God Chu play. My dream is to be teammates with God Chu one day!” Q15tk6

“Me too! That’s why I came to Team Y.”

“The thought of being teammates with God Chu is like a dream.”

Seeing that they were about to boast again, Bai Jin lowered his eyes slightly: “Okay, I will mention it after I see him.”

As for whether they can get his signature, that has nothing to do with me. KdxFBT

Bai Jin turned his head, his keeper belonged to him!!!

But it’s a good thing that so many people admire his keeper.

Bai Jin took a screenshot of the number of games he played today to the management and turned off the computer directly: “I’m going to take a rest.”

“Go, go, go! Don’t eat breakfast tomorrow! I’ll order takeout for you!” SHGygC

“I’ll turn on the computer for you!”

“I’ll put the keyboard down for you!”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Waiting for Bai Jin to walk away, Luo Pei curled his lips: “You guys are so attentive, are you guys rushing to God Chu or Bai JIn?! I can’t tell?!”

Xia Chengwei coughed lightly: “Look beyond the obvious! For a monk camp like ours to have such a good-looking person come! Of course we have to get closer!” a8YDSo

“Yes! Who doesn’t like good-looking people!”

“He is also such a good-looking person. I blush just by looking at him!”

“I blush when I hear him talk!”

“Just taking a step closer, I am already blushing.” Z2J vO

Luo Pei: Damn, there is nothing to compare with this kind of thing.

Xia Chengwei looked at the two bowls of instant noodles on the table and quickly grabbed a bowl. He patted Luo Pei on the shoulder and said: “Thanks! I haven’t had midnight snack yet!”

The remaining bowl of instant noodles was targeted by several other hungry wolves.

Luo Pei: !!!! My instant noodles!!! What are you doing, ah!!! H8pk4j

Bai Jin returned to the dormitory and looked at the message his keeper had replied to him.

Bai Jin: What is your game ID?

Chu Yuan: Mint.

Sounds good! DYJdLd

Bai Jin decided to forgive his keeper because of this nice ID!


Those people all like God Chu!

But God Chu has only one little kitty, and it’s him!!! zq2IwL

Even God Chu’s ID is his favorite mint!!!

Thinking of that thought in his mind earlier, Bai Jin looked at the time, it was already two o’clock in the morning. The training on his keeper’s side should be almost over. He’s going to give his keeper a surprise!!

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Also let his keeper know that he still has his little kitty! He cannot sign autographs for others!!!

As a kitty, his possessiveness is very strong. wVYkIl

Bai Jin didn’t feel there was anything wrong with his idea at all, so he secretly transformed himself into a little kitty and went out directly from the dormitory window.

He followed the small garden all the way and went to find Chu Yuan’s dormitory directly.

Chu Yuan also lives in a single room, so Bai Jin is not afraid of being discovered by others!

The rooms in the base usually don’t lock their doors, so Bai Jin jumped up and opened the door. b6MVJh

He is such an awesome little kitty, yah!

If his keeper comes in and sees the little kitty, he will definitely be happy!

Just think of it as a sign that the kitty appreciates what he did today, giving him a little petting reward!

Bai Jin wiped his paws with a tissue and jumped onto his keeper’s bed. Mo JQ3

Just wait here for his keeper to come back!

Bai Jin’s little head rested on the pillow.

He’ll just take a nap, get up after a nap, and then sneak back.

Half an hour passed. 743ZNA

The little kitty had already slept with his arms spread out, completely treating this bed as his own territory.

Chu Yuan greeted his teammates, entered the door and turned on the light.

Today’s training match still didn’t go well, so finding a new mid-laner was imperative.

Chu Yuan took off his coat and glanced casually, when he paused, and his hand holding his coat froze. esA8JL

What did he see on his bed!?

His own family little kitty?!

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Is he too tired and hallucinating?!

Chu Yuan stepped forward and covered the little kitty’s warm belly with his palm. Dreaming, Miao-Miao instinctively hugged the restless hand with his paws and continued to sleep soundly. 5gTsYD

Damn, it’s really his Miao-Miao.

Not a dream.

But this is better than dreaming.


Translator's Note

Still can’t get over this, it buffered in my brain for a long time…man, this is chinese wiki…
I’ve been using this website since I started translating CN, but I completely forgot it…hahaha…I think I need to read the chapters with Baidu again…hahaha…man, I even translated it in english…so stupid…

Translator's Note

再生父母 – /zài shēng fù mǔ/
like a second parent (idiom); one’s great benefactor

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