Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh82 - Little Uncle

Of course, in the end, Ji Xingchen and his team won.

After all, as the master of this new version, with five marksmen developing late-game tools, the mid-lane utility simply couldn’t compete. They could win even with their eyes closed. 7coHi9

After the match, Ji Xingchen, the opposing streamer, and the professional players brought in by Cheng Yu all became friends.

After that, they played a few more rounds of ranked games together.

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As the last match was nearing its end, Jiang Mu suddenly spoke up, “Brother Xing, I have a diary you wrote here. Xiao Yu found it in my old backpack today. It seems I accidentally took it away before. I’ll send it to you tomorrow.”

Ji Xingchen, who was playing as Mi Yue and currently dueling with the dragon, replied casually, “It’s okay, it’s just a diary.” x3GIAy

Cheng Yu chuckled and intervened, “No, no, it must be returned to its rightful owner. Diaries usually contain many interesting stories. Maybe looking through it will bring back memories of your youthful days.”

Cheng Yu and Jiang Mu never pry into Ji Xingchen’s privacy, so they had no idea what it contained and speculated randomly.

Ji Xingchen retorted unhappily, “Do I really need to reminisce? Am I that old now?”

Cheng Yu laughed heartily, “Young, young! Just a few years older than my Jiang Mu.”


[Hmm? Mumu, why did Cheng Yu find your backpack?]

[Mumu, why don’t you call Cheng Yu “Teacher Yu” anymore?]

[My Jiang Mu????]

[Xiao Yu sounds so intimate.] 0jks1V

[My Jiang Mu is so sweet.]

[Oh my god, did I accidentally stumble upon something amazing?]

[DBQ, I suddenly imagined so much, like a young king attacking the wolf, what are you showing off, Teacher Yu?]

[You two are weird.] 0ICrND

[My only concern is, Star, did you really write a diary? That’s hard to imagine.]

Ji Xingchen glanced at the barrage and saw everyone asking about Cheng Yu and Jiang Mu, so he proactively changed the topic.

“Writing? Why not? Didn’t teachers always make us write a diary every day when we were kids?” Ji Xingchen smiled, “Back then, I was like a pager, wishing I could write two or three entries a day.”

Sure enough, everyone’s attention was immediately diverted. u5NTOb

[So, these are diaries from your elementary school chick days?]

[Hahaha, I really want to know what Star wrote!]

Chrysanthemum Garden.

[Hahaha, I always hated writing diaries when teachers made us, didn’t expect someone wanted to write more!]

[Star, you really have a unique style.] oDrqO

Three days later, Ran Feng’s assistant helped Ji Xingchen retrieve the diary Jiang Mu had sent.

Before Ji Xingchen could open the package, a little guest arrived at the home.

Ran Feng’s nephew, Lin Haogan, came over.

“My parents don’t want me anymore, Uncle, please take care of me.” QKZBwo

Sent by the nanny and driver, pitiful Lin Haogan approached Ran Feng with a big school bag.

“They don’t want you anymore?”

Ran Feng squatted down, hugged his nephew and let him sit on his arm, “How did you get so heavy? If you keep gaining weight, I won’t be able to carry you.”

Lin Haogan, taller and heavier after a few months apart. EkD FH

He hugged his uncle’s neck affectionately and coquettishly said, “They secretly went on a trip to Europe.”

“So they just left you to me?”

Ran Feng chuckled, pinching Lin Haogan’s cheek. His sister had actually called yesterday to say her son was coming over today. Both she and her husband had coincidentally been away on business trips. Knowing her brother was home, she’d arranged for the driver to drop the child off so that he could take him to the amusement park for a day and take photos to hand over to the teacher.

“Don’t you miss me.” qrUMy9

The little schemer quickly changed his tune when he saw the situation wasn’t right.

As soon as Lin Haogan finished speaking, he saw Ji Xingchen coming out in a different jacket.

Ran Feng put him down and brought him to Ji Xingchen’s side.

“Hello, big brother.” h0nJxp

Without waiting for Ran Feng to introduce him, Lin Haogan cheerfully called out “brother” to Ji Xingchen.

Ji Xingchen half-squatted down and reached out to shake hands with Lin Haogan, saying, “Hello, little Lin Haogan.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ran Feng had already introduced his nephew to him yesterday.

After Lin Haogan withdrew his hand from Ji Xingchen’s, he clenched it into a fist and raised it in the air. E9WniI

“Big brother, let’s do it again like this.”

Ji Xingchen, somewhat puzzled, extended his fist and lightly tapped it against Lin Haogan’s.

Only then did Lin Haogan adopt a somewhat grown-up demeanor and said, “Men should fist bump.”

At six years old, children are at an age where they’re not quite little anymore. Despite their young age, they often feel grown-up. DdnSNi

After Ran Feng corrected him when he finished fist-bumping with Ji Xingchen, “You should call him Uncle.”

Lin Haogan looked at Ji Xingchen, his eyes rolled around and then obediently said, “Uncle…”

But after speaking, he muttered quietly.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

He really seems more like an older brother… dT1u0w

Jtlivgfc’r jaafcalbc rqjcr jgf fjrlis vlnfgafv. Ycf wbwfca, Olc Ljbujc kjr qbcvfglcu atf alaif lrref, jcv atf cfza wbwfca, tf tjqqlis obiibkfv Ejc Mfcu jcv Al Wlcumtfc bea.

“Olaaif Fcmif, mjc sbe afii wf sbeg cjwf?”

Pc atf fifnjabg, Olc Ljbujc ibbxfv eq ja Al Wlcumtfc jcv jeabwjalmjiis jvvfv j “ilaaif” yfobgf “ecmif.”

In his view, this uncle was quite young, and adding “little” made him seem not so old. 2bPDXp

Ji Xingchen patted his head, “My name is Ji Xingchen.”

“Like the stars in the sky?”

“Yes, exactly those stars.”

Lin Haogan nodded, “Oh, my uncle really likes stars. Have you seen his WeChat profile picture? It’s all stars, all taken by himself from many places he visited.” CZIVh7

Talking about his uncle’s hobby outside work, Lin Haogan was very proud.

Children’s thinking is quite imaginative and a single noun can lead them to connect many things.

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When he said it, he probably just wanted to express one thing, but Ji Xingchen sensed something more from it.

He remembered when Ran Feng mentioned going to Finland to photograph the starry sky. At that time, he was so moved that aside from saying something very beautiful, he forgot everything else. 2Ack7i

Now, brought up again by Lin Haogan today, he looked up and smiled at Ran Feng, “Brother Feng, where are you planning to go next for photography? Take me along next time.”

Ran Feng looked at Ji Xingchen, who was becoming more mischievous in front of him, and whispered in his ear, “I’ve already taken all the pictures I wanted. Are you sure you want to come along?”

Ji Xingchen nodded, “Yes.”

A meaningful smile appeared on Ran Feng’s lips as he finally told Ji Xingchen the location. mdZzvj

“A floor-to-ceiling window.”

A floor-to-ceiling window??

Ji Xingchen thought for a moment, “Doesn’t that mean anywhere would do?”

“No, there must be stars above.” YSClg1

Ran Feng emphasized the word “stars” intentionally.

At first, Ji Xingchen was still pondering how to photograph the floor-to-ceiling window, but Ran Feng’s meaningful emphasis on “stars” seemed to make him understand something.

Not those stars…

“Why are you whispering like a rogue?” GWHXTs

Ran Feng smiled, “I’m being upfront.”

Lin Haogan, much shorter than both of them, looked up at the two uncles whispering to each other and pulled Ran Feng’s sleeve discontentedly, “Have you decided where to go for photography? I want to go too.”

“Little children can’t go.” Ji Xingchen hurriedly shook his head to refuse.

“You can’t go either.” Ran Feng promptly stopped him. ExcBGy

Lin Haogan rubbed his nose in frustration.

What place could he not go to? Just to photograph stars…

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Today, Lin Haogan was on a mission, so the three of them headed straight to the amusement park.

On the way, Lin Haogan remembered to take photos, but once they reached the amusement park, he forgot everything. TEW5aB

Children have boundless energy, just like a tirelessly running electric motor, diving into one activity after another without feeling tired.

After playing six or seven basic games in one go, Lin Haogan finally paused to catch his breath, holding snacks and drinks bought for him by Ji Xingchen.

As he chattered non-stop about the thrilling bumper car battle to his two uncles, Lin Haogan pulled a Pikachu hat over his head.

“Am I handsome?” 4ZkVp0

Lin Haogan tilted his little head, his face flushed from the exercise, making the cute Pikachu hat even more adorable.

Ji Xingchen raised an eyebrow at him, “Incredibly handsome.”

Lin Haogan chuckled, “Am I handsome as my uncle?”

As he spoke, the child’s eyes were full of expectation, eager for a positive answer, knowing that being called handsome by his uncle would make him a true heartthrob. uyzJ1S

Originally, Ji Xingchen wanted to say that of course, he was even more handsome than his uncle, but Ran Feng beat him to it.

He placed another hat on Ji Xingchen’s head, glanced at Lin Haogan with a touch of arrogance, “Not bad, almost there. Keep working hard for another twenty or thirty years, and you might just reach my elementary school level.”

Lin Haogan, who had been quite proud, was deflated by this remark.

He had to work hard for another twenty or thirty years just to reach his uncle’s elementary school level??? qgM8km

“I don’t like you anymore. I like little uncle.”

After saying this, Lin Haogan put down the half-eaten popcorn in his hand, climbed onto a bench, snatched the toy glasses from Ran Feng’s hand, and put them on Ji Xingchen.

Then he grabbed the smaller pair for himself, deliberately not giving one to Ran Feng.

After putting on their parent-child sets, Ji Xingchen and Lin Haogan on both Pikachu hats, sat side by side. BWRXvZ

Ji Xingchen felt that Pikachu was too cartoonish and cute for him, but seeing the child so enthusiastic, he decided to leave it on and wear it together.

Lin Haogan leaned his head on Ji Xingchen’s shoulder, holding onto his arm. “We’re good friends now. That guy are not in our club.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Ran Feng, who was automatically excluded by Lin Haogan, stood aside, and didn’t even know whether to laugh or cry.

“Well then, are you going to take photos or not? If you don’t need me, I’ll leave.” YKiLU4

As soon as the photo task was mentioned, Lin Haogan instantly calmed down.

“No, no, please take a picture of me and little uncle.”

With that said, Lin Haogan stood up and leaned against Ji Xingchen’s back, smiling brightly like a flower.

As they passed by, a young boy saw the hats Pikachu hats on their heads and envied them so much that he grabbed his father’s hand and stood still. dRs5kA

“Dad, I also want to wear that Pikachu hat with you.”

The boy’s father, feeling helpless, approached Ji Xingchen and asked, “Young man, where did you buy these hats that you and your son are wearing?”

The word “son” left Ji Xingchen momentarily stunned.

While giving directions to the father, he explained, “He’s not my son… he’s my nephew.” KlkTtC

The father nodded absentmindedly, his attention entirely on the directions Ji Xingchen was giving, completely missing the clarification.

After thanking him, they returned to the boy’s mother.

Since they were not far away, Ji Xingchen overheard the father telling his wife, “The father and son over there look so good in those hats. I’m chubby, would I look out of place wearing one? Maybe you and our son should wear them together later.”

The words “father and son” struck a chord with Ji Xingchen. He could only smile helplessly and speechlessly, without words, he just didn’t go to clarify further. 6niM3a

Ran Feng, standing beside him, was already struggling to contain his laughter.

He walked up to Ji Xingchen and whispered, “Since when did we have such a grown-up son?”

As soon as Ran Feng finished speaking, their “big boy” pushed him away.

“Uncle, please keep your distance from us.” Lin Haogan, behaving like a little adult, shook the hat in his hand as a threat. “Unless you wear one too.” 9Xto73

Lin Haogan’s threat was completely ineffective.

“Do you think I would wear such a hat?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

As soon as he said that, Ji Xingchen had a Pikachu hat placed on his head.

Ran Feng wore a mask to cover his face, revealing only his eyes. hKryIU

Ji Xingchen met his gaze, confidently adjusting his hat for him and even teasingly pinching Pikachu’s ear.

With each pinch from Ji Xingchen, Ran Feng’s ear on the top of his head twitched playfully, prompting Ji Xingchen to pinch it again.

“Are you going to wear it or not?” Lin Haogan teasingly asked him.

Glancing at Ji Xingchen, who was smiling happily, Ran Feng grabbed the hand that was messing up his own hair. He changed his tone, and gave Lin Haogan a helpless smile. “You can’t, but if your little uncle helps me put it on, then it’s okay.” wdSBV

Lin Haogan didn’t quite understand why his uncle’s attitude changed so quickly, but his intuition told him that his little uncle was amazing, even his uncle had to listen to him.

Feeling delighted, he made Ran Feng squat down and imitated Ji Xingchen by patting his ear. “Alright, now it looks harmonious.”

After Lin Haogan finished eating snacks and replenishing his energy, Ji Xingchen and Ran Feng held his hands, one on each side.

The weather was nice today, with sunlight shining on them, and casting a warm and adorable shadow on the ground. fC QGL

The three held hands tightly together.

As they passed by the haunted house, Lin Haogan suddenly shivered and urged, “Let’s hurry up and leave this place.”

Ji Xingchen noticed his unease. “Are you scared of ghosts?”

Lin Haogan quickly shook his head, refusing to admit it. “No, why would I be scared of such things?” fvE 4U

His tone was aggressive, but Ji Xingchen didn’t push him further.

Beyond the haunted house were thrilling rides like roller coasters, pendulum swings, drop towers, bungee jumping, and other exciting attractions.

Lin Haogan’s eyes lit up at the sight of them.

He quickly ran over to the nearest roller coaster, hopping excitedly. riy76z

“Uncle, let’s go on the roller coaster!”

Ji Xingchen glanced at the coaster plunging at a 90-degree angle and felt a bit weak in the legs. He shook his head. “Let’s not ride this one. Kids shouldn’t do such thrilling activities.”

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But Lin Haogan really wanted to go, and he persisted in persuading Ji Xingchen to join him.

Unable to resist the little boy’s persistence, Ji Xingchen suggested having Ran Feng take him on a slightly less intense ride nearby, but Lin Haogan wasn’t happy about it. Y1gBRM

Seeing Lin Haogan persistently clinging to Ji Xingchen, Ran Feng squatted down in front of him and nodded. “If you want to ride, you can.”

Amid Lin Haogan’s cheerful cheers, Ji Xingchen looked at Ran Feng in confusion.

The other person pointed to the haunted house they had just passed and said to Lin Haogan, “Your little uncle likes to go to haunted houses. To be fair, why don’t you accompany him once, and he’ll accompany you on a ride?”

Lin Haogan was stunned, and Ran Feng continued, “Haunted houses aren’t really scary. They’re just a bit scarier than ‘The Ring‘ at midnight.” Ran Feng held Lin Haogan’s hand and compared on his pinky finger, “Not by much, just this little bit.” ILmZ B

Lin Haogan’s small body trembled. He suddenly let go of Ran Feng’s hand, turned around, and hugged Ji Xingchen’s waist. “I suddenly remembered my mom told me not to do too many thrilling activities… Let’s not go, okay?”

When he had visited a classmate’s house before, the classmate’s older brother was watching ‘The Ring’ and unintentionally scared him so much that he couldn’t sleep in the dark for a week.

Now his uncle said it’s scarier than that. Just thinking about it scared him to death.

The previously uncompromising little boy suddenly behaved. Ji Xingchen suppressed a smile, patted Lin Haogan’s back to comfort him, and quietly gave Ran Feng a thumbs-up. zBowLq

Although Lin Haogan said so, there was still some unwillingness in his eyes, and he kept looking back.

Considering his young age, he wasn’t suitable for riding such thrilling rides anyway, so Ran Feng took him to see the exit of the roller coaster and pendulum swing.

Many people coming off looked pale and some even collapsed on the ground, causing Lin Haogan’s face to gradually turn serious.

After circling back with Ran Feng, he stood in front of Ji Xingchen and suddenly said seriously, “Little uncle, I think I’d rather the world be a bit more peaceful.” bzr2d5

Ji Xingchen, who was drinking milk tea, looked bewildered.

He glanced at Ran Feng, silently asking him with his eyes why his little nephew was scared like that.

Ran Feng innocently shrugged.

Feeling somewhat guilty for scaring the child, Ji Xingchen took him to the Eskimo snow house, pottery house, and even sat with him in the spaceship simulator. 74XUeC

Time flew by quickly in the amusement park. As the hot day gradually darkened, the children, who were completely excited, didn’t want to go home at all.

In the end, Ran Feng bought him a space capsule model puzzle and bought it for him before he was willing to go back.

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As a model enthusiast, Lin Haogan couldn’t bear to dismantle the model overnight. As soon as he returned home, he solemnly took a photo of its parts and then began to concentrate on assembling the model.

This model was quite large and quite challenging to assemble. xw8NSC

At first, Ji Xingchen and Ran Feng helped him out together, but Lin Haogan had expended too much energy during the day and felt hungry. Ji Xingchen went to make mashed potatoes for him.

Just as Ji Xingchen left, Ran Feng also found an excuse to leave, so in the end, only Lin Haogan was left alone to wrestle with the model.

After struggling for a long time, Lin Haogan got stuck and couldn’t proceed further.

Just as he was pondering over it, unwilling to leave, Ji Xingchen shook his head slightly. sbGCBo

“I’ll finish this part before I eat.”

Ji Xingchen walked over to him, took the parts from his hands, and promised, “I’ll assemble this part for you. Go eat something and rest. You’ll be hungry later.”

Only then did Lin Haogan agree.

Ji Xingchen took the parts, glanced briefly, and quickly solved the stuck part for Lin Haogan. OERok

His mind was nimble, so it wasn’t challenging for him.

Ji Xingchen assembled it so quickly that Lin Haogan looked at him in amazement, with his eyes full of admiration.

“Little uncle, you’re amazing!!!”

Ji Xingchen smiled. “It’s nothing. Do you want to continue?” pg TkP

“Yes yes yes!”

With the model now sorted, Lin Haogan finally began to enjoy the mashed potatoes.

He scooped a spoonful into his mouth, paused, and then devoured three more spoonfuls in quick succession, finishing the whole bowl in one go.

“Little uncle, your mashed potatoes are so delicious!!” Lin Haogan’s mouth was smeared with a bit of mashed potatoes. He reluctantly licked it clean with his tongue, then earnestly pleaded with Ji Xingchen, “Can you make this for me often in the future?” 6EQ5qY


Lin Haogan nodded happily, wiped his mouth, then jumped off the table and kissed Ji Xingchen twice. “Uncle Xing, I really like you! I like you even more than my uncle.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The last statement from Lin Haogan had a basis.

He didn’t know about the relationship between Ran Feng and Ji Xingchen, but he could feel that his uncle was different towards him. PWkmos

Because just now he looked up and saw Uncle Ji Xingchen making mashed potatoes for him, while Uncle Ran Feng hugged him from behind and kissed him.

At the age of six, he didn’t understand love, but he knew what liking someone meant.

In his understanding, only people you like would kiss you.

So when Uncle Ran Feng kissed little Uncle, it meant that he liked him. D0d6is

However, just now he kissed Uncle Ji Xingchen twice. Compared to that, his liking for little Uncle increased a bit more.

After successfully stealing a kiss from the little Uncle, Lin Haogan immediately took out his phone from his school bag, took a selfie with him, and then quickly sent it to his best friend to boast about it.

Lin Haogan, the most handsome in the universe: [Hahaha].jpg

Lin Haogan, the most handsome in the universe: Isn’t my little uncle super handsome? JdNrxk

After boasting, he pulled up his own QR code for Ji Xingchen to scan.

After adding him, he sent a message to Ji Xingchen.

Lin Haogan, the most handsome in the universe: [Pressing against the wall and blowing kisses].jpg

This emoji is a bit brainwashing, and Ji Xingchen also replied to him. 2CzaWH

Ji Xingchen: [Pressing against the wall and blowing kisses].jpg

Lin Haogan swung his legs while looking at Ji Xingchen’s name and profile picture, suddenly remembering something.

He quickly glanced at Ji Xingchen’s profile picture and asked, “Little uncle, were you previously called love love?”

After saying this, Lin Haogan quickly corrected himself, “No no, a sexual one.” 07iez9

Ji Xingchen shook his head at these two strange names.

Love, love? Sexual, love??

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Who would come up with such names???

“But I saw on Uncle’s phone before, the sexual one he was chatting with looked exactly like your profile picture.” G7rQA

Lin Haogan slowly uttered these words, trying hard to recreate the scene for Ji Xingchen.

“What did you say his name was?” Ji Xingchen found it more and more strange as he asked again.

“.” uQj7VN

In Ji Xingchen’s astonished eyes, he saw Ran Feng passing by, stopping abruptly, and quickly covering Lin Haogan’s mouth.

Why does this little nephew blurt out everything?

Translator's Note

“master of this new version” or 版本之子” (bǎn běn zhī zǐ) conveys the idea that the person is exceptionally skilled or dominant in the current/new version or season of the Honor of kings

Translator's Note

“floor-to-ceiling window” refers to a window that extends from the floor all the way up to the ceiling of a room. It typically covers the entire height of the wall it’s on, offering expansive views and usually allowing ample natural light into the space. These windows are often used in modern architecture and interior design to create a sense of openness and to connect indoor spaces with the outdoors, offering panoramic views of the surroundings.

Translator's Note

“The Ring” is a horror film about a cursed videotape that causes viewers to die seven days after watching it. It originated as a Japanese film titled “Ringu” (リング) and was later remade in Hollywood, becoming well-known for its eerie storyline and impact on the horror genre.

Translator's Note

a repeated love “爱” (ài), love love, “爱爱” (ài ài) can colloquially refer to sexual intercourse or intimacy between partners. When the child mispronounces “恋爱对象” (liàn’ài duìxiàng) as “爱爱对象” (ài ài duìxiàng), he unintentionally changes the meaning from “love object” to something that sounds more intimate or even sexual in nature.

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  1. He he

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖