Back To My YouthCh68 - Extra 1

A new restaurant opened up near the school. Guo Jingyu thought it looked new when he saw it, so he mentioned it to Li Tongzhou on his way home, saying he wanted to go try it together.

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Li Tongzhou agreed at the time, but when the weekend came, he suddenly found himself short on time. Guo Jingyu waved his hand, saying, “No worries, you’re busy now. We can go next week.”


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

One week dragged into another until the end of the month arrived.


Guo Jingyu’s schedule was manageable, but Li Tongzhou was the one who seemed busier. Having skipped two grades, he was now practically the lab assistant of their department’s professor, practically treated like a prized pupil, with the professor openly mentioning passing on his legacy.


Finally, the professor granted Li Tongzhou a weekend break. But even late into the night before his day off, Li Tongzhou found himself still scribbling away. His glasses perched on his nose as he drifted into sleep. Guo Jingyu couldn’t bear to wake him, so he gently removed his glasses and closed his notebook, letting him rest.



Li Tongzhou slept soundly through the night and woke up well into the next afternoon.


Guo Jingyu wasn’t home, nor was Fan Tuan, but by the bed lay three pairs of slippers—two blue ones belonged to Li Tongzhou, and a white one was brought by Guo Jingyu’s dog, Fan Tuan. The white slipper had become Fan Tuan’s chew toy, with threads hanging loose at the edges.


Sitting there for a moment, Li Tongzhou got up, changed his clothes, and was brushing his teeth when he heard faint movements at the door, accompanied by the barking of a small dog.


“Shh, don’t make a sound…”


“Woof woof!”


“You can’t just bark, you know! I’m opening the door now, hey, hey, don’t push!”


Li Tongzhou went over to open the door for them, and in a blink of an eye, a little white dog rushed in. It immediately started circling around him, excitedly pounding a couple of times. As Li Tongzhou bent down to greet it, the little thing darted back to find Guo Jingyu, its tail wagging so fast it almost flew off.


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Guo Jingyu was still holding two bags of fruits and vegetables. Li Tongzhou took them from him and asked, “Did you go to the market? Why didn’t you call me?”


Guo Jingyu waved his hand dismissively. “I did call, just not loudly enough.”


Li Tongzhou paused, furrowing his brow slightly. “Next time, you could shout louder.”


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Vegf atlcu,” Xeb Alcuse ifjcfv lc, ulnlcu tlw jc fzagj ibev xlrr bc atf mtffx, uglcclcu wlrmtlfnberis. “Qjr atja ibev fcbeut?”


Ol Kbcuhtbe kjr wbwfcajglis raeccfv, atfc mtemxifv rboais, ifjclcu vbkc ab gfaegc atf xlrr. “Cgf sbe rafjilcu xlrrfr cbk?”


“Gbc’a ajix cbcrfcrf, sbe’gf ws bkc qjgacfg. P’ii xlrr ktfcfnfg P offi ilxf la!”


Li Tongzhou carried the groceries to the refrigerator to organize them. After neatly categorizing and arranging everything, he counted them and furrowed his brows in confusion. “We bought quite a lot. Weren’t we planning to eat out today?”


Guo Jingyu declared, “Let’s not go out. We’ll have a hotpot at home.”


Li Tongzhou wasn’t picky about food. Guo Jingyu was in charge of meals at home, so naturally, he had no objections.


Although it was called a hotpot, they were actually having a Chaoshan-style hotpot. There was a decent Chaoshan restaurant nearby, so Guo Jingyu picked up some soup base on the way home. After boiling it, they added fresh beef, beef balls, greens, and a few slices of corn. The soup looked clear, but it had a rich, fragrant taste. Drinking a bowl warmed their stomachs, making them feel especially warm and cozy.


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After eating their fill, Guo Jingyu dragged Li Tongzhou to bed, and they dozed off together for a while.


Originally, he just wanted to coax Li Tongzhou to rest more, but after letting out a yawn, he also fell asleep in a daze


They slept through until nearly four in the afternoon, and were fully rested.


For Li Tongzhou, it was a nap to catch up on sleep, while for Guo Jingyu, it was merely an addition. He usually lived a relaxed life in the art institute, finding university coursework easy and even audited classes with a few other professors to get acquainted. Currently, Guo Jingyu hasn’t decided whether to start a business or stay in academia after graduation. He wasn’t short on money. Last year, his cousin Gu Yu officially started a business, and Guo Jingyu became a partner, investing some money that had since multiplied into a considerable sum.


Having already gone through one round of struggles, Guo Jingyu wasn’t as ambitious now. In all seriousness, he leaned more towards family matters.


He wanted to spend more time with Li Tongzhou.


Even if they did nothing, just watching him was quite interesting, especially since it was something he had never experienced before.


When Li Tongzhou woke up, he didn’t move. Both of them snuggled on the sofa together. Guo Jingyu ran his fingers slowly down Li Tongzhou’s cheekbones, letting his fingertips rest on his chin, tilting it up slightly. He looked at him and smiled, saying, “I’ve thought about it many times before, but it turns out to be like this.”


“What?” Li Tongzhou lifted his head cooperatively, his Adam’s apple gently bobbing as he spoke.


Guo Jingyu felt an itch in his heart, so he leaned over and took a bite. Sensing the other’s reaction, he reached out and pressed against the spot he had bitten, grinding his teeth on it for a moment. He mumbled, “I missed you… What were you like in college?”


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Young men driven by their impulses generally couldn’t resist teasing, especially when it came to someone they liked.


Li Tongzhou’s arm was around his waist, allowing him to indulge. And when Guo Jingyu had had enough, Li Tongzhou returned the favor in kind.


Li Tongzhou was a good student, quick-witted, and adept in practical skills.


From the sofa to the bedroom, they tried various positions. Initially, Guo Jingyu could direct, but later, it was all up to Li Tongzhou to improvise freely.


When Guo Jingyu finally regained his senses, the sky outside had darkened. In the bedroom, a small bedside lamp was lit. He felt lazy, not wanting to move his fingers at all. There was a faint electric sensation coursing through his body, tingling all the way down to his toes.


Li Tongzhou leaned in to kiss Guo Jingyu’s ear and held his hand, whispering softly, “Jingyu, I might have to go out for a few days soon. I will be back in a week, and then I’ll have a three-day weekend. Can you wait for me a little longer, until I finish this busy period?”


Guo Jingyu lazily responded, “Just make me a robot.”

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“It has to have your nose, your eyes, and your body,” Guo Jingyu ran his fingers across Li Tongzhou’s cheek, raising an eyebrow. “When you’re not at home, I’ll hug it to sleep, pretending it’s you… Hey, hey, where are you putting your hand?”


“Let me try, see which one is better.”


Chrysanthemum Garden.

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After a long while.


There was a thin layer of sweat on Li Tongzhou’s forehead, his breath still heavy as he nibbled on Guo Jingyu’s ear. “Which one’s better?”

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Guo Jingyu thought about it while saying, “We’ll have to compare them side by side.”


Li Tongzhou felt like he hadn’t had his fill, having engaged in another round of activities that completely made him honest.


While Li Tongzhou didn’t study creating little robots, he excelled in other areas.


At the end of the month, he gave Guo Jingyu a gift—a small pendant made of a new type of aerospace metal, paired with a delicate chain in the style of the previous model, one for each of them.


Guo Jingyu pulled up the pendant from his chest. “Looks like a dog tag.”


Li Tongzhou tugged at his own collar, revealing the identical one underneath. “I have one too.”


On Guo Jingyu’s side, Li Tongzhou’s initials and a string of numbers were engraved. He guessed it was the same on Li Tongzhou’s side too. After examining the numbers for a moment, he looked puzzled. “What does this mean? Did you write some secret code on it?”


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Li Tongzhou explained, “It’s our time together.”


Guo Jingyu thought for a moment, realizing that it didn’t match the time they fell in love. Then suddenly, his face turned red as he grabbed the pendant and glared at Li Tongzhou. “How dare you engrave this! Wow, Li Tongzhou, you’re way more open-minded than me!”


Li Tongzhou just smiled and remained silent as Guo Jingyu talked. Whenever Guo Jingyu spoke non-stop, he would lean over to give him a kiss, gradually leaving him speechless, blushing all the way to his ears.


Li Tongzhou held his hand and whispered, “We lost the rings, so let’s use this from now on.”


Although Guo Jingyu teased him verbally, he obediently wore the pendant close to his body, showing his sincerity.


Li Tongzhou held Guo Jingyu’s hand and placed it on his chest, letting him feel his heartbeat through his clothes. Each heartbeat seemed to transfer through his palm. He pressed his forehead against Guo Jingyu and whispered softly, “Jingyu, you’re my talisman.”


Guo Jingyu lightly touched him lightly with his nose and smiled. “You’re mine too.”

K: They are the sweetest ( > 〰 < )♡ clxudD

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