Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh84 - What is it like to be led by four professional players to the top of the peak competition?

Ji Xingchen sat up straight, and repeatedly read the message several times.

“Brother Feng, my application has been approved.” fh1ro6

He happily handed his phone to Ran Feng, sharing the firsthand news.

“I’ll be able to take the college entrance examination next year!”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

After five years of waiting, he finally regained the qualification to participate in the college entrance examination, giving himself a chance to fulfill his dream.

Stars shone brightly in Ji Xingchen’s eyes, and his tone filled with undisguised excitement and emotion. RgFTK3

The genuine joy from the bottom of his heart quickly infected Ran Feng, who also smiled and embraced Ji Xingchen.


Ji Xingchen had never mentioned this matter before, but it was completely expected by Ran Feng.

He understood that Ji Xingchen would one day put an end to the regret caused by the incident that prevented him from completing the college entrance examination.


B University was his dream, and he would not easily give up.

In order to celebrate such a meaningful event, Ran Feng specially prepared a big gift for Ji Xingchen.

“Congratulations on your approval.”

Ran Feng placed a heavy box of gifts in front of Ji Xingchen, smiling as he encouraged him to open it. XiTv32

“Do we really need gifts to celebrate this?”

Curious yet sensing things were not so simple, Ji Xingchen began to open the box.

Sure enough, his intuition was correct—all the gifts in the box were review materials.

No exaggeration, it was a whole box full. t5Z2wo

Five Years of Gaokao, Three Years of Simulations“, “Tianli 38 Sets”, “Crazy Practice of Small Questions”…

Ji Xingchen picked up the practice book one by one. The more he looked at them, the more familiar with these review materials were…

Until he flipped to the last set of “Complete Textbook Analysis book,” he looked up to see Ran Feng smiling at him, instantly triggering all his memories.

Aren’t these practice questions the so-called “super precious” gift he gave Brother Feng when he returned from the United States!? y0Gxpo

How the tables have turned—now Brother Feng is giving these treasures back to him! And not a single set is missing!

“Knowledge is priceless, take your time with these questions.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Listening to Brother Feng smilingly repeat the words he had said to him back then, Ji Xingchen suddenly understood how Brother Feng must have felt when he played tricks on him.

Truly devilish! yxlBrE

With his application approved, Ji Xingchen practically obtained his college entrance exam pass. Now, with less than six months until the exam, he had to make the most of his time reviewing.

Over these years, he tutored students and often helped senior high school students with their homework, so he hadn’t forgotten much of the subject matter, which was almost all stored in his head.

However, having been away from the classroom for many years, he couldn’t compare to his peak performance back then. So, he enrolled in a cram school, and Ran Feng also found him a tutor to help with his review.

Therefore, from the day he obtained his qualification, every day of Ji Xingchen’s life became extraordinarily busy. CUHh8x

Apart from eating and sleeping, during the day he attended classes and tutorials, and at night he reserved time for live streaming.

Ji Xingchen used the time from 6 PM to 10 PM for live stream, streaming only 4 hours each day.

Time was tight like this, so if there were no urgent requests from viewers or bosses to push for ranking, he was basically pushing the peak matches.

After Ji Xingchen rushed to the peak matches for a few days, MeowMeow TV issued a new rule. d01zo3

In order to stimulate the enthusiasm of the streamers for playing the peak matches, the platform requires King streamers to play at least one hour of the peak matches every day.

If a streamer enters the top ten, they will be rewarded with a recommended spot. If they reach the first place in the peak matches, the platform will reward them with 6,000 for every day they maintain the first place record, refreshing at midnight every day.

Ji Xingchen was already playing the peak matches, so this rule issued by the platform had no effect on him

However, because first place in the peak matches comes with prize money, he played exceptionally seriously, showcasing mid-lane maneuvers every day, almost always carrying with his signature hero, aiming for that top spot. LIHYsA

After all, 6,000 a day meant he was earning for the day, enough to cover a month’s living expenses.

Now that he is no longer alone, it would be better to have more money in his pocket.

Although Ran Feng was wealthier, as a member of the family, he had a duty to contribute and couldn’t just laze around.

Ji Xingchen’s intense gameplay amazed and amused his viewers in the live stream room. zGI9ef

[I’ve watched Star’s live stream for so long, and this is the first time I’ve seen him play peak matches so fiercely.]

[It turns out you’ve been acting before.]

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[Entertainment streamer x Technical streamer of the national service √]

[If you didn’t make it to the first place in the previous season, you probably didn’t try hard enough.] MIPJVD

[Last season Star also ranked in the top five, but later he focused on playing Honor points games.]

Just after Ji Xingchen finished playing as Mai Shiranui, achieving a Penta Kill and MVP of the round, his score increased to 2400, pushing him up to second place on the peak list.

This was his fifth victory tonight. With another win, he would be poised to reach first place in the peak.

After finishing a game, he scanned the barrage and boasted to his viewers, “Hey, didn’t I always tell you guys I’m capable of being number one in the peak? Why didn’t you believe me?” FmKCiQ

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

[I thought you were just bragging.]

[The other streamers have said the same thing.]

[Every streamer I watch says that.]

Al Wlcumtfc mtemxifv ilutais. “Qfii, P jw.” SdM3xh

Gef ab atf gfkjgvr boofgfv obg atf qfjx wjamtfr bc atf qijaobgw, lc bgvfg ab qgfnfca ecojlg rlaejalbcr ilxf jmmbeca ybbralcu, ZfbkZfbk KN gfdelgfr atja qjgalmlqjalcu ragfjwfgr wera tjnf atflg kfymjw bc.

Vb Al Wlcumtfc aegcfv bc tlr kfymjw jr kfii.

Aera cbk, klat remt j mjreji rwlif, ybat wfc jcv kbwfc lc atf ilnfragfjw kfgf regqglrfv.

Especially now that he was streaming in a new environment, with lighting and cameras that couldn’t be compared to the cheap equipment from before. His already high appearance was fully showcased in high-definition. It made him stand out even more. 6d2UBL

[Son, stop smiling. If you keep smiling like that, I might switch from being your mother to being your girlfriend.]

[Is this the legendary 360° no dead angle?]

[These days as a face dog, I’m the happiest.]

[I wish Star could keep his webcam on 24 hours a day.] Axd7u2

[Thanks to the equipment provided by Boss Wanfeng, we can see your wife so clearly.]

[Thanks, Boss Wanfeng.]

Chrysanthemum Garden.

[Thanks, Boss Wanfeng.]

The viewers in the live stream are still the same as before. They always like to cue Boss Wanfeng in a few words. pV43PB

Ji Xingchen no longer denied it, just followed everyone’s rhythm and joked around.

He was originally prepared to play another round, but suddenly an inspiration flashed through his mind. So he picked up the pen beside the mouse and quickly wrote on the paper.

“Guys, wait for me for two minutes.”

The viewers didn’t know what was happening, they just saw Ji Xingchen bowing his head and starting to write something seriously. RZdAXp

[Star, what are you writing?]

[Is it an ancient spell? Writing it can directly push you to first place in the peak.]

After a minute, Ji Xingchen raised his head.

The audience in the live stream saw that he was actually holding a sheet of paper in his hand. nPXJCr

[Oh my god, am I seeing things right? Is that an exam paper?]


[Star, are you doing homework???]

[Homework? What homework?] CM8w5E

Some sharp-eyed viewers figured it out, and Ji Xingchen didn’t deny it because he planned to tell everyone about his intention to take the college entrance exam in the future. After all, during the college entrance exam period, he wouldn’t be able to livestream.

“I suddenly thought of a problem-solving approach and quickly wrote it down,” Ji Xingchen explained. “I’m preparing to take the college entrance exam next year, so from now on, I’ll livestream at 6 PM. I might not be able to livestream during the day due to classes.”

After learning the truth, the barrage was stunned.

[Oh my god!!] 6yJ xH

[College entrance exam!!!!]

[College entrance exam!!!]

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

[Why am I so bad at games and still wasting time studying? How can Star play so well and still solve problems?]

[《Gap》] 1CSAqT

Most viewers in the livestream were long-time fans who already knew about Ji Xingchen not completing the college entrance exam.

Initially, when fans heard from his junior sister that Star had good grades but unfortunately didn’t go to university, they now saw him working hard to fulfill his dreams and felt happy for him.

Those who had previously thought he only streamed for four hours at night and wanted him to stream more during the day now hesitated to urge him.

However, not everyone in the livestream was a die-hard fan. Many were just gaming enthusiasts or casual viewers who enjoyed watching for entertainment. There were even detractors who didn’t understand Ji Xingchen’s actions. G 3mwW

[Isn’t the streamer quite old now? Why bother with all this fuss? Can he pass the college entrance exam?]

[With your current popularity, isn’t it better to stay as a successful streamer?]

[Exactly, even if you go to university, so what? You’ll find that after ten years of work, your salary won’t match what you make as a streamer in a year.]

[Maybe it’s better to give up, little bro. It’s been years since you graduated; you’ve probably forgotten everything you learned. This difficulty level might be too high.] dnTiHc

[With this energy, why not go professional?]

Some support and understand, while some oppose it—everyone has different views on things. Some people think Ji Xingchen’s actions are completely meaningless, and some even think he’s just showing off.

Fortunately, the vast majority of Ji Xingchen’s fans are rational.

[Is a person’s value only measured by money? Besides money, can’t there be other pursuits?] oXykl4

[Being a streamer isn’t a long-term plan, right? Why insist on making this your career? The times change so fast; a few years ago, there wasn’t even the streamer industry. Who knows how it will develop in the future? Streamers can fall too. You can’t guarantee loving someone forever, so how can you guarantee the streamer industry will always prosper?]

[Moreover, why can’t we respect Star’s desire to go to university? His junior sister said he used to have such good grades and wanted to go to B University. It’s really a pity he didn’t go to university. Now he has a chance to pursue his dream. Whether he can pass the exam or not, isn’t it great to strive for his dream?]

[Regardless, we support Star! If you want to go to university, we’ll cheer you on!!]

At 23 years old, with this age and identity, participating in the college entrance examination is naturally controversial. o7PXOb

Ji Xingchen doesn’t let different opinions bother him. He knows everyone has their own perspective on issues, and that naturally leads to different opinions.

Most importantly, others aren’t like him.

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Ji Xingchen looks at the camera, smiles relaxedly at the audience, clicks the button for the peak match again to start ranking, and casually moves the conversation along.

“Let’s push for another hour. Let’s see if I can make it to first place this time.” 0SZX14

Because he was just one game away from reaching first place in the peak matches, in such an exciting moment, the audience naturally refocused all their attention on this matter.

The final sprint for first place is always challenging. After waiting for quite some time, Ji Xingchen finally gets into a match, only to find himself placed on the fifth floor due to his unfavorable position.

Seeing his position, Ji Xingchen was startled and quickly opened the hero selection screen, preselecting Mai Shiranui to indicate he wanted mid lane.

“Guys, can you hear me?” 9DGZdW

After preselecting his hero, Ji Xingchen also turned on his microphone to facilitate communication with teammates.

However, no one responded.

“Hey hey hey, brothers, are none of you using a mic? Won’t I be lonely if I’m the only one talking?”

Seeing no response, Ji Xingchen continued to speak to lighten the mood. WfQrIe

But no matter what he said, his teammates remained silent, as if mute.

Realizing that everyone indeed seemed reluctant to talk, Ji Xingchen didn’t force the issue any further.

In peak matches, there are indeed many skilled players who prefer not to use a microphone, like his friend Brother Feng, who rarely speaks while gaming, but it ultimately doesn’t have much impact.

As hero selection began, Ji Xingchen wanted his teammates to secure a mage for him, but they didn’t agree and instead quickly picked their preferred national server heroes. P1IsTH

The players in the first and second floors chose Arli and Prince of Lanling, the third floor chose Diao Chan, and the fourth floor picked Charlotte.

So, at the bottom fifth floor, Ji Xingchen was left with only a support position.

Ji Xingchen, feeling somewhat lowly as a support, glanced at his chosen support hero and instantly felt a bit challenged.

Diao Chan from the third floor typed a message after seeing him hesitate for a while, helping him make a decision. dvbfFH

[Peak Summoner 3]: How about picking Cai Yan?

Diao Chan’s action stirred some unhappiness among the viewers.

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From the viewers’ perspective, it was frustrating to see teammates refusing to communicate and allowing Ji Xingchen, with over ninety victories on his mage, to be relegated to a humble support role instead of securing mid lane.

Given that this match could determine his shot at first place, a highly sensitive game, everyone was worried due to past incidents involving “Little Sweetie” orchestrating actors. As a result, they were all slightly anxious as they watched the unfolding events. jZGmqX

[Can this be true? How unlucky can Ji Xingchen get after reaching 2400 points?]

[Oh no, my son still needs to study, and even playing in the peak tournament isn’t reassuring.]

[Another actors???]

[Why didn’t Diao Chan pick support herself? Who’s she to dictate support?] Vnd32O

Since the match hadn’t started yet, it seemed premature and unjust to hastily label others as actors. Yet the audience was genuinely concerned for their own sake.

Therefore, Ji Xingchen had to reassure them, “It’s okay, it’s okay. Winning and losing is normal. Getting to first place was always going to be tough. I was just kidding around. If we lose this one, we’ll win it back tomorrow. Plus, everyone in this bracket is strong. The opponents from the national server aren’t obligated to give me my desired role. That Diao Chan earlier had an over 80% win rate, very strong. It’s normal for me to fill in.”

After these words, he picked Cai Yan and explained to everyone why Diao Chan had suggested this support.

“The enemy lineup basically can’t counter Cai Yan. Chang’e and Marco Polo lack the ability to burst through Nightmare and Punishment, so they can’t kill Ah Li. Actually, even if Diao Chan didn’t suggest Cai Yan, I would have considered it.” Diskn0

After explaining, Ji Xingchen started typing to his teammates.

[Peak Summoner 5]: Guys, my Cai Yan is super strong~

Despite claiming his Cai Yan was strong, Ji Xingchen, not used to playing her often, forgot to equip a skin.

Nevertheless, out of habit, he instinctively checked the hero’s win rate. C4McPs

The result was terrifyingly low in victories, and the system simply wouldn’t let him livestream it, fearing it might explode his teammates’ morale.

Ji Xingchen’s skillful maneuvers instantly brought joy back to the barrage.

[I trust you now.]

[Cai Yan is so strong, not even a skin!] koKRGz

[What’s the point? This non-skin-wearing one, clearly the old Cai Yan (dog’s head).]

In the high-ranking divisions of the peak tournament, the same few faces often crossed paths. This time, Ji Xingchen bumped into another streamer.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

When the opposing streamer realized he was up against Ji Xingchen from MeowMeow TV, he fell silent on the spot, acknowledging defeat. After all, Ji Xingchen’s mage was unbeatable.

Just as he was preparing to release his hands and stop struggling, the barrage informed him in the next second: “Star just handed you this match. He picked Cai Yan for support.” 5jgPwi

The streamer was overjoyed and immediately burst into laughter, exclaiming, “Guys, we can feast on points this game! How am I this lucky?!!!”

However, the streamer who considered himself lucky soon found out it wasn’t quite that simple after the game began.

Indeed, Ji Xingchen did choose Cai Yan, but each of his teammates turned out to be fierce players.

Despite none of them using voice chat, they communicated purely through intuition from start to finish. SiEU0O

From the very beginning, they relentlessly pressured the opposing team.

In less than 17 minutes, they demolished all the towers on the enemy side, leaving only a lonely crystal standing, pitifully alone.

In the final team fight, Ji Xingchen’s four robust teammates unleashed their power.

Diao Chan dove in 1v5, Prince of Lanling stealthily targeted and eliminated key targets, Charlotte and Guan Yu relentlessly dealt damage. f2Y5JS

Meanwhile, Ji Xingchen’s Cai Yan used her ultimate and first skill, singing cheerful songs to heal her teammates.

Both sides fought earnestly in this team fight, one eager to secure an immediate victory, the other determined not to lose.

By the end of the clash, casualties were heavy on both sides.

Ji Xingchen stayed close to Guan Yu to heal him, but unexpectedly, she was struck down by the opposing Zhu Bajie’s rake. aRf2E3

Not only that, Charlotte and Prince of Lanling also fell.

Suddenly, only him and Diao Chan were left. The enemy team of five seized the opportunity to chase after them together.

Ji Xingchen healed Diao Chan while waiting for his second skill to activate.

As soon as the second skill lit up, he turned and threw it back, intending to protect his teammate. O8kxJZ

Unexpectedly, this move inadvertently stunned all five opponents.

Diao Chan took advantage of the opportunity to leap forward, but ultimately perished along with the five opponents…

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The system immediately announced a pentakill.

But… the one who secured the pentakill wasn’t Diao Chan, but Cai Yan. ltW8m9

“Don’t bully me, I’ll make you cry~”

Accompanied by the announcement of the pentakill, Cai Yan’s built-in voice system also echoed with a cute voice.

Afterwards, the entire Summoner’s Rift fell silent…

The four teammates lying on the ground looked at Cai Yan who inexplicably secured the pentakill, each expressing confusion with a question mark. yk XGz

[Peak Summoner 1]: ?

[Peak Summoner 2]: ?

[Peak Summoner 3]: ?

[Peak Summoner 4]: ? f2CklV

Looking at the screen full of question marks, Ji Xingchen, who had been carrying the team all along, suddenly understood the feeling of being carried to victory.

“So, this is what support feels like? It’s unexpectedly comfortable!”

Ji Xingchen glanced happily at the nine corpses lying on the ground, pushing his baby carriage, using his ultimate and first skill to heal the already full-health little body, leading the super minions, leisurely auto-attacking the crystal.

“Love you all, my brothers. Winning this game will put us in first place for the Peak Tournament.” aDhZOA

Ji Xingchen finished with a smile as the enemy crystal exploded.

Initially, Ji Xingchen thought it was just an ordinary game. However, when the post-game screen appeared, he realized that all four of his mute teammates had professional badges.

These four strong men were none other than professional players who chose to keep their mics closed.

Looking at his name with a pentakill badge, Ji Xingchen, who had won while lying down, leisurely praised his teammates and joked, “Luck is also part of climbing ranks; the hero you play isn’t important.” OPd4mw


[Can this even happen?]

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[Four professional players carried me to victory; I could do it too…]

[“It’s better to lie down than to fight well.”] S Ob7s

[“So Peak Tournament first place is that simple???”]

[“First place even comes with a pentakill bonus???”]

[“The reason I can’t reach first place in the Peak Tournament is that I can’t queue with four professional players???”]

[What a shitty stroke of luck.] 8Q2cGd

Although the viewers joked, they all knew that Ji Xingchen deserved his fame, especially considering he relied solely on his own skills for every game before this last one.

Moreover, despite luck playing a role in Cai Yan’s pentakill at the end, his use of the second skill was indeed precise. If he had missed and failed to stun anyone, he and Diao Chan would have surely been caught and killed, resulting in an instant loss.

Anyone who watched streamer knows that games at this level are filled with experts, and getting a quad kill isn’t easy.

As a result, Cai Yan’s last-minute pentakill was dramatically staged by the hands of four professional players. lPJ6Dh

After Ji Xingchen finished this game, many fans uploaded the recording to various forums.

After that, Ji Xingchen became popular again.


[Being carried by four professional players to the top of the tournament, what kind of experience is this# NhMQn6

[Luck is also a part of ranking up]

He trended on Weibo, Zhihu, and Douyin.

Translator's Note

“五年高考三年模拟” (Wǔ nián gāokǎo sān nián mònǐ), which translates to “Five Years of Gaokao, Three Years of Simulations.” These books are widely used by high school students preparing for the national college entrance examination in China. The series includes past exam questions and practice tests designed to simulate the national college entrance examination experience.

Translator's Note

Translator's Note

Zhihu is a popular Chinese online platform similar to Quora. It allows users to ask questions, answer questions, and engage in discussions on various topics ranging from technology and science to culture and everyday life. Users can also follow topics and other users to customize their feed and receive updates on topics of interest.

Translator's Note

Douyin is a Chinese video-sharing social networking service owned by ByteDance, the same company behind TikTok. Douyin is known for its short-form videos, often featuring music, dance, comedy, and other forms of creative expression. It has gained significant popularity in China and internationally, particularly among younger audiences.

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  1. Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖