Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh81 - A Ten-Year Old Fans Coming Uninvited

With the last member they successfully assembled, and the Moth team set off.

For some reason, it seemed their names and avatars were too provocative, causing them to wait a long time in the queue before getting in. Ir1izt

As soon as the ban-pick interface appeared, the opponents banned a hero first, as if they had been prepared for a long time, instantly banning Yao.

“Yaria was banned so quickly?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ji Xingchen commented and followed by quickly banning Da Qiao, saying, “Brothers, let’s have a good game this round.”

[Reading comprehension: Brothers, no playing nicely this round] Nmb Da

[Highlight: Brothers, whoever plays nicely, I will be anxious with that]

Just as Ji Xingchen finished speaking, the opponents instantly banned Master Luban, followed closely by the fifth line banning Shieldun.

In short, everyone seemed to have issues with support and unanimously banned them.

“What are we playing? Five Celestial Dancers or Moth Dance Team?” Cheng Yu pre-selected Angela and planned to snatch her as soon as the opponents finished selecting.


“Five Celestial Dancers don’t quite fit our style, right?” The last kid to join in was a bit skeptical.

Ji Xingchen chuckled and asked him, “What style do we have?”

[Silly style]

[Middle-aged style] Ix6EgH

[Drunken style]

While they were discussing their style preferences, the opponents directly snatched Angela, whom Cheng Yu wanted.

“Oh no, my Angela is gone. Five Celestial Dancers are soulless now.”

Cheng Yu spoke quickly while rapidly switching through various heroes in the mage section. 1PBRo4

Jiang Mu, who had been silent all along, saw that Cheng Yu couldn’t stop and finally spoke up, “Let’s pick marksmen.”

Cheng Yu stopped messing around with heroes and obediently picked Garo.

Jiang Mu also followed suit and picked Marco Polo.

After they had picked two marksmen in a row, the opponents on the fifth row proceeded to pick Xiao Qiao and Daji, two mages, in succession. eRKMnb

Upon seeing the opponents snatch three mages in row, everyone understood that they were also up to mischief, aiming to pick the Five Celestial Dancers.

[Meeting a worthy opponent]

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

[Mid-aged Celestial team vs. Five Celestial Dancers]

[Awesome, troublemakers] C89lVO

[Troublemakers, gamers]

Ji Xingchen and his team chose five marksmen, and similarly, the opponents picked five mages.

Once the game started, the thrilling moment arrived.

At the moment the loading screen appeared, not only did the lyrics from Ji Xingchen’s “Drunken Butterfly” appear, but the opponents’ names also revealed their true identities — LWz9n3

Domi Celestial, Faso Celestial, Lapi Celestial, Rui Shan Celestial, Doro Celestial.

[Authentic Celestial Dancers]

[Glowing transformation of Domi Celestial into Dance Law]

[Moonlight transformation of Faso Celestial into Dance Law] luXxA

[Brilliant transformation of Lapi Celestial into Dance Law]

[Why can you guys use voice chat??]

[There’s a visual now]

[This livestream is damn toxic] TX8vCb

[Singing and dancing, all-round talents??]

[So this is actually a talent livestream]

Rarely encountering both sides intent on mischief in a ranked match, the opponents started typing as soon as the game began.

[All] [Faso Celestial]: Why can your names have background music? uieHZO

[All] [Lapi Celestial]: Can’t help but start tapping my leg along

Ji Xingchen paused and randomly fired a shot with Luban No. 7, biu bang~ the sound effect of the second skill changed, and he managed to hit someone randomly.

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[All] [Domi Celestial]: Dare to attack this Celestial? What a moth! Let me Domi you! 1v1 mid lane!

[All] [Drunken Butterfly]: Bro, here I come, here I come Pq4Jgy

Ji Xingchen quickly positioned Luban in the middle lane, clicked the interaction button, and performed a gesture. His Luban No. 7 immediately jumped up and waved towards the opponents, saying, “Can you see me, can you see me, can you see me?”

Absolutely provoking!

Domi Celestial arrived shortly after, playing as Daji. Seeing Luban taunting her, she responded with a dancing gesture, starting the Daji Dance.

[All] [Domi Celestial]: Shorty, come on, let’s dance, who’s afraid of whom DoOvNn

[Elementary school kids spraying each other on the scene]

[As if entering kindergarten]

[“Genius Cute Baby, Age Three and a Half”]

Ji Xingchen quickly changed to a dancing motion and began typing a comeback. hcFs1x

[All] [Drunken Butterfly]: Please grant me the power of radiance to love you! super~shining~

After Ji Xingchen posted this, Domi Celestial on the opposite side suddenly stopped dancing.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

[All] [Domi Celestial]: Are you stealing my spells too? Shorty, you’re not simple

Jtfcu Te rjk Al Wlcumtfc qgbolmlfcais erf atfrf rqfiir jcv ijeutfv, “Wlcuzlcu, vbc’a pera yf jii ajix, rjs la bea ibev obg er ab tfjg.” rdjAaR

Jtfcu Te rfa Al Wlcumtfc eq, jcv atf yjggjuf rajgafv ab frmjijaf.

[Your spells match your name so well, how about dancing a bit?]

[I command you to recite it immediately, or I might just kneel down and beg you!]

Al Wlcumtfc mbcagbiifv Oeyjc ab rkjuufg yjmx jcv obgat, mtemxilcu ilutais. “Aera yfmjerf sbe kjca wf ab gfmlaf, P’ii gfmlaf? Cw P gfjiis atja ecqglcmlqifv?” saTgYq

Just as he finished speaking, he noticed Ran Feng typing in the game.

[Turns out I’m a] : Recite, recite

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Seeing Ran Feng joining in with the netizens to stir things up, Ji Xingchen exclaimed “Oh,” immediately exited the game, and entered this segment of text into Baidu Translate, and chose the voice read option.

The next second, a mechanical and monotonous female voice sounded… betXzB

Ple…ase… grant… me…


[What happened to the principles we agreed on?]

[Seems like I still need hubby to step in for it to work?] FPR2lL

After Ji Xingchen’s sly move, the Celestial Dancers on the opposing side messaged him again.

The opponent was actually a streamer too, but not as popular as Ji Xingchen. Normally, their livestream room had around a hundred thousand viewers. Over here, they collided with Ji Xingchen, and the audience immediately informed them of this news.

Ji Xingchen’s popularity now ranks him as one of the top streamers on MeowMeow TV’s “Honor of kings” section. Every time he goes live, even just casually playing, he easily maintains four to five million viewers. Therefore, many streamers know him.

Upon realizing they collided with Star, the opponent immediately confessed in-game. They were Ji Xingchen’s fans, someone who had been following him since his Honor ranking matches days. 3jyGF5

[All] [Domi Celestial]: Luban, I’m sorry, you’re not short, you have legs that are 1.8 meters long, super handsome and invincible.

[All] [Drunken Butterfly]: This sudden rainbow fart makes me feel flustered…

[All] [Domi Celestial]: Big brother, add me as a friend please.

[All] [Domi Celestial]: I’m your ten-year-old fan. EmdP70

[All] [Drunken Butterfly]: ??????

“I have ten-year-old fans??”

As soon as fans recognized each other, both sides started revealing their identities.

Once Ji Xingchen spoke, viewers immediately revealed the opponent’s identity to him. VmFLdC

Knowing they had collided with a streamer, Ji Xingchen didn’t show any aversion.

Although they weren’t streamers on the same platform, Ji Xingchen wasn’t petty and didn’t mind helping the opponent gain exposure.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

He had also started from scratch with little popularity, so he understood how difficult it was for new streamers starting out without viewers or attention.

So, he started bantering with them. b1zHi3

[All] [Drunken Butterfly]: But I actually like Jungler King.

[All] [Domi Celestial]: Well, I can be jungler too.

[All] [Domi Celestial]: Blushing shyly.

[What kind of tiger and wolf talk is this?] cUjR6m

[Hahaha, a ten-year-old fans come uninvited.]

[This one really got the Star seal of approval.]

[Your style is too straightforward, I believe you’re really a ten-year-old fan, hahaha.]

“Seems like you’re pretty wild, can’t match that.” Ji Xingchen laughed. xLSihW

[All] [Drunken Butterfly]: Okay then~

[All] [Domi Celestial]: Mwah mwah~

While Ji Xingchen was typing with the opposing Daji in mid lane, Cheng Yu came over to clear the chat with him.

He hadn’t looked at the equipment column and assumed Cheng Yu was playing support, without thinking much of it. mijq2T

After clearing a wave of minions, Ji Xingchen realized he hadn’t received much gold. He quickly checked Cheng Yu’s equipment and exclaimed in horror, “Where are your gems, where are your gems?!”

Cheng Yu chuckled mischievously, “Why would I need to buy gems? Good stuff like minion waves should be shared with brothers.”

With a grin that begged to be teased, Cheng Yu finished speaking and dashed off to the top lane to continue leeching off Jiang Mu.

Ji Xingchen sighed with amusement, picked up Luban’s cannon, and aimed his second skill at Cheng Yu’s backside. sWUYMa

Plastic brotherhood, severed.”

As the cannon narrowly missed Cheng Yu’s backside, the viewers flooded the screen with “hahaha” comments.

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They all knew Ji Xingchen’s dramatic shouting was just for show; he wasn’t actually angry.

After all, no one really expected to win with such a troll lineup. tsBeQd

“I just needed a hundred more gold to get Infinity Edge.”

After Ji Xingchen said regretfully, he then transferred the idea of the extra hundred gold to Ran Feng, who was jungling.

He walked over to Lady Sun, who was taking down the blue buff, and controlled Luban to circle around the Blue dad.

Expectantly, he said to Ran Feng, “Brother Feng, give me the blue buff.” d4U2bQ

Ran Feng didn’t reply, focusing on the task at hand.

Thinking Ran Feng was helping him, Ji Xingchen casually waited nearby.

Seeing that Blue dad’s blood volume was getting lower and lower, Ji Xingchen stopped circling and prepared to take over.

However, to his dismay, Ran Feng used Smite and took the blue buff. SAVNdW

Luban stood dumbfounded as he watched Lady Sun swagger away with the Blue dad.


[Trouble for Star, the boss won’t let you take the blue buff]

[Does love disappear like this?] 5DFMSI

[This is clearly punishment for cheating]

[Boss Wanfeng: You dare to take the Jungler King without my permission?]

Of course, Ji Xingchen knew Brother Feng wasn’t really mad at him, so he clicked on the quick message on the right and kept sending “thank you” to Ran Feng.

He sent it over a dozen times until Lady Sun under Ran Feng’s control went back to the enemy’s blue area to take the blue buff. 2bDOTl

Ji Xingchen stood in the middle lane brush, waiting patiently. “I think Brother Feng will definitely give me blue buff this time.”

As expected, right after he finished speaking, Ji Xingchen heard Ran Feng send a system quick message in the game: “[Mage come take blue].”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“See that? Brother Feng’s love won’t fade away.”

Ji Xingchen replied with a “Roger that” and hurriedly rushed over, feeling pleased. n69WIS

But just as he approached the Blue Dad, Ran Feng directly took down the blue buff again.

[Drunk Butterfly]: ?

[Drunk Butterfly]: There is something wrong with you.

[Just noticed?] 8cJOk1

[Just noticed?]

[Just noticed?]

Cheng Yu was already laughing uncontrollably in the game. He whistled at Ji Xingchen and quickly sent a message saying “Well done” to revel in his misfortune.

Immediately after, Jiang Mu and the others also chimed in with “Well done.” zaNhnd

Surrounded by “Well done” messages, Ji Xingchen could only spam “Thank you” in protest.

Standing in the bushes next to Blue Dad’s pit, he watched helplessly as Little Luban had only half a blue bar left and could do nothing but reluctantly recall.

Just as he pressed recall, Ran Feng’s Lady Sun swaggered past him with Blue Dad and Red Dad.

Ji Xingchen immediately went crazy spamming “Hehe, nicely played” at him. dm2XFD

Ji Xingchen’s efforts finally caught the opponent’s attention. Ran Feng stood in front of Ji Xingchen, pointed to recall, and smoothly did a circle with his cool motorcycle.

He coolly replied to Ji Xingchen with a “Roger that.”

[Love is gone, love is gone]

[Hahaha, overturned, overturned] Bz8tDa

[Boss’s old vinegar seems to have spilled completely]

[Someone just boasted about collecting fifty-sixty-seven-eighty Jungler Kings and got called out afterward hahaha]

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[Boss Wanfeng: See that? I’ve got both red and blue buffs, but I won’t give them to you]

Back at the fountain, Ji Xingchen held back his laughter, muted WeChat and the live stream, then turned to Ran Feng, “Viewers said someone’s old vinegar spilled. Let me smell if it’s sour.” edFETA

Ran Feng put down his phone, stood up, and hugged Ji Xingchen’s waist, lowering his head to ask, “Won’t you try it yourself?”

With that, he held Ji Xingchen’s head and forced him to lift it for a kiss.

The kiss didn’t last long, just a few tens of seconds where they touched tongues and bit lips.

But because it was during a livesteam, even though they muted the sound and turned off the video, the thrilling sensation of potentially being exposed made Ji Xingchen every nerve tingle with excitement. Di1L7Y

After parting with Ran Feng, Ji Xingchen licked his lips, still wet with a glistening sheen.

“Sour or not?” Ran Feng didn’t let go, holding onto his waist and continuing to inquire.

Ji Xingchen hurriedly shook his head and went back to the livestream, “Sweet, definitely sweet.”

In the game, Ji Xingchen’s Luban and Ran Feng’s Lady Sun were still idling at the fountain. Seeing them silent for so long, viewers began to speculate. VbmQ F

[Star isn’t moving, huh]

[Boss isn’t moving either]

[Why are these two suddenly not moving?]

[Could it be they’re privately sorting out their Jungler King friend requests? Did we forget they’re cohabiting?] fImFCM

[Wow, how did they resolve it privately, details please]

[Details from the process]

[Details from the livestream]

[Are they kissing or doi-ing…] KBrovZ

Seeing everyone almost uncover the truth, Ji Xingchen quickly spoke up to divert attention, “Just lagging a bit, guys, my bad.”

[What a coincidence, did you and the boss lag together?]

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[Oh, what were you two up to while lagging?]

[Tsk, 59 seconds, not even a minute, Star, you’re so quick at things?] LbwEMd

[Isn’t it Boss who’s not quick enough?]

This viewer was promptly timed out by the system for a minute after sending this barrage.


[What did that guy say that got him timed out by Star?] u1dGRq

[He said Boss isn’t quick enough…]

[Tsk, Star, are you blatantly stating that it’s okay to say that the boss can’t do it, but you can’t say my husband isn’t?]

[True love.]

[Hehe, Star, your husband is really something.] JlgWYj

Ji Xingchen ignored everyone’s jokes and followed Cheng Yu’s “Request to gather” to the mid lane for a fight.

By the time he arrived, it was already late, with bodies lying everywhere from both sides.

Cheng Yu and Jiang Mu had died together in a double suicide.

Ji Xingchen walked around on their corpses, while eyeing Daji from the opposite side. 3cPA9Y

The moment their eyes met, they both exchanged blows, and this nearly left Ji Xingchen with just a sliver of health.

[All] [Drunken Butterfly]: I think it’s better if we don’t become friends.

[All] [Domi Celestial]: ???

Ji Xingchen turned Luban No. 7’s butt around to show his low health. IPUxv4

[All] [Domi Celestial]: My bad! It was an accident just now! I won’t attack you for real!

[All] [Drunken Butterfly]: Can I trust you?

Chrysanthemum Garden.

[All] [Domi Celestial]: I swear in the name of my ten-year fandom, you can!!

Having said that, Daji started dancing, then frantically pressed recall. ziYGU9

Seeing this, Ji Xingchen walked up to her. She indeed didn’t use any skills, so he also recalled.

The two low-health individuals stood face-to-face on their teammates’ faces, starting to recall.

[All] [Domi Celestial]: So, do I still have a chance to add you as a friend? QAQ

[All] [Domi Celestial]: I’m really a Jungler King!! I can say sweet words qpPNfO

[All] [Domi Celestial]: Star is handsome handsome handsome, Mommy loves loves loves

[Don’t call me mommy, don’t call me mommy]

[Don’t call me mommy, don’t call me mommy]

[Don’t call me mommy, don’t call me mommy] Yb6uqa

[All] [Drunken Butterfly]: .

While Ji Xingchen was typing, Lady Sun and Liang from the opposite side fought in the Dragon Pit.

Both sides’ vision was exposed, and suddenly, the little streamer on the other side had a bad feeling.

[All] [Domi Celestial]: Your teammate is too close to me, are you going to call someone to kill me?? 1tXSQD

[All] [Domi Celestial]: #Terrified! #Terrified I just realized you still have a teammate alive

[All] [Drunken Butterfly]: Am I that kind of person?

After Ji Xingchen finished speaking, he immediately pressed “Request to gather.”

[You are] qFmlVx

[You are]

[You are]

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

[All] [Domi Celestial]: But why do I feel the murderous intent

The little streamer also immediately pressed “Request to gather” to summon teammates. NjSQFP

[All] [Drunken Butterfly]: Murderous intent?? Impossible, right??

[The mouth of the streamer, the ghost of the liar]

[You streamers are really bad-minded]

Daji saw Liang arrive immediately and cheerfully typed, “Haha, Well done.” dJ91M3

Ji Xingchen also smiled and replied with a quick message, “Sorry.”

The moment this message was sent, Ran Feng, who was passing by, smoothly took down Liang’s head using Lady Sun.

Meanwhile, Liang’s teammate, locked onto Ji Xingchen with his Spirit Ball, had all of it blocked by Lady Sun.

With half health, Lady Sun counter-attacked Liang and then got killed by the Spirit Ball. Y4CvK

Liang harvested Daji’s head, but in the end, Ji Xingchen from a far distance skillfully landed a shot…

Thus, Ji Xingchen, with the least health but unscathed in the team fight, carried the coveted red and blue buffs on his nearly dead body and swiftly ran away.

As he ran, he waved to Daji, “Did you see me? Did you see me?”

[All] [Domi Celestial]: ??? mTxC7H

[All] [Domi Celestial]: Why am I the one who died?

[Because that’s her husband!]

[《Caught in the Act》]

[《Outsider》] p6UNGw


[Double buff transfer technique]

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

[Don’t you get it? Husbands always give buffs like this]


Translator's Note

“Five Celestial Dancers” or 五岳仙姬 (Wǔ Yuè Xiānjī) refers to a group of heroes known for their elegance, agility, and combat prowess.

Translator's Note

“Moth Dance Team” or “么蛾子天团” (Mò’érzi Tiāntuán). This term is a playful reference to characters who might be perceived as flamboyant or eccentric, much like the lively dancers often seen in public squares in China.

Translator's Note

“Baidu Translate” is an online translation service provided by Baidu, a leading Chinese multinational technology company specializing in internet-related services and products. Similar to Google Translate, Baidu Translate offers text translation between various languages, voice translation, image translation, and other language-related services. It is widely used in China for translating content across different languages.

Translator's Note

Player is assigned a specific role (like support, tank, or damage dealer). When Cheng Yu, expected to play support, took minion gold instead of supporting Ji Xingchen, it disrupted their team’s strategy and resource distribution.

Translator's Note

Ji Xingchen said “thank you” repeatedly to Ran Feng after attempting to get the blue buff (藍爸爸, Blue dad) from him. This was likely used sarcastically or humorously to express Ji Xingchen’s playful annoyance or jest towards Ran Feng.

Translator's Note

“nicely done” is used sarcastically or mockingly. When Cheng Yu and others say “nicely done” to Ji Xingchen after Ran Feng takes away the blue buff again, it’s not a genuine compliment. Instead, it’s a playful jab or teasing remark implying amusement at Ji Xingchen’s misfortune or frustration.

Translator's Note

“blue bar” representing their mana or energy resource. This bar indicates the amount of mana or energy the character has available to use their abilities.

Translator's Note


Translator's Note

When an enemy have a red and blue buff and someone killed that hero, the person who killed will get this two buff

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1 comment

  1. “Husbands always gave buffs like this” ahahah

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖